Saturday, December 1, 2012

Gary Webb and Catherine Austin Fitts

I kicked off the Gary Webb series in November mentioning that I want to make December a Gary Webb appreciation month to review and recognize what a great contribution Gary Webb made to investigative journalism.

Another mainstream blogger who recognizes the validity of the Gary Webb story is Catherine Austin Fitts. She wrote a six part series on money laundering and mortgage fraud. The second article in that series is about the CIAs drug smuggling out of Mena Arkansas. Since her specialty is financial markets, she ties the drug trafficking to leveraged buyouts.

Catherine Austin Fitts is not a conspiracy theorist. She is an intelligent financial adviser that is well aware of the arms dealing, drug smuggling and money laundering of the CIA and other government agencies that is tied to investment fraud on Wall Street. Her article is well worth reading and adds credibility to the Gary Webb story. She also wrote a four part series called Narco-Dollars for Beginners "How the Money Works" in the Illicit Drug Trade. We need to examine the money laundering connection to ongoing investment fraud. This is a picture of NYSE Chairman Richard Grasso Embracing a FARC Commmander in Columbia. Farc btw is the enemy.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Another Hells Angel charged with murder

Jeffrey David Peck, a member of the Manitoba Hells Angels since 2002, has been charged with first degree murder along with Robert Simpson. It involves the June 1982 murder of Robert Frank Conroy inside Collin's Bay Institution in Kingston.

Peck is a former president of the now-defunct Los Brovos gang, which eventually morphed into the Hells Angels in 2000. In 2007, Peck pleaded guilty to selling a kilogram of cocaine to an undercover agent as part of a police sting operation. He was sentenced to 71/2 years in prison.

There are concerns within organized crime that a source, or sources, are working with police and may be spilling the beans on other unsolved crimes. "There will be a lot of people wondering what else might be coming," a longtime gang affiliate told the Free Press Thursday on the condition of anonymity. That’s the spirit. Rat out a real rat and make this world a better place.

F-35 not only jet top general says

Canada's new chief of defence staff has contradicted Defence Minister Peter MacKay by suggesting that other fighter jets do offer some of the stealth capabilities the military needs. Tom Lawson said during testimony Thursday before the Commons defence committee about the planned $25-billion purchase that most fighter jets offer some degree of stealth capability, including Canada's aging fleet of CF-18s. Boeing's Super Hornet and the Eurofighter Typhoon have been suggested as alternatives to Lockheed Martin's F-35, which until now appeared to be the only fighter jet Canada was considering. Looks like he’s be looking for a new job now. Harper's insider trading jets don’t work in the arctic so they are not for protecting Canada.

Robocall complaints in 56 ridings

Elections Canada investigators are tracking complaints of misleading or harassing phone calls in 56 ridings during the 2011 federal election campaign, newly released court documents show.

The documents show exactly how widespread the investigation has become since it was first revealed that the election agency was looking into allegations of misleading phone calls in Guelph, Ont. The documents, known as information to obtain a production order, cover phone records for customers of Vidéotron in Quebec and of Shaw in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario. A production order for Rogers hasn't yet been publicly released.

The phone records requested cover nearly one-fifth of Canada's 308 ridings. Elections Canada has said they are looking into complaints from 1,399 people in 247 ridings.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

CIA Sued over alledged 1953 Murder of Military Scientist

This is timely. A blog reader sent me a link to yesterday's story about the CIA being sued for the murder of a scientist back in 1953. This ties in with the Gary Webb story and is worth looking in to. Allan Dulles the scumbag was director of the CIA in 1953. He was also in charge of an assassination squad known as Operation 40. The case alleges the CIA murdered Frank Olson because he was opposed to the use of chemical weapons on CIA prisoners and the CIA’s practice of murdering prisoners.

Frank Olson’s body was exhumed in 1994 and a secondary autopsy was performed which contradicted the original autopsy and found a large hematoma on the left side of Olson's head and a large injury on his chest. The team concluded that the blunt force trauma to the head and injury to the chest had not occurred during the fall but most likely in the room before the fall. The evidence was called "rankly and starkly suggestive of homicide." Based on his findings, in 1996 the Manhattan District Attorney opened a homicide investigation into Olson's death, but was unable to find enough evidence to bring charges.

Yesterday it was announced that that Frank Olson’s sons Eric and Nils are seeking unspecified compensatory damages in a lawsuit filed in federal court. They also want to see documents related to their father's death and other matters that they say the CIA has withheld from them.

Keeping unlawful state secrets is unlawful.

Frank Olsen Legacy Project

Government Commercials should be cut

Michael Smith from the Vancouver Province wrote an appropriate column about how government ads should be cut in times of budget cuts and he is very right. How can the government claim poverty to rationalize cutting services and raising taxes when it spends millions on commercials. That just isn’t right. Attack adds or partisan ads should be reported and take up the party’s election advertizing budget.

Drunken RCMP officer resigns

Well the first of the three RCMP Stooges has resigned. The Vancouver Province reported on a drunken RCMP officer transferred to BC who assaulted one of his subordinates. Yesterday they reported that he resigned. Which shows you the inherit problem within the system that rage and denial will not hide any longer. This guy was a misfit. Another drunken pig (excuse the pun) that disgraced the uniform.

