Friday, July 12, 2013

US Treasury Department lists Israeli drug network

Here’s a link to a story a blog reader just posted in the CSIS thread. The United States Treasury Department claims Israelis played a lead role in an international drug money laundering ring. Ten Panamanian companies, 11 Colombian companies and one based in Israel allegedly built a network that laundered hundreds of millions of dollars of drug money. Kinda like “lord” Strathclyde and the HSBC did for the Mexican cartels.

I think it’s amusing an American agency will finally point the finger at an Israeli connection to drug trafficking without even mentioning Oliver North. Oliver North was the drug dealing kingpin of Iran Contra. Mossad and the Israeli drug dealers worked for and with him. Paul Lir Alexander‏ is another. Could explain why a brick of cocaine turned up in BC with a Star of David stamped on it.

Even New York Stock Exchange Chairman Richard Grasso supported FARC in Columbia. Why isn’t Richard Grasso on their drug kingpin list? I guess that would implicate all of Wall Street.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

CSIS is the real enemy from within

"Phil Gibson is president of Beaumont Communications Inc., a public safety and security consultancy. He spent more than a decade in national security, as director-general of communications for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. He began his career as a journalist working in provincial and national affairs." He is the enemy within.

He just wrote a bs article supporting CSIS' Surrey Pressure cooker nonsense. Think about it. He was the director-general of communications for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, now runs a public safety and security consultancy front company for them and began his career as a journalist. You can’t get any cornier than that. Phil Gibson is a regular columnist at Operation Mockingbird is in full effect.

Alex Roslin from the Now Toronto reported that while he was at the annual conference of the Canadian Association of Security and Intelligence Studies in Ottawa, Phil Gibson, CSIS director-general of communications, calls on the intelligence community to write letters to the Globe complaining about reporting they don’t like. The crowd erupts in applause.

This is a clear example of how the Canadian Intelligence agency is actively trying to con Canadians through the media as they embezzle billions of tax dollars from them. Vic Toews won't say why CSIS held Jeffrey Delisle’s file from the RCMP. We know why CSIS wouldn't share their information about the Air India bombing with the RCMP – because CSIS’ handler helped organized it and provided the explosives for it.

Phil Gibson is one of the men that should be tried for murder in the Air India bombing. He should not be a credible media source any more than Oliver North who is a Fox News host. Even the former watchdog for CSIS has been charged with fraud after he was caught wiring money to an Israeli arms dealer tied to Iran contra. That is a public security threat.

Personally, I think the artist’s sketch on the front page of today’s Surrey Leader is ridiculous propaganda. They are intentionally trying to make him look like a crazed terrorist by intentionally distorting his appearance in the drawing. No wonder the Toronto Star considers their shares in the Surrey leader to be worthless. The Surrey Leader has officially descended to tabloid status.

Nuttall's lawyer states that it is his understanding U.S. authorities were also involved and that there was some sort of "Mr. Big" component, wherein undercover agents pose as criminals to befriend and draw confessions from suspected criminals. US Intelligence agencies perhaps? Big surprise. And their handler said: We'll set everything up for you. All you have to do is say yes.

Manitoba proceeds of crime seizure

The Brandon Sun is reporting that a series of property seizures yesterday morning are related to a massive drug bust from October. In the October bust, 56 kilograms of marijuana and two kilograms of cocaine were seized along with $2 million worth of ecstasy, marijuana, cocaine and psilocybin.

Lots of names listed so I’m going to have to sort through them to determine if it was a Rock Machine bust or a Hells Angels bust. I’m told even the UN is supplying the RM out that way.

I’m told that a 2007 Ferrari is one of the seized vehicles. Since one of the suspects arrested in the October bust is from Calgary, I have to wonder if it's the Ferrari our Austin Powers friend crashed into the Atlantic ocean a while back. They do say pride cometh before the fall.

