Sunday, April 22, 2012

Kenneth Lavallee's appeal gets longer sentence

A New Westminster man who was sentenced to five years in prison for kidnapping, robbing and beating a man who sold drugs for him has had his sentence increased from five to eight years on appeal.

Kenneth Lavallee, 41, pleaded guilty to the May 2009 abduction of Robert Chartwell, who sold and delivered drugs for him. The appeal court increased the sentence after concluding that the sentencing judge did not properly account for the likelihood that Kenneth M. Lavallee would violently reoffend.

Lavallee, 41, who had a 20-year criminal record, was sentenced last year in provincial court to five years in prison for kidnapping and robbery, and received concurrent sentences for dangerous driving, driving a motor vehicle while prohibited and possession of cocaine.

After the sentencing judge gave Lavallee 51 months credit for pre-trial custody, his actual sentence was only nine months. The Crown appealed.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Meerholz brothers in Prince George

Meerholz brothers have turned themselves in to answer in kidnapping and assault charges in Prince George. Frankie Meerholz has been awaiting deportation and has ties to the Game Tight Soliders who as we know answer to the Hells Angels. In a press release, police say the offences are drug-related and targeted.

The Baseball Team and the Alberta Warriors

There has been a guilty plea in the Brian Mcfarlane murder. Court documents claim that both parties were members of rival gangs and that those responsible for his murder were members of the Alberta Warriors.

The court document claims Brian Mcfarlane was a member of a rival gang and that is why he was targeted. It doesn’t name his gang but we know that members of the Baseball Team were charged in Grand Prairie’s largest cocaine bust not long after that murder.

At the time of that cocaine bust, sources told us that the Baseball Team were a puppet club for the Hells Angels and that they saw Hells Angels gear in the GP Baseball Team’s clubhouse. Other sources told us that Brian Mcfarlane was an enforced for the Baseball Team and was responsible for similar swarming and beatings that did him in. Although I totally oppose swarming, it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out that steroids don’t make you bullet proof. Just ask Larry Amero.

30th Anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights

The 30th anniversary of the charter of rights has come and gone. The Harper government has not said a word about it but I most certainly will. It’s sad to see a political party refuse to acknowledge any success of their political “opponents.”

I attended a regional conference of a trade union once. Someone from another “political party” spoke on an issue and I spoke after them. I cited the person and said they said three things that I agreed with, this this and this. Yet they also said three things I disagreed with and proceeded to explain why I disagreed with those other three points.

After I spoke a senior member of my “political party” leaned over and chastised me. They said you never acknowledge any success of your enemy. You always try to make them look bad. I thought that was so petty. No two people agree on every issue yet no too people disagree on every issue either. Building on common ground and admitting there are things that we do agree about is a good thing.

I’m not a big fan of Paul Martin, but I am a big fan of the Charter of Rights. I think that is a wonderful document. Even as we speak, Harper and his warrantless internet surveillance and his support for off shore prison camps are trying to remove those sacred rights.

Some passionately criticize the Charter of Rights claiming it is incomplete because it doesn’t mention property rights. Perhaps, but it does mention many other important things that others are currently trying to take away from us. One blog reader claims that people don’t realize how much they lost with the introduction of the Charter of Rights as all those rights were already entrenched in British common law. I disagree. Yes many of those rights were already entrenched in British common law. But I don’t agree we lost any of those rights in the Charter.

That’s like saying the American Revolution was pointless because all the rights in the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights was already to be found in British common law. Maybe so but they weren’t all being enforced. The Bill of Rights spells out protection for individual rights and freedoms which is a good thing.

Likewise the Canadian Charter of Rights is a very good thing. Like the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, it is a measuring stick that we should compare new invasive laws with like off shore prison camps and warrantless surveillance with. Three cheers for the Canadian Charter of Rights. Lest we forget, dark forces are trying to rob us of those inherent rights as we speak.

The Rise of Thomas Mulclair

I saw a commercial on TV last night about Thomas Mulclair picking up where Jack Layton left off. I have to admit it was a positive message and I highly doubt that it was paid for with tax dollars like the dishonest ads for the HST. I didn’t say a word about the NDP leadership race at the time because I really had nothing to say about it. I didn’t really know the candidates and I just wanted the democratic process to fulfill it’s course which it did.

I was happy to hear that Thomas Mulclair was from Quebec. My first thought during the leadership race was why wasn’t the interim leader that Jack Layton assigned running? Quebec needed a voice. They deserved a voice for their huge support during the last election. Jack Layton did more for Canadian National unity than any other politician before him. All the Bloc Quebecois “separatists” joined his vision for a united Canada. That is a good thing.

I was also happy to hear that Mulclair did not want to merge with the Liberals. No disrespect to the Liberals. I do think they have every right to exist and I don’t think they deserved to be wiped off the face of the map at the last election like Conservatives did after the Brian Mulroney disaster.

One of the political commentators on TV cited the fact that Thomas Mulclair doesn’t want to merge with the Liberals and suggested that he wanted to crush them. Yet I see no evidence of that. Everyone agrees the Harper government wants to crush them. That’s a given. That is their MO. The Robocall scandal is further evidence to that fact. Yet I really don’t think that’s the MO of Jack Layton or Thomas Mulclair.

