Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pickton Inquiry Report is a Fraud

Wally the limp fish Oppal blamed the police for failing to arrest Robert Pickton sooner. Yet we all know that circus side show was a fraud and that the public inquiry wasn’t public. Aside from being in a position of conflict of interest right from the get go, and aside from his offensive side job in a slasher movie, Wally Oppal censored the inquiry and shut it down as soon as other possible suspects were mentioned which was highly relevant to the mandate of a Missing woman inquiry.

Wally blamed the police for such a disaster from happening while he himself was the root of the cause of it happening again which we have seen in Whalley recently. There was a great deal of information about the Hells Angels involvement on the Pickton farm that came to light during the inquiry and Wally ruled that information inadmissible. He then shut the inquiry down and transformed it into a less “adversarial” panel discussion to prevent key witnesses from testifying.

The judge’s instructions to the jury in the Pickton trial was that they could find him guilty even if he wasn’t the only suspect. He even went so far as to say they could find him guilty even if he wasn’t the primary suspect, just and active participant. On that basis he was convicted. Any missing woman’s inquiry needs to ask what other suspects were involved if it sincerely hopes to prevent that tragedy from reoccurring. Wally Oppal isn’t just a fraud, he is now an accomplice to murder.

Wally Opal is the last person on earth to make any recommendations about a Regional police force. Neither the RCMP nor the city police forces want that. That is something we can objectively look at but we should not let that distract us from Wally Oppal's criminal failures in the commission.

Police Negligence

I will however, say a word about police negligence in this case which went far beyond apathy and indifference. When a witness accused Willy Pickton of murdering a prostitute, a member of the Coquitlam RCMP went to Willy on the farm, told him about the accusation and told him the name of the witness. That was a crime. That officer should be charged and that whole tarnished detachment should be under review.

There are two mayor concerns on the table. The first is the overwhelming climate of unprofessionalism that permeated the RCMP as well as the VPD at the time. It was far more widespread in the RCMP. It was a climate of sexual harassment. Don Ray is the epitome of that dark reality. Catherine Galliford was the public face of the police investigation into the Pickton case. Her testimony about the ongoing sexual harassment she experienced by that investigation team is astounding. It was a climate of unprofessionalism that was rampant. Likewise, members of the VPD were accused of blackmailing prostitutes into having sex with them. Telling them if they didn’t have sex with the police officer, the officer would arrest them for prostitution. That’s the first concern. The climate of unprofessional that was pervasive.

The second concern is the huge cover up. The police covered up the Hells angels involvement on the Pickton Farm because the Hells Angels were under investigation at the time and they didn’t want to come across as having bungled that investigation which they clearly did. Just like Operation Phoenix. So the Hells Angels involvement with Dave Pickton and the farm was extensive and that fact was obsessively covered up by the police during the inquiry. Relevant police reports were not admitted as evidence in the not very public inquiry.

The Globe and Mail reported that the inquiry will hear that off-duty officers “frequented” Piggy’s Palace, that evidence was not submitted. We all know about the Jim Brown scandal. The police assisted that cover up by raiding the whistleblowers home.

Obviously the other purpose of the fake inquiry was to give the police a slap on the wrist and absolve them of any legal liability for telling Pickton the name of a witness who made allegations about him and for covering up the fact that they bungled the investigation into the Hells Angels involvement with Dave Pickton and the farm. I know paying the families of the victims compensation would cost a lot of money, yet that is no excuse for withholding evidence in the inquiry. Since there was no public inquiry perhaps civil litigation is the only remaining avenue to get a full disclosure of that important evidence Wally Oppal denied.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Woman assaulted in Whalley over a drug debt

More details have emerged about the brutal assault in Whalley. The Surrey Leader is reporting that the witness who discovered the body found her chained to a tree moaning, trying with a weak voice to call for help. Her underwear was pulled down around her ankles, and she drooped from a tree, her arms chained to a big limb and her knees touching the muddy ground.

Some people in North Surrey are saying that in addition to being beaten, the woman was sexually assaulted and had one of her eyes scratched out over a drug debt. Over a drug debt. Where have we heard that before? Edmonton and Lloydminster? Who was responsible for that one?

