Saturday, January 12, 2013

7 People charged in Prince George brutal assault

We interrupt this political scandal investigation with an important news update. Charges laid in another Lloydminster murder and a brutal assault in Prince George.

Seventh person charged in Prince George sex assault

Six people face charges of sex assault, assault and unlawful confinement in a case that police in Prince George say is horrific and disturbing. The charges come after police found an unconscious teenage male beaten and sexually assaulted in a snowbank on Monday night.

Hayden Alwood, 18, and 20-year-old Mercedes Jewett have been charged with aggravated sexual assault, aggravated assault, assault causing bodily harm and two counts of unlawful confinement. Four other youths have also been charged but can’t be named due to the young offenders act.

A sexual assault on a guy by a group of guys. That is disturbing. Two girls were present yet this sounds pretty messed up. Hayden Alwood’s mother runs a clothing and hip hop promotion company called the Urban Underground as well as a CRU clothing line. The name CRU is awfully similar to the name Crew, a puppet club that sold crack for the Hells Angels in Prince George that was known for cutting off fingers for drug debts.

Hayden’s mother Kitt Alwood is very suspect. Luring youth to wear hats and t-shirts representing the CRU4life so to speak along with slogans like Respect what you represent and CRU remains untouchable. Implying that they are still around and haven’t all cross over to the IS or the GTS in PG. Kitt has contacts in Calgary, Red Deer and Dawson creek. She could not be operating a clothing line with the same name as a puppet gang without permission. At first they tried to claim the Independent Soldiers was just a clothing line as well.

Hayden’s co accused Mercedes Jewett has a young baby she dressed in a cute Harley Davidson outfit. Jesse James Hoffman, the father of her child, was wanted by the police for criminal harassment. He’s 5’ 8” and weights 130 lbs. Doesn’t look very threatening. Perhaps it’s the mob mentality that will swarm and rape a young boy. Looks like we still need some time with Dr. Phil. That sure ‘aint respecting what you represent. That's not even respecting yourself.

Just for the record, whoever told you it’s not gay if you don’t look them in the eye was lying. It is. The fact that you can get an erection sodomizing a teenage boy clearly shows that’s exactly what you are. Perhaps we should have public demonstrations like they did in India calling for the death penalty of these deranged maggots. Clearly reporting these maggots to the police isn’t being a rat or a squid. Failing to do so is. Thanks to the efforts of Chuck Cadman the deranged young offenders can and should be tried as adults since it classifies as a violent crime.

Interesting to note that the new Young Offenders act also drops the absolute ban on publishing the names of youth involved with the courts. I totally missed that. That change was made way back in the year 2000. The Youth Criminal Justice Act (Feb 19 2002) states the names of 15 to 17 year olds who are convicted of serious, violent crimes, such as murder or aggravated sexual assault, can be reported in the media. The name can also be reported if the young offender is being tried as an adult. If the youth has been found guilty of an offence and is given an adult sentence, their name can be reported in the media. Section 110 of the YCJA.

Here’s a picture of Hells Angels associate and Devil’s reject Mad child posted on the Urban Underground. Shane Bunting is even shorter than the under age girls he hangs out with. Don’t forget his deranged tribute to Robert Pickton. Here’s a picture of wee Shane Bunting and the sodomizer Hayden Alwood. Also known as the maggot. Or at least something that rhymes with that. That's it, assume the position Shane. You didn't get those dirty knees from washing the floor.

The Hillbilly CRU: Proudly repin AIDS because they’re out of touch with reality. Time to call social services. That is one dysfunctional family. Yo bro, that ‘aint no cougar. That is one butt ugly predator. It’s an inbreed from the Hillbilly Crackhead CRU. Word.

Look at the walls of this crack house. It says F Pigs. Pigs are the ones who gang rape a boy in the butt. Pigs are the ones who pretend they don’t know who did it or where this crack house is. Those are the pigs. F*ck ya.

Majic Mike: another flaming loser from the Hillbilly Crackhead CRU. Inbreed.

Seventh person charged in Prince George sex assault

Campbell Heights: The epicenter of money laundering

This local scam is an example of how money can be stolen from the public purse. Only this scam was “legal.” Surrey City Development Corporation Presents Campbell Heights North Business Park. What an ironic name for a tainted legacy of sweetheart deals and money laundering. The Campbell Heights Business Park is part of a parcel of land the city of Surrey acquired from the BC Liberals. That’s what the clear cut at 192 st and 32 ave is all about. It’s a parcel of public land that went private. After it was rezoned of course.

