Friday, August 3, 2012

Reality Check

There’s still a few stories to catch up on but I took a break and seized the day. It was way too nice out to sit inside in front of a computer all day. I took the bike out and climbed a mountain. Now that’s what I’m talking about.

I hiked up mount Strachan on Cypress more commonly known as the Sky Chair for skiers and boarders. It’s a great spot to see the Lions and Howe Sound.

Looking west you can even see the mountain range composing Vancouver Island. At night you can even see the city lights from Victoria and Nanaimo. It’s hard to imagine living in Vancouver all your life and never seeing it. I only found it myself a few years ago.

Saw a bear on the way up and the way down. I asked one of the guys who worked on the mountain what the bear was eating and he said the grass. I thought he was digging around and eating ants or something. I didn’t know bears ate grass. I suppose if it will feed cows and horses it will feed bears too. I know berry season won’t last them forever. I really should get some bear spray.

Martin Luther king talked about a time when every valley shall be exalted and every mountain shall be made low. The rough places will be made smooth and the crooked places will be made straight. I sure hope that’s allegorical. The Green Glens of Antrim are nice but nothing beats the mountain peaks.

I remember hearing that song about Nova Scotia on the cached version of the Freedom Riders web site. Nova Scotia is nice. It’s a lot like here. We don’t have many traditional songs out west but I did find one called Western Highway. I thought one of the Rankin Family sang it but I suppose the song has been around for a while.

I am a driver (rider) on a western highway from the mountains to the sea. And there’s a song of the western highway that’s saying I will be free. Wait a minute, I am free. I’m not the one spending Christmas in prison. Pimping crack hos has nothing to do with living the dream. Getting out there and enjoying life does. From the mountains to the sea. Now that’s what I’m talking about.

Nothing has changed at the RCMP

We know that Cpl Catherine Galliford has joined a class action sexual harassment law suit against the RCMP to which many other officers have joined. We know that The Harper and the Christy Clark governments responded to those allegations in court by claiming Cpl Galliford was an unstable drunk who wanted to be sexually harassed. That’s something that Freud would say. You were raped because you wanted to be raped. That is absurd.

Nevertheless, the lawsuit was initiated by Janet Merlo, who alleges ongoing discrimination during her 19-year career in the detachment in Nanaimo, B.C., that included sexist insults, pranks involving sex toys, requests for sexual favours and other gender-based discrimination. I guess she was an unstable drunk who wanted to be sexually harassed too. Along with the 200 others who have joined the class action law suit.

Former RCMP officer Valerie MacLean attended court on Friday and claimed nothing has changed. That is the ultimate concern. The mud slinging denial comes as the government tries to avoid financial liability for damages. Unfortunately, all these flowery promises of change are empty distractions for legislation that makes it easier to fire whistleblowers which is illegal.

There is a huge problem that needs to be addressed. Denial and sweeping it under the carpet is not the answer. Firing whistleblowers is not the answer. Obeying the law and firing people like Jim Brown and Don Ray is. Failing to do so opens the RCMP and the government to legal damages.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dianne Watts and Christy Clark: Defiant and Smug

Diane Watts and Christy Clark are both in the news defiantly defending their expenses. Recently the media reported that after Dianne Watts said policing for the George Bush and Bill Clinton Investment Fraud Summit wouldn’t cost taxpayers anything, it was reported that policing alone cost $45,000 and that speaker fees cost $300,000.

$300,000 for such high profile speakers is not surprising to me. What is surprising is the claim they raised that money solely from ticket sales. The Surrey Leader reported the cost break down to be $324,000 spent bringing former U.S. presidents Bill Clinton ($102,453) and George Bush ($221,847) to Surrey’s Regional Economic Summit, but those costs were recouped through ticket sales.

