It’s time to do some house cleaning on the web site and highlight some of the main stories over the past few years of blogging about the Vancouver gang war. 4 ½ years and 6 million hits later we have to ask ourselves has anything really changed? Not much. This year Montreal had a rash of December shootings. Last year it was Surrey. One of the things we need to highlight is the connection between Vancouver and Montreal’s organized crime because they are connected.
Larry Amero’s drug bust in Montreal is further evidence of that. It’s hard to believe the Kelowna shooting was in the summer of 2011. It seems so long ago now. Larry’s arrest in Montreal is also further evidence that the Hells Angels weren’t the ones that put a hit on Larry in Kelowna. They wouldn’t have given him a position in the Montreal drug trade if they weren’t supporting what he was doing with the Bacon brothers. Spike’s niece was there the same reason Larry’s ex was with the UN when they shot at the Bacon brothers – to show support without actually being there. No doubt Larry warned the Bacon brothers that night but they were playing the UN by hiding their support of the Bacon brothers.
Prime Time Crime does a great job of listing the violent murders each year. It’s hard to keep up with them all. Looking back over the past year a few things stand out. One is the obvious extermination of the Duhre Dhak group. I guess we’ve made progress in the sense that we all know about the Hells Angels’ direct involvement in the Vancouver gang war now. Back in 2009 that was hidden behind a cloud of rage and denial. Yet now it’s pretty obvious. The Duhre Dhak group don’t sell drugs for the Hells Angels so they are getting wiped off the face of the earth.
The second most significant revelation of the year is the Hells Angels involvement in the torture of drug addicts for drug debts. The Whiteboys Posse arrest is the flaming example of that yet we had a brutal rape of a homeless woman in Surrey for a drug debt this month. That is outrageous. At least we know now who is ultimately to blame. The court application to seize the East Vancouver and the Kelowna Hells Angels clubhouses is clearly a step forward for the year. Let’s not forget the Hells Angels stolen car ring in Kelowna that was busted this year. Along with the David Giles arrest it made a great end to the Kelowna Summer Jam. That was another highlight.
Let’s not forget the three convictions this year in the cross border drug ring tied to the Hells Angels that have implicated Randy and Trevor Jones as well as Tbarz. Randy even put a sign out front of Tbarz saying it’s under new management so he must have finally taken it out of his mothers name and put it in someone else’s name. It is however, NOT under new management.
Another significant thing this year was the return of Greg Wooley the Hells Angels puppet from Montreal. Mom Boucher made him a member of the Rockers and put him in charge of the Syndicate a puppet gang that sold drugs for the Hells Angels and supplied all the Crips in Montreal. When the leader of the BoBars was shot in Montreal the motive became clear when it turned out he hit and humiliated Greg Wooley at a meeting trying to get all the gangs in Montreal to work for the Hells Angels. The BoBars said no and refused. Shortly thereafter their leader and his friend was shot dead. Clearly the Hells Angels involvement in the Montreal drug trade is bigger than we had imagined.
Of course I still believe the Hells Angels are supporting the Calabrians out of Hamilton against the Rizzutos. More Rizzuto shootings tied to the Hells Angels have emerged this year as well. So obviously first and foremost we have the drug war. Yet all that money laundering is always tied to investment fraud and devastates our stock market. Everyone thinks laundering drug money is a good investment. The problem is that people who sell drugs are dishonest and greedy. Whenever they launder drug money they always want more and get involved with investment fraud.
Recently the paper cited a quote by Richard Rosenthal that said one man with a brief case can steal more than 100 men with guns. We have talked about how the Vatican bank has been accused of money laundering for the mafia and how they were used to misappropriate a huge some of money from a bank in Italy and crashed it. This is what I am referring to with my concerns about investment fraud and how it is often tied in with the gang war over the drug trade. In the New Year we will continue to look at both: the gang war and the investment fraud that is shaking our sovereignty. Peace.
The year has also been summarized in the BC part of the Gang Forum, with some interesting stats. on the gangsters themselves...
ReplyDeleteI see that now. Yes this year was more shootings than last year but not as many as 2009. I think the fact that the exterminations are all one sided is fairly relevant. Kim Bolan and everyone else say the Duhre Dhak group are Hells Angels rivals. So if the Hells Angels rivals keep getting shot all year, to me that would make the Hells Angels the prime suspects. What I also find very significant year end is Johnny Newcomes' chop shop for the Hells Angels that was busted. Stealing cars and motorcycles is really low life and rat like.
ReplyDelete"... I still believe the Hells Angels are supporting the Calabrians out of Hamilton against the Rizzutos."
OK, but why would fully organized Calabrian Mafia families ( there are at least six of them) need anyone's help to shoot someone? They shot the Rizzuto's top man in Ontario, Guy Panepinto; & needed no help then.
AK: "More Rizzuto shootings tied to the Hells Angels have emerged this year as well."
Which ones specifically, and just the important ones, please; do you think the HA shot Joseph di Maulo, for instance, or Montagna...?