Who controls the drug trade in Surrey after Eric Sandberg promised “they” were ready to eliminate all the competition in Surrey. A sex trade worker in Maple ridge was brutally raped by someone who claimed her husband had a drug debt to the Hells Angels. This is why we don’t turn a blind eye and let the Hells Angels get a monopoly on the drug trade. Torturing addicts for debts is not acceptable. That blood money is not worth it and we should not be laundering it in our casinos or on Wall Street.

Surrey RCMP claim they didn't find the woman bound to a tree when they responded to a call at 12:40 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 2. They are saying she was a victim of a serious assault and suffered life-threatening injuries, including broken bones. As of Monday December 10th, the woman remained in hospital in critical condition, clinging to life.

Several people in Whalley are angered that police didn't release a warning to the public immediately following the discovery of the beaten woman. It was only after calls from The Leader days later that police released some scant details publicly. Smith isn't surprised. "This is the dead zone," he said as he walked north of 104 toward 108 Avenue. "They don't tell you when bad stuff goes on up here." The Vancouver Province expressed a similar concern in a front page article in their paper. Although they did write about it on December 5th. Perhaps the December 5th article was a tip not a press release from the police.

Torturing addicts for drug debts is a huge concern. Handing out free needles or crack pipes does not prevent addicts from being tortured. It just feeds the drug dealers greed. We need another solution. In this MSN video one local claims the first thing we have to do is get rid of all the drug dealers in that area and he is right. When we create no go areas that are tolerant of drug sales in hopes to contain it, we contribute to these kinds of outrageous assaults.

Rattan Mall has some interesting insight on the matter. He claims the Delta Police are more transparent than the Surrey RCMP when it comes to reporting crime statistics to the public. He asks if news is being deliberately suppressed to give Surrey a good image. Rattan even quotes the Balcony Rapist decision in Ontario. He recounts that in 2002, the Surrey RCMP were reportedly pressured to stop reporting every shooting incident as it was giving the city and then-mayor Doug McCallum a bad name. That tradition is now being continued under the new administration and has expanded to other districts.

It is time to turn the clock back and go back to reporting all serious crime to the public and stop surprising crime statistics. We keep hearing how safe Surrey is and we keep asking who’s smoking what. Over all Surrey is safe, yes but this dead zone in Whalley they refer to is just as bad as the DTES. Over all crime has dropped but in that area violent crime has increased and most of it doesn’t even get reported. Laundering that drug money in a new Mega Casino in Surrey is wrong.

Foreign ownership of Canadian oil is very problematic

Foreign ownership of Canadian oil is very problematic in times of war. We could easily not only find ourselves with a contractual obligation to trade with the enemy but to fuel their invasion as well. That is not right. It doesn’t matter what country it is.

Giving our oil rights to Communist China is even more problematic. Remember the Korean War and the Vietnam War? China supported both. In World War II Japan elected a fascist government and started invading other countries. The US put them under a naval blockade cutting off their supply of oil to fuel their invasion. Japan responded with the bombing of pearl harbor.

China has a horrific history of human rights abuses. We all remember pictures of the tank man in Red Square but we forget the Communist military used live ammunition on the protestors in the middle of the night. Over 2,600 people protesting for democracy were killed in Tiananmen Square. Many more were wounded. Do we really want to fund that in a time of peace? I think not. We certainly don’t want to fund that in a time of war. China has a need for foreign fuel. We can supply that need in times of peace by selling them fuel. Not by giving them ownership of our fuel. Giving any foreign country ownership of our oil is insane. Giving a Communist dictatorship ownership of our oil is treason.

Giving the Dutch foreign ownership of our grain is also problematic. What if, after a few years of profiting from owning Canada’s oil, Communist China decides to buy out the Dutch and take control of our grain too? Ever head of the potato famine in Ireland?

Blennerville was the main port of emigration from County Kerry during the Great Famine (1845 to 1848). In the year 1800 there were over 100 working windmills in Ireland, now only 3 survive. One of them is the Blennerville Windmill at Tralee in Kerry. During the famine corn was shipped out of Ireland to England through this port and mill as well as others.