Those involved in the property seizure under file number CI13-01-84362 in the Manitoba court registry are: Jayant David Venn, Garret James Dykun, Reid Arnold Dykun, Brian Jace Decosse, Jordon Shields, Kathleen Ruth Matheos and Sean Howe.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Shooting in Burnaby

The Burnaby NewsLeader is reporting that "A 19-year-old man is recovering in hospital after being shot several times early Wednesday morning near the Sperling SkyTrain station, say Burnaby RCMP. Just after 1 a.m. the man was shot in the arm and body, around Greenwood Avenue and Winston Street. He was taken to hospital with serious but non-life threatening injuries. No one else was injured." CBC is reporting that "Police say the victim knew the shooter and investigators believe the shooting was targeted. The victim is known to police." The Vancouver Sun reported three Burnaby shootings in April.

Quebec Train derailment

The train derailment and fire in Quebec has been a complete tragedy. The Globe and Mail is reporting that “The Transportation Safety Board of Canada has confirmed a railway employee was present at the scene when firefighters dealt with a locomotive blaze, just before the freight train carrying crude oil careened at high speeds into Lac-Mégantic and exploded.”

“The safety board's comments at a briefing in town Tuesday morning follow comments by the head of the company at the centre of the tragedy that suggested firefighters had shut down the locomotive – disabling its brakes – hours before it rolled out of control.”

Somehow we’ve gone from that to “Oh the brakes had been tampered with” and a criminal probe is under way. That’s much more believable than saying someone screwed up. Let’s even seize the day and call it a terrorist attack.

We know that when CN was privatized the greedy corporation obsessed with profits greatly reduced brake maintenance and made longer trains. Here in BC with all the mountains and hills, that meant an increase in train derailments. If that was the case, then a legal liability would naturally follow and the company certainly wouldn’t want that.

Like any serious traffic accident, before we start arguing about blame, we need to tend to the dead and injured and grieve the tragedy. In time an investigation will take place as to cause and fault. Let’s take time for due process before we jump to dramatic conclusions. When trains go fast down hills they derail because their brakes fail, not because of a fire.

Quebec police inspector Michel Forget ruled out terrorism as a cause, but said Tuesday that an array of other possibilities remain under investigation, including criminal negligence. Criminal negligence in this case would include the company laying off employees and reducing brake maintenance. After all, the president of the railway at the centre of the Lac-Megantic tragedy admitted that the handbrakes on his company's train might not have been applied properly.

The Ottawa citizen is reporting that “Burkhardt appeared to take responsibility for the disaster, saying the handbrakes might not have been properly applied on the train, a different response from previous days when the company appeared to blame firefighters.” Our condolences to everyone in Quebec who has lost loved ones through this tragedy.

Update: Former rail engineer speaks out about cost cutting safety hazards

Guilty pleas in UN murder trial

Kim Bolan has been doing some pretty rock solid reporting on the UN murder trial while I was away. I have a bit different spin on it but she was present in court and described some of the new facts presented. The big news is that five members of the UN gang pleaded guilty on Monday to their involvement in what Kim describes as a 14 month campaign to murder the Bacon brothers which culminated in the Kelowna shooting that killed Jonathon Bacon and wounded Larry Amero.

The five guilty pleas included Barzan Tilli-Choli and Karwan Ahmet Saed who were in the car with Sarah Treble (who shared a car lease with Larry Amero) and Nicola Cottrell when they tried shooting the Bacon brothers outside Tbarz in Surrey. Which is still owned by White Rock Hells Angel Randy Jones. Well, he finally took the strip bar out of his mother’s name and called it Shakerz so they don’t seize it in the US indictment, but he still owns it. He’s just gone from the White Rock chapter to the Surrey girl chapter along with Larry Amero and the Chipmunks. Someone has to run the business for those idiots.

Another member of the fantastic five who pleaded guilty on Monday was the star of the Romanian Strazile, Ion Kroitoru aka K-9. The former wrestler who was involved with the shooting of the guy who was borrowing Jamie Bacon’s car to fix the stereo. He killed the guy borrowing Jamie’s car instead of Jamie. That was a real tragedy indeed. K-9 was the first person that came to my mind when the Kelowna shooting occurred. Only he was incarcerated at the time so that ruled him out. I think K-9 was there when Michael Plante and the Hells Angels got their ass kicked in Brandi’s.

The fact that the UN and the Bacon brothers were killing each other in the Vancouver gang war is nothing new. The war between the UN and the Red Scorpions broke wide open when the Bacon dirt bags conspired to commit the Surrey Six where two innocent victims were killed so they couldn’t be witnesses. At the Surrey Six the Bacon brothers took over the Red Scorpion gang which used to be affiliated with the UN and made them affiliated with the Hells Angels. That is what started the war.