He should have been fired. He shouldn’t have been transferred to BC. Which brings us back to Don Ray and Jim Brown. Those other two stooges should not be working for the RCMP. Any other industry and they would be fired. Any other unionized industry and they would be fired. Unions don’t just protect idiots from getting fired. Unions enforce the laws of a harassment free workplace.

It’s tragic the Harper government is going to continue to muzzle and manipulate Bob Paulson. He really could have made a difference. Giving them more power to fire whistleblowers is not the answer. The laws are already in place to fire Don Ray and Jim Brown but they refuse to do so. Which simply means they will use their new disciplinary powers to silence critics and sweep problems under the carpet where they’ll fester and grow. With all these alcohol problems within the RCMP there is not a snowballs chance in hell they should be given a liquor license in Surrey. That would be an offensive outrage both to the public as well as to all the officers who have been victimized and bullied by drunken coworkers.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Vernon Greeks found guilty of murder

Speaking of Hell Angels violence tied to the drug trade, five members and associates of the Vernon Greeks were finally convicted by jury of murder and manslaughter. We remember the Vernon Greeks. The high profile bust and trial has been riddled with gory violence. We knew they couldn’t be operating in Vernon without the permission and supply of the Hells Angels. As a result, police found Hells Angels support gear in their possession.

Marnuik was hunted down and taken to a building in Vernon that the gang called "the office" where he was beaten with a hammer and burned with a blow torch. Let’s not forget that the office on Fairweather Road was owned by Zenon Stepkowski whom police confirm is an associate of the Calgary chapter of the Hells Angels. Thus the Calgary Hells Angels support gear found on site.

So no word on Zenon being charged. Is he still doing business as usual in Salmon Arm? What about that lawyer that was initially charged and had a no contact order with the Hells Angels as a bail restriction? Were those chargers dropped as well?

The sad thing is, although the conviction is good news, right after they were busted Brock Palfrey set up shop who one source claims was also working for the Hells Angels. Evidently he used the same smuggling route across the Saskatchewan-Montana border and into B.C. So again, one violent puppet group gets busted and another sets up shop and gets busted while the ringleaders are still free doing business as usual. Well except for Skellator of course. That’s one piece of good news.

The thing we still need to discuss is the deranged level of violence associated with the Greeks and all the puppet clubs that sell drugs for the hells angels: torture, dismemberment, decapitations. We need some serious time with Dr. Phil. We need to talk about what kind of unresolved issues lead to these sick acts. They aren’t normal. They are deranged. They are the sign of a sick mind with unresolved issues. We need to talk about that and we need to talk about why we would wear a support shirt supporting that. It’s like wearing a shirt that says support Charles Manson or support Clifford Olsen. It means we need professional help.

Hells Angels competitor shot dead in Burnaby

Sukhveer Dhak was shot dead in Burnaby today at the Executive Hotel and Conference Centre on the Lougheed Highway. Another very public shooting just like the one where his associate was gunned down at the Vancouver Sheriton Wall Centre. Today’s victim was also part of the Duhre / Dhak group that have been systematically assassinated for competing with the Hells Angels drug trade. We need to talk about who is responsible for all this public violence.

This is why all of their clubhouses need to be seized. They keep shooting people in public. Obviously they aren’t doing it themselves, they pay someone else to do it for them. Last August 13 Hells Angels plead guilty to murder and conspiracy to commit murder in Quebec. Later on it was determined that the Hells Angels had a murder fund where the members put 10% of their illicit earnings into. They paid $25,0000 for the murder of each rival drug dealer and every murder was approved by a committee.

The key thing to remember here is that they weren’t just murdering enemies from a rival gang. They were murdering rival drug dealers to take over the drug trade. They are doing the same thing here. That’s why not only should ALL their clubhouses be seized, but every member should be charged with murder. If you pay someone to commit murder, you’re guilty of murder. If you contribute 10% of your drug profits into a fund to murder rivals, then everyone who contributes to that fund needs to be tried with murder.

Rob Ford bites the Dust

Ontario courts have found Toronto Mayor Rob Ford guilty of conflict of interest and have ordered him out of office. The abusive drunk has vowed to fight the court order tooth and nail.

The next day he apologized so that makes everything OK. Just like how he denied that he got drunk at a hockey game and was kicked out for being abusive to another couple at the game. The next day he admitted it was him. Or when he’s driving around town talking on his cell phones with personalized license plates that says ROBFORD. A mother and daughter tell him to get off his cell phone while driving so he gives them the finger. Real classy.

Come to think of it, the police were called to his home for a domestic violence complaint. He said they were separating but staying together for the kids so everything’s OK. Everything’s not OK. Rob Ford is an abusive drunk. It doesn’t matter whether he’s left wing or right wing. The president of the communist party in China recently got caught with his pants down in a sex scandal. The concern is Rob Ford’s abusive nature. Everybody thinks it’s funny he’s running around like he belongs on Jerry Springer but it’s not funny. He needs help and he should not be in politics.

Update: Seemingly Rob Ford is allowed to run in a by election so he partying like a rock star and canvassing the local night clubs for support.