Monday, September 9, 2013

Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations

There has been a lot of debate about the legalization of marijuana recently. Justin Trudeau has sadly made it an election promise to legalize pot which has completely distracted his party’s platform from anything positive or constructive. His willingness to abandon the Charter of Rights while he pushes for the legalization of pot is somewhat suspect. We’re going to take your rights away and give away free pot so you don’t worry about it.

Several former Vancouver mayors have put out a declaration supporting the legalization of pot. Many advocates are pushing for the legalization of every harmful drug under the sun and even want taxpayers to pay for addicts harmful drugs like they are doing now with the “pilot” project at the Not so Safe Injection site in Vancouver. As if that won’t bankrupt our sacred medical system. You can't get an MRI but you can get free cocaine. The Issue even made the front page of the Vancouver Province asking which of the local political leaders have smoked pot.

Christy Clark said “There was a lot of that going on when I was in high school and I didn’t avoid it altogether.” Not a big surprise. At least she’s being honest. Most either said yes or like Dianne Watts and Jim Chu refused to answer the question. Refusing to answer the questions certainly appears to plead the fifth. They don’t want to incriminate themselves. If they have never smoked it they would say so. I notice they didn’t ask Toronto’s Mayor the abusive Rob Ford.

Port Coquitlam Mayor Greg Moore said “I have never smoked while in elected office.” White Rock Mayor Wayne Baldwin said “I do not have a need.” Both statements are pretty lame as well. It does not say they have never smoked pot. It’s like Rob Ford saying he’s not addicted to crack. He didn’t say he has never smoked it. In my opinion whether or not any or all of these elected officials have ever tried pot isn’t relative to whether or not we should legalize it.

My position is clear. I support the decriminalization of pot not the legalization of pot. I realize about 50% of people in BC support legalization but I am not comfortable with it. More than 50% agree with decriminalization. However, I completely agree that mandatory minimum sentences for the possession of pot is stupid and counter productive. It prevents us from applying mandatory minimum sentences for violent crime and for selling not possessing crack or crystal meth which is what we need to do.

After watching the documentary about the Mexican cartel on TV the other night called Narco Bling, the problem is overwhelming. From a strategic point of view I think they should set aside going after grow ops and prioritize going after crystal meth labs and cocaine which is sold here as crack. There is a huge difference between those drugs and burning up all our resources chasing pot prevents us from addressing the much more serious problem of crack and crystal meth. It’s like arresting everyone for speeding while letting everyone else commit murder. It’s disproportionate.

The new concern people have is Harper’s new attempt to prevent people with medicinal licenses for pot from growing their own pot for personal use. I think that is absurd and counter productive. It’s like banning generic drugs and forcing people to buy drugs from big pharmaceutical companies that have monopoles on the market. Somewhat suspect.

I don’t believe that bill violates the Charter of Rights but it does violate the Supreme Court decision that told the Federal government it needs to make medicinal pot more accessible for those who have prescriptions for it. I realize there is a problem with medicinal grow ops being taken over by the Hells Angels and them supplying the non medicinal market. Growing it for yourself however, with a prescription is not growing it for others. In this case Harper’s bill does help the Hells Angels monopoly on the market.

Likewise I find Dianne Watts’ campaign against allowing people with pot prescriptions to grow it for personal use to be hypocritical and counter productive. Maybe she should be a little more concerned with them selling crack in public outside the Front Room. I thought Dianne Watts was on the right track in the beginning. I was wrong.

Welcoming campaign contributions from Casinos where drug money is laundered and from dirty developers tied to Gordon Campbell and BC Rail is deplorable. Its like George Bush promoting a war on drugs while the agency and his campaign profits from a monopoly on that market. I’m not saying Gateway Casinos launders drug money. I’m saying that drug money is laundered at their Casinos which they profit from. What I want to know is how did Gateway Casinos lose $1.5 billion? Where did that money go? Answering that question would answer quite a bit about the real source of the Vancouver gang war.

Breaking Bad toy crystal meth lab on sale

Human insanity descends to new levels. The Daily Mail is reporting that there’s a new toy on the market for kids that looks like Lego but is made by a different company. It’s a crystal meth lab from the TV show Breaking Bad. One Twitter comment summed it up well. “Made for children raised by parents who should know better.”

