Your alternate news source. Connecting the dots between politics and organized crime.
Let the Ghetto Gospel go forward into every hood possible." Ja Rule
Getting the Gangsters out of Government. Podcast - Vlog
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Misconceptions: A Free Ebook by Gangsters Out
Several people have asked me about writing a book. I’ve been hesitant because I never indented to make money off this web site or blog. It is strictly volunteer because it is a cause I sincerely believe in. Yet making a free ebook would solve that problem so here it is.
It’s not a novel. It’s more like a booklet or a paper but it is longer than a blog post and it is completely free. To appease the masses it starts off about the Hells Angels. Yet it does get into political corruption and corruption on Wall Street. It even mentions 9/11 so if you have any fears or paranoia about conspiracy theories please don’t read it. It’ll make you go blind. Either that or it will open your eyes for once.
Here's the link. You can download it for free. It’s in pdf so I think every system can read it including my daughters tablet. It’s not much but it’s something that matters to me if no one else. Cheers.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Vandu feeds the gang war by drug promotion
The other day the Vancouver Province reported that Vandu, the Vancouver Drug Users Association, was receiving special treatment from City Hall and skipped the requirement to get a building permit. Let me be clear. Vandu has absolutely nothing do do with harm reduction. Their mandate is to promote drug abuse and feed the gang war by creating more addicts.
There is no way they should be exempt from building codes and there is no way they should be getting tax dollars to operate. In February the Vancouver Courier reported that VANDU gets $250,000 from the province and $20,000 from the city hall. The Vancouver Province reported that the month after the Vancouver Courier article Vancouver City Hall gave Vandu another $10,000 to make that $30,000 for the year. Tax dollars.
So once again we see elected officials spending tax dollars on the promotion of drug addiction and the abandonment of the four pillars program. That is the problem. We can talk about the gang war all we want. We can talk about helping stop the violence in the gang wear all we want. As long as we are spending tax dollars on the promotion of drug addiction in the name of harm reduction all those conversations are in vain because we are supporting the gang war with tax dollars.
Harm reduction has failed and it has absolutely nothing to do with the promotion of heath. It does the opposite. It uses tax dollars to help people poison themselves and commit suicide. Harm reduction didn’t save Ashley Machiskinic. Buying addicts free drugs with tax dollars is not the answer either. We might as well cut a cheque directly to the Hells Angels. Oh but wait City Hall already did that.
City Hall bought the Drake hotel from the Hells Angels for social housing and gave them $2 million more than it was worth. How does that relate to Mayor Gregor Robertson's foster son's firearm and cocaine charges? Who was he selling cocaine for? You ask why I write about the Hells Angels control of the drug trade? You ask why I write about corruption in politics? This is why. They are using tax dollars to support gang related violence and organized crime.
Operation Mockingbird
There are two things we need to look at. The recent news of a senor RCMP officer stealing cocaine from an evidence locker doesn’t surprise us. It’s not hard for us to conceive of a corrupt police officer or a corrupt politician. Why then is it so hard to conceive of a corrupt secret service agent? The clowns caught stiffing a prostitute in Columbia were anything but professional.
All this brings us back to Michael Riconosciuto. The RCMP did an investigation of that case and the frustrated investigating officers’ conclusion was that they weren’t allowed to tell the public what they found. It was classified. I can tell you this, if Michael Riconosciuto was guilty and the allegations he made about the CIA were false, the RCMP wouldn’t hesitate saying so. That information wouldn’t be classified as it would support the official version. The only thing that would be classified is if Michael was telling the truth. Yet keeping an unlawful secret is unlawful.
The other thing we need to look at is the agency’s control of the media. Operation Northwoods isn’t all Allan Dulles was famous for. He was also involved with Operation Mockingbird. This was a CIA campaign to influence the media in the /50’s and continues to this day. It involved recruiting leading American journalists into a network to help present the CIA's views. Following the shell company model, Operation Mockingbird was a maze of CIA front magazines and cultural groups. They ran leftist papers and attempted to infiltrate leftist organizations.
