Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hells Angels open retail store in Toronto

The Hells Angels have opened a new clothing store that sells support your local organized crime shirts in Toronto. Aside from being a slap in the face of public safety and law and order, it might be good news for the embattled Mayor of Toronto. At least this way Rob Ford won’t have to sneak around any crack shacks to fill his pipe. Now he can just go to the mall. They’re gonna have to change the name of the store from 81 to Authorized Ford Dealer like the Surrey Shirts declare. It's pretty sad when we let murders and crack dealers operate freely in public.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Penticton Man arrested with firearms and GHB

Kelly Hayes, now from Global is reporting that “a prolific offender in Penticton named Andrew Robert Hardenstine was arrested last week outside a Roy Avenue apartment complex where police seized guns and drugs. Hardenstine attempted to flee and tried to maneuver the motorcycle around an unmarked police car, however he collided with it and was knocked down."

“Police seized a semi-automatic rifle from Hardenstine’s backpack. They also seized a loaded handgun, several rounds of ammunition and a bottle containing the so-called date-rape drug GHB. A search of Hardenstine’s apartment turned up a large quantity of GHB and some methamphetamine. The motorcycle he was riding (KTM enduro) was reported stolen from McLure.”

Hells Angel René Charlebois escapes from Laval Prison

Well these guys are just consistently in the news for being on the wrong side of the law. Evidently Hells Angel René Charlebois escaped from a minimum security prison in Laval on Saturday night. He was serving time for murdering a police informant.

One has to wonder what on earth he was doing in a minimum security prison for serving murder. This clearly raises public concern about all the other yahoos convicted in the mega trials for murder being placed in minimum security prisons. Charlebois is a close associate of Mom the back stabber Boucher and was a member of the Quebec Nomads. If you see him call 911.

Laval was the place of the Death Riders betrayal. That's how Mom Boucher and Biff Hammel got in the club. It’s on the North Shore. Members of the North Montreal Hells Angels based in Laval were murdered by their own people in the Lennoxville massacre. It's all about greed and betrayal.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Overview of Brittney Irving’s Murder Trial

This is a picture of the sunrise over Kelowna before court on Friday the 13th. I had a magnificent trip but the trial was really upsetting. Instead of making a million separate posts every time there’s an update on the trial, I will simply add it to the bottom of the post I have already started. I will add a link to that post on the web site and at the side of the blog under links so it doesn’t get lost.

In this post I want to give an overview of what I have seen in court so far. Like I said it is a very real struggle of good versus evil. Brittney’s brother took the stand and I have to admit I have a huge amount of respect for him. I totally support everyone’s right to a fair trial. Joey is getting that and has legal representation. When people talk about removing that right from an accused terrorist I respond with why on earth would we do that? Even Clifford Olsen has the right to a fair trial. That is an important part of a free and democratic society.

Joey has two lawyers. One is young the other is old. Both are sharp yet the old man’s cross examinations are absolutely painful and are completely dragging the trial off into the realms of intergalactic irrelevance.

Politicians have a thing called filibustering. They talk for hours and days on end just to drag on debate. It is painful to say the least. This lawyer is the master of filibustering yet it goes far beyond that. He is the devil himself. That’s what this trial reminds me of. Every witness takes the stand and this slimy lawyer gets in their face and brings up every piece of dirt from their past in a character assassination attempt to make the jury disregard the witnesses’ evidence.

Britney’s brother totally admits he has struggled with drug addiction for many years. His sister’s murder made it much worse. Yet despite his struggles, he has dusted himself off and has stepped up to the plate in defense of his sister. A very noble act. None of us haven’t done something in our past that we’re not proud of. All of us make mistakes.

There are two concerns that I have about the satanic nature of Joey’s lawyer’s cross examinations. The first is relevance and the second is filibustering. When he cross examined the forensic specialist I had to leave the room and didn’t return until it was over. It was too painful to watch. He went on and on asking a million completely irrelevant questions dragging it on forever. As a result they didn’t get through nearly as many witnesses as they had planed. He was successful in that.

I am reminded of back in the day when I acted as co counsel in an unlawful discharge case back when I did some labour law. The corporate lawyers were slimy. Their MO was predictable. They would go on and on and on asking the witness 50 million obscure questions until they were physically and emotionally exhausted. Then they would try and trip them up by asking confusing irrelevant questions when they were exhausted. After confusing the witness and tripping them up they would then shout out ah ha! You just said this this and this, but three days ago you said this this and that. You’re a liar. That means none of your evidence has any credibility whatsoever. That was their MO. I kid you not. I saw it over and over again. That is what Joey’s lawyer is doing here. He is a slime ball.

Not only that. Not only is he stalling the proceedings off at a completely irresponsible rate burning tax dollars with gasoline, he is also spending hours on end asking 50 million irrelevant questions so the jury gets bored to tears and completely forgets the important relevant evidence the witness did submit. This guy isn’t just doing this to Brittney’s brother, he’s doing it to every witness the crown puts on the stand. He is burning tax dollars and thereby committing welfare fraud.

I can even see the pain in the judge’s face. Most of the time her eyebrows are scowling like what the hell is this guy on about, yet she continues to bite her tongue in the rare event something this nutbar might say could possibly have some kind of relevance to the trial because she genuinely believes the accused has a right to a fair trial. Which is indeed noble. However in this trial I really think that lawyer is totally exploiting everyone - the judge, the jury, the