In contrast, gang members are coming out in support for the proposed mega casino in Surrey where they can launder their drug money. They have put out new casino support shirts. Instead of saying the future lives here, they say Surrey: the future dies here. Sad but appropriate. This mega casino proposal is anything but noble and good. Not surprising it’s tied to Gordon Campbell’s dirty developers. It is disappointing nonetheless.
Clarifacation: I'm joking about these being support shirts for the new mega casino although they might as well be. One blog reader wasn't sure what the shirt was and thought it was very dark, almost offensive. I was comparing it to the Abbotsford PD Christmas card that some people were complaining about. I was thinking if people were upset by the Christmas card they need to see what we are up against. I.E. The future dies here shirts. The gang problem and the torturing of drug addicts is very real. An editorial in today's Province was supporting of the Abby PD's christmas card.
This is what the creator of the t-shirts has to say and asked me to post: "Not even close K on linking this shirt design with support for the proposed South Surrey Casino or organized crime gangs. The message of this design is anti-gun/anti-gang violence. If you choose to mess with guns or gangs in Surrey, it is likely that your future will be very short. Surrey's record of targeted hits, day-time shootings and innocent victims being caught in the cross-fire speaks for itself."
"The shirt design may be dark and controversial but does nothing to glorify the dead-end gangster lifestyle. Hopefully it will make people think about what fate awaits them if they decide to carry guns on the streets of Surrey. Abbotsford police have turned their gang war around, hopefully the Surrey RCMP can follow their lead."
Turns out that the creator of these Surrey shirts also writes for the White Rock Sun in a column called the Naked Truth.
Apparently, the RCMP are accused of mis-handling, & basically not caring about this terrifying assault...
ReplyDelete"RCMP's handling of attack under fire."
"Critics questioning police approach in savage beating of 43-year-old homeless woman."
"Ken Smith was walking beside a vacant lot in the heart of Whalley when he saw someone lying in blood, pleading for help."
"Smith, 51, went to the woman's aid and on Tuesday recalled how her face was so badly swollen and bleeding he didn't recognize that it was the person who often had meals with him at the local shelter."
"She was bleeding badly and her face was all puffed out and she was hardly breathing," Smith recalled of the Dec. 2 afternoon attack at 135A Street and 106th Avenue in Surrey that sent a 43-year-old woman to hospital with life-threatening injuries."
"Nobody could even recognize who she was - she was so beaten up," he said."
"Smith eventually realized the woman being taken away in the ambulance was Janice, who often went to the Surrey Urban Mission to have a meal and stay warm."
"Now, Smith and others who live in shelters and on the streets in this crime-plagued part of Surrey are asking why the RCMP failed to publicize the beating to get witnesses to come forward, and more important, arrest those responsible for the attack."
"That is a bad area and the RCMP don't care what happens there," Smith said."
"Jonquil Hallgate is executive director of the mission on 104th Avenue in a church a few blocks from where the beating took place. She, too, is troubled at why so little has been done to catch those responsible for the crime."
"The issue for me is if this was a middle-class woman or man attacked it would be all over the media and people would be talking about it," she said."
http://tinyurl.com/a992v4s (Province)
I agree 100%. I myself am poor, RC's
treat me like dirt... my folks in their
$2.6 million Kerrisdale house get all the VPD's respect in the world...
I'm trying to find out if this is the same case as one I had referred to a while ago about a brutal rape in Whalley that didn't make the news. I think it is very concerning that anyone can be brutally assaulted and the public not hear about it.