Monday, January 2, 2012

Israel: Are you listening?

Strange story in the paper about a female Israeli soldier who was verbally abused by an ultra Orthodox Jew for not sitting at the back of the bus. There was a large demonstration of other Jews opposing it. Religious extremism and hypocrisy is indeed annoying and discouraging, yet it is nothing new. People will distort and exploit anything they want. That doesn't make it right.

Clearly any religion with anything to aspire to will elevate women not verbally abuse them. The guy should be giving up his seat for the woman not ordering her around and calling her names. In some minds chivalry is lost. I most certainly don't support any kind of Antisemitism many want to rekindle. We fought in the trenches on foreign soil to oppose that. Yet Israel is not always right and this man most certainly does not represent Israel. He is an extremist.

Israel is not always right. They would not have been slaves in Egypt or carried away captive in Babylon if they were. Yet Jesus was a Jew. The Bible was written by Jews. Do the Gentiles thank the Jews for that sacrifice? Religious extremism and hypocrisy is the very thing that Christ boldly confronted. He physically drove the money changers out of the Temple and called the religious leaders of the time liars, hypocrites and extortionists. He even went so far as to call them children of the devil warning that God is able to turn these stones into children of Abraham.

The Jews have a right to a home. So do the Palestinians. They are both children of Abraham who was also called Israel. I am somewhat baffled by some lobbyists that publicly denounce Zionism. Zion is the pure in heart. Zionism is a quest for a better world. Opposing that is rather silly. Zionism is not evicting people out of their home and taking over that home with force.

Israel's problem is that it is a nation without a constitution guaranteeing religious freedom and equal protection of the law. Instead of creating a free republic, they created a Jewish State. What on earth is that? Palestinians cannot have citizenship. They cannot have a passport or serve in the military. It is problematic.

The real problem is that neither side wants to share the land despite the clear command to vex not the stranger that sojourneth with thee. Take Gaza. Gaza firing rockets into Israel after Israel pulled out and gave them autonomy was crazy. Israel responding by shelling Gaza with White Phosphorous they bought from the Americans was over the top. The Palestinians in Gaza weren't the original inhabitants by the way. It's not like the native First Nations people here in Canada. The Philistines were the original inhabitants of Gaza. They were conquered by Ramses.

Surely I digress. I worked on a kibbutz in Israel when I was young. Israel is a wonderful place but it's full of crazies. Yes there are many wonderful people there from both sides who sincerely want peace. Yet there are wackos on both sides who are simply crazy.

I remember local trade Unions in Canada speaking out condemning Israel for building a wall protecting them from Palestinians who were firing rockets at them. I said you've got to be kidding. If my neighbor was firing rockets at me, I'd build a wall to defend myself too. It's a lot easier to criticize from the outside.

The real model for Israel is Neve Shalom Wahat al Salam - the Oasis of Peace. It is a community where Jews and Palestinians live in peace based on religious freedom. They aren't trying to water down and merge the different religious traditions into one. They simply say you're a Jew, you're a Muslim and you're a Christian and that's OK. That is a free republic. That is the model we should aspire to. There's a lot more I have to say about Israel but I'll save it for another time. Suffice it to say that Israel has gangsters too. Mark my word.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Crimes of Mafia Killers and Motorcyclists in Canada

This is an English translation of an interesting article in Italian a blog reader just sent me talking about the Hells Angels involvement in the Montreal mafia war targeting the Rizzutos.

Y2K 2012

Sunrise, sunset. Where did the time go? Sometimes life is as precarious as a Fiddler on the Roof. You may ask why do we stay up here if it's so dangerous? We stay because Vancouver is our home. How do we keep our balance? One word. Tradition.

Yesterday I snowshoed up Seymour First Pump. It was awesome. Quite the New Years tradition with many people. Lots of people were snowshoeing up to Brockton Point with headlamps at dusk. Some even brought tents to catch the sunrise on New Years day.

Well the Y2K 2012 came and went and we're still here. I remember seeing a cartoon about a guy who went back in time and asked the person who carved the Mayan calender why it stopped in 2012. He simply responded, I ran out of space on the rock. Makes sense to me.

