Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sicilian renewable energy tycoon tied to the Mafia

The Vancouver Province is reporting that: A Sicilian renewable energy tycoon nicknamed the “Lord of the Wind” has had pounds 1.1 billion of allegedly mafia-related assets confiscated by Italian authorities in the biggest seizure of its kind.

Vito Nicastri, 57, is believed by police to be a frontman for Cosa Nostra and to have close links with one of Italy’s most wanted men, Matteo Messina Denaro, the “boss of bosses” for the Sicilian mafia. The confiscation underlined fears that Italy’s clean energy sector has been infiltrated by dirty money from organized crime.

Renewable energy tycoon? Wow, I wonder if that has anything to do with Surrey’s “Renewable energy” Incinerator slotted for the Campbell Heights money laundering centre. I’d say it’s worth looking into.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Dr. Colin Mangham on Insite

Well, well, well. Looks like the Insite spin doctors have been busy ostracizing and censoring everyone that doesn’t share their poison kool aid. Dr. Colin Mangham opposed the creation of Insite. He states “I was the author of one of three academic papers that all said essentially the same thing. I was embarrassed as a professional and as a graduate of UBC by [Insite’s] poor science and the misuse of data. It was allowed to stand in the media without correction. The media was making very positive, glowing statements without evidence.”

I call on the committee, especially the elected representatives, to stop allowing a group of activists, whatever else they're clothed in, to dictate Canada's drug policies. The people of Canada and elected officials need to set drug policy.’

A Critique of Canada’s INSTE Injection Site by Dr. Colin Mangham

Response to an article published in the Lancet on April 18 2010

The Huffington Post states: “Dr. Colin Mangham is an expert in the field of prevention and has worked in the field since 1979. Over this time, he has written numerous prevention programs for schools, communities, and parents that are in use today. A Ph.D in School and Community Health, Dr. Mangham has developed and taught many university courses in health promotion, school health education theory and methods, community program planning, drugs in society, and epidemiology for non-epidemiologists. He has conducted research and evaluation in prevention for federal, provincial, and non-profit organizations across the country. Dr. Mangham is a reviewer for the Canadian Journal of Public Health, and a member of both the International Task Force on Strategic Drug Policy and the International Scientific and Medical Forum on Drug Abuse.”


John McKay is an outspoken critic of the Insite injection site on East Hastings and has called the scientific research project "a failed social experiment." McKay was the officer in charge of the VPD's beat enforcement team when Insite opened in September 2003. When Insite opened, McKay said, operators of the facility handed out lattes and T-shirts to addicts. And, he said, the VPD agreed not to arrest anyone with illegal drugs within a five-block radius of the site.

The decision to adopt a "no-charge policy" created a "culture of entitlement" for drug users, said McKay, adding that an addict simply had to say they were going to Insite to avoid prosecution. "In 2006, the culture of entitlement was so bad that addicts were openly using drugs at bus stops, school grounds and business fronts," he said.

The drug activity prompted the VPD to begin arresting addicts found using drugs at these locations. Police warned Vancouver Coastal Health, which operates Insite with the PHS Community Services Society, before enforcement was taken. "This was loudly supported by the public, however [Vancouver Coastal Health] accused the VPD of not supporting harm reduction." Vancouver Coastal Health does not promote health.

There are two things we can do right now to combat this plague. We can stop handing our free heroin at Insite at taxpayers’ expense. We can also arrest drug dealers for selling crack or heroin in that area. Those are two things we are morally obligated to do. That is the four pillars. Vancouver Coast Health refuse to accept the four pillars. They just want one pillar which as we’ve seen is simply a one legged horse.

Vancouver city hall is part of the problem. They bought the Drake Hotel and gave the Hells Angels $2 million more than it was worth. That was $2 million of money for social housing right to a criminal organization. People need homes not drugs. Our tax base and our medical system can’t afford to buy free drugs. People can’t have an MRI but they can have free heroin. That is wrong. It will crash our medical system completely. Right now the main stream medical community is worse than the mainstream media. It is completely corrupt.