So $324,00 dived by $600 a plate makes 540 paying guests. Did they have 540 paying guests? I don’t know. Perhaps. I doubt Dianne Watts, Christy Clark or Kevin Falcon paid that. I’m not sure how many other free tickets they handed out. Yet the whole concern is that Bill Clinton was deeply involved in money laundering out of Mena, AK that helped crash the BCCI. The Bush family have a long history of being directly involved with investment fraud. Paying those clowns that much money to speak at an economic summit was an offense to the residents of Surrey.

Dianne Watt's defiant response was "As mayor, I'm proud of hosting high-profile summits." Gag.

George Bush vetoed the bill to stop torture. That makes him a war criminal. End of discussion. Inviting him here to speak in Surrey was a slap in the face of all of us. A lot of people have a hate for Dianne Watts now. Like Martin Luther King, I’ve seen too much hate, to want to hate and every time I see it I say to myself that hate is too great a burden to bear. Yet when I look at what Dianne Watts has done, I feel sad and hurt. We had hoped for something very different.

Sure Dianne is a lot smarter than Christy but the hidden agenda is very concerning. Ross Buchanan has brought a few serious concerns to the public’s attention yet most of the public don’t have a clue about these concerns. Like the garbage incineration plant and that conflict of interest development corporation that is public but accounts are secret.

My main concern is finances. Huge expenses. The Surrey Leader reported that Surrey council and staff expenses have increased. Then we have this smug attitude that this is the cost of doing business. That’s what Christy says. It just reminds me of a youtube video the Georgia Straight took of Christy Clark inside the George Bush Summit in Surrey. She just had that airhead ear to ear grin while she refused to give them an interview.

It makes me wonder why Dianne Watts is so comfortable with people like Christy Clark and Gordon Campbell. It’s the smugness that saddens me. It’s not what I envision for Canada let alone Surrey. What I envision for Canada is people like General Romeo Dallaire: humble, passionate and filled with compassion. That’s a real soldier. The guy who gives his all, not the guy who robs from the poor and the elderly to give to the rich the laughs about it.

Christy Clark recently took some more heat for her defiant and smug attitude about her Gordon Campbell like expenses. Understandably so. I will admit that I agree with her pulling the plug on Enbridge if she does in fact walk the walk. I will also agree that her position on Enbridge, although it’s supported by the public, isn’t enough to save her or her political party. Yet I will point out one thing. Christy Clark was their best attempt at spin to resurrect Gordon Campbell’s defiant arrogance.

Pulling the plug on Enbridge is the right thing to do. Gordon Campbell would simply defiantly rage forward against public opinion just to screw the public one more time while he had the power to do so. Then spend millions on advertizing trying to convince us it was the right thing to do. Christy Clark may not have been enough to hide or spin Gordon Campbell’s heartless arrogance, yet she is better than Gordon Campbell. I will say that much. It’s sadly unfortunate that the rest of her political party are not. Except for Dave Hayer. He was a good man but he’s not running again.

More gang news on the way. I just had to get the last two posts off my chest first.

US Judge orders 911 damages

Several stories coming in at once. I’ll start with the one no one wants to hear first. This one is absurd. Since it’s in today’s news, I suppose that means we’re allowed to talk about it. A U.S. judge says al-Qaida, the Taliban and Iran should pay $6 billion to relatives of Sept. 11 victims for aiding in the 2001 terror attacks in New York.

Last year Judge George Daniels signed a default judgment on the law-suit brought by family members of 47 victims. He found al-Qaida, the Taliban and Iran liable and asked the magistrate to determine damages. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has denied any Iranian connection to the attacks.

OK hold the door. Let’s imagine for a minute that 911 wasn’t an inside job. I know it’s difficult but let’s just pretend. Many people thought Iraq was invaded because they were involved with the 9/11 attack on the World Trade centre. Wrong. Iraq was invaded because George Bush said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. He said he was sure of it. He was wrong. They didn’t have any. When the invasion was complete George the war criminal Bush said Mission Accomplished.