Being forced to ship Canadian grain out of Canada during a famine would be unwise but is the exact situation we create by allowing foreign ownership of our grain. Foreign ownership of our resources is very problematic. Communist ownership of our oil is treason. History matters.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Interview with Vice Magazine in Edmonton

Vice Magazine in Edmonton just ran an article about the Gangstersout Blog. They were interested in the recent news about the Whiteboyz Posse and the allegations of them being involved in three murders including the decapitation of one victim over a drug debt. There’s a lot of good and evil out there so there is. And then there’s Tom Jones from the Twilight Zone just to get you thinking about both. To understand the future, you have to go back in time.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Justice Richard Wagner sells poison kool aid

Look who's dressing up like santa. Justice Richard Wagner was complaining to The Canadian Press about how court decisions are being examined and commented upon in the media as never before. Somehow he thinks that’s a bad thing. He erroneously claims the credibility of the justice system is put at risk if its decisions are criticized without being properly explained. He said lawyers, media and governments all have a duty to educate the public.

STFU. That is the problem. He thinks the public is stupid and it’s up to the lawyers and judges to educate the public. That is the problem right there. The judges are so arrogant they insist they are untouchable and beyond reproach. When they make a bad decision that clearly defies natural justice, they say the public has no right to question it because the public is not learned in the law like they are.

The truth is, many of them have no concept of justice whatsoever. Even a layman can see that. Many of them don’t know the law. They’ve just memorized a bunch of watered down jurisprudence that has destroyed the justice system completely. Chronic offenders. The more offences they commit, the less time they do in jail. That is not right. The judicial system needs to be rebuilt. Making judges accountable is the first step.

Judge Wallace Craig claims that it is not only the public’s right to criticize bad judicial decisions, it’s their moral duty. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out that Justice Maureen Forestell’s recent decision to return the Hells angels’ seized property has taken us right back to the dark ages. The Hells Angels are the biggest drug trafficking organization in Canada. They held Quebec hostage for years in their biker war which was simply a war over drug turf and profits. They even contributed a portion of their drug profits to a fund to pay for the murders of rival drug dealers. Maureen Forestell should be hanged. The Hells Angels are responsible for public executions of drug rivals and the torture and dismemberment of addicts for drug debts. Claiming the public isn’t allowed to talk about that is insane. To claim that she made the right decision and the public just needs to be educated in the law is false.

Take a look at Peter Leask. He’s another idiot who is sitting on the wrong side of the bench. I was in the Vancouver courthouse for one of David Giles’ court appearances. I was asking around about what room it was in and what judge he had. I said don’t tell me it’s Peter Leask. The response was no, I don’t think they let him do criminal cases anymore. He just does civil cases now. If that is true, then that would explain how the police were claiming there has been improvements to the BC Justice system of late.

Nevertheless, if that is true, it proves that Peter Leask is a problem and that the public wasn’t imagining it. It proves that Justice Richard Wagner is still selling that same old poison kool aid that is choking our judicial system into oblivion.

Wagner was just publically sworn in as a supreme court judge on December 3rd of this year after his October appointment by you guessed it, Stephen I fire whistleblowers Harper. The parallel system he fears is the US system where judges are elected. No wonder they fear that system. It makes them accountable. He is right about one thing though. People are losing faith in the judicial system and that is sad. One local group thinks Judges are the Problem and they’re pretty passionate about it. It’s not just the appointment of judges, it’s getting rid of a bad judge. We currently have no process for that.

Two UN members sentenced for cocaine trafficking

Doug Vanalstine received a ten year sentence while Daryl Johnson received an eight year sentence for conspiracy to traffic cocaine. Both sentences were reduced by pretrial credit since they were incarcerated before the two for one credit was done away with. Of these two hillbillies were high ranking members of the UN, I’m forced to question the credibility of that organization. The UN is way more organized then these two idiots.

IKEA shooting targeted

Police claim the shooting at the Richmond IKEA parking lot was targeted but not gang related. The only type of shooting that’s targeted but not gang related is a domestic dispute. Time will tell.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Kelowna teen set on fire at house party - Update

An 18-year-old was drunk and fell asleep on the kitchen floor at a Kelonwa house party during the early morning hours of Dec. 8. The suspect allegedly poured a liquid on the back of the victim and then lit a match, while another suspect recorded the resulting fire on video.

Police said the teen suffered major burns to most of his back but no one who was present in the home at time told police about the incident, and the RCMP didn't become aware of what happened until about 12 hours later when the victim was at the hospital.

Two Kelowna residents, Matthew Sweet-Grant, 20, and Joshua McWhirter, 18, have been charged with aggravated assault and remain in custody. I’m not sure if the maggot Donnie has any brothers or cousins named Josh. Perhaps someone could advise us.

This is a low life dirt bag act of mental illness. Everyone at the house party should be ashamed of themselves for associating with such a low life. Police claim this might not be his first offense. Rats don’t report that kind of sickness to the police. Those are the real rats. They’re not men. They are DEVO.