The Predatory nature of drug dealers

Janice Shore’s brutal murder in Whalley showed us the predatory nature of drug dealers here. Just like the murder of Bob Roth in Edmonton and the murder of Ashley Machiskinic in East Vancouver. All three murders are connected.

Let’s start with Ashley. She was murdered on September 15 2010. She fell to her death from a hotel window in East Vancouver. At first the police were treating it as a suicide until they began to have public protests claiming it was murder. Family. Friends and advocates claimed she was pushed out a window for a drug debt and it was not the first time this kind of thing has happened.

Carol Martin of the Downtown East side Women's Centre was quoted in the paper as saying: "Women get their heads shaved for a $30 drug debt, they're killed for $50." Killed for $50. That must be the East Van rate. In Prince George they were cutting off fingers for a $170 drug debt. For a $300 drug debt someone was hacked up with a medieval battle axe in Prince George. Human life seems to be valued less by the predators in East Vancouver.

Clearly, my submission is that if Ashley Machiskinic was murdered for a drug debt, that debt was ultimately owed to the Hells Angels since they control the drug trade in East Vancouver. Sure they would have had some puppet or associate do the deed, but Tony Terezakis was a drug dealer for the Hells Angels in East Vancouver who filmed himself beating the life out of drug addicts who owed him money.

Of course the Crew, the puppet club that was cutting off fingers for drug debts in Prince George were also working for the Hells Angels. After that bad press most of them crossed over to the Independent Soldiers who also work for the Hells Angels. Just another name change in the paper trail shell game hiding the Hells Angels involvement but it is still business as usual.

Tragically the “safe” injection site didn’t save Ashley Machiskinic’s life. I don’t suppose they include her murder or the many others in their statistics. I don’t suppose they include the videos of the pain and suffering Tony Terezakis afflicted upon their clients either.

Now let’s pause and look at Janice shore’s brutal murder. She was brutally beaten and raped in public on a Sunday morning and left where everyone would see her to send a message. The Surrey Leader reported that one source told them she was killed for a drug debt. Those that knew her said it couldn’t have been a large debt because she was a user not a dealer. No doubt that is who they target to use as examples.

Janice was a nice person. She was quiet, polite and friendly. She also struggled with a mental illness. What kind of predator gives a quiet homeless woman with a mental illness free drugs then beats the life out of her for payment. Giving the homeless and the mentally ill free drugs then beating them and torturing them for payment is predatory. It is total low life. That is as low as you can go.

They scratched out one of Janice’s eyes. They caved in the side of her head and her jaw. There was absolutely no need for that kind of brutality. These are not the people we should be letting sell drugs in public let alone pay them for heroin at the unsafe injection site. When we let them sell drugs in public we endorse their brutal violence and their exploitation of the poor, homeless and the mentally ill.

We don’t need to harass the addicts. We need to harass the predatory drug dealers that profit from that kind of violent exploitation. We need to arrest the drug dealers not the drug addicts. That is the New York Model.

Bob Roth is yet another example. The vice dot com did an interview with me after I published the identify of the body they found decapitated outside Edmonton claiming her was murdered for a drug debt by the Whiteboy Posse. They were interested in the fact that I published the details before the arrest was made. What we all should be focusing on is the predatory nature of these deranged murders. This has got to stop and right now we are enabling and supporting them when we should be doing everything in our power to stop them. It’s not that the war on drugs has failed. We haven’t fought it. We haven’t even tried.

Don’t forget that the Whiteboy Posse sell drugs for the Hells Angels so I submit that Bob Roth was therefore killed on behalf of the Hells Angels just like Janice and Ashley were. All three of these murders happened after the 2009 gang war. They happened after the Hells Angels secured their monopoly on the drug trade. So don’t tell me we are better off letting the Hells Angels take over the drug trade. That is not true.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tax dollars paying for free Heroin

I know I shouldn’t say I told ya so but I did. Freddy recently announced that he knows a guy getting free heroin from the Vancouver not so safe injection site. He then posts a link to a CBC article confirming the “pilot” project back in 2005. This is insane. Any medical doctor that prescribes heroin should lose his medical license. Giving people rat poison is not in their best interest. Are we going to buy people free aftershave to drink? This program does exactly that.

