Friday, December 7, 2012

Joey Verma asks for a change in Venue

Hells Angel and Kingpin Crew associate Joey Verma has asked for a change in venue in his murder trial. He wants to be tried in Vancouver not Kelowna. Maybe he realized any jury selected in Kelowna is going to know him and he wants to find a new jury to fool. Someone who doesn’t know about his VP as in Vice President of the Kingpin Crew tattoo. Joey is on trial for the murder of Britney Irving and is good friends with woman beater Donny McWhirter from the Independent soldiers and Dale the drag queen from the Pinhead Crew.

Joseph Bruce Skreptak pleads guilty to assault

The Kelowna Daily courier is reporting that Kelowna Hells Angel Joseph Bruce Skreptak plead guilty to assault and is still on trial for the Salmon Arms weapons seizure before that grow op was abandoned there. Uncle joe appears in court in Salomon Arm for that charge next week. The judge relaxed some of his bail conditions and although he’s still not allowed to have contact with gang members, he can have contact with Hal Porteous. Mind you, having contact with an idiot like Weird Hal is a punishment not a freedom. Sometimes justice is just a natural consequence.

Robert Thomas and Norman Cocks’ murder trial is set to begin in the New Year.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Cuba bans Reggaeton music

For those of you that still think Cuba is the best model of socialism that we have despite the fact that they have political prisoners, don’t have democratic elections, only allows one political party and not everyone can belong to that political party, here’s some more food for thought.

Cuba just banned Reggaeton music. That’s right folks, Fidel’s brother is stepping up to the plate and showing his true colours. Reggaeton is a very popular genre of music that blends Caribbean Reggae with Latino music including hip hop and salsa. Daddy Yankee is the one everyone knows. He’s great. The mighty Pitbull can even be considered Reggaeton at times. He was born in Cuba.

So my first question is, who is the government to tell us what kind of music we can or cannot listen to? So much for the freedom of expression. I’ll be the first one to admit that a lot of grinding club music isn’t very appropriate. Yet again I ask, who is the government to tell us what kind of music we can or cannot listen to? That is the dark ages. People complain about a religious government legislating morality. Well here we have an atheist government doing exactly that.

It’s not just a matter of censoring inappropriate words. It’s a matter of censoring an entire genre of music. I don’t know much Spanish but I love the Latino community. They are vibrant and close nit. Rap music sung in Spanish sounds awesome. A little Bob Marley never hurt anyone. Remixing that with some Latino fire makes a refreshing new sound.

So when the government starts telling people what kind of music they can or can’t listen to, then it’s time to change the government. I have always felt the Helms Burton law is insanely hypocritical. Banning trade with Cuba but bending over backwards to trade with Communist China who has a far worse human rights record than Cuba is totally hypocritical. Yet banning people from listening to a specific type of music isn’t promoting tourism. It’s like when Russia banned Jazz because they thought it was American propaganda. That was bizarre.

I did hear a magnificent Jazz trumpeter from Boston named Greg Hopkins refer to Jazz as American music once. I kinda choked and thought what on earth is he on about? Then I thought about it and as he cited all the big bands of the era, they were all from America. I can concede that Jazz was created in America but it certainly isn’t limited to America. It’s a genre of music. It’s like forbidding us from listening to Tchaikovsky because he was Russian. That would be ridiculous. Tchaikovsky was a magnificent composer. Banning his music would diminish all of us.

So what happens when a government bans a type of music and people keep listening to it? Do they get a fine or go to jail? That is crazy. Free speech and the freedom of expression is a part of life itself. Life without the arts is empty and incomplete.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Business wants Mega Casino’s blood money

Front page of today’s Vancouver Province was an article about how businesses are supporting the mega casino proposal for Surrey despite local opposition. Lets’ get first things first. This isn’t just a casino and this isn’t just another casino. It is a Walmart of casinos that will suck the life out of all the other existing casinos and businesses in the area.

Not only that but it will be a haven for organized crime. BC casinos are where the drug gangs launder their blood money that fuels public executions and the torture and dismemberment of addicts for drug debts. Sadly Diane Watts already accepted $24,500 in blood money from the Gateway casino’s conflicted developer making her role a complete conflict of interest.

One blog reader was quite interested in a link I posted to an article about money laundering by Catherine Austin Fitts. Despite the false belief that our current market would collapse without all the money laundering from drug sales, Catherin Austin Fitts describes it as the tapeworm economy. It’s an artificial economy that lives off the host just like a parasite. After people spend all their money at the casino, they aren’t going out for a night on the town to stimulate the local economy.

The key question is about the casino‘s claim that it will pump $3-million in gaming revenue into city coffers every year. Aside from being blood money that fuels the gang war, how is that possible? Gateway Casino just went through a $1.5 billion debt restructuring. How does a company that owns 9 successful casinos in BC and Alberta get $1.5 billion in debt? How did that happen? Who stole that money and never gave it back? If we are going to claim the mega casino will give City Hall $3 million in taxes every year, we need to find out where that $1.5 billion went. If I’m going to invest in a company that just lost $1.5 billion, I’m going to have to get an answer to that question first.