Which of course brings us to the Obama deception. After graduating from Columbia University, Obama worked for a CIA front company called Business International Corporation (BIC). BIC was a CIA front company that used journalists as non-official cover (NOC) agents around the world. This is crossing the line. Using a journalist as a CIA assets puts all journalists’ safety at risk. It also undermines the credibility of the freedom of the press. It is frighteningly familiar to big brothers control of the media.
We know MI6 were caught red handed giving false information about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction to the media. It was called Operation Mass Appeal. They knowingly gave the media false information to justify an invasion. That means they didn’t just make a mistake. They intentionally sent the media false information to justify the invasion of a sovereign state.
We know someone sent the press release about the third tower falling too soon. BBC reported it falling before it fell. After a huge public outcry BBC said just because they reported the third tower falling before it fell doesn’t mean they were in on the conspiracy. It just meant they made a mistake. Saying something happened when it didn’t happen, that’s a mistake. Reporting a bank robbery before it happened isn’t a mistake, it’s a security breach.
More recently, Anderson Cooper of CNN has been accused of working for the CIA. During college, Cooper spent two summers as an intern at the Central Intelligence Agency. Many find Anderson Cooper’s use of a green screen in the Sandy Hook funeral interview questionable. Weathermen use green screens to show the weather. Movies use green screens to add special effects. In some ways many of our modern news reports seem like a fictional movie made by big brother.
Jesse Ventura brought up a good point. When he was elected Governor of Minnesota he was interrogated by the CIA. They wanted to know how he pulled off the election. Then he had a question for them. The CIA doesn’t have jurisdiction in the United States. That’s the FBI. What are they doing asking him questions on American soil? Indeed. What are they doing controlling the American media as well? That would overstep their mandate.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Merrit RCMP Chief pleads guilty to stealing cocaine
Stuart Seib, the former RCMP commander in Merrit, BC pleaded guilty to stealing and using cocaine from an evidence locker. This is an old story but he recently pleaded guilty in February. His sentencing was supposed to be April 9th in Kelowna but I haven’t seen any news of what happened yet.
As I recall, the disturbing part of this case was that he was caught because he told a subordinate about it. That would imply he thought the subordinate would have been OK with it which he was thankfully not. That leads us to ask how many other subordinates knew about what he was doing and were OK with it. One of the places he previously served in was Prince George.
Boston bombing suspect killed
After releasing more photos of two possible suspects in the Boston bombing the media announced the suspects were on the run and that a Boston suburb was in lockdown. Now after a fire fight we hear one suspect has been killed and one is on the loose. How convenient. Murder without trial in another suspicious attack. They're sure fast in sending press releases out. At least they didn't send that one out before the actual bombing this time. Here’s another view of the suspects.
Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. I'll get on my knees and pray we don't get fooled again. At least someone of us won’t. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Unfortunately, you can fool some of the people until the end of time.
The suspects Aunt was skeptical and said the picture looked staged. When asked who staged the picture, she told reporters that the tactic of blaming someone else for a tragedy that serves your own purposes reminds her of when she lived in the Soviet Union and had to be constantly wary as an oppressed minority. Imagine that. Just like the Soviet Union where people didn’t have a right to a fair trial.
“I’m a lawyer back home. Give me evidence. I participated in court sessions, where I had to prove the guilt of others,” said Maret Tsarnaev from outside her Etobicoke apartment. “Do the same here, show me evidence, give me more than a photo. But to be convinced that my nephews committed to these atrocities, convince me. Then come back and get my reaction and ask me how I feel.”
Excellent point. Oh but wait, he can’t have a fair trial and we can’t see any evidence because they just murdered him without a trial. Again. Alex Jones supports the false flag theory. He spotted a couple of contractors from Craft International, more Blackwater mercenaries operating under a different name at the Boston Marathon. They had backpacks too.
Chechnya is one of the places that Russia has been accused of using false flag attacks themselves. In 1999, the Russian KGB allegedly conducted a wave of bombings in Russia in order to justify war against Chechnya and put Vladimir Putin into power. This was apparently a false flag attack wrongfully blamed on Chechen terrorists.
September 22, 1999, locals in the regional town of Ryazan saw three men emerging from the cellars of a block of flats who later turned out to be FSB officers. When local police checked the cellars they found sacks of high explosive wired up to a detonator. The FSB later attempted to explain away the incident by claiming that the entire operation was a training exercise.