Right from the get go my whole concern with this unsafe injection site was the give an inch take a mile extremism that permeates these crazed lobbyists. Some want to turn the safe injection site into a safe inhalation site where they can smoke crack at the taxpayers’ expense. That is absurd.

People can argue that addicts will shoot up regardless so giving them a safe place to shoot up is better than having them shoot up in the alley. Wrong. Their numbers proves their plan failed. They want to build more unsafe injection sites. That means they are increasing the number of addicts not decreasing them.

People argue about the methadone program. Yet there are obvious flaws within that program. Increasing the dosages instead of decreasing the dosages is the primary ongoing concern. This program has become a cash cow for doctors and pharmacists alike. Any medical doctor claiming the program is an essential service is in a conflict of interest because they are making money off the program.

People claim the unsafe injection site saves lives. Wrong. It destroys lives. Out of 300 addicts it creates, they might save 12 from overdosing. They then claim they just saved 12 lives when in realty they just destroyed 300. Heroin is poison. It kills people slowly and destroys their brain.

The DTES is the epicenter of the Vancouver gang war and the unsafe injection site has become the root of the problem in the DTES. Using tax dollars to buy heroin is wrong. It is illegal and opens the floodgates to an absurd flurry of contradictions.

To start, if you are going to buy heroin with tax dollars to give to an addict, then who are you going to buy it from? You can’t grow it yourself so you are going to have to buy it from a drug dealer. So right there you not only committed an illegal act, you also used tax dollars to fund and support the biggest predator in East Vancouver that is preying on and exploiting the poor and mentally challenged. You are funding and fueling the gang war which is fighting over those profits. You are fueling the acceptance and tolerance of the drug dealers who torture and kill people for drug debts.

Once you buy heroin from a drug dealer for your tax funded perpetual pilot project, you can’t really turn around and arrest them for selling heroin. So you now create a tolerance area that is in violation with the law. This is the existing problem with needle exchanges and unsafe injection sites. As soon as you start handing out free needles you then let drug dealers sell drugs next door. This is a violation of the four pillars program. Needle exchanges are supposed to be exchanges. You hand in a used needle and get a new needle in return. Now they just hand them out like candy so the original problem of used needles turning up in schools, public places and on private property has increased exponentially.

At the Vancouver Occupy site a young girl died from a heroin over dose. Thankfully she was given a clean needle to kill herself with paid for with tax dollars. I realize the cost of needles is insignificant. Yet there are two concerns. One is the fact that the more needles we hand out, the more used needles get discarded in public. The other concern is that it sends the wrong message. Many of the people who have drug addictions are mentally challenged. The ones we kicked out of mental institutions we closed down to give Gordon Campbell and his cronies two big pay raises and a gold plated pension. Giving anyone especially someone who is mentally challenged a free needle or free crack pipe gives the impression that using it is OK. Well it must be OK, a “nurse” just gave it to me. This is the wrong message for us to give.

There are a huge number of problems this program has created. We have seen the results of this test. It has failed. There are more drug addicts on the street now than ever. If you want to see the Zombie Apocalypse, just walk down Main and Hastings on welfare night. These are human beings that we are turning into Zombies. What we are doing is wrong and it’s about time we woke up and took responsibility. This program is not the four pillars. This program is not the New York Model. I saw the New York Model. I saw it succeed. If we really care about these people we will give them homes not drugs and we will stop the cruel predators that are profiting from this nightmare.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

A salute to Michael Green and the TBM

I’ve made references to the TBM Fresh Start group in Denmark before but I just wanted to reemphasize what a great work they are doing. TBM is Danish for Gang Members Fresh Start. These are former gang members who have left the lifestyle and want a fresh start on life. Michael Green is the public face of the group and there are many anonymous members. Obviously leaving the lifestyle can also be very dangerous. Keeping with the Men in Black theme I refer to him as the Pitbull of Scandinavia.

