Monday, December 12, 2011

The Gingrich who stole Christmas

The Vancouver Province ran an interesting article about Newt Gingrich today. The title was 'Serial adulterer' Newt dodges a bullet. Most flawed candidate is leading campaign's most charmed existence. In the article Sheldon Alberts asks a valid question:

"Should voters consider marital fidelity when making their choices for president?" Of course they should. The guy is referred to as a Serial adulterer. What kind of poster boy for the religious right is that?

"If you will cheat on your wife, if you will cheat on your spouse, then why wouldn't you cheat on your business partner, or why wouldn't you cheat on anybody, for that matter?" Texas Gov. Rick Perry said during Saturday's Republican debate in Iowa.

"I think character is obviously very important," added Texas Rep. Ron Paul. "I think it should show through in the way we live, and I think it should show through in your marriage." Video: You're a mean one, Newt Gingrich.

It's tragic that the Shadow government can't accept a real candidate like Ron Paul or Mitt Romney. After realizing the people aren't gullible enough to vote for out right idiots like Sarah Palin or Donald Trump, now they have to sink deep into the cess pool and find an immoral leader they can control. It's tragic really.

Mitt Romney said that Newt Gingrich should pay back the $1.6 million he took in fees for advising Freddie Mac. No kidding. This kind of corrupt politics is what has created the manufactured emergency that fraudulently stole tax payers bailouts and put the United States into the deepest deficit in recorded history.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, I noticed two books for sale locally. One by Bill Clinton Back to Work and the other by his partner in crime George Bush Decision points. These two scoundrels are con men. It all centres on Men Arkansas and the arms dealing, drug smuggling and the money laundering that lead to the BCCI collapse. George Bush talks about his drinking problem. That's the least of his worries when you compare that with the unlawful invasion of Iraq based on a lie which his other partner in crime, Dick Cheney financially profited from. If reminds me of Pink's song Dear Mr. President. You've come a long way from whiskey and cocaine.

I totally support religious freedom. I totally believe people can change. I also believe a lot of people out there are con artists pimping the church for their own personal gain and it is truly tragic how gullible the kind hearted public is when the snake oil salesman comes knocking at the door for forgiveness. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Nicola Varacalli arrested

Speaking of Nicola Varacalli, well we haven't yet but we will get to him, he was recently arrested with three other men described by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration as part of a “multimillion dollar drug operation” charged in the U.S., along with six other people, with conspiring to possess and distribute more than 1,000 pounds of marijuana. Most of the same people, including Varacalli, are also charged with transferring money made from marijuana trafficking back to Canada.

Nicola Varacalli was kidnapped and held against his will in 2005 for more than a month during a violent dispute between alleged marijuana smugglers and the Mafia in Montreal. Gee I wonder who the biggest marijuana smugglers are in the country that trade it for cocaine in the States? That is this year's Christmas Epiphany. Coming soon.

Salvatore Montagna murder

A blog reader sent me this link to a New York Post article about Salvatore Montagna's murder. Ya gotta love New York: Mob boss gets "iced." He was "whacked" yesterday. SNOW JOB: Sal the Ironworker Montagna is a frozen "stiff."

I will point out that I never posted pictures of Larry Amero when he was shot lying on the ground nor would I post pictures of a dead body of a mobster murdered. The new development in the case is that the New York Paper quotes the Montreal Gazette and states Montagna was shot once during a struggle in Ile Vaudry, a working-class neighborhood on a small island about 30 miles north of Montreal.

But the mortally wounded Montagna jumped into the freezing Assomption River, and swam 30 feet across to the other shore, where he was found around 10 a.m. by emergency responders. Turns out he was in the home of convicted cocaine dealer Jack Arthur Simpson. For generations New York has been the center of the universe for the mafia. I find it amazing how closely tied to it Canada is and to you know who.