A Noble Lie The Oklahoma City Bombing
Bo Grits Oklahoma City Bombing
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Godzilla says No Referendum
Locally, here on the western front, Godzilla says we don’t need a referendum on how to raise funding for translink. No big surprise there. Christy Clark announced Monday that any potential revenue sources suggested by the mayors, such as tolls on all roads and bridges, would be subject to a referendum during the municipal elections in November 2014. The move, she said, would allow people to have the chance to decide how much transit they want to pay for.
Three cheers. Christy said something that made perfect sense and she doesn’t have to wait for Godzilla’s approval to put the question on the ballot. Just don’t load the referendum question by saying something dumb like How should we get funding for translink: raise property tax, create a regional sales tax or toll every bridge and freeway under the sun. How about none of the above.
The spoilt brat mayors council needs to stop spending money they don’t have and building new lines to Timbuktu. Translink should be self sufficient. They already get an extra billion dollars a year in extra regional gas taxes. That means something is wrong and needs to be fixed before we pour more money into it. We need to put in turnstiles that actually work and stop giving a million free rides a year. We also need to stop building more lines until the system starts to turn a profit. No private business keeps spending money it doesn’t have.
Godzilla doesn’t want a referendum because she knows a real referendum won’t say the same thing her bogus online poll did that claimed the people want her to raises taxes and toll everything.
Speaking of the corrupt mayor’s council and Translink, if the World Bank has just banned SNCL from World Bank projects for the next 10 years, who gave SNCL the contract for the new Evergreen line we don’t need? Even Pee Wee Herman jumped ship. Doesn't he advise Christy Clark and Stephen Harper?
Sarkozy and the Karachi affair
I’ve talked about Nicolas Sarkozy: le chien sale before. How one minute he was trying to convince the world we should trust Gadaffi with nuclear weapons because he wanted to sell him a nuclear reactor and the next minute he was leading the invasion into Libya after Gadaffi decided to buy a reactor from somewhere else.
We even talked about the campaign contributions Gadaffi gave Sarkozy when he was trying to sell Libya French reactors. His latest scandal is being accused of taking advantage of a rich elderly woman in France who has dementia and sucking campaign contributions out of her. Like that comes as any big surprise.
However, since the topic of Pakistan has come up, we really need to talk about his involvement in the Karachi affair. That scandal dates back to 1994 when Sarkozy was budget minister in a government led by his ally and mentor, Prime Minister Édouard Balladur. The Balladur government sealed a deal to sell three Agosta 90 submarines to Pakistan for an estimated $950m. To secure the contract large bribes were allegedly paid to Pakistani politicians and military, as well as commissions to middlemen.
The key issue is whether around €2m of illegal kickbacks from the sale were secretly funneled back to France to fund Balladur's unsuccessful 1995 presidential campaign. As budget minister, Sarkozy would have authorized the financial elements of the submarine sale. At the time he was also treasurer and spokesman for Balladur's campaign.
The initial claim was that France was supposed to pay kickbacks and commissions to Pakistan for the submarines but failed to do so. As a result, “terrorists” bombed French engineers. The pivotal point is that Sarkozy set up a shell company so some of the kickbacks would be funneled back to him. He had his best man carry the cash. So he is the one that would be upset the kickbacks didn’t happen. I’m not saying he bombed the French engineers and blamed it on terrorists but I am saying he had a motive to do so and that is the root of the allegations.
Now, when we look at a dirty scoundrel like Sarkozy, we recognize he is what he is. However, that doesn’t mean we have to go from one extreme to the other. In France Sarkozy represents the Right. As a result of all his many scandals, he was just defeated by the socialist party. Just because one guy is bad, doesn’t mean we have to go from one extreme to the other. Take Cuba.
The Americans supported the Batista government in Cuba. They were bad. They were corrupt and tied to organized crime. This is where the CIA screw up with their insane idea that the end justifies the means. We’ll team up with the Mafia to fight communism. Ah, let’s not. Let’s not support the mafia because one is no better than the other.