I don’t see it as Clay being obsessed with a monopoly on the drug trade. I see it as the Hells Angels continuing their obsession with a monopoly on the drug trade. Only the fact that the Hells Angels were supplying and supporting the Bacon garbage didn’t become public knowledge until the Kelowna shooting where Larry Amero came out of the closet with his relationship with Jonathon Bacon and as he was loud and proud bragging about it right before he was shot. They do say pride cometh before the fall. Getting shot by an idiot like Klun Klutz has gotta be embarrassing.

The revelation was that the Hells Angels were supplying and supporting the Bacon dirt bags all along. Only at the time they were lying about their support of the Bacon brothers and were using the UN until they were all arrested. That is how they do business. The 2009 shooting of the two Hells Angels supporters from Kamloops in Mexico happened after the two UN members Elliott Castenada and Ahmet (Lou) Kaawach were gunned down in Mexico back in 2008. That was tied to Bandgera Gold which was charged with laundering money for the UN. Even when that was going on, Hells Angels were involved with the directors of that company trying to take it over from the inside. Slimy backstabbing dirtbags. Salih Abdulaziz Sahbaz from the UN was then gunned down in Mexico January of this year. He had taken over for Elliot.

I said from the beginning of this blog and web site after the Surrey Six, the Hells Angels have been the driving force behind the Vancouver gang war all along. Demonizing the UN isn’t going to change the fact that the Hells Angels won and took over the drug trade in BC through deception, lies, murder and betrayal. We all know any monopolies in any market is not a good thing. Whether it be a corporate monopoly of the oil industry consumed in greed or the Hells Angels violent control of the drug trade. It’s all bad. Just ask Ashley Machiskinic and Janice Shore.

One blog reader pointed out that the Outlaws claim to have two chapters in Alberta. One in Edmonton and the other in Cypress county. We recently heard that the police made an arrest in Alberta of suspects who they claimed were members of the Outlaws MC. That is, the Outlaws MC not just members of an OMG. Alberta would be considered Western Canada. Kinda like what Alex Caine said that everyone was freaking out about. Me thinks they doth protest too much.


Update: Evidently the murder trial has produced wire taps of Clay ordering the Bacon brothers murder. The fantastic five have been accused of murdering Bobby DeGeorgio and Jessica Amber Illes who were likely selling for the Bacon Brothers or the Independent soldiers who in turn work for the Hells Angels. Robert Carr personally posted on Bobby Degeorgio's RIP page. Carr was convicted in the Safi kidnapping with Thomas Crawford.

The UN targeted HA affiliated dealers as Karwan Saed said “they were hunting us, we were hunting them.” Since the police are so determined to actively hunt down and lock up every Hells Angel rival in the Vancouver drug war, why don’t they give a rat’s ass about the murder of Lindsey Buziak? Looks like the Hells Angels have still won this violent monopoly on the drug trade in BC. I can't even list all the causalities of their monopoly. Let's start with the brutality of Big Tony.


Barzan Tilli-Choli is to be deported to Iraq after serving his 14 Year sentence. Dan Russell killed Jonathan Barber, Croituru's lawyers were successful in removing the Barber murder charge from Croituru's list. Croituru wasn't convicted in that murder.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Camping on Vargas Island

Well I took the kayak to a place where the streets have no name alright. In fact, there are no streets there at all. Vargas Island off of Tofino in Clayquot Sound. It was awesome but humbling. It’s a bit more advanced than some of the local trips in Vancouver. There are so many factors to consider – tides, currents, waves, surf and of course that surprise fog that sweeps in and covers everything.

Notwithstanding the challenges it is without question very rewarding. Seeing gray whales feeding close by when I was in the kayak was a highlight. I stopped in and saw one of the tour group leaders I met and told him where I was going. He said on that route you’ll likely see gray whales. I was a bit nervous going whale watching from my kayak since I had heard a rumor about one coming up for air and capsizing a boat. He said not to worry, if you see one just knock on your kayak so they know where you are so that I did.