Big Brother is Watching System of a Down

I sure found some interesting things for my Christmas Epiphany this year. The thing is, while I was researching it my computer had an intrusion attempt and my newly updated spyware removed a Trojan. Only it didn't get all of it and it crashed my whole system. Big Brother is clearly watching. That was well beyond the corporate spies and their hack jobs. This was way beyond their league. The thing is, crashing my computer doesn't stop the blog. I can just use another computer. There's nothing on my hard drive that isn't saved somewhere else. It's all upstairs. Once I find something I can remember the names and places and just Google it again.

I sure found some interesting things reading through some English translations of some French papers about the Rizzuto family and their enemies. It clearly confirms my previous suspicions. Last year my Christmas Epiphany talked about the Vancouver Christmas of 1995. This year it will talk about how that ties in with the Montreal Halloween of 2005 and the present Rizzuto murders in 2011.

From the heart of Vancouver's gang war to the heart of the Montreal mafia. From Vancouver to Montreal heart to heart, je me souviens. Stay tuned. Truth crushed to the earth will rise again. Before I get into this year's Christmas Epiphany, let's set the stage and talk about the new developments in the Salvatore Montagna murder.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Former Hells Angel fights deportation

Well this is refreshing. Finally a Hells Angel gets sent back to where he came from - Scotland. Although the case is peculiar in that he doesn't have a criminal record, he joined the Toronto chapter of the Hells Angels and rose to become a Sergeant at Arms and then president of Hells Angels Ontario Corp., in which he acted as treasurer for 10 chapters over a seven-year span. Stables joined the gang in 2000 and "quit" in 2009. He was president of the corporation that was collecting drug money. Treasurer for 10 chapters must have included Niagara. As we speak Hamilton is trying to take over the drug trade in New Brunswick.

Stables claim the treasurer role included picking up dues from members and depositing the funds into an account. His immigration problems began in 2006 after he was found by officers of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) carrying gang paraphernalia and phone numbers written on a business card as he arrived at Vancouver airport from a MMA tournament in Asia.

He was clearly an enforcer for a criminal organization. That status has been well documented in the Ontario courts because of the numerous drug related convictions involving the Hells angels there. The Hells Angels infiltration of MMA has become a real problem as well.

“Clearly, the framers of the Charter [of Rights] could not have intended that the applicant’s membership in the Hells Angels could be protected through his freedom of association and expression, despite the overwhelming criminal history of the organization.”

I agree. The freedom of association does not include the freedom to belong to a criminal organization. We just have to be careful how the police define criminal organization. The Hells Angels have a long list of drug convictions. It has been well documented that they use extreme violence to obtain and maintain control of the drug trade. That has clearly been established.

Women not Wanted in the RCMP

After my "get to the point" post about the latest RCMP harassment charges by a female officer in Surrey, one reader sent me a link to another case involving Sherry Benson-Podolchuk who wrote a book about her experiences in the RCMP entitled Women not Wanted.

I'll admit the situation is out of control. Bob Paulson has his hands full in turning the tide of arrogance and abuse within the force. He now claims women should have a greater role in RCMP leadership. True but just not any women. Women who are competent at the job. No doubt there are many. We just don't need the status quoe to recruit a handful of women to do their dirty work for them like Barbara George did.

Someone else sent in an article about two Manitoba Mounties convicted of beating a handcuffed prisoner. They illegally arresting an innocent man, beat him and then jointly tried to make him look bad in police reports.

This is another example of why the charter of Rights is so important and why the new US National Defense Authorization Act is so bad. In a free society, you need to be charged with a crime before being arrested. You are entitled to speak with a lawyer and have the right to a fair trial. The NDAA removes those requirements and lets the military arrest whoever they want, whenever they want and do whatever they want with them. If that act was passed in Canada, these two Mounties could not have been charged.

It appears that in the Manitoba case, pride was the root of the problem. Schulman convicted the officers of assault in September. He said the two officers “exaggerated” Papineau’s actions in their police notes and reports, not knowing the assault was captured on a security video.

