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Let the Ghetto Gospel go forward into every hood possible." Ja Rule
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Thursday, August 16, 2012
Pseudo: Blood of Our Own
I saw the movie Pseudo at Empire theatre today. They were showing it as part of a substance abuse seminar for youth so I thought I’d check it out. It was very well done. I found it very disturbing and it successfully drove the point home that gang life is not a happy life at all.
It was very violent and gory but also went in depth into the families of four youth who got involved in the gang life and what happened to them as a result. The movie instills the betrayal for money that permeates that game so to speak. Yet when murder is involved it is no longer a game.
It also drives home the fact that being a murderer isn’t something good and isn’t something I want to be. It certainly adds a taste of reality to shatter the graven image that murder is somehow cool. Which brings us back to Matt Foley and the free the murderer campaign. It’s heartless and foolish. It minimizes the act of murder and rationalizes it which is clearly not the godly path to repentance.
I do believe there is a path to repentance for anyone who wants to leave the gang life behind. The key word is “leave” that life behind. It begins with accepting responsibility for ones actions and legitimately feeling remorse for how those actions have hurt others and their families. That is something the free Matt the murderer campaign refuses to do. They live in the selfish world of the not so happy bunny who jokingly says it’s all about me. That is not the path to peace and enlightenment.
I was recently corresponding with a blog reader who said they had over come a substance addiction. A significant accomplishment indeed. During their recovery they said they made a table on a blackboard. One side had the heading Religion. The other side had the heading Spirituality. They were then instructed to write down words on one side that came to mind when they thought about religion and on the other side write down words that came to mind when they thought about spirituality.
They said, under the heading of religion it was filled with negative words and images that were unfortunately associated with religion while the other side was filled with positive words that came to mind when reflecting upon spirituality. I found that profound.
The term religion often leaves a bad taste in one’s mouth. To some extent it does for me as well. Yet the term spirituality doesn’t tend to invoke the same negative images. When I think of spirituality I think of a private and personal communion with deity. I think of enjoying the outdoors, from the mountains to the sea. I think of Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance.
Without trying to offend the sincere atheists on the blog, I do believe that atheism falls under the freedom of religion. Not to say that atheism is a religion but rather the right to believe or not believe what one chooses falls under the freedom of religion.
I am told that the 12 steps of AA begin with a belief in God or a higher power. I think all of us need to aspire to something higher. Be that a higher power, be that God, be that a higher ideal or just something better. We need something to look forward to. Where there is no vision, the people will perish.
When we see something that is clearly wrong, aspiring to something better is a positive and healthy response. In fact aspiring to a higher ideal is something even atheists can do without disrupting their own mission statement. Ironically, many of them already do simply because they believe in their heart it is right, not because they believe they will get some kind of reward for it. To do good without thought of reward is what most religions are supposed to be about.
Leaving the gang life is good because that life destroys lives and hurts others.
Woman’s head and foot found in river near Toronto
A group of hikers found the bare right foot severed from the ankle down Wednesday in the Credit River near Hewick Meadows Park in Mississauga, Ont., a popular spot for family walks in the quiet residential neighborhood. The police marine unit found a female severed head Thursday in the same location.
Friday afternoon police found two hands, a left and a right. "The likelihood of it being the same person is, common-sense wise, probably pretty high," said Sgt. Pete Brandwood of Peel Regional Police.
DNA testing has confirmed that the body parts found in Mississauga and Toronto in recent days belong to Hua Guang Liu,41, of Scarborough. Police have no suspect, no motive and don't even have a cause of death yet they are "sure" it was targeted and was not a random attack.
Hua Guang Liu worked at a body rub parlour for a year before leaving to start her own business. The media reported she was to meet someone about selling her spa before she was killed.
Matt Foley sentenced to 10 years for murder
Ten years for murder. Less mandatory statutory release after two thirds of the sentence means 6 years, 8 months for murder. That in itself is a crime. We know it wasn’t manslaughter because he was seen on video going back for more ammunition then going back to finish the job. Shooting up the whole neighborhood in the process. Aside from murder it was also reckless endangerment of all the families on the street.
This was the president of a Hells Angels puppet club in New Brunswick called Bacchus who shot a guy he had beef with outside their clubhouse because he couldn’t take him in a fight. I’ve talked about the incident and I’ve talked about the offensive insanity of the free the murderer campaign. My position is unchanged. He should be hanged. Taking the Lord’s name in vain is offensive. His children cried in court asking God to give them their father back. What about the family of the guy he killed? Their father took something from them that can never be replaced. Using God’s name in vain to help a murderer get away with murder is Satanic.
It’s like that Hells Angles associate caught with all the date rape drug in Toronto. He cried in court. What about the tears of all the victims that were raped from the drugs he sold? These cry babies don’t care about that. They only care about themselves. That is why he should be hanged. So people see there really is a consequence to murder. Clearly their free the murderer campaign shows they have no conscience. The consequence of the law is the only thing that will restrain their murderous hearts.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
England threatens military intervention to get Wiki leaks founder
Extradition treaties are negotiated between sovereign states. England wants to bypass that and go straight to military intervention just so they can get their greedy little mitts on Wiki leaks founder Julian Assange. It reminds me of when they used military intervention to destroy a prison in Iraq when two British agents murdered allied police officers at a checkpoint.
MI6 lied about Iraq’s WMD. They send in two under cover agents dressed as Arabs in a car loaded with weapons and explosives. A Police checkpoint think it looks suspicious. Instead of stopping for the checkpoint the two agents fired on them and killed allied police officers. They were later apprehended and charged with murder. They said they were on a secret mission and couldn’t tell them what it was. Instead of their superiors telling them what the secret mission was, they used military intervention to destroy the prison and help them escape to avoid trial.