Sorry, I've got a bit of the flu and have fallen behind. I'm a bit choked about it cause lately it's just been work, rest and fight off the flu. Over 3 meters of snow on the local mountains and I haven't been up to enjoying it. Giuseppe Fetta was shot December 17th. A police source said that in recent months Fetta is believed to have associated with a drug trafficker named Andrea (Andrew) Scoppa who had beef with the Hells Angels over territory a decade ago. So Fetta was seen with a drug dealing rival of the Hells Angels before he was shot. I know there's more but I have a lot of catching up to do on the web site and am going to enjoy New Years. My postion on the Hells Agnels control of the drug trade in Montreal is pretty obvious.
DeleteI am from Montreal and i can give you a clear insight from an insider.I can certify that the HA are considered the biggest allies of the Rizzutos.Case point Gregory Wooley.Last summer he was seen arriving at the funeral of HA member named Gaetan Comeau in a Ferrari with with a powerful Italian individual who is closely tied to the Rizzuto.That Ferrari belong to that individual.The media here refuse to name his name for fear of getting sued.Another point about Gregory is before Vito's extradition was doing time with him.Basically they were cellmates.Now do this mean we are witnessing a change in alliances with Wooley and his group allied with the Sicilians faction or basically Wooley being now the message boy between the HA's and the Sicilians?Your guess is as good as mine.As for Fetta the reason could be many.Back then he was part of a crew that acted as bodyguard and enforcers for the Rizzuto clan under the leadership of Lorenzo Giordano,a capo in the Rizzuto clan.One of the scenarios could be retribution from black gangs.He was once overheard on police wiretaps badmouthing black gang members with members of his crew along with Francesco Acardi and Rocco Solecito who at the time held the position best described as under bosses.Obviously the blacks didn't like what was said and when word got back that he was locked up they put hit on him which failed because the three guys who tried to stab him saw the 6ft4 295 pound Fetta fight back giving two of the guys a severe beating while the third one seeing the outcome of the other two decide to jump from the third floor of the tier,fracturing his knee with an open wound.Also he was involved in a shootout inside a nightclub in downtown Montreal that left 2 black gang members dead.Second scenario is once he got freed he sided with a renegade capo of the clan named Guiseppe De Vito.De Vito is now a sworn enemy of the Rizzuto because he blames them to the murder of his two daugther by his wife.How would he think that?Your guess is as good as mine.So it might be the second reason he might have been shot.As for Andrew,him and his brother Salvatore have the monopoly of heroin trafficking in the city.Indeed in the passed there have been issues between them and the HA's but that was resolve on 'amicable terms'.Like De Vito they are considered hostile to the Rizzuto for they lack of loyalty to Vito.Some say they will suffer the same fate as Joe Di Maulo who was Vito right hand man at one time but switch sides when Vito was in the can and ending up with a bullet in the back of the head in front of his wife.I dont know in Vancouver but here at the moment they are pounding hard on the HA's ever since Mom Boucher declared war on the state by killing prison guards.So it would be doubtful if they are behind the bloodshed going on right now within the mob.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your informative insight. I will add however that the Hells Angels have often shown up at funerals where they have been accused of hiring the hit. It is clear that the Hells Angels worked with the Rizzutos in the past. In my opinion they are playing the Rizzutos just like they played the UN here in Vancouver. That is why Larry Amero was shot and was in hiding in Montreal. Please remember I am nobody. I'm not from Montreal, I've from Vancouver. I have no knowledge about the Italian Mafia at all. I have however seen how the Hells Angels play both sides in a dispute and betray everyone they do business with.
DeleteThe Hells Angels always badmouth black gang members. They are white supremacists. They are using Wooley to sell drugs. The Hells Angels are also affiliated with the Whiteboys Posse who are Nazis. Salvatore Cazzetta and Mom Boucher had a white supremacist club called the SS named after Hitler's army. Clearly it was the Hells Angels that hired the hit on the leader of the BoBars for turning down Wooley's offer to work for the Hells Angels. Larry Amero is from here. We are multicultural but the Hells Angels are not. Larry Amero is a player who lies through his teeth and plays both sides. He was shot in Kelowna for publically endorsing the UN's enemy Jonathon Bacon. A Suburban princes who was empowered by the Hells Angels. The whole time the Hells Angels denied to the UN they were supporting the Bacon Brothers. When Larry came out of the closet with their endorsement, he was shot and Jonathon was killed.
Yes Wooley has a relationship with Vito from prison. Yet Wolley is a puppet and doesn't control the decisions the Hells Angels make. The Hells Angels lie to their own people and only reveal things on a need to know basis. It's pretty obvious the Hells Angels in Ontario are supporting the Calabrians in Hamilton. In Montreal they will say oh that's the Ontario guys not us but it is. them. All these Montreal murders are approved by the Hells Angels.
This is why I say they should all be rounded up and put on a leaky boat that is towed out and scuttled to form an artificial reef with it's own food source. Think of it as a "green" method of dealing with crime, ecologically sound, pro-recycling, violence abatement that really gets results because it eliminates the source of the problem. Those that step up, same way, until the message gets across that dying isn't a good way to make a living.
Delete"I don't just want to be godfather of Canada," Rizzuto allegedly told the source. "I want to be godfather of the world."
ReplyDelete (TorSun)
It's good to have ambition in life, they tell us, no...?
Sounds like Hitler. I guess that means he's not going to take defeat lying down or as they do in the puppet clubs, bent over.