I really enjoy hiking in the mountains. Getting a great view helps to put things in perspective. Take the gang war. Organized crime is nothing new. Good and evil have always existed since the world began and we are still free to choose between the two. Just as it should be.

Ziggy Marley once said: "Have no fear of atomic energy, cause none of them can stop the time. Some say it's just a part of it, we've got to fulfill the book" so we do. Choose you this day...

Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Vancouver Gang war Year in Review

As the year comes to a close, many newspapers and magazines write a year in review. 2011 was a big year in the Vancouver gang war. Not because of the number of shootings and deaths compared to 2009, but because of the significance of them. The most obvious of which was the Kelowna shooting where Jonathon Bacon was murdered and Larry Amero was shot. Tragically, the niece of a Haney Hells Angel was shot and paralyzed as well.

Jonathon Bacon getting shot was not a big surprise. His brother Jamie is on trial for his involvement in the Surrey Six murder and the police have issued many warnings about the Bacon brothers being targets of rival gangs, namely the UN. What was surprising about that shooting was the fact that Whiterock Hells Angel Larry Amero and the niece of a Haney Hells Angel was with him. Not only with him, but making a public scene bragging about their association with him.

Interesting to note that Independent Soldier James Riach was also with them in the same car and was fortunate enough to walk away from the shooting. These key puzzle pieces complete a dark picture indeed. The Hells Angels have taken over the leadership of the Independent Soldiers. Formally an Indo Canadian gang the IS are now a mixed gang that works for the Hells Angels. James Riach and the Independent soldiers met with the Bacon Brothers before the Surrey Six murder at the Castle fun Park in Kevlar. We knew at the time Larry Amero was friends with Jonathon Bacon but we couldn't prove it. We could only prove Larry's friends were friends with Jonathon's friends.

Catching Larry Amero with Jonathon Bacon and a relative of a senor Haney Hells Angel was the proof in the pudding so to speak of the Hells Angels involvement with the Bacon brothers and thus being the driving force behind the Vancouver gang war which peaked in 2009 and was responsible for two of the most heinous murders Surrey has ever seen. The Surrey Six where two innocent bystanders were executed and the murder of a mother with her toddler in the car. Both incidents were tied to the Bacon brothers and thereby tied to the Hells Angels who were supplying them.

Which leads us to 2011 where three drug related murders in Surrey were also directly connected to the Hells Angels. The Durry Dak Pack were in no way responsible for the Kelowna hit but were being systematically hunted down because they were selling drugs but were not doing it for the Hells Angels. This clearly reinforces the premise that although the spike in gang related murders has dropped since 2009, it was simply because one side won and took control of the drug trade. Which of course leads us to the ongoing problem of the Hells Angels violent and backstabbing control of the drug trade as well as the prostitution in many areas. Hats off to the OMGU who busted several Hells Agnels meth labs in the greater Vancouver area this year.

2011 also saw a spike in the number of homicides in Edmonton where the Hells Angels have control of the drug trade through many various puppet clubs including a white supremacist group called the White Boys Posse who were spreading across northern Alberta. We saw the Baseball Team step up to the plate in Grande Prairie selling drugs for the Hells Angels there.

We also saw a gang war start in Winnipeg between a Hells Angels puppet club and the Rock Machine which started because the Hells Angels killed one of their own and told his friends to suck it up. Which unlike Mom Boucher and Biff Hammel, they didn't. Instead the crossed over to the Rock Machine to confront the betrayal. The sick saga of backstabbing violence continues all in the name of greed.

Of course the real pinnacle of the year was the revelation that the Hells Angels were involved with the extermination of the Rizzutos in Montreal. Raynald Desjardins, as well as those with links to the Hells Angels, were charged with the murder of Salvatore Montagna. All in all it has been a year of enlightenment. Other gang bloggers are stepping up to the plate and more and more media outlets are finally reporting on the Hells Angels involvement in the drug trade and the related violence associated with that ruthless monopoly. One step forward, three steps back I suppose.