A blog reader had commented on the TV series a while ago saying how outrageous it was that a TV show would glorify such a horrible drug as crystal meth. A troll then came on and said it didn’t glorify crystal meth it showed how bad it was. Not having seen the show I couldn’t really say for sure but felt it was wrong. Now I can say for sure it is absurd. Those toys are a prime example.

This is no Betty Crocker oven. The TV series has University chemists on site for technical realism. However, their fake crystal meth lab is anything but realistic. This YouTube video shows them making blue candy crystal meth on the TV show. It doesn’t look anything like a real crystal meth lab. It looks like a cross between a clean chemistry lab and a Martha Stewart kitchen. It gives the false appearance that they are making this nice clean candy as though they were making toffee or caramel apples. It is giving kids the false impression that crystal meth is clean and safe just like a delicious candy when it is anything but.

Real crystal meth labs are disgustingly dirty and dangerous. Real crystal meth is made from Drano. This TV show is criminally negligent portraying a false image that promotes the horrible drug. Crack is horrible. Crystal meth is worse. Much worse. It’s addictiveness and it’s destructive effect on the human brain and body is astounding. Even if the drug was made in a clean chemistry lab, it would not change it’s harmful effect on the human body.

Creating a toy crystal meth lab patterned after that false image is compete irresponsibility. Any responsible parent would indeed know better than to buy it for their kids. Sadly some parents might be deceived by the false image about clandestine labs the TV show portrays and think it’s OK when it certainly is not.

It’s astounding this show is on TV portraying this false image. It is astounding this show has won awards and has been on for as long as it has. You don’t have to be a cynic to figure out why. Gary Webb was right. The agency was responsible for the US crack epidemic in the 1980’s. We know the Hells Angels have been trafficking crystal meth in Eastern United States. According to Michael Riconosciuto, the agency was the one cooking it in California for them. Promoting this false image on the TV Show Breaking Bad promotes the CIA’s drug trafficking network.

Jerry Langton wrote a book about the increase in crystal meth labs in Mexico. The other night there was a documentary on TV about the Mexican drug cartels called Narco Bling. The documentary claimed that the Mexican cartels are now supplying 80% of the US crystal meth market. The same cartels the Agency was supporting in Operation Fast and Furious.

Making matters worse, a blog reader just sent in these links to fake toy crystal meth from the Breaking Bad TV show. They even have mobile meth lab T-shirts. That is seriously messed up.

UBC Rape Chant

Well this is rather bizarre. Turns out the Sauder School of Business did the same ridiculous chant about under age rape during Frosh week at UBC that they did in Halifax. This is insane. It’s not a matter of opinion polls. What they did was illegal. If those students aren’t expelled then the University has to be sued for sexual harassment.

Under age rape is illegal. Bragging about it in front of first year students is sexual harassment. In any workplace they would be fired instantly or the employer would be legally liable for sexual harassment and sued. Looks like we have to sue UBC now too.

It is astounding that they don’t get it. It’s not just illegal. It’s Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. Underage rape. Let’s see, the legal age of consent is 16. Used to be 14 but 40 year old perverts were hooking up with 14 year old girls so they bumped it back up to 16. So these are University students singing about raping girls under the age of 16. How much under? They don’t say. They are singing about pedophilia. That’s not just illegal, it’s deranged. Pedophiles get assaulted in prison. Why on earth would anyone in their right mind joke about promoting it?

Meanwhile Saint Mary’s University has suspended one of its students after the 24-year-old Halifax man pleaded guilty on Tuesday to sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl. He was her soccer coach.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Bear encounter on Grouse Mountain

I enjoy the Grizzly bear exhibit on Grouse Mountain. It never ceases to amaze me that tiny electric fence holds back such massive and powerful bears. Coming face to face with a Grizzly in that setting is a good thing. It helps people see them for what they are and understand how connected we are and how important it is to protect them.

I went up Grouse today and after passing by the Grizzly exhibit I hiked up the side of Dam Mountain to Goat Mountain. There is a lot going on at Grouse. The new zip lines are pretty cool. The fog rolled in so the helicopter tours and the parasailing were grounded.