They were outside a Grand Beach bar. The suspect complied and gave the police his id. The suspect admitted to snatching it back from the officer when he was done and started walking back to the bar. The officer then tackled him from behind, arrested him without charge, beat him while handcuffed and held him over night. The guy snatched back his id and the p=officers ego was bruised so he over compensated.

Again I'm going to say to fix the problem we need to begin at the beginning. We need to change Depot. We don't need to make it any easier. We just need to clean it up and get rid of the abuse. Sure officers face abuse on the streets. That doesn't mean they need to face it in the office as well. We need to empower officers to withstand abuse by building their self esteem not by teaching them abuse is acceptable and you need to abuse new recruits to teach them a lesson.

Recently, Ian Atkins, a retired superintendent was on The Fifth Estate and interviewed about a RCMP officer accused of assaulting and sexually harassing four female colleagues in the late 1990s. The female victims were also on the televised episode.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Former Governor of Illinois sentenced to 14 years

Now this guy really looks like Austin Powers. Ousted Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich was sentenced to 14 years in prison Wednesday for trying to auction off President Barack Obama's vacated Senate seat and a host of other corruption charges.

The Democratic governor was arrested in the midst of what prosecutors called a "political corruption crime spree" just weeks after Obama's November 2008 election. Blagojevich was convicted of 17 corruption counts in June after his first trial resulted in a hung jury on all but one of the charges.

Five of the past nine Illinois governors have been indicted or arrested for fraud or bribery. Blagojevich's predecessor, Republican George Ryan, is currently serving a six-and-a-half year jail term for fraud and racketeering.

Five of the past nine Illinois governors have been indicted or arrested for fraud or bribery. That is astounding. Here's a governor who gets caught trying to auction off a senate seat and gets convicted of 17 corruption counts. He's a Democrat. Usually we associate fraud and corruption with the Republican party but we have to open our eyes and see that it clearly affects both parties.

I want to know about Senator Dodd. Michael Moore highlights senator Dodd's involvement with mortgage fraud and he's told to cool it. What about the governor of New York? He's a Democrat. Catherine Austin Fitts claimed that under Andrew Cuomo's leadership "HUD was Being Run as a Criminal Enterprise."

The Coumotarp blog refers to Andrew Cuomo's Predatory Heart Of Darkness and claims: "As Secretary of HUD, Andrew Cuomo reversed the policy of selling defaulted mortgages so that families could keep their homes. Instead, he chose to foreclose on mortgages, which meant that families lost their homes and insiders cleaned up on fire-sale priced properties. The US Treasury also lost billions."

Retired US Navy Intelligence officer Al Martin claims Andrew Cuomo was involved with the National Heritage scam. Martin claims "Andrew Cuomo, through his father Mario's influence, was hired on as a consultant to the corporation. He was also a member of the Board of Trustees of Heritage Life at $50,000 per year. When Andrew became Director of HUD, Andrew helped cover up Heritage's scams vis-a-vis HUD. Heritage in turn not only buys up HUD property, but it also becomes its own insurer of HUD property. For example, it would claim that the insurance premium on XYZ property was $1 million a year, when in fact the insurance was only $100,000 a year."

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fred Broad looks like Santa

Speaking of Hells Angels and Pagans in New Brunswick, here's a guy called Teddy who one source states he claims he's with the Hells Angels and brags about getting Bacchus their 1% status. I'm not really sure that's something to brag about since Bacchus are the patron saints of homosexuality and their nose is so brown they have to wear a condom on it but to each their own.

Personally I think he looks like Santa with that red nose and rosy cheeks. Then again judging by the company he keeps that might just be the alcohol. The source claims Fred is friends with Roy Achy Breaky Gallant who seems to be involved with the Anarchy bikers baseball team. He was asking so many questions all the locals thought he was an under cover cop until he claimed to be with the Hells Angels. The source claims he's from Hamilton and isn't local. Perhaps he should stay home and lay off the sauce. What can ya do with a drunken santa?