Kennedy vetoed Operation Northwoods but he approved Operation Mongoose. In that operation the CIA teamed up with the Mafia in Cuba. September 1960, Allen W. Dulles, the director of the CIA, initiated talks with two leading figures of the Mafia, Johnny Roselli and Sam Giancana. Later, other crime bosses such as Carlos Marcello, Santos Trafficante and Meyer Lansky became involved in this plot against Castro. Bad decision. Allen W. Dulles also supported Operation Northwoods.
It’s like here in Canada. The mayor of Toronto is an abusive drunk. He cries and claims people oppose him because he’s right wing. No, people oppose him because he’s an abusive drunk. Why people like Stephen Harper cozy up to a clown like that is hard to comprehend. The Right needs to make better choices. It’s as though they are trying to push people to the left with all the idiots they choose to represent them.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Boston Marathon Bombing
I think we are all in shock over the news of two bombs going off at the Boston Marathon yesterday. The Boston Marathon is a world famous nonviolent event. How anyone could mar that with such and act of random violence is very difficult to comprehend. Just as difficult to understand as someone walking into a school or a movie theater and shooting innocent civilians. Incomprehensible.
Acts of terror, as revolting as they may be, supply us with a motive. Someone is angry about some foreign policy and takes out revenge on innocent civilians. Yet the timing of this horrible event is baffling. There is no current aggressive military action. The US have pulled out of Iraq, things are winding down in Afghanistan. Any enemy of the United States knows very well that any kind of terrorist attack on innocent civilians on American soil would outrage the world and result is a swift retaliation. Everyone knows that. So why do it?
I know I’m not the only one thinking it and as treasonous as it may sound, the real treason is to bury our head in the sand and refuse to consider all options. Including the possibility that our greatest enemy currently in the one from within.
John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Although many conspiracy theories abound over who did it and why, the fact remains that he was indeed assassinated. He was assassinated after he vetoed Operation Northwoods and fired the Director of the CIA, Alan Dulles. Operation Northwoods was a historical fact.
I know many will start to scream in a hysteric frenzy at this point. Let them scream. No one can deny the existence of Operation Northwoods and our failure to examine that text today is treason. The plan, as submitted by the Director of the CIA and signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was a plan to kill American civilians on American soil and blame it on Cuba to gain public support to invade Cuba during the Cuban missile crisis.
This text needs to be discussed and examined because the fact that plan got as far as it did is astounding. What if Kennedy didn’t veto it? They would have implemented that obscene plan. We need to think about that. We need to talk about that. We need to remember that. It is of huge significance.
Four years after Kennedy’s assassination, the USS Liberty was “mistakenly” attacked and President Johnston recalled the air support. That is something we need to think about. That is something we need to discuss. That is something we need to remember. That too has a huge significance in understanding this enemy from within.
The Gary Webb story is real. The drug trafficking the Agency did out of Mena Arkansas though Barry Seal and Chip Tatum was repeated in Operation Fast and Furious. As heart wrenching as the thought is, it’s something we have to face. If the Agency is capable of trafficking drugs, what else is it capable of? If they planned to kill innocent civilians to gain public support for a military action once, could they ever conceivably consider it again?
Michael Moore was astounded that the senators that voted on the Patriot Act hadn’t even read it. One Senator explained to him that they don’t read most of the bills they vote on. Yet the National Defense Authorization Act that was passed under Obama’s watch is even worse. It gave the military power to set up checkpoints and search civilians at will and arrest them with out charge, trial or legal representation as long as they deemed the person to be a domestic terrorist. At the same time England classified everyone in the occupy movement as a domestic terrorist. This act of treason is a violation of the US Constitution and the Bill of rights.
That’s the point. The Constitution now hangs by a thread. The greatest enemy there is at this time who is eroding and violating the US Constitution is this enemy from within. The Karachi affair.
The FBI have released photos of two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing. How on earth is a kitchen pressure cooker packed with explosives and nails going to fit in either of these two bags?
Obama fooled us. He hasn’t closed Guantanamo bay. The US troops are protecting opium fields in Afghanistan. Operation Fast and Furious happened under his watch. Guess who paid for Obama’s education? After graduating from Columbia University, Obama worked for a CIA front company called Business International Corporation (BIC). Sibel Edmons sums it up well in her boiling frogs blog.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Brittney Irving - April 6th 2010
One of Brittney Irving’s friends wrote in and asked me to write about her case since it was the three year anniversary of her murder. This case concerns me. Along with the murder of Geoff Meisner and Dain Philips it was the focus of the Kelowna Summer Jam last year.