Michael made reference to the number of treatment centers that help people get off drugs or overcome gambling problems. He then asks where are the programs to help people leave the gang life? There aren’t any. That is where TBM Fresh Start comes in. This is his struggle in his own words translated roughly by Google translate. I tried to fix the translation errors but I’m not very good with languages. Just realize this guy is the real deal and he’s totally sincere. This is the Easter Redemption. Word.


An old proverb says that all change is good, but the truth is something else, for there is something we humans really fear - change. Everything that can jeopardize our security makes us insecure, because it can not only change our daily lives, but also the rest of our life.

It’s the same for all the people who have lived the gang and biker life, for whether voluntarily or involuntarily leaving that environment, they will be forced to live with a new and completely different environment than they previously lived in.

Although all of the TBM has a different background and history of gang and biker life, there is no real big difference between us, we share what we fear most - change and that is what we now face. What before was normal and easy for us, is now a challenge and something difficult. We must adapt with everything, just to have a chance to start living a new life.

For me personally, every day is not only a challenge but a direct battle. It is the biggest challenge I've ever faced in my life, and the most important battle I’ll ever had to fight. 5 years ago I made my choice to leave the life I had lived for more than 20 years, which for me was as normal a life as it is for ordinary people who go to work 9 to 5, and each month get their salaries, which maintain their lifestyles.

I have not had a job since 1988, and my way of life and lifestyle were subsequently funded by the money I "made" until in 2006 the National bill sent me on an undeserved vacation, (Prison) but today I actually am happy it was assigned to me, because for the first time in my life I looked inward, and as did so I got the opportunity to change me.

No doubt without that holiday I would have lived the same life, and every day done the same thing without having to think about it or why I do that. Yet to be able to change something is the most important tool we have because it can only happen if we are motivated to do so. Without motivation we can’t accomplish anything. Although everything in my life before 2006 was much easier and less problematic, I would not swap it with the life I live now - in spite of every day I have to fight with everything that before did not exist in my life.

Whatever resistance I on my new road will meet or face - I shall deny myself that would lie down and give up - because I know I am the last to leave my struggle as the winner - maybe not a knock out, but with the guarantee of points.

Life has no meaning or value without goals, and for all of TBM it is the goal that life must have a new meaning and value, for otherwise this post had never been written. Contempt and judge us for the life we lived, but don’t punish us for the life we want to live side by side with you - because basically we would be just like to be like you - neither more nor less.

Michael Green

Spokesman, TBM

Canadian warship seizes 500 kilos of Heroin

Well this is somewhat ironic. Afghanistan is the largest heroin producing nation in the world. At least it was brought back to that status after the allied invasion. The Taliban had almost completely stopped the heroin production in Afghanistan the year before the invasion.

Yet the Department of National Defence says HMCS Toronto seized around 500 kilograms of heroin from a boat in the Indian Ocean on Friday. No doubt some of that could have ended up on Canadian streets. We have a freaking safe injection site for God’s sake where drug dealers sell it in public without consequence. Things that make ya go hmmm…

Edmonton Drugs and Shootings

Edmonton seems to be heating up as well. A double shooting in Edmonton left one dead last night. That’s their 5th murder for the New Year. No names have been released yet but Police say the shooting is also believed to be gang related. Two men were shot inside Mama's pizza at 28th avenue and Mill Woods Road around 10:30 pm Saturday night.

Saturday morning there was a shooting in the area of 108th Avenue and 111th Street. When police arrives, they found a male in is 20’s suffering from a gunshot wound. His injuries were serious but they are not considered life threatening. Last week a man known to the police was shot multiple times in southwest Edmonton.

