Look who's dressing up like santa. Justice Richard Wagner was complaining to The Canadian Press about how court decisions are being examined and commented upon in the media as never before. Somehow he thinks that’s a bad thing. He erroneously claims the credibility of the justice system is put at risk if its decisions are criticized without being properly explained. He said lawyers, media and governments all have a duty to educate the public.
STFU. That is the problem. He thinks the public is stupid and it’s up to the lawyers and judges to educate the public. That is the problem right there. The judges are so arrogant they insist they are untouchable and beyond reproach. When they make a bad decision that clearly defies natural justice, they say the public has no right to question it because the public is not learned in the law like they are.
The truth is, many of them have no concept of justice whatsoever. Even a layman can see that. Many of them don’t know the law. They’ve just memorized a bunch of watered down jurisprudence that has destroyed the justice system completely. Chronic offenders. The more offences they commit, the less time they do in jail. That is not right. The judicial system needs to be rebuilt. Making judges accountable is the first step.
Judge Wallace Craig claims that it is not only the public’s right to criticize bad judicial decisions, it’s their moral duty. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out that Justice Maureen Forestell’s recent decision to return the Hells angels’ seized property has taken us right back to the dark ages. The Hells Angels are the biggest drug trafficking organization in Canada. They held Quebec hostage for years in their biker war which was simply a war over drug turf and profits. They even contributed a portion of their drug profits to a fund to pay for the murders of rival drug dealers. Maureen Forestell should be hanged. The Hells Angels are responsible for public executions of drug rivals and the torture and dismemberment of addicts for drug debts. Claiming the public isn’t allowed to talk about that is insane. To claim that she made the right decision and the public just needs to be educated in the law is false.
Take a look at Peter Leask. He’s another idiot who is sitting on the wrong side of the bench. I was in the Vancouver courthouse for one of David Giles’ court appearances. I was asking around about what room it was in and what judge he had. I said don’t tell me it’s Peter Leask. The response was no, I don’t think they let him do criminal cases anymore. He just does civil cases now. If that is true, then that would explain how the police were claiming there has been improvements to the BC Justice system of late.
Nevertheless, if that is true, it proves that Peter Leask is a problem and that the public wasn’t imagining it. It proves that Justice Richard Wagner is still selling that same old poison kool aid that is choking our judicial system into oblivion.
Wagner was just publically sworn in as a supreme court judge on December 3rd of this year after his October appointment by you guessed it, Stephen I fire whistleblowers Harper. The parallel system he fears is the US system where judges are elected. No wonder they fear that system. It makes them accountable. He is right about one thing though. People are losing faith in the judicial system and that is sad. One local group thinks Judges are the Problem and they’re pretty passionate about it. It’s not just the appointment of judges, it’s getting rid of a bad judge. We currently have no process for that.
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