The city of Surrey bought the crown land from the BC Liberals at $35,000 an acre. They then sold 260 acres to three dirty developers who were friends of the BC Liberals and contributed to their campaign - Milan Ilich, Joseph Segal and Emerson. They sold it to these campaign contributors at cost, $35,000 an acre and kept 220 acres for themselves. Now those same special developers are reselling that land for $750,000 - $850,000 and acre. They made 24 times their investment in this sweetheart deal. That’s assuming of course they actually put any real money on the table at all. Why Campbell Heights Limited Partnership even contributed to the BC Liberals.

So in reality, the city of Surrey helped these campaign contributors steal $2 billion from the public purse. That is a huge concern. Just like BC Rail. Selling off public assets to campaign contributors. That is what caused the Greek financial crisis. Public money went private then disappeared. That was more tied to investment fraud but this is another example of how public money can be stolen through real estate. The question I want to know is how is the city of Surrey’s secret development corporation going to report their net gain on their 220 acres? That’s at least $1.5 billion. Does that go to tax revenue or does it disappear into some politician’s pocket? That kind of money could sure help pay down the Port Mann Bridge.

Obviously there are many concerns on the table. Helping campaign contributors steal from the public purse is one. Having city hall run their own development corporation is another. Developers are supposed to be independent and bid on projects. They have to apply to city hall for zoning. What Surrey First is doing is just as bad as the corruption trials in Montreal yet what they are doing is legal. It is however, just as dishonest.

The other concern is, why won’t the local media report any of this? Can the local media be controlled by advertizing dollars from the Laura Balance group? Why that would be Conrad Black censorship all over again. Local Surrey blogger Laila Yuile has already reported on the conflict of interest involved in the city running it’s own development corporation as well as the dirty deal done dirt cheap at the Campbell Heights Industrial Park. Yet she is the only one.

The other concern is simply bad planning. Sending herds of diesel trucks down a residential road is a real concern. Most of 32 ave is rural but not all. One townhouse complex has been steam rolled over by city hall in this sweetheart deal of “progress.”

Who pays for all the road developments building a freeway to their industrial part in the middle of what was agricultural land? Is that more tax dollars going to aid and benefit dirty developers who contributed to the BC Liberals? No wonder there is such a close bond between Gordon Campbell’s Liberals and Surrey First.

Campbell Heights is an area of Surrey that was named before the infamous sleazeball Gordon Campbell became premier and left office with the lowest approval rating in the country. Yet the Campbell Heights Industrial Park is clearly named after him and is the perfect example of how Surrey First is bringing back Gordon Campbell’s sleazy selfishness to new heights for the world to see. I think that deserves a monument. A giant Gordon Campbell monument to self indulgence. Well done urban cowboys.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Secrets and Lies of the Bailout

Next we’re going to take three steps over the fiscal cliff. Three short posts about investment fraud and stealing from the public purse. The first step is a peek at another timely article in this month’s Rolling Stone magazine a blog reader sent in. It’s another good one by Matt Taibbi about Secrets and Lies of the Bailout.

Matt Taibbi wrote another great article in March 2010 for the Rolling Stone called the Looting of Main Street. In August of 2012 Matt wrote an informative expose on Bain Capital. This month’s article talks about how $700 billion in taxpayer money to rescue Wall Street from its own chicanery and greed was based on a lie. It’s a good read and the first of three steps over our fiscal cliff series on theft from the public purse locally and internationally.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Surrey Judge over turns gun related minimum sentence

A Surrey judge has ruled the government’s law applying a mandatory minimum sentence to a gun charge is unconstitutional. He is wrong. In the United States they have a constitutional right to bear arms. We do not. James Bahen claims the “Law creates an arbitrary and fundamentally unjust sentencing process.” He is wrong. It imposes a mandatory minimum for gun related crime.

However, if you look at the case, the offence the person was charged with was the possession of a firearm. It was not the use of a firearm to commit a criminal offense. Those are two entirely different things. If you use a firearm to commit a crime, a mandatory minimum sentence is needed to deal with the outrageous amount of gun related violence we now see in our communities.

However, 3 years in jail for the possession of a firearm is in my opinion, excessive. It’s got nothing to do with the constitution, it has everything to do with logic and justice. We see numerous prolific offenders who commit an outrageous amount of property crime getting a slap on the wrist and released right away. Three years for the simple possession of a firearm in comparison is excessive.

Let’s say I get fed up with all the death threats and decide to carry a gun to protect myself and my family. Having no criminal record, getting three years in jail for the simple possession of a firearm without committing a criminal offence is not only excessive, it’s wrong.

