Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mountie charged with drug theft

Wow. Holy Pandora's box Batman. The Vancouver Sun and the Vancouver Province are both reporting that the Merrit RCMP Detachment commander has been accused of stealing and using cocaine from a police exhibit. Staff-Sgt. Stuart Seib, Merritt RCMP detachment commander, was arrested Tuesday and charged with theft Wednesday. Additional charges are pending.

"On Friday, Jan. 6, we became aware Staff-Sgt. Stuart Seib stole and used drug exhibits," said Sekela, adding that there were multiple thefts. Seib was made detachment commander in Clearwater in 2003 and was transferred to Merritt in November 2011. He has also worked in Alert Bay, Ashcroft and Prince George. Investigators will go back over Seib's 18-year RCMP career to deter-mine whether any other offences may have taken place.

Prince George? Like that's not a red flag. Hells Angels drug capital of BC. Prince George is also the place when a court judge named David Ramsey was convicted of sexually abusing under age native girls. Some police officers were also accused of being involved and helping to cover that heinous crime up.

Last night I just watched an old Stephen Seagal movie called Exit Wounds where a rouge cop goes into a crooked detachment and with the help of some honest officers, confronts a drug related police corruption ring. That kind of thing only happens in the movies. So we thought.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Saanich cocaine Bust

Finally some good news. Another cocaine bust in Saanich. 12 kilograms of cocaine were seized. The names have not yet been released of those arrested and charged. Particularly of interest for those of us following the Lindsey Birziak murder and the Calgary cocaine bust that occurred shortly before her murder. Apparently there was another drug bust in Saanich on December 29 2011. There was a Victoria bust December 10 2011 as well.

This is what we need to do in Kelowna. We all know who the players are. We need to call in the times and places of the large shipments to the Po Po so the real rats can get busted. That's the only way to get justice for Britnay, Dain and Geoff.

"Advocate" wants Free Alcohol

After reporting that an "advocate" wants more safe injections sites in Vancouver, the Vancouver Province ran a new article today about a guy who wants free booze for alcoholics. I'm not sure if they ran the article to show how absurd the Insite logic is or if there are actually people crazy enough to support such an absurd idea. It is the prime example of give an inch, take a mile. Some people just want more no matter how much you give them.

Some people want to turn the safe injection site into a safe inhalation site where people can smoke crack in a "safe" environment. Others ultimately want us to buy the drugs for the addicts. I kid you not. Where's that money going to come from? What schools and hospitals should we close so we can buy a drug addict poison and make the Hells Angels rich(er)?

Somewhere we have to draw a line. Funding a safe injection site is like handing out a plate with a revolver on it so people can commit suicide in a safe place then rationalizing it by saying well we didn't give them the bullets.


The feedback in the Letters to the Editor carry the same message:

Wait just a minute! Is Downtown Eastside alcoholic Rob Morgan actually saying he wants the government — taxpayers — to fund a lounge stocked with alcohol so that he and 40 others can get drunk for free?

Oh sure, there will be counselling and detox services provided with this “club,” but let’s not kid ourselves. I hardly doubt those services will be used when you’ve got a bar full of vodka, scotch and ice cold brewskies at your disposal!

Instead of enabling the addiction, why not go to AA, get sober, get a job and get off the streets!

Sarah Watts, Cloverdale


Another goofy idea

The proposal to open more Insite supervised injection sites is just another goofy idea that will cost the taxpayers more money to cater to the never-ending problem of dealing with those who cannot take responsibility for their own behaviour and blame their misfortune on society.

I am sure Vancouver city hall will be most interested in pursuing this course of stupidity. They have a long record of doing so. Will the madness ever end?

Ian Robertson, New Westminster


Close Insite and tell addicts to get jobs

Now Downtown Eastside residents want another Insite and a lounge to drop in and drink free alcohol.

I have a better idea. Close the existing Insite and make these people work, instead of us taxpayers paying for their free ride!

Shawn Storey, Surrey


Can I get free drinks too?

Where can I register for free drinks?

Peter Baillie, Coquitlam


How about ecstasy rooms?

With the new plan to create a drinking lounge in the Downtown Eastside, isn’t this getting out of hand?

We recently have had young women die from taking ecstasy and it appears part of their reason for taking the drug was weight control. Should Insite now create a club for this problem too?

Ed Braun, Vancouver

Lloydminster Shooting

Speaking of the Lloydminster drug trade. Reports are coming in that there has been two - drive by shootings there recently and a stabbing in a bar the Freewheelers hangout in. The police believe the shootings are drug related. The source claims the stabbing at the bar was heard on a police scanner and not reported in the media.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Another Ecstasy Death

The forest fire continues to rage and consume everything in it's path. A 22-year-old Vancouver woman died in hospital on Sunday afternoon after taking the drug at a house party.

The girl complained of a headache and nausea and her "friends" persuaded her to lie down. They had all taken the drug but without the adverse reaction suffered by the woman. When they checked on her several hours later, they couldn't find a pulse. With friends like that, who needs enemies? If your friend is having a bad reaction to Ecstasy, take them to the hospital. Don't let them sleep it off.