Political analysists also claim that Thomas Mulclair wants to bring the party to the centre. That may well be the case but I really want us to rise above linear politics and these left and right stereotypes that have fed misconceptions for so long. We need to look at issues not serotypes. “The NDP will tax and spend.” Well the NeoCons and their pork barrel politics are quite capable of that. The only difference is that the NeoCons steal from the public and give it to their insider friends as well as the fat banks and corporations.

I really don’t think Jack Layton or the NDP would steal a soldier’s pension to give the banks a bailout that they didn’t need. I really don’t think the NDP would raise the age of retirement and reduce seniors benefits into poverty. I think they would find some other way. Like making sure the rich and the big corporations pay some tax instead of no tax.

I really don’t think Jack Layton or the NDP would wage war with the environment and obsess about removing any protections for the environment that we currently have. I think Jack Layton and the NDP represent responsibility and sustainability not dishonest, mean spirited removal of individual rights with warrantless surveillance and tax paid propaganda. I don’t support all the misguided stereotypes about the NDP but I do think Thomas Mulclair is a step forward in protecting individual rights that the Harper government is trampling on and I do think Thomas Mulclair has a vision of building the kind of Canada I want to live in. Je me souviens.

CIA Stiffs Prostitute in Columbia

Well this one speaks for itself. Members of the US secret service were caught hiring the services of prostitutes in Columbia. Not only that, one agent tried to stiff the prostitute he agreed to pay and was caught arguing with her about it in public. Not only cheap but not very bright either. These aren’t the president’s men though. No more than they were for Kennedy.

Two Secret service supervisors in the ordeal are David Randall Chaney and Greg Stokes. I'm not sure which one stiffed the prostitute. Seemingly this is nothing new.

Now there are six agents who have left as a result of the scandal. The spin doctors are trying to blame Obama.

Friday, April 20, 2012

India conducts nuclear missile tests

I find this double standard somewhat bizarre. Everyone was rightfully freaking out when North Korea was defiantly conducting nuclear missile tests. Now India does the same thing and no one cares. It’s OK because they’re an ally. It’s not OK. It’s not OK just because we are selling them the nuclear missile technology. It is irresponsible. It is a double standard to freak out about Iran and North Korea having nuclear capabilities while we sell it and promote it to whoever else we want to. That is so wrong.

I understand the dynamics of the balance of power. I also understand the futility of nuclear war and the responsible steps toward nuclear disarmament. Selling nuclear technology and promoting it for profit is so wrong. Worshiping the almighty dollar is self defeating. Greed always consumes itself in the end.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Idiot on a Motorcycle in BC posts video of him weaving in and out of traffic

The loser of the year award goes to the idiot who posted a video of him weaving in and out of traffic and center lining at high speeds. Police have identified the motorcycle which belongs to an Esquimalt woman. Her 25 year old son is the one accused to have been riding the motorcycle since he has a record of speeding and driving without insurance. The news caught the idiot bragging on facebook. Now the punk is making his mother take the fall for it. That earns him the eternal finger and the thumb on the forehead.

Of course the Booby prize once again goes to Mike Robatzek, the Whiterock Hells Angel who was caught doing the same thing on video with a pink princess seat on the back of his bike. Some kids just never grow up.

That's something we make fun of young kids for doing. Not senior citizens in a mid life crisis. It is irresponsible and immature. Center lining at high speeds in traffic. What if someone changes lanes? If you want to commit suicide jump off a bridge. Don't put others at risk.

Harper closes two Prisons

This is so insane it is criminal. I was speaking with a guy who was protesting for greater judicial accountability for repeat offenders of property theft. He said he saw Stephen Harper during the election. My fist thought was did you kick him in the ass for me? He said he shook his hand and thanked him for more money for prisons. I gagged and said, Did you know as soon as Harper got elected on a tough on crime platform, he cut funding for the RCMP and the Gang Task Force? He looked puzzled and said no.

Now they have reached into the outer realms of absurdity and are closing two large prisons in Ontario because, contrary to popular belief, his government's tough-on-crime legislation has not significantly increased Canada's prison population. Instead, it's simply kept offenders behind bars longer, he said.

"The influx of new prisoners originally predicted is not materializing," Toews said.
The closures will save $120 million a year, the minister said, adding the government has no intention of building new prisons. Instead, it will move current prisoners to other facilities. Holy Crack Pipes Batman Stephen Harper is the Anti Christ.

We complained about how their insanely over reaching crime legislation implemented mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent crime but not for prolific offenders or violent crime. We complained about the fact that our under funded and over burdened prisons and courts couldn't handle the influx of nonviolent offenders and it would prevent us from dealing with the real issue, violent and prolific offenders.

So what was their response? Rage and denial. Oh and stalking of course. Kim Bolan made a simple post about how the new legislation will cost more money and she was overwhelmed with their rapid response as they absurdly denied it. Now they dive into deep space to "prove their point" when they are Wrong Wrong Wrong. This is a sad day for Canada. That kind of absurd spin doctor stalking and squawking is treasonous. The Reform Party talked about polling the electorate. Stephen Harper does not.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hells Angels still under fire in Australia

The series of drive-by shootings that erupted in Sydney's west in the early hours of Tuesday was part of a simmering feud between two rival bikie gangs going back more than a year. Four of the five premises targeted in the violent attacks yesterday were homes and businesses linked to members of the Hells Angels.