The fog rolled in and I went right past my destination on Ahous Bay. I must have been a bit far out and that fog covers everything. It was late in the afternoon so the waves were starting to pick up. I tried my first surf landing in the kayak at a beach further up and failed miserably. I thought if I cut the wave at an angle I could ride the wave like a surfer. Wrong. If you’re not straight in against the waves, the wave with spin you sideways against the wave and flip you over. That it did.

Further down I tried another spot. This time I went straight in. One wave, two wave three wave and push. I made it. Hoa! That was awesome. Same thing with putting into the surf. Straight in. One wave, two wave splash and your through Hoa. That is awesome.

I had planned on going further on to White Sand beach and exploring Flores Island but wasn’t sure about these high surf landings so I saved it for another day. After I got my fire lit, I noticed my barbeque lighter was jammed so I tapped it on the side and snapped it in two. My bad. Makes it kind of hard to light fires for subsequent dinners. I got the morning fire going from the coals the night before.

Saw wolf tracks two beaches up from Ahous. A guy camping there from Outward Bound said the wolves had found a seal carcass and dragged it onto the next beach. You do have to be careful of the wolves there. During the night and in the morning that famous fog rolled in covering the seafront. You could hear the ocean but you couldn’t see it. It’s kind of an awesome sight in the morning. I put in during the fog on my way back and hugged the coast. Very challenging in the fog with zero visibility. Not to worry, it usually clears up later in the day.

Sadly these are the only two photos I got since my camera got more water damage on the failed surf landing. The top one is from a plane that was posted on the Internet. If you do make it to Ahous Bay, land where the arrow is. The waves are much easier to land there. As I was pulling in I saw another whale in the bay. Pretty awesome.

This last one is of one of the two biggest landmarks in the area for paddlers, Catface mountain right beside Lone cone. This is the mountain they want to blow the top off of and turn into an open pit mine. That kind of greed is purely irresponsible. Their ten foot trailing pool will leak toxins into the water just like in Chile and nearby in Toquaht Bay where they recently found arsenic in the beach from an old steal mine. They just don’t care. That’s why we have to.

The Majesty of Clayoquot Sound

Sunday, July 7, 2013

This song is for all the undecided

There’s a popular song on the radio called Some Nights by Fun. It’s got a catchy beat just like Stomp by Serena Ryder. Yet when I listen to the words of the song, it’s something that I can’t personally relate to although my heart feels for. One of the lines in the chorus reads what do I stand for? I don’t know. Not knowing what I stand for is something I’ve never had a problem with. Yet in a world of confusion and deception it’s easy to see how someone could feel that way.

The music video takes place during the American civil war and shows a young soldier amidst that conflict wondering what side he should be on. For me the American civil war was pretty cut and dry. Good versus evil. Right versus wrong. Those who supported the constitution and those who opposed it. Some claim it was about independence versus national amalgamation but ultimately it was about slavery. Do you support or oppose slavery?

A few years ago a brother from Boston wrote a humorous rant about a modern political conflict entitled F*ck the South. He referred to the American civil war and said let them separate. Who wants to be part of a nation with people who are willing to fight a war for the right to own and keep slaves? F*ck them.

Although some claim there were other issues on the table, ultimately it was about slavery and I have to agree. Who would want to be part of a nation with people who are willing to fight a war over the right to have slaves? In today’s day, we are heading toward another civil war - Truthers and Debunkers. Those who support the principles in the constitution against those who oppose the principles in the constitution. For me personally, the issue is crystal clear. There is no question in my mind which side I stand on.

Although the Truther movement is growing in North America, everywhere truth is, there is opposition to it. Slander and deception continuously try to suppress truth leaving many people confused about which side to join. All I’m saying is question things. Don’t believe anything anyone says blindly without thinking about the moral ramifications. In the gang war, don’t believe everything the Hells Angels or the police say without thinking about it first.

In the modern false flag era, realize that false flag attacks are part of our world history. It’s what Hitler used to deceive the German people. It’s what George Lucas used to explain how a slimy Senator took over a free Republic and turned it into a Galactic empire.