Yes, violence is not the answer, yet somewhere we need to draw the line between sailor’s rights and the protection of persons and property on one side, and those who want to commit criminal acts by harming persons and stealing property on the other. The law should protect sailor’s rights. I.E. someone who is protecting his family and property. The law should not penalize someone for that. Just saying.

I was ready to slam this judge for being from outter space but upon examining the case on hand I will agree a three year mandatory minimum is excessive. Having said that, I think a three year mandatory minimum for using a firearm to commit a crime, namely shoot your ex or a a rival drug dealer in public or do a home invasion or rape, then yes a three year mandatory minimum is totally in order and if any judge says otherwise then I would say they are from outer space and need to set aside their dry heaving arrogance long enough to open their eyes and use some common sense. The constitution makes reference to public safety. Mandatory minimums for a gun related offence that jeopardize public safety fulfills the constitution they don’t violate it.

Did ya see Alex Jones come unglued promising a return to 1776 if they try and take their guns? Here's the video clip. Without screaming like a raging lunatic, I think armed guards in schools could be a good thing. After Operation Fast and Furious I don’t think the Obama administration, the Clinton administration or the Bush administration(s) are trustworthy enough to disarm the nation. I agree with Jesse Ventura. The right to bear arms isn’t about hunting.

One blog reader just wrote in and cited Project Exile in the US which was a successful federal program that applied mandatory minimum sentences to crime committed with a firearm. Opponents to the plan cites wording in the law which does not apply to violent crime just the possession of certain types of firearms. Clearly we must be vigilant in reading the fine print in all bills the government proposes. The common ground is minimum sentences for using a firearm to commit a criminal act such as rob or rape. Not for possession only.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Another Canadian tourist killed in Mexico

Chris Rogers, an Edmonton university student has died in Mexico. Initial reports were sketchy. First report claimed he got in a fight, was punched in the nose and fell off a balcony. Only he was punched in a night club and fell off the balcony after he was taken back to the hotel by friends. Seemingly the punch gave him a concussion which made him dizzy, implying that’s why he fell off the balcony. Pretty fishy if you ask me.

Who punched him and gave him a “concussion”? Did they follow him to his hotel? Another tragedy has resulted in the loss of another young life. An engineer student with a bright future ahead of him snuffed out for no reason.

There have been quite a few Canadians killed in Mexico. On April 27, 2012, Thomas Gisby was gunned down in Mexico outside a Starbucks. He wasn’t a tourist. He was involved in the drug trade as were Elliot Castenada and Ahmet (Lou) Kaawach who were gunned down in 2008 as well as Gordon Kendall and Jeffry Ivans gunned down in 2009. Salih Sahbaz was another BC resident involved inn the drug trade gunned down in Mexico last year.

However, number tourists have been killed Mexico as well. In November 2012, the body of B.C. man Ron Mackintosh was found dead. Mexican officials said Mackintosh had been dead for several days before his body was found. He had a cord around his neck and was tied to a tree.

In January 2012 a UBC student who was in Mexico working on her doctorate was murdered along with her boyfriend. They were bound, stabbed, set on fire and buried on a beach. Each tragedy represents a profound loss and criminals who have lost touch with humanity.

Mexican Vacation Awareness

Monday, January 7, 2013

Hells Angels associate shot in Montreal

Bruno Lefebvre was shot this morning in north Montreal at a plumbing business he worked at. Bruno was a member of the Rockers, a Hells Angels puppet club and a prospect for the Nomads when he was convicted of conspiracy to traffic in drugs and gangsterism in 2004.The Rockers is the puppet club Greg Wooley was with. Most media reports state Bruno was a former member of the Rockers but he can't have been out of jail long with statutory release and all.

Shooting in Dartmouth

Now even Dartmouth is facing shootings.

Violent crime comes with the bad drugs these creeps bring.

There were shootings in Dartmouth March and October of 2012.

A 16 year old was also shot in Dartmouth on New Years day.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Idle no More

There’s a new protest movement going around that members of the First Nations community are calling idle no more. Evidently they are playing on a stereotype about being idle and not working. So when I hear a group of people rally together and publically commit to being idle no more, I’m sure others join in with me cheering their commitment to get a job and not being idle any more.

I do have two concerns. There clearly are problems on many Native reservations. This news video may be propaganda, but it talks about numbers of dollars going into some of these reservations and how that money is being sucked up by chiefs, elders and politicians while the condition of their reservations continue to deteriorate. Something fishy is going on.

Yes there is a problem with repairs but there is also a problem with money allotted for repairs filling someone’s pocket and not going to where it’s supposed to go. This is something that needs to be addressed especially when you talk about inherit right to self government. I know several natives that don’t trust their chiefs and elders with the money that is currently given them. You wanna turn around and make those shady politicians kings and queens in a monarchy? I think many members of the reservations have concerns with that.