Now they want to use military intervention to get Julian Assange. I take all sexual assault allegations very seriously but these allegations are highly suspicious and there is A) No way Assange is going to get a fair trial and B) No way they should be allowed to torture him in a black prison site. That is wrong. So is military intervention to extradite him.
Father turns to youtube to raise funds for son’s cancer treatment
Sympatico news just ran an article about a father who makes a heart warming video trying to raise money for his son’s cancer treatment. The father sings Let it Be from the Beatles to raise money for his son’s treatment. Ya gotta feel for the guy. Yet there is a point I have to make.
After Mitt Romney recently offended England and Palestinians with offensive and just plain dumb statements, he just chose a running mate that has done the same thing to Canada. Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney's new running mate said he likes Canada but not it’s health care system. He says our health care system is "old, unreliable and obsolete."
I will be the first person to admit our health care system needs help. The wait times are excessive. Emergency ward wait times are archaic. Yet everything in the emergency ward is prioritized. If it’s a life threatening emergency, you are seen right away. It it’s not life threatening, you have to take a number and wait. Sometimes a very long time.
Yet here we have a guy who has a job. He’s a public defender. If I’m not mistaken, that means he's a lawyer. Yet he has to make a public appeal for money to pay for his sons cancer treatment. What about everyone else who’s appeal doesn’t make the papers? Compared to that system, our health care doesn’t look so bad after all. Theirs is the one that looks not only archaic but heartless. Republicans want to lynch Obama because he wants affordable medical. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Another money laundering connection to Bandera Gold
We remember hearing about Kelvin Williams, Russel James Renneberg and George Salazar Barnett from Bandera Gold getting arrested in Mexico for fraud and charged with money laundering for the UN gang. The police report even mentioned Elliot Castaneda "Taco" and Ahmet Kaawach who we all know locally to be members of the UN gang who were gunned down in Mexico.
Well now there’s another link to Bandera gold and money laundering. Pablo Antonio Fitch Parente is listed on the Kingpin Act as a money launder for Rigoberto Gaxiola Medina’s drug network. The drug network had a tunnel going in to Nogales, Arizona from Mexico. Pablo is also mentioned in Bandera Gold’s report as the beneficial owner of the Consuelo and Lucerito properties. We also found a contract about Cinco Minas concessions between George Barnett and Pablo Antonio Fitch Parente.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Brandon, Manitoba Drug Busts
Speaking of the Hells Angels drug trade, let’s take a look at Brandon, Manitoba. Billy Bowden's from Brandon. They killed his friend from LHS and told him to suck it up or be a target so they could give the Thompson drug trade to the Ontario village idiots. That's what set the gang war off in Winnipeg.
Well here’s a picture of two locals from Brandon. Tyler Cairns and Ron Hather. Ron is the one on the right in the support vest that says B-Town Thugs. He was charged with trafficking cocaine back in 2008 along with several others.
Interesting to note that on July 6 2012 a suspect was taken into custody regarding the Canada Day shooting in Brandon. The guy riding with him car was caught with a gram of crack and heroin. He was released on a promise to appear.
Two grow ops worth $1.3 grow op were recently busted in Western, Manitoba. There appears to be a local shake down on the drug trade and people of interest are MIA.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Montreal gang leader murdered
Chenier Dupuy, leader of a north Montreal street gang called Bo-Gars, was shot and killed Friday night. Maria Mourani, a Quebec criminologist and Bloq MP said "Either what happened was a power struggle inside the Bo-Gars or it's an attack by their adversaries,"
Indeed. Let’s see who some of their enemies might be. The Bo-Gars wear red and align themselves with the bloods. The crack down posse wear blue and align themselves with the crips. Crips and Bloods are arch enemies.
We know that Mom Bucher recruited Greg Wooley and made him a member of the Rockers (not Rock Machine) who in turn started the Syndicate and supplied all the crips in Montreal with cocaine. A White Supremacist using a brother to sell drugs. Many locals took offense and the Bo-Gars were born. Clearly, the struggle continues.
The Hells Agnels have been implicated in this murder as well.
Bridgewater RCMP officer charged with sexual assault
Wow. After three days in custody, a Bridgewater RCMP officer has been released from jail into the care of his mother. The officer must live in Ontario except when he has to attend court. He is not allowed back in the province without contacting the special team investigating the allegations against him.
The man, who cannot be named to protect the identity of the complainant, is charged with assault, sexual assault and uttering threats between Dec. 1, 2010, and Aug. 7, 2012. He has been suspended with pay pending the outcome of the case.
From Delta to Bridgewater. What on earth is going on?
Planetary Alignment
I knew there was a meteor shower last night but I didn’t realize there was another planetary alignment. I was up before sunrise this morning and saw two bright starts lined up on either side of the crescent moon which appeared to be lining up with where the sun was preparing to rise. With an orange horizon above the mountains, it was a pretty awesome sight.
It reminded me of the night a few months ago when Venus was supposed to be lining up with one of the planets. We’re sitting on top of Holyburn ridge watching the sun set. I’m like, Venus is easy to find because it’s the first star you see on the horizon right above the setting or rising sun. Only that night we didn’t see it. We saw something a bit further up in the sky aligned with the moon.
OK so according to Sky and Telescope dot com it looks like I saw Venus and Jupiter lined up with the moon. Looks like the same thing will happen tomorrow morning too. In a week it looks like Mercury will be seen closer to the horizon lined up with Venus.
People get all freaked out with the Planetary alignment that some speculate coordinates with the Mayan calendar at the end of the year but planetary alignments happen all the time and the sky doesn’t fall. It is cool to see though.
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