Sunday, April 21, 2013

Misconceptions: A Free Ebook by Gangsters Out

Several people have asked me about writing a book. I’ve been hesitant because I never indented to make money off this web site or blog. It is strictly volunteer because it is a cause I sincerely believe in. Yet making a free ebook would solve that problem so here it is.

It’s not a novel. It’s more like a booklet or a paper but it is longer than a blog post and it is completely free. To appease the masses it starts off about the Hells Angels. Yet it does get into political corruption and corruption on Wall Street. It even mentions 9/11 so if you have any fears or paranoia about conspiracy theories please don’t read it. It’ll make you go blind. Either that or it will open your eyes for once.

Here's the link. You can download it for free. It’s in pdf so I think every system can read it including my daughters tablet. It’s not much but it’s something that matters to me if no one else. Cheers.


  1. Thanks for writing this. Most informative.

    1. Thanks. It touches on several points I think are important.

  2. Saw your blog mentioned in the Bacon Bros. book by Jerry Langton. Any comments on the book? He's been criticized quite badly in the past for not having his story straight.

    1. My only concern was the title. The last thing we want to do is glorify the Bacon bits. I think that’s the concern Chris Mohan’s mother expressed. I haven’t read the book but the author is pretty credible. He used to be an editor for a New York paper and wrote many books including one on the Mexican cartel after spending time in Mexico researching it. I had one person write in and say they didn’t like it but I also had another person write in and say they did like it. I recommend another book he wrote about Walter Stadnick.


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