It’s yet another heart wrenching tale of a beautiful young woman cut down in her prime. Someone who was addicted to oxy and excited about going into treatment once and for all. Joey Verma, originally from the Independent Soldiers and associated with the Kingpin Crew was charged in her murder. The voir dire is set for June 2013 and the trial is set for September 2013. Finally.
Just prior to her murder, Brittney was arrested after RCMP raided a grow-op at her home. She was selling pot to pay for her oxy addiction. She had decided to go into treatment and was on one last drug deal at the Days Inn hotel. She was last seen by a family member at the Days Inn but left to visit someone about the drug deal in Rutland. We know another tragedy occurred in Rutland. The murder of Dain Philips. Robert Thomas and Norm Cocks have been charged in that murder.
The night before Brittney disappeared one of her friends claim when referring to this last drug deal: "She said, 'I'm going to meet someone that is a real bad person, and I'm scared of doing what I'm going to do. But this is the last time, don't convince me not to.”
If Britney was running a grow op in her home, it was for the Hells Angles. If she wanted to get out of the business she would have had to meet with someone further up the food chain. Leaving the business isn’t something these predators take kindly too. Making up a false report about her being an informant would be a common excuse to kill her. They made the same false report up about Geoff Meisner when they found someone else to do his Vegas run for less money.
If Joey has been charged in her murder, no doubt he could have been involved. Yet this whole theory of him ripping her off and killing her as a drug rip is a bit far fetched. As I said before, if he was acting on his own and ripped her off, he would have left town because he would have been ripping off the Hells Angels. Yet he didn’t. He stayed in town doing business as usual. In fact he even got a VP tattoo for Vice President and was reported to be recruiting for the Kingpin Crew in prison as though it was a sanctioned hit.
So we can use Joey as a scape goat for the murder but the bottom line is that someone further up the food chain had to have called the hit. Richard Goldhammer is the one who was overseeing the Kingpin Crew on behalf of the Hells Angels. At least he was when Geoff Meisner was murdered. Somehow I think these two cases are connected.
The press got a hold of Tammy’s court application to try and get Geoff deemed legally dead so she could sell some assets to feed her kids. In that report she admitted that Geoff was affiliated with the Kingpin Crew and the Hells Angels. That would implicate Dale and Dick. Seeing how Dale was just a low life puppet. Oh I mean low level. My bad. Sounds like things aren’t going too well for him and his crew right now. In fact it would implicate all of the Kelowna Hells Angels. Just like in Quebec where they are all being tried for murder because they contributed part of their drug profits to a fund to murder rival drug dealers.
Brittney’s Ford Explorer was found parked in a pullout on Philpott Road near Highway 33 in Joe Rich. That’s on the way to Big White. I drove past there last month. It’s beautiful out there. Lots of nice scenery Brittney would have enjoyed taking pictures of. Brittney worked as a care aid and would often go in to work on her days off. "Not because she got paid to do it, but rather because she enjoyed the people she worked with." May she rest in peace.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
David Bishop sentenced for drug trafficking in Halifax prison
David Bishop was just sentenced to two and a half years for drug trafficking in Halifax prison. Bishop wore Bacchus clothing to his meetings with a police agent he sold drugs to. During their conversations, he talked about having two jail guards working for him and said he had lost $17,000 when Malcolm Beaton was arrested.
Malcolm Beaton, a former corrections officer, was arrested last October and faces charges of breach of trust, possession of hydromorphone and marijuana for the purpose of trafficking and conspiracy to traffic in the drugs. It’s the third time in just over three years that a member of the justice system has been charged with trying to sneak drugs into the jail. A lawyer was arrested in July 2009 and a sheriff’s deputy was nabbed in October 2009.
No word on Bacchus getting their butts kicked at the Hells Angels party with the Gate Keepers. Perhaps it’s just another name change since Bacchus has criminal organization charges in the works. That way if the police seize Bacchus clubhouses the Hells Angels can still run Gate Keeper clubhouses. Until they get caught committing criminal acts for the Hells Angels as well.
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