Suspicious bombings in Afghanistan

Two suspicious bombings in Afghanistan don't fit the norm. It's the first time a religious sect has been targeted on a religious holiday. The Taliban denied responsibility for the "inhumane" attacks in Kabul and Mazar, blaming "the invading enemy" - an apparent reference to the 140,000-strong foreign force in Afghanistan.

The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force declined to address that claim directly but its commander, U.S. Gen. John Allen, condemned the blasts as "an attack against Islam itself."

Afghan Interior Ministry spokes-man Sediq Sediqqi, meanwhile, blamed Taliban-led insurgents while confirming the death toll as Karzai plots to stay in power.

We remember Karzai. He's the one who said an opium drug raid was a violation of Afghanistan's sovereignty. Karzai's brother, Ahmed Wali, is a suspected player in the county's once again booming opium trade and is said to be on the CIA payroll according to the New York Times. Fahrenheit 911 claimed Karzai used to work as a consultant for Unicol but he denies that.

Karzai is a former associate of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and worked for the CIA during the Soviet invasion but so did the Taliban. Unicol didn't pull out of the oil pipeline by the way. They freaked after wining and dining the Taliban, the contract for the pipeline was given to Bridas an Argentina firm. After the invasion that decision was reversed.

We need to remember that Operation Northwoods was real. It wasn't the figment of someone's imagination. It was a declassified document signed by the Director of the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of staff. If Kennedy hadn't vetoed it, they would have done it. That is a historical fact. We need to remember that according to the Italian government, when that joint chiefs of staff was reassigned to Europe, later on a similar plan in Europe was actually implemented called Operation Gladio. We need to remember that after Kennedy was assassinated, President Johnston recalled the air support for the USS Liberty because he wanted that vessel sunk.

These are important fact to remember when we ask ourselves what on earth were two MI 6 agents doing in Iraq with a car load of explosives dressed as Arabs? They exchanged fire with the Iraqi police the British and Americans had put in power and killed one. When interrogated they said they were on a secret mission and they had to ask their superiors if they wanted to know what their secret mission with a car load of explosives dressed as Arabs was all about. England ended up leveling the jail and breaking them out of prison instead of disclosing what that secret mission was.

There are a lot of strange things going on in Afghanistan and around the world. We need to remember that false flag attacks are very much a part of our history and we need to be weary of such. Hitler burned down the German Parliament and blamed it on terrorists to gain judicial powers as chancellor. Then he bombed a German radio station and blamed it on Poland to gain public support to invade Poland. Lest we forget.

We need to remember the CIA's close ties to the Pakistan intelligence. Let us remember that Raymond Davis wasn't just a CIA agent in Pakistan, who also worked for Xe, formerly known as Blackwater, he was the acting head of CIA in Pakistan.

A US intelligence agent arrested after shooting dead two men was the acting head of the CIA in Pakistan and had been gathering intelligence for drone attacks, according to intelligence sources. Raymond Davis, a 36-year-old former special forces soldier, had taken command after the CIA station chief's cover was blown, according to reports. American officials insist he is entitled to diplomatic immunity and that he be released when he was arrested last February. The fact that the remote splinter group claiming responsibility for the Afghanistan sectarian bombing comes from Pakistan is very suspect. Did they also work with Raymond Davis and the elusive but still involved Xe?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Pinheads move into Salmon Arm

Oh brother, the pinheads are coming to Salmon Arm. Great. How's Mike and Sam's Oxycontin fraud case going? Are they able to afford motorcycle boots yet or are they still riding with bowling shoes?

One reader was having trouble posting their comment so e-mailed it to me. They claim that Salmon Arm has a drug problem. It's strange how in BC the police can't seem to keep up with the Hells Angels drug rings but in New Brunswick the police claim in a small town everyone knows everyone else's business and the drug runners are easy to spot like the grow op in 100 Mile House. One has to wonder how much of it is being overwhelmed and how much is looking the other way.