In our era conspiracy theories have gone well beyond theories. Operation Nothwoods was very real. That needs to be addressed. Like the boy who cried wolf, it doesn’t mean that every act of terror is a false flag attack. It does however mean we need to consider that possibility in our list of suspects. Especially when they want to use these false flag attacks to take away our liberty and destroy the principles in the constitution our forefathers fought and died for.

So today I dedicate the song Some Nights to all the undecided. We are definitely heading toward another civil war and the real issues of that war are being hidden by a web of lies. Although the Truther movement is passionate and rising, Debunkers are everywhere trolling the internet and spamming forums with lies and rationalizations trying to destroy the constitution and everything it stands for.

It’s like Martin Luther King’s observation that it’s still a tragedy of human history that the children of darkness are frequently more determined and zealous than the children of light. Yet be aware that despite how loud and proud the Debunkers spam the internet, if we open our eyes and part the veil like Elisha did years ago, we can clearly see they that be with us are more than they that be with them.

For me, I know what I stand for. For you, don’t believe everything I say. Just think about it. Question things and ask if it passes the test of believability. Does it make sense? Is it consistent with the known facts? Is it believable? Don’t believe anything the Intelligence agencies say because they are compulsive liars whose mandate is murder to get gain as they rob the people of their liberty and enslave the masses. Once again this conflict is about slavery and supporting the principles of the constitution just like in days of old. The south will rise again but the north will stand strong and free. Just as always.

I’m an old man now. I’m not like K’naan in his song like a waving flag which was a popular theme song for the world cup in soccer and is another catchy tune. When I get older, I won’t be stronger, I’ll be six feet under. When I get older it will be time for me to pass on the torch and let someone else carry the flame in their hearts and eyes. Changed men and woman can change the world. They set on fire those around them because they themselves are on fire. Gentlemen may cry peace peace but there is no peace. The war has already begun. I know not what course others may take but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.

So, for all the undecided out there, this song’s for you. As for the Debunkers and the Surrey Pressure cooker bomb plot, sorry Holmes, you’re just unbelievable. Word.


On a lighter note, here are two from my son. The first is Gollum singing Trouble by Taylor Swift. The other is Gollum and Gandalf reading the Bohemia Rhapsody. As for me, I’m taking the kayak to a place Where the Streets have no name. Now that’s what I’m talking about.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

HGH: Human Growth Hormone

I mentioned HGH previously but I didn’t realize how common it is today. A friend at work knows a guy on it and says a lot of people at the gym use it now. They say it’s one of the most common drugs used in the UFC. Which brings us back to the Pickton Farm. Back in the day, they used to make HGH from Cadaversdead human bodies. The author of a new book about the Pickton Farm claims he was told at the time that Pickton sold body parts to make it.

Tragically, the B.C. government says a lawsuit launched by family members of Robert Pickton's victims can't target prosecutors because they didn't pursue attempted murder charges against the serial killer back in 1997. The BC government? Since when did the BC government become courts of law? That is absurd. Mark my word, the Pickton case and the Jim Brown story is not over.

Jeff Buziak’s Mission

Jeff Buziak recently made a profound post in the Justice for Lindsey Buziak blog. He states that in British Columbia there has been no changing of the guard in Parliament and refers to Christy Clark as No Seat Clark. He points out that around the world most countries are throwing out their corrupt governments while we just keep voting them back in. He is referring to the BC Rail scandal Christy and her brother were involved in. Which was about drug trafficking and money laundering not just sweetheart deals in the fire sale of public assets.

He is understandably concerned that the Saanich police have no news, no suspects and no arrests in his daughters murder. Other than three years ago when they warned him his life was in danger for trying to find his daughter’s murderer. Kinda weird how they would extend to him the courtesy of warning him that people wanted to kill him for trying to find his daughter’s murderer but refused to say who it was that wanted to kill him. One would think if they knew that then they would have a suspect to pursue.

He points out how the police have tirelessly spent a great deal of resources finding and apprehending Jonathon Bacon’s murderers yet don’t seem to be doing anything at all when someone totally innocent like his daughter was murdered. That is indeed baffling.

He claims he was offered assistance from the Hells Angels. That’s somewhat ironic. Since they control the drug trade in BC and Alberta it’s hard to conceive they weren’t involved in Lindsey’s murder. Rick Ciarniello was involved with the Devil's Butler. That's not something I would support.