Honourable mention goes to the absolute idiot with the devil horn implants and the number 666 tattooed to his forehead. This Hells Angels associate has been charged in assisting with the murder of a witness against a Hells Angel in the States. Paying money to get devil horn implants and 666 tattooed on his forehead definitely wins him loser of the year award.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Vancouver Mayor's foster son's drug charges

Here's the latest news. Front page of the Vancouver Province. Vancouver's Mayor, Gregor Robertson's foster son is facing firearm and cocaine charges. Seemingly the foster son was with them for two years and has been on his own since 2009. Although I most certainly am not saying Robertson is above reproach, anyone's son can get involved in the drug trade.

I do think City Counsel giving the Hells Angels $2 million extra for the Drake hotel was very suspicious, but that was when the NPA was in power. Nevertheless, I am very curious as to why City Hall continues to let the Hells Angels sell pot out of the black door but not anyone else out of the Amsterdam café. Giving the Hells Angels a monopoly on the pot trade is wrong.

Yet I do think Saanich Police officer Dillon Sahota's son Paul Sahota and son in law Jarrod Nicol's involvement in the drug trade is very significant since Dillon Sahota owned one of the houses where drugs were seized and how that whole Victoria cocaine trade is tied to the BC Liberals through the Bassi Virk BC Rail scam.

Kelowna Mountie jumped outside Sapphire's

Two alleged associates of the Hells Angels have been charged after a police officer was jumped from behind trying to break up a fight outside a Kelowna nightclub. No big surprise. I hear these guys prefer it from behind.

Kelowna's Pedro Amestica, 39, was charged with assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest. Police say he is a known associate of the Mission City chapter of the Hells Angels. Mission's Thomas Volker, 37, is charged with assaulting a police officer. Police say he is a member of the Mission City Hells Angels. These idiots will be patting themselves on the back overt this one. Yet it shows how completely out of control they are. Glad to hear Pat Fogarty thinks the Hells Angels are no longer a threat in Kelowna.

I am told that I made an error when I claimed that the Mission City chapter of the Hells Angels and the Haney chapter are one in the same. True they are close in proximity but they apparently are separate chapters. One source claims that not everyone felt good about killing their own so Mission City chapter broke off from Haney. I am told that the Haney chapter was indeed the ones in charge of La JJ’s and in charge of Kamloops.

Another source claims they used some pretty ruthless violence against a woman who set up her own brothel in Kamloops and didn't want to work for or pay the Hells Angels tax. She was never seen or heard from again after that.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Felipe Cabrera Arrested

On Monday, masked Mexican soldiers presented Felipe Cabrera, known as "el Inge", to the media after his capture in Culiacan, capital of Sinaloa, the north-western Pacific state after which the drug cartel is named.

Cabrera was the second suspected lieutenant of Joaquin "Shorty" Guzman, boss of the powerful Sinaloa cartel to be seized there in the past two months. Were they really lieutenants? I hope so. I can't help be cynical knowing that the ATF and other "Agencies" were caught supplying the Sinaloa drug cartel with guns and letting them smuggle tons of cocaine into the US in Operation Fast and Furious. Some of which must have ended up in Canada.

Paul "Sasquatch" Porter Arrested

OK, here it is. December 21st the Vancouver Sun and the Ottawa Citizen ran an article about Ottawa Hells Angels president Paul "Sasquatch" Porter. Holy dry heaves batman, that guy is built like Java the Hut.

Seemingly his drug charges from 2009 are coming to trial this spring. This is the guy who was with the Rock Machine then cut a deal with mommy dearest and after leading a turncoat defection from the Rock Machine to the Hells Angels netted himself the position of Ottawa Hells Angels President. Just like Mom's pal Salvatore Cazzetta secured himself the position of the president of the Montreal Chapter after he defected from the Rock Machine. Why on earth would anyone brag about betraying their own crew? That seems to be the HA MO. Hugs and kisses?