There has been some past history of injustice that has affected the First Nations community in Canada. They aren’t the only ones. Chinese Canadians were exploited to build the railway. Japanese Canadians had their land taken away from them during the war. Recognizing an injustice is important to heal and over come it. It doesn’t turn us into victims for the rest of eternity. Nor does it give victims a license to become bullies themselves.

Canada is full of people from different ethnic backgrounds from all around the world. It’s not just a matter of the white man coming here and taking over. It’s a matter of a global population sharing the earth mother nature has given us to be stewards of. All of us, regardless of what ethnic background we come from, have to get a job and provide for ourselves. Going back in time and living off the land in tents doesn’t cut it any more. Times change and no one has a right to extort others to avoid having to get a job and take responsibility for their own life.

Not paying taxes is bad enough. I suppose no Native in Canada drives on a public road or ever goes to a public hospital. Idle no more means getting a job and paying taxes like everyone else.

This is a woman who makes $70,000.00 a year tax free, has no mortgage because she gets a free home and pays no property tax. Most of us contribute to United Way in some form. How much of that excessive salary does she spend on the starving members of her band? An audit of the bands finances has found significant documentation lacking for the $104 million transferred to the band between 2005 and 2011.


Theresa Spence said she demanded a meeting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Then she said she won’t be attending. I’m sorry but this woman is a nutbar.


Habitat for Humanity can oversee repairs and building new homes on Native reserves. Members of the reservations can chip in and help build their new homes. This will give the youth something constructive to do that will not only help the suicide rate but give them a life skill where they can get a high paying job in construction industry. Volunteers who care can join in and help build these homes instead of blocking railways and extorting the general public. “The Prosperity of Canada’s First Nations begins at home” Shawn Atleo

Quebec Grand Chief calls on Spence to end hunger strike

"I'm not sure who is advising her,"

Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Dark side of Surrey City Hall

Darth Maul may have been misunderstood but the dark side is not. Make no mistake about it. Good and evil do exist. Greed and selfishness can consume people and blind them putting them on a different path than they originally started out on.

In Vancouver some people are complaining about the mixed use development sites that add affordable housing and social housing to private condos and business development. I totally support them. 20 units of affordable housing in a nice condo is a lot better than 10 units in a slum lord mansion. Yet the city of Surrey has completely omitted mixed use development from it’s business plan. Instead they are putting up roadblocks to homeless shelters and building a big fence around the Front Room so people don’t have to see the homeless.

It is inherently hypocritical when a politician will accept large campaign contributions from companies that launder drug money then turn around and oppress the homeless not the drug dealers. Oh we want the drug dealers money. We just don’t want to have to look or think about the homeless. That is wrong. The Surrey Urban Mission needs a home. We need to find them one. Vancouver Province article.

The making of a criminal and a crime fighter

What makes a man, or in most cases a boy, a criminal? Stealing cars? Breaking into someone’s home? That’ll do it. Petty car thieves and people who do B&Es are rats. Surrey Jacks. Petty thieves. At what point does a petty thief become a respected gangster? They don’t. They’re cut from the same cloth.

Stealing high end cars doesn’t make a car thief respectable. He’s still just a car thief. Vin Diesel became a police agent to help bust up a high end stolen car ring in the movie Triple X. Vin Diesel wasn’t the rat. It’s the same with selling crack. A crack dealer is a low life piece of garbage. At what point does a low life crack dealer become a respectable gangster? He doesn’t. It doesn’t matter how many keys of coke he slings, he’s still just a crack dealer selling rat poison on the street.

Everyone says the Hells Angels have a no rape rule. That is such a lie. It’s just a bullsh*t PR stunt. Mom Boucher became a member of the Hells Angels as soon as he got out of prison for armed rape. Boucher was a drug user and petty thief. He had a list of break and enters and theft. He stole cigarettes, TVs and electronics. November 1975 he and a friend burst into a Butcher shop and robbed a 71 year old owner with a riffle and a butcher knife. Selling drugs in a larger scale doesn’t make him respectable. Boucher was stabbed in prison again in 2010.

Giles getting busted for drugs was no surprise. The surprise was Johnny Newcome’s stolen car ring for the Hells Angels in Kelowna. Stealing cars, boats and motorcycles is ratlike. Is Vin Diesel making a come back as Xander Cage in Triple X? Let’s hope so. The world needs more people like him. We need a Xander Cage busting up a Sons of Anarchy drug, pimp and stolen bike ring. Somebody’s gotta take out the trash.