Aside from the fact that the US put Saddam Hussein in power. Aside from the fact that they sold him chemical weapons to use on Iran. Aside from the fact that Libby Davies took an envoy of her own to inspect a US weapons manufacturing plant that had a sign outside saying restricted access, weapons of mass destruction. Aside from all that, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and it was never implied they did. Many individuals arrived at that misconception through their own misunderstanding.

We were told that Afghanistan was responsible for 9/11. That’s why we were told they were invaded. They didn’t say anything at the time about losing the contract to the oil pipeline to Bridas. We were told that Osama bin Laden was responsible for the 9/11 attack even though the bin Laden confession video didn’t look anything like bin Laden.

Before the invasion, the Taliban said what makes you think Osama is responsible for the attacks? Show us the evidence. The US refused and demanded they turn him over to a US court for trial. Not likely which they understandably refused. So Afghanistan was invaded and the contract for the oil pipeline was reversed. It was taken away from Argentina based Bridas and given back to an American company.

The Taliban had opium production in Afghanistan almost completely stopped in 2001. Since the invasion of Afghanistan opium production has steadily increased and Afghanistan has now returned to being the largest opium producers in the world. Opium as we know is used to make heroin. Finally bin Laden was found in Pakistan not Iran. He was conveniently executed without a trial just like Gaddaffi was.

So now all of a sudden, a US judge signs a default judgment meaning the accused were not even present to defend themselves claiming Iran is liable. That is absolutely absurd. We remember how England recruited the US secret service to tamper with the democratic process in Iran. It was a dirty deal to steal their oil called Operation Ajax. We remember how George Bush Sr. And William Casey were involved with the October Surprise in Iran.

So assuming 9/11 wasn’t an inside job, this brazen abuse of democracy is offensive. How many billion dollars did the court award Japan for the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Don’t get me started on Pearl Harbor.

If a court is going to have a fair trial about the liability owed the victims of 9/11, it will have to hear testimony from Professor Stephen Jones about the thermite found in the 9/11 ruble and all the Scholars and Engineers that still believe the destruction of those towers was a controlled demolition since they met no resistance and fell at freefall speed. Absurd default judgments like this is an offense to liberty and the free world.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Annie Oakley chases 5 armed robbers

Chalk one up of for the right to bear arms. A blog reader sent this security video of a recent armed robbery at a jewelry store in Garden Grove California.

Five guys barge in with guns drawn ordering everyone to get down on the ground. Then the owner in the back sees them, picks up her gun and starts shooting at them through a small window in the back.

Immediately all five guys race for the door, jump in their car and take off faster than you can say reload.

Rather amusing seeing the gun toting senior chase them out of her store.

Huge Crystal meth and Heroin bust in Australia

Australian police have seized 306 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 252 kilograms of heroin that was smuggled into the country in a shipment of terracotta pots. Australian Federal Police say four Hong Kong nationals and three Australians were arrested in Sydney on Monday. Each faces a potential life sentence if convicted on drug charges. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration alerted Australian authorities to the plot last August. Police will not say where the drugs came from. Very strange that the police won’t say where the drugs were coming in from.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Mad Child is seriously messed up

Someone sent me a link to another Shane Bunting aka Mad Child video and it is deranged. You can see an element of his pal weird Hal Porteous. Weird Hal is that flaming idiot who can’t rap but has put out a couple of ridiculous attempts on video. Even other Hells Angels think it’s ridiculous and that he should save the rapping for Swollen Members.

We know that Weird Hal and Shane Bunting are friends. The Vancouver Sun posted a photo of Hal Porteous and Shane Bunting posing with convicted Hells Angel cocaine smuggler Rob Shannon. Weird Hal was also posing with Shane Bunting. Shane admitted to the press about his long term Viagra and oxycontin addiction and how he blew a huge amount of money on it. I wonder where he got those drugs from? Shane also admits to being a Hells Angels associate.