I realize back in the day Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss but that was a different era in a different culture. Times have changed. Somehow the idea of this fat ass hugging and kissing Mom Boucher makes me want to barf. Looks like Porter is the new Judas since he betrayed the Rock Machine with a kiss. Patching over is bad enough but defecting over to an enemy for a political position? There is no loyalty or honour in that. No wonder Porter had to leave Quebec. The Quebec brothers would surely put a cap in his fat ass.

Christmas Shootings in Surrey

Two separate shootings in Surrey on Christmas Day, one in Surrey Christmas eve and one in Langley on Boxing day. What a deranged world. This level of gun related violence is totally unacceptable.

Slain man's mom blames a drug addict.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Then what shall we die for?

Alright you 666 scaly wags on either side of the bench, enough of the candy ass Christmas flower power. Back to your battle stations solders, this be a war. It's a war over the hearts of the children of men so it is. What grown man would call himself a follower of 666? Even Vincent Price knows that's the number of the beast and even he knows that his time is short. There is no L&R on that side of the battlefield. Mark my word.

A big shout out to the brothers and sisters on the east coast - New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Where the MC rides free and the devil is trying to oppress the free rider by claiming everyone who rides must approve their patch through the 666. Bullshit I say brethren. The seas be ours and by the powers where we will, we'll roam.

The Boxing Day message is a call to arms for the New Year and a tribute to the Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End. In the opening scene of that movie, England makes an oppressive decree:

"In order to affect a timely halt to deteriorating conditions and to ensure the common good, a state of emergency is declared for these territories by decree of Lord Cutler Beckett, duly appointed representative of His Majesty, the king. By decree, according to martial law, the following statutes are temporarily amended:

Right to assembly, suspended.
Right to habeas corpus, suspended.
Right to legal counsel, suspended.
Right to verdict by a jury of peers, suspended.
By decree, all persons found guilty of domestic terrorism,
or aiding a person convicted of domestic terrorism,
or associating with a person convicted of domestic terrorism...
Shall be sentenced to imprisonment without charge in your local Guantanamo bay."

We have enemies on both sides of the line so we do. We have enemies from outside and enemies from within. Organized crime and corrupt politicians consumed with greed. Greed fuels the 666 not loyalty or honour. Far from it. It's not just about making money. It's about making more and more money while oppressing others and betraying their own to satisfy their colossal greed. Whether it be David Giles making $30,000.00 in a few months through Dave Revell or Goldman Sachs aiding and abetting the investment fraud that caused the Greek Financial crisis, it is clear we are living in troubled times clouded by lies and cons.

Then of course at the darkest hour in the movie we have Keira Knightley's Braveheart speech asking the brethren "Then what shall we die for? The Brethren will still be looking here to us, to the Black Pearl, to lead. And what will they see? Frightened bilge rats aboard a derelict ship? No.

No, they will see free men and freedom! And what the enemy will see is the flash of our cannons. They will hear the ring of our swords, and they will know what we can do. By the sweat of our brows, and the strength of our backs...and the courage of our hearts. Gentlemen... hoist the colors. Hoist the colors!"

On that note someone recently sent me a moving quote from Martin Luther King. For some bizarre reason they claimed it was cited by the defense in Paxton's torture trial which would make it highly inappropriate in that context. Yet in the context of fighting the abuse organized crime inflicts on the public it is highly appropriate.

"You may be 38 years old, as I happen to be. And one day, some great opportunity stands before you and calls you to stand up for some great principle, some great issue, some great cause. And you refuse to do it because you are afraid…. You refuse to do it because you want to live longer…. You’re afraid that you will lose your job, or you are afraid that you will be criticized or that you will lose your popularity, or you’re afraid that somebody will stab you, or shoot at you or bomb your house; so you refuse to take the stand.

Well, you may go on and live until you are 90, but you’re just as dead at 38 as you would be at 90. And the cessation of breathing in your life is but the belated announcement of an earlier death of the spirit.” Martin Luther King Jr. Indeed, all of us die. Some of us are already dead before we go to the grave. Remember Brittney Irving this year and rat out the real rats.