Last week the Edmonton Drug and Gang Enforcement arrested and charged two suspects for drug trafficking. Search warrants were executed on two residences in the area of 165 Avenue and 56 Street, and at 113 Avenue and 122 Street on Friday, March 22, 2013 where guns, drug paraphernalia and 5.5 kilos of cocaine were seized. Roger Teixeira, 30 and Daniel Teixeira, 27, have been charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking as well as firearm offenses. Happy Easter. Someone must have forgot about the holiday.

Kim Bolan is also reporting that there was a triple shooting in Princeton, BC Saturday night which left two dead and one in serious condition. A suspect has already been apprehended.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Easter Environment

This year I have an Easter message. This year it’s not religious. Last year I talked about the Christian meaning of Easter. One blog reader thought it was a nice fantasy : ) Actually, I think it’s nice to see people sport morals without religion. Those people aren’t doing good to get a reward. They’re doing it because they believe it’s the right thing to do.

I saw the weather forecast for sun all weekend and knew I had to seize the day. You don’t have to be religious to get out there and worship the sun or the big blue marble we live on. I snowshoed up Hollyburn ridge before dawn and caught the sunrise over the mountains. Then I broke the kayak out at Third Beach and caught the sunset. A perfect day. That’s what I love about this time of year. You still have melting snow on the mountains you can enjoy and you can also go sailing or kayaking the same weekend or if you’re energetic, the same day.

I really enjoy hiking and snowshoeing in the mountains. That is my holy land. My Easter pilgrimage. There’s nothing better than getting the heart beating and breathing all that fresh air. Stopping to look at a big tree in admiration. Breathing in the fresh oxygen the tree produces and breathing out the carbon dioxide the tree uses. We are interdependent. That was a term Martin Luther King used in reference to social justice. Today I’m using the term to emphasize how connected we really are to the environment we live in.

We breath that air. Polluting that air is like shooting ourselves in the foot. It’s very short sighted. Just as clear cutting a forest is. Preston Manning told the media that taking care of the environment is being fiscally responsible. Indeed it is. He also said that’s a tough sell among Harper’s people. Indeed that is. They can’t grasp the concept at all.

Being fiscally responsible means you don’t leave your kids an over burdensome debt. Likewise it means not trashing the planet so they can enjoy it too with their kids. It’s time we start really embracing words like sustainability. We’ve got to overcome the selfish greed of short sighted self destruction.

With the rise of the Green Party it’s clear that you don’t have to be an eco terrorist to care about the planet. No one likes to see a beach or alpine trail covered with litter. Trashing the environment shows a lack of self respect. We need to think about the air we breath and the water we drink. We need to be better stewards of this marvelous ecosystem that we are very much a part of.

This was today's Easter Pilgrimage:

Metro Vancouver should end garbage incineration: study

Hells Angel arrested for 22 murders

Frédéric Landry-Hétu, a member of the Hells Angels wanted for 22 counts of murder and one of Quebec’s 10 most wanted criminals has been arrested this morning. The arrest warrant was issued April of 2009 under Operation SharQ.

The charges stem from a secret vote in 1994 taken by the entire Quebec membership of the Hells Angels. The membership voted in favour of engaging in a bloody turf war with the Rock Machine and contributed a portion of their drug profits to a fund for killing rival drug dealers. Kinda like we are now seeing in BC.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Bacchus accused of smuggling drugs in Halifax jail

CTV is reporting that earlier this month, 14 people were arrested in Halifax, Truro and Cape Breton and 43 charges were laid following a probe into drug trafficking at the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility in Halifax.

On Tuesday, RCMP issued a release saying it made another arrest on Monday evening as a result of its five-month probe of activities at the jail. Thirty-year-old David Bishop, a member of Bacchus MC, was arrested during a search of a residence on Chelmsford Street in Halifax.

He is facing charges of trafficking cocaine and steroids, possession of steroids, resisting arrest, unsafe storage of ammunition, possession of cannabis resin, two counts of possessing a prohibited weapon and one count of breaching court conditions.

Happy Easter Buttkiss. Say Hi to the three stooges in the dumb house crew this weekend. Cocaine and steroids. If those hillbillies had half a brain they’d be dangerous.