The problem with investing in companies that launder drug money is that drug dealers are dishonest. If they will shoot a rival drug dealer or torture an addict for a debt, they will rip you off as they launder their drug money faster than you can say BCCI. This new mega casino isn’t just blood money, it’s bad business.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Whiteboys posse members charged with murder and decapitation

Four men with ties to the White Boys Posse have been charged with three recent murders in Edmonton, Lloydminster and Saskatoon. The most dramatic murder was of Bob Roth whose decapitated body was dumped north of Edmonton October 20 2012. His head was found in Edmonton a few days later. Sources who identified the victim before the police did, claim he was murdered for a drug debt to the Whiteboys Posse.

The second murder was of Bryan Gower in Lloydminster on September 25th where sources claim Mike Bexson was also shot several times. The third murder was tragically a case of mistaken identity where Lorry Santos was shot and killed when she opened her door to strangers in Saskatoon on Sept. 12 2012. Yet speculation swirls around the possibility of her murder being a hate crime.

Kyle Darren Halbauer, 22, of Lloydminster, made a brief appearance Monday in Saskatoon provincial court. City police confirmed at a Tuesday press conference the identities of the two other suspects: Joshua Petrin, 29, of Edmonton; and Randy O’Hagan, 22, of Lloydminster.

In addition to the murder charge, Halbauer was also charged Monday with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking. The charge dates to Sept. 21. Police claim the group is involved in trafficking cocaine and other drugs from Yellowknife to Medicine Hat. It often uses the swastika in tattoos and other gang paraphernalia. Yellowknife? We know someone in Yellowknife with Hells Angels affiliations.

The point here is that the White boys Posse sell drugs for the Hells Angels. These drug related murders are therefore driven and fueled by the Hells Angels which is clearly a criminal organization that uses extreme violence to maintain control of the drug trade and to collect drug debts. This is what Maureen Forestell is promoting with her treasonous decision to return the Hells Angels intimidation gear in Toronto. She is supporting murder, torture, dismemberment and decapitation. That is what her treasonous decision has done.

Kyle Darren Halbauer, 22, of Lloydminster and Randy James Wayne O’Hagan, 22, of Lloydminster, have been charged with first degree murder in the death of Gower. Both men also face charges of attempted murder of another man in this case. Gee, that must be the secret shooting of Mike Bexson.

O’Hagan also faces first-degree murder charges in the death of Roth, of Lloydminster. Nikolas Jon Nowytzky, 32 of Wainwright, also faces first-degree murder charges in Roth’s death. Nowytzky and O’Hagan are also charged with indignity to a human body.

Halbauer, O’Hagan and Joshua Petrin, 29 of Edmonton, are charged with first-degree murder in the death of 35-year-old Santos. The pictures above and below are of Randy O’Hagan who has been charged in all three murders as well as indignity to a human body. Just a socially awkward kid with serious mental problems. We need to stop this violence and report these obscene acts to the police. Then we need to fire these corrupt judges who refuse to do their job.

The other issue we need to address is the police withholding information from the public. It’s not to preserve the integrity of an investigation. We’re not stupid. It’s to suppress crime statistics. Although Edmonton and Lloydminster have the worst reputations for this, it happens everywhere including here.

A few nights ago I received a report of a brutal rape in Surrey central yet not a word about it in the local media. We know that the police here don’t even report shootings if there isn’t a fatality. Does that mean they don’t report violent rapes if there isn’t a fatality either? That is not right. If we are going to work together to solve these problems we need to build a relationship of trust.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Ontario Judge returns to the dark ages

One step forward, three steps back. We finally have our first Ontario judge enter the judges hall of shame: Judge Maureen Forestell. She doesn’t just make the hall of shame, she ranks in the top two for treason right beside Peter Leask. This nutbar just returned the Toronto Hells Angels intimidation gear. That is a criminal act. She is sitting on the wrong side of the bench.

Ontario of all places. Selling drugs is all the Hells Angels do there. Even in this case they were found guilty of trafficking cocaine and date rape drug. This isn’t even a joke. It is a conscious act of treason. This is why judges should be elected in Canada like in the United States and is why they need to be accountable to the public. Right now, they commit treason and they aren’t even charged. That is revolting.

Maple Batalia's boyfriend charged in her murder

Gurjinder "Gary" Dhaliwal, 20, and 22-year-old Gursimar Singh Bedi were arrested Friday in connection with the 2011 murder of Maple Batalia. The men were held in custody over the weekend and they are scheduled to appear in Surrey Provincial Court on Monday.

British Columbia RCMP laid charges more than a year after 19-year-old Batalia was gunned down at a campus parking lot in Surrey. Dhaliwal, who friends have identified as Batalia's ex-boyfriend, is charged with first-degree murder, while Bedi is charged with manslaughter using a firearm and accessory after the fact.