Before I dive into the deranged aspect of his video Devil’s Reject, let me touch on the geeky similarities between this one and one of Weird Hal’s. After Weird Hal’s remix of Happy Planet’s I’m on a Boat, he released an even more ridiculous one of him dressed up as a geek then transforming into what he thinks is a gangster but turns out to be just another flaming idiot.

Likewise Shane starts off his devil Reject video dressed like a geek who stalks a woman, kidnaps her, tortures her, murders her, then burries her. This has Robert Pickton written all over it. Hal Porteous I might add lives in Coquitlam, not far from the Pickton Farm. Wally Opal shut down the public inquiry when it was revealed that the Hells Angels had a grow op and booze can on site and were very much involved with the Picktons on their farm.

In the end of the video he has her dead body wrapped in garbage bags as he digs a grave for her. Then he drags her beside the grave and kicks her in. This is totally messed up. Fantasizing about criminal acts is deranged. This is very similar to Jim Brown. The Coquitlam RCMP officer who was involved with the Pickton case and posted BDSM pictures of him with a model and a knife. The only good thing is that the brothers from Mad Child had enough sense not to participate in this one. This video, Devil’s Reject, is Shane bunting showing the world how messed up he really is.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sturgis North 2012

People have been asking me how Sturgis North went. No problems that I’m aware of. The Hells Angels had lots of booths but most of them were at their own function in Saskatoon propping up their drug war out there. Fat Ass Ricky C was panhandling at Sturgis North selling his support your local crack dealers t-shirts. Lots of clown jesters at Sturgis North as well. No one saw Whiterock there this year. They had a booth there last year.

I was surprised to hear it was in Vernon this year. So was Vernon’s mayor. Rightfully so. Last year it was in Salmon Arm. The same town Joseph Bruce Skreptak from the Kelowna Hells Angels was caught in a car load of weapons and a few associates right before that abandon grow op was discovered.

So this year they pick Vernon where the Hells Angels were shown to be connected to the Vernon Greeks violent drug trade. Wonderful. I did hear there is some dissention in the ranks within the Hells Angels in Winnipeg. Some of the Winnipeg Hells Angels are still choked, along with some Alberta members, about giving Ontario control of the northern Manitoba drug trade. Sounds like a meltdown in the mix.

After all, that’s what their gang war in Winnipeg is about with the cross overs who joined the Rock Machine after they killed their own guy from LHS. Unfortunately, they don’t care about them shooting their brother. They are just mad they aren’t getting a cut of the drug profits. Figures. It’s all about the cheddar. The L & R disappeared a long time ago. It’s like Caligula before the fall of Rome. Pride cometh before the fall. It always does.

Another Enbridge Oil spill in Wisconsin

CTV is reporting that Enbridge Energy Partners is being investigated after some 1,200 barrels of oil spilled into a field Friday near Grand Marsh, Wisconsin, causing the shutdown of the company's pipeline that transports light crude from Canada to refineries in the Chicago area. Enbridge is the wrong company to build a pipeline in BC. Enbridge Gag Orders.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Enbridge Gag Orders

This is a link to a video a blog reader sent me about the Enbridge oil spill on the Kalamazoo River in Michigan. It claims many people got sick but signed gag orders to get settlements. It's something to think about. I think Christy Clark is right in pulling out of this deal with Enbridge. Enbridge is the wrong company to get the contract. Period.

Many blog readers just want to hear about the gangs and don't want to hear about the politics. Yet I do think these issues are very important and some blog readers are sending me links about them. It's like a newspaper. A newspaper covers a whole range of topics. Some people only read the sports section. Some people only read the comics and the horoscopes. Others read the world news. Some prefer the editorials and letters to the editor so they can be involved in the opinions. If people are just interested in the gangs they can go to the web site. The stories I link to from there aren't to the political stuff so that is one way they can screen through the unwanted topics.