Is Insite going to expand and let little girls drop E in a safe environment or are we going to stop poisoning our children and start arresting the drug dealers? Ecstasy is not a diet pill. Can you imagine some POS drug dealer telling a young girl that Ecstasy is a diet pill? That is dirty.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Extremist wants another safe injection site

Front page of today's province declares "Advocate wants second insite." He's not an advocate, he's an extremist. In fact, he's a murder. Oh but he's with a group the extremists cry. Yeah, what group? The group that runs insite. No kidding. Well that's simply a conflict of interest. The group that runs insite wants another one to profit from. That's like a medical doctor getting a kickback for prescribing methadone without ever reducing the dosage.

Drug addiction is like a forest fire. The more we feed it the more it consumes. The fact that the operator of insite claims we need more safe injections sites is proof their little pilot project failed. They haven't reduced the amount of drug addicts on the street, they have increased them.

There's a forest fire raging across the country. It started in East Vancouver and is spreading across the province. Prince George, Dawson Creek, Kelowna, Vernon, they're all getting consumed. Does anyone care?

The Hells Angels profit from the drug trade. They use violence to control it. Then they use violence to expand their drug trade into smaller communities that are easily intimidated by a big city gang. Insite is supporting the Hells Angels profiteering. Expanding it is wrong, wrong, wrong. We need to put the fire out not pour gasoline on it.

During the Vancouver Occupy movement, a young woman died of a heroin overdose. What did we do about it? We gave her a clean needle to kill herself with. Courtesy of the Vancouver "Health Authority." Now that is an oxymoron. This heath authority has nothing to do with health. It just feeds death and destruction.

If there was a fire raging through an old growth forest like Clayoquot sound, we'd be outraged. If some wacko kills a bunch of sled dogs, we are infuriated. Why is it that we not only don't care when human lives are lost, we assist in their murder? These are human being we are killing. As precious as a sled dog or old growth tree is, these people we are killing are even more important.

Forget harm reduction, let's have dope reduction instead.

Sick of watching people die.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Montreal man pleads guilty in B.C. cociane trial

One of three Montreal men accused in a major cocaine conspiracy entered a guilty plea in B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver on Friday. Just a few days before his trial was to begin, Luc Bolea pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to traffic in cocaine between March 2008 and June 2008 in Vancouver and elsewhere in B.C. and Montreal and elsewhere in Quebec.

He was charged in June 2008 along with his co-accused Bruno Diquinzio and Jean Gaetan Gingras following an investigation by B.C. members of the RCMP task force Project Expedio.

It's hard to conceive why they were initially under investigation for the 1998 assassination of Vancouver publisher Tara Singh Hayer. Dave Hayer's father was murdered for speaking out against the Air India bombers. Luc, Bruno and Jean Gaetan don't sound like Punjabi names. Unless of course they were hired by the Babbar Khalsa.

I'm personally interested the Vancouver / Montreal cocaine ring tied to the Hells Angels. Speaking of Montreal Hells Angels, have we confirmed Jeremy Bettan's associations yet?

Lawlessness diminishes us

As the bizarre case of Jassi Sudhu's murder goes to trial where her mother and uncle are charged with her murder, another disturbing case comes to light. An 18 year old kid named Harvey Hans gets in a fight and punches another kid named Shavinder Brar.

So Brar gets a 23 year old named Amrit Gill and a posse of friends to wait outside Harvey Hans' house. Gill used a taser on one of Harvey's friends as they slit Harvey's throat. Cold, heartless and cheap. What's worse is that the two accused were only given five years each for manslaughter. Five years for slitting someone's throat is lawlessness. It diminishes all of us.

More RCMP sexual harassment allegations

Another female RCMP officer in B.C. is alleging sexual assault she suffered while on the job. Const. Karen Katz, an officer in the Protective Services Section of E-Division, has filed a lawsuit in B.C. Supreme Court describing several incidents of abuse at the hands of a male officer.

There were a few more incidents of police misconduct before the holidays. An Ottawa case of an officer being accused of excessive force and covering it up comes to mind. Everyone is in agreement there has been problems within the RCMP and the new RCMP Commissioner seems determined to help restore dignity to the force. Clearly the fallacy of being the most professional organization in the world has been exposed.

Obviously, good and evil exist. Obviously law enforcement is a good thing. A world without law would be chaos. Making the police publicly accountable is a step in the right direction.

Smart Meters and Daytime usage billing

Another blog reader pointed out that the main reason they are tying to implement the Smart Meters is to change the daytime usage billing. They want to keep track of when you use your power and charge you more for using power during the day. They are doing it under the guise of being green trying to give people incentive for using power off peak times when really it's just an excuse to raise the daytime usage rates. The wireless transmission of your in home surveillance that can be intercepted by any criminal is just a side effect of their scam.

Speaking of Enron, Enron Corp. teamed up with at least two other power sellers - including B.C. Hydro's Powerex subsidiary - to reap outsized profit by submitting false information to California's electric-grid manager in 2000, according to internal Enron memos. In fact, California Attorney-General Bill Lockyer claims electricity suppliers, including B.C. Hydro's Powerex, made huge profits by rigging prices.