Update: One source claims Josh McWhirter is the son of Toni Angel McWhirter. I don’t know if that is true. Perhaps some of our Kelowna crew can confirm that. We do know that Toni Angel McWhirter is Donnie the woman beating dirt bag McWhirter’s cousin.

She is total trailer trash. She was all in my grill when a guy from a Hells Angels farm team called the Baseball team in Lloydminster was arrested in Lloydminster’s largest cocaine bust. I’m not sure how she knew him but she has posted a total trailer trash poem on her facebook that sates: “Rats and Goofs, deserve their beats.” I guess the girl her cousin beat up and the kids her alleged son set on fire deserved it too. What a nice dysfunctional Christian family.

Harper surrenders Canada’s sovereignty to Communist China

So on one side of the planet we have nutbars setting themselves on fire to protest their oppression by the Communist government of China. Here at home we have another nutbar handing over our sacred sovereignty to that same Communist dictatorship Tibet is yearning to be free from. Stephen Harper has gone insane.

Gayle Gavin wrote in to the Vancouver Province about how Harper is selling out to the Chinese. She said: “Prime Minister Stephen Harper must be stopped from selling Canadian sovereignty and environmental protection control to the Chinese.”

“On Dec. 7, Harper OK’d the sale of Nexen’s control of three to six billion barrels of tarsands oil to China’s state-owned oil company, CNOOC. He plans to sign a secret treaty soon - the Canada-China Foreign Investment Protection Act - that will allow CNOOC or any Chinese corporation owning Canadian resources, to challenge Canadian laws or regulations they deem contrary to their interests. These challenges will be decided by panels of international corporate officers and lawyers in secret tribunals, using the same scheme former prime minister Brian Mulroney set up in the North American Free Trade Agreement.”

What was wrong with NAFTA? Chapter 11- compensation awards. That insane clause in that agreement has resulted in an absurd amount of misappropriation of tax dollars to corporations who sue the government for creating laws that inhibit their ability to make a profit. This includes any law that protects the environment.

Ethyl Corporation was awarded 20 million in tax dollars because the Canadian government rightfully banned a toxic gasoline additive. SD Myers was awarded 6 million in tax dollars because the Canadians government rightfully banned dumping of PCPs in Canada. These trade agreements have nothing to do with free trade. They give up our sovereignty and need to be opposed because they are bad business.

The Dali Lama turns violent

The Dali Lama is what we would describe as an enlightened sage that teaches about love, enlightenment and nonviolence. He has won the Nobel Peace prize for his non violent and peaceful campaign to free Tibet from Communist China’s rule. Nevertheless, all these Buddhist monks setting themselves on fire is anything but nonviolent. I find it very violent and concerning.

I realize they have a cause. I realize their campaign is to raise public awareness about Tibet’s right to self determination. I admit theirs is a good cause worth promoting. Yet surely there is a better way then teaching kids to set themselves on fire. That doesn’t respect life and is in opposition to the Buddhist belief of building good karma. It’s not that it’s a Christian belief that God thinks suicide is a sin. God has compassion and if someone gets discouraged and gives up on life God will have compassion on them. It’s a matter of respect for life.

In yesterday’s Province there was an article about another young monk who set themselves on fire in a protest. Communist China’s response was that the Dali Lama could stop these deaths if he simply asked them to stop doing it but he won’t. Sadly, they have a point. No doubt everyone else will rightfully argue that Communist China could stop all these deaths if they freed Tibet. Nevertheless, if the Dali Lama asked these young monks to stop setting themselves on fire, they would do so. To me that creates a profound conflict in a leader who is commissioned to teach about love, peace and nonviolence.

Last month a British monk died after setting himself on fire at a Buddhist monastery in France. Reports claim he “may” have been protesting against the Chinese occupation of Tibet. I’m sorry but that is crazy. It is not the sign of an enlightened mind who respects life. It is the sign of someone who has gone insane and has lost their respect for life.

Find another way to raise public awareness about the cause. Find a nonviolent method. Stand in public with a sign that says Free Tibet. If they arrest you and put you in prison for holding a sign then you are a martyr for the cause. If you set yourself on fire, you’re just a lunatic that wants to go back a few steps on the evolutionary scale and relearn what you should have already learned before you came here. Respect and common sense.