The Gamibnos, Westies and Hells Angels in NYC

Here’s a recent article a blog reader sent in about the Gambinos teaming up with the Westies and a Hells Angels puppet club for debt collection in New York. All reports claim the Westies, the Irish Mob of Hells Kitchen are extinct but have returned under the leadership of John Bokun. This recent article lists Daniel Hanley as a confirmed member of the gang. Demon Knights is a DC Comics title launched in 2011.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The 2012 Planetary Alignment

I completely forgot about the planetary alignment this month that is supposed to coincide with the Mayan calendar and the end of the world until one blog reader commented on it in my last post. So two things are happening, make that three. First is a planetary alignment which happens quite regularly so there’s no need to fear all the gravitational forces are going go pull the earth off course. This alignment is special because more planets are involved.

Planetary alignments occurred in 1982, 2000 and again last year. In 1982 they predicted the end of the world in what was described as the Jupiter effect. A popular book whose theory failed. It just didn’t happen. Last August I noticed two bright stars line up with the moon before sunrise. That was Jupiter and Venus. It happened each morning for a few days. Latter on in the week Mercury joined the alignment but since Mercury is so close to the sun it’s pretty hard to see. It’s only visible for a short time before the sun rises and it gets too light to see any stars. So although the sky will not fall, it’s worth having a look nonetheless.

Sky and Telescope dot com has a great weekly update on what to look for in the sky. Since December 1st the planetary alignment began again before sunrise just like last August. So far we have Saturn, Venus and Mercury joining the morning alignment. So if it’s raining one morning, like it is today, not to worry. The show lasts all week and will build up to the winter solstice alignment on December 21st.

Mayan Calendar

The end of the world thing from the Mayan calendar is a bit silly. I saw one cartoon about a guy going back in time and asking the guy who carved the calendar why it ended in 2012. The guy simply said, “I ran out of room on the rock.” The Mayan calendar is of one period of time or era. Nasa compared it to the calendar we have on the wall in our kitchen. The world doesn’t end on December 31st each year, just the year. After that a new year begins. Likewise the Mayan calendar suggests that in 2012 one era ends and a new era begins. It’s just very interesting their era coincides with a large planetary alignment.

The Orion belt alignment is something different. It will line up with Jupiter and point to where Sirius will rise on December 3rd. Orion’s belt was mentioned in the comedy Men in Black. Only in the movie, Orion was the name of a cat and the belt was referring to the collar on the cat’s neck.

December 3 Giza Alignment

There are claims that on December 3rd three planets, Mercury, Venus and Saturn will line up with the three pyramids at Giza. There is a picture going around the internet simulating what it will look like. Obviously isn’t a real picture because the event hasn’t happened yet.

My first impression was to see that alignment would depend on where you are standing in relation to the pyramids. One author claims the picture is backwards and that to see that alignment on December 3rd you need to be standing northwest of the pyramids not southwest as in the picture. Just a Laura Croft observation.

Either way, the fact that three planets will line up with the three pyramids at Giza on December 3rd is kinda cool and worth recognizing even if the sky doesn’t fall. The other doomsday rumor comes from the prediction of some stray unknown planet that is supposed to collide with the earth in December 2012. Only there is no such planet on collision course with the earth in 2012. The earth gets hit with meteors all the time. A large asteroid could cause problems on earth and some have come very close to the earth in the past. Just no big collision on schedule for 2012 so party on dude and enjoy the show. A new era begins.

Update: OK it looks like the Giza alignment was a hoax. No pictures from on site posted yet. One picture of the alignment in Madrid shows the alignment to be much more vertical then in the photoshopped picture with the pyramids. Which is basically what we expected from the real version on sky and telescope dot com. The three planets align but more vertical than horizontal. So theoretically if you kept moving your point of reference around, the three planets could line up with the three pyramids only mercury would be very low and Saturn would be very high over the pyramids. So the Giza thing was a scam but the planetary alignment is real. You can see it every morning before sunrise until the 21st which is the peak.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas shopping in Surrey

I found this rather amusing. I’m out and about doing some Christmas shopping this morning heading down 104th towards Guildford. Then I see this big ass line up on the sidewalk like it’s a Boxing Day sale. I squint and think, isn’t that the gun store? They’re all lining up for a Christmas sale at the gun store?

I take a closer look and sure enough, they were all lined up waiting for the gun store to open. Now that is Christmas shopping in Surrey. Nothing like a new firearm or box of ammunition under the Christmas tree. When the line dies down I’ll have to check out what the sale is all about but I doubt they’re gonna have any merchandise left by the time I get there.

Turns out they had a one day sale advertized on their web site. 20% off cases of ammo and some blow out specials on some rifles. All the cases of 9 mm ammo were gone by 10:30 AM. Turns out there were guys lining up at 10:30 PM the night before. Surrrr ee.