I decided to proceed with the hike anyways because I wanted to get some cardio in as I’m hoping to make another attempt at the Lions this year. Right before I get to Goat Mountain I’m walking along a narrow trail in a wooded are then all of a sudden there was a big thump and grunt on the trail right in front of me. This big ass bear stumbled down the hill out of the bush onto the trail right in front of me. We were both startled and it made an aggressive sound that made me reach for the bear spray instead of my camera.

The bear shot off the trail so I cautiously proceeded ahead talking loudly but calmly letting it know where I was so it wouldn’t be startled. The trail made a sharp turn to the left up the mountain and I saw someone coming down. I said did you see the bear? He said yeah it’s a cub right in that tree. I slowly turned my head to the left to look at the tree right beside me and the trail which was shaking and I said that tree? He said yeah. OK it’s time to turn around I said. I just saw it’s mother down there and she wasn’t happy. You don’t want to get between a mother bear and her cub and I didn’t want to spray a bear protecting it’s cub.

Normally seeing a bear in the wild is not a big deal. You make noise, let them know where you are without sounding threatening and everything is fine. In this case we were caught right between a scared cub in a small tree and it’s angry mother. Not a good place to be in. We walked for about five minutes and I said OK I’m having lunch and stopped for a break. A few hikers passed and I told them about the bear. Some were cautious, some proceeded anyways. I waited until the bear had a chance to get the cub off the trail, and proceed up the mountain without another incident.

It’s unfortunate the fog cut the visibility because the view from there is amazing. You’re right beside Crown Mountain and from Goat Ridge you get a magnificent view of Coliseum Mountain over in the Lynn Headwaters. This is a picture of Goat Ridge on a clear day.

The bear encounter made up for the limited visibility. Ya gotta respect seeing animals in the wild. When I was a kid Stanley Park was a zoo. There were black bears, polar bears, penguins and sea otters. Kids today don’t see that and are sometimes distanced and removed from nature and the animal kingdom. Perhaps that’s part of the reason there is such a wanton disregard for the environment now a days. A lot of people do care about the environment but many others don’t.

I saw a ridiculous article recently about someone promoting a garbage incinerator in Surrey claiming that people think the brown haze in the Fraser Valley summer air is from pollution but it’s not. The guy was on crack. Of course it’s from pollution. That’s why they announce air quality levels on the news during the summer. The Fraser Valley is a valley surrounded by mountains. In the summer the air doesn’t move and the pollution just hangs there.

All you have to do is drive up to the look out on Cypress Mountain any time of the day or night. Everywhere you look you see smokestacks billowing smoke into the air. That’s why there is a brown haze over the Fraser Valley. Burning toxic garbage would increase that pollution exponentially.

When you’re up in the mountains, you don’t have to be a tree hugger to see and feel how connected we are to the environment we live in. Hiking up the mountain getting the lungs working and the heart pumping with all those big trees around breathing in all that fresh air. We breathe in the fresh oxygen the trees produce and they absorb the CO2 we exhale. We are totally connected. We are a part of the ecosystem. Damaging the ecosystem doesn’t just create an imbalance, it also damages us. The air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. It really is that simple.

The insane greed that is consuming these short sighted rapists who want to burn toxic garbage and burn enough coal to blacken the planet is really astounding. As time progresses we are supposed to get more technologically advanced. As we go to school we are supposed to get more educated. I don’t see it with this corporate greed that is driving us down the road to Bilderberg.

Small business is good. Corporate monopolies are not. Preston Manning said being environmentally responsible is being fiscally responsible. Fiscal responsibility means we don’t leave our children a huge debt. It’s the same thing with the planet. We want our kids to have a planet to live on as well as their kids. Future generations. That is progressive thinking. This coal obsession and Garbage Incinerator is Devolution. We’re going backwards not forward and it's greed that’s driving it. Blind, short sighted, selfish greed.

Dirty developers and politicians destroy ALR

This is a great video and article from Global about the dirty deals going on between developers and politicians in the Lower Mainland that is destroying the agricultural land reserve so a hand full of large developers who make political campaign contributions get rich at the public and environment’s expense.

These developers buy up agricultural land, give candidates at City Hall and in the Provincial Government campaign contributions, then City Hall and the Province flips their protected agricultural land into industrial so these dirty developers make an obscene mark up.

One blog reader pointed out that at 1:16 in the video the woman mentions Emerson and Joe Segal buying up all the ARL in Delta with the intent of flipping in into industrial. That’s exactly what Surrey City Hall did for them at the Campbell Heights industrial park. Montreal has nothing on us. Our corruption at our City Halls is worse than theirs.

The Tsawwassen trick is another example. They are laundering the ALR through a First Nations Reservation. They take a massive amount of ALR and transfer it to the Tsawwassen First Nations who in turn flip it into industrial for them to build a huge shopping mall in the middle of protected ALR. This is a key habitat for migratory birds. These short sighted dirty politicians are killing the province and the environment. They need to be stopped. We need to be sustainable and responsible.

Paving all the agricultural land and bringing in massive coal exports is not sustainable or responsible. It is exponentially expanding CO2 emissions so a couple of insiders can make a quick buck. Coal dust causes pollution. It pollutes the air we breathe, the water we drink and the fish we eat. This is not forward thinking. It’s backward thinking. Air quality is a huge concern.

We need a free enterprise party at City Hall. One that supports small business not corporate monopolies or huge dirty developers that bribe them with campaign contributions. Godzilla sucks and her dirty deals are expanding throughout the Mayors council. That is destroying the province and the planet. God save the people and the planet. Dirty developers, Alas for you. Blind fools.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Syrian Intervention - Update

People have been asking my opinion about Syrian intervention and I had to respond by saying I don’t know. I don’t know enough about what’s really going on there to make a conclusion. Yet. If anyone is using gas attacks on civilians then that is a concern that we need to address. It is something that we should get involved in even if there is no threat of them attacking us. Yet there is a bigger picture we need to look at and address.

The first question we must ask is did Syria use chemical weapons and did they use them on civilians? Using them in an armed conflict is bad but using them on civilians is even worse. We don’t want to make the same mistake that was made in Iraq. The US and England said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and they didn’t. The US and British intelligence agencies lied. It wasn’t a matter of them making a mistake. In Operation Mass Appeal MI 6 were caught red handing giving the media false information about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. They lied. They did not make a mistake.

In this case it does appear that chemical weapons have been used on civilians in Syria. I have to check the sources to confirm but it does appear that did happen. My first question now is OK who sold it to them? We know the US sold Iraq chemical weapons to use on Iran and that was not OK. We assumed responsibility and liability for Saddam’s actions when we sold him the chemical weapons. That whole invasion was a complete farce. Saddam was hanged for allegedly using chemical weapons on the Kurds that America sold him. How about hanging the people that sold it to him as well? We can’t address one without the other. (New allegations arise claiming that evidence was deliberately faked like in the past)

On September 1st it was revealed that England sold Syria the chemicals to make saran gas. That needs to be addressed. If we invade Syria for using chemical weapons we have to invade England for selling it to them and that is somewhat problematic now isn’t it?

The Daily Record is reporting that furious politicians have demanded Prime Minister David Cameron explain why chemical export licenses were granted to firms last January – 10 months after the Syrian uprising began. It was also mentioned in the Independent and was originally reported by the Sunday Mail. So that is problematic.

I remember how Israel was using white phosphorous on civilians in Gaza during that conflict. I remember seeing pictures of Israeli soldiers with white phosphorous shells from the United States. I’m not going to show pictures of dead burned bodies from white phosphorus but it is horrible.

So if we are going to address the issue of chemical weapons we must address it when we manufacture and sell them as well. Military intervention in a country that uses something we sold them is hypocritical at best. At worst it’s just a plain set up to justify military action. Syria using saran gas on civilians is very bad. It is also bad when Israel uses white phosphorous on civilians as well. We need to address both if we are going to call ourselves peace makers not war mongers.

Don’t get me wrong. I am outraged with the use of chemical weapons on civilians. We don’t have to wait for a vote from the committee to do something about it. When innocent civilians are being killed it behooves us to get involved. Just like Rwanda. I’m just saying we also have to address the criminals that sold the gas in the first place. Which brings us back to Iraq.

Selling Iran chemical weapons to use on Iran was wrong. It was wrong if and when Saddam used them on the Kurds. It was just as wrong when he used them with our blessing on Iran. We can’t enforce one without enforcing the other. We need to hold ourselves to a higher standard than our enemies. We are different than our enemies. We don’t resort to their tactics. We rise above them.

Another concern in Iraq that needs to be dealt with is the possibility of the US themselves using chemical weapons on civilians during that unlawful invasion. The Independent is reporting that the Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah is worse than Hiroshima.

The Independent claims: “Dramatic increases in infant mortality, cancer and leukemia in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which was bombarded by US Marines in 2004, exceed those reported by survivors of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to a new study.”

“Iraqi doctors in Fallujah have complained since 2005 of being overwhelmed by the number of babies with serious birth defects, ranging from a girl born with two heads to paralysis of the lower limbs. They said they were also seeing far more cancers than they did before the battle for Fallujah between US troops and insurgents.”

I’ll tell you what kind of chemical weapon causes birth defects – mustard gas. The same thing the US sold Iraq to use on Iran. I used to work with a woman who escaped Iran during the war with Iraq. She said they used mustard gas on civilians. Whole cities. It was horrible. There was a sharp rise in the number of birth defects after that.

So what happened in Fallujah? That too needs to be addressed. As Martin Luther King said, the old law of an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. That doesn’t mean we tolerate chemical attacks on civilians. It means we oppose it every time it happens not just some of the time and we can’t justify an invasion when we are the ones that sold it to them. We need to stop selling it to them first. That’s kind of obvious. One would hope.

Right now we need to say to Syria if you are using chemical weapons on civilians, that needs to stop right now or it will result in a military strike. The rules of engagement state you must warn your enemy before you fire upon them. It’s got nothing to do with getting approval from the UN or some other committee. As we do that we also need to say to the Western companies that sold them the chemicals to make the gas and the governments that let the companies do it, that has to stop. Now. Those companies and those government officials need to be held legally accountable. We cannot address one without addressing the other.

This is a declassified CIA document from their own web site a blog reader sent in about chemical weapons used in the Iran Iraq war. At no time does it state chemical weapons are bad. It simply discusses the effectiveness of each type of chemical attacks and states the use of chemical weapons in that war will likely increase. Especially since they were selling it to them. Napalm and Agent Orange was used extensively in the Vietnam war.


Update: Good news. Russia came up with a proposal that Syria turn over all it's chemical weapons to the International community to avoid a military strike and Syria has agreed. This avoids military action. Now we just need the British and American companies that sold it to them to do the same. Intervention is very problematic since there are two sides in conflict. One group that supports the president and one that opposes him. The group that supports the president have adults with signs in demonstrations showing their support. The group that opposes the president has released videos of individual children reading from an English script calling for military intervention. Suspect indeed.

Okanagan man found with assault rifles and bomb materials

Well Kim Bolan is back from holidays. She is reporting that Police have arrested an Okanagan man and seized “bomb-making equipment” they believe could have been used in future gang-related violence. Bombs for the gang war is a lot more believable than for false flag attacks. At least they weren't more pressure cookers.

Police claim that although no fully-built bombs or explosive devices were found in the Oyama home, they found “modified timers, batteries, igniters, dismantled shotgun shells, a container of black powder and small wooden boxes fitted with wiring” as well as two semi-automatic assault-style rifles with over-capacity magazines. Gunpowder is a little more realistic than nails and pressure cookers. Oyama is between Kelowna and Vernon on the south end of Kal lake.

Kelowna drug bust

The Vancouver Province is reporting that two Kelowna residents are facing potential drug trafficking charges after police executed a search warrant on a home in the 300-block Moubray Road. Police seized more than 10 litres of GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate, which is used as a date-rape drug), several ounces of cocaine, crack cocaine, and crystal meth, 10 bottles of methadone, and small amounts of heroin, marijuana and various pills.

A 33-year-old woman and a 47-year-old woman, both from Kelowna, were arrested and then released on a promise to appear. They are expected back in court on Nov. 14. Two women selling date rape drug. Wonderful. We're still waiting on names and affiliations.

Earlier this summer police in Edmonton seized 106 litres of GHB along with cocaine. People are starting to call it liquid ecstasy. Work with me people, this stuff is not ecstasy. They even use it on guys for the purpose of committing rape.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Surrey Shooting

A blog reader pointed out that Scan BC is reporting the Surrey RCMP on scene with a male shot in the shoulder near 128th St & 92nd Ave. Two possible suspects were arrested. 9:30 PM Friday.

The Surrey Now is reporting that 18 people were arrested after a drug related raid on a South Surrey home on Thursday. One local said "It's a house that has a whole bunch of people coming and going," describing everything from teenagers to biker-types. Bikers getting teenagers to sell drugs? That's concerning.

Another blog reader claimed they saw someone who looks like Rob Yew on Season 3 episode 11 of the The liquidator. What's he doing back in Surrey? Last we heard he was selling shirts in Yellowknife. He's gained a few pounds but it's the same leather vest and hair cut.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Saint Mary’s criminal fantasies and their sexual harassment

Saint Mary’s university in Halifax is in the news. An offensive video was posted online of a group of student orientation leaders singing about having sex with underage girls without consent. Rape is nothing to brag about or joke about. These were student leaders teaching a song and chant to first year students at their orientation. It was a criminal act.

The video shows them chanting “Y is for your sister. O is for oh-so-tight. U is for underage. N is for no consent. G is for grab that a--. St. Mary’s boys we like them young,” What’s worse is there are girls with them singing it as well .A bunch of Karla Homolka wannabes. This isn’t just disturbing, it’s disturbed. What have we come to as a society?

What’s more shocking and outrageous is the University’s response. Oh they are going to give some of those student leaders a sensitivity training course. That is offensive and illegal. Tell me, what is the first thing you are taught in your sexual harassment training at work? That sexual harassment is illegal. That the employer is obligated to act on sexual harassment complaints because if they don’t they will be legally liable for the unlawful conduct. Giving those psychopaths a sensitivity training session telling them what they did was illegal and the only consequence they will face is a slap on the wrist course they get to joke about? That does not in any way fulfill their legal obligation as a University to protect other students from unlawful sexual harassment.

They were chanting about raping underage girls for God’s sake. One of the news outlets on TV cited some parents concerns they expressed on Saint Mary’s facebook and said clearly you don’t understand the seriousness of the offense. Clearly they do not. That is why they must face a class action lawsuit for sexual harassment. Since they have failed to kick out those students from the University they are now legally liable for their unlawful conduct and the University should stop getting government funding.

The University can recover from this. If they fire all those student leaders and kick them out of that University. All of the ring leaders need to be kicked out of that university permanently. People on the fringe should get expelled and sensitivity training. They need to fire all those student leaders and not let them hold leadership positions at the university ever again. It is shocking that this action isn’t automatic. That’s why a lawsuit is necessary. Just like with the RCMP. The RCMP failed to address the ongoing issue of sexual harassment. That is why they are now facing a class action law suit. Now it’s the University’s turn to go to court.

Giving them sensitivity training is offensive. In essence you are telling them you little rich kids can break the law all you want. You’re getting this talk because you got caught. Don’t video tape these things in the future and post them online.

Jared Perry, the guy in the picture above, needs to be expelled from that university permanently. That should be automatic but there’s more. All of those kids need some time with Dr. Phil. It’s not a matter of being swept away in the moment saying well everyone was doing it. It’s about accepting responsibility for one’s conduct. Something they should have learned long before university. If they don’t learn conduct has consequences in University then all their education is meaningless.

Joking about raping under age girls. That is nothing to joke about. It is fantasizing about a criminal act. Just like Jim Brown. The fact that he and Don Ray are still working for the RCMP proves they don’t care at all about preventing sexual harassment at the work place. Just like Saint Mary’s University doesn’t. Shame on them and shame on us for letting it happen without legal consequence.

These are a bunch of Paul Bernardos and Karla Homolkas. Clearly none of them understand how serious that is. Having new first year university students listen to them chant about raping underage girls is sexual harassment and the University is legally liable for it.

Jared Perry stated that the cheer was repeated in the “heat of the moment”. No it wasn't. "This is his second year as student president. He said he has been repeating the chant since he first came to the Halifax university in 2009 – and never thought anything about it. He has never received any complaints about it." He's been doing it for two years and never thought anything about it. Now all of sudden he feels sorry for it and admits it was a mistake. That's only because he may face discipline over it. Not removing him from that position and that university is illegal. He's been doing it for two years and has no real remorse. The University has been breaking the law for two years.

Resigning and running again in a by-election is not a consequence. As long as Jared Perryis a student of that University, the University needs to be sued for sexual harassment. It's that simple.


Update: Saint Mary’s University has suspended one of its students after the 24-year-old Halifax man pleaded guilty on Tuesday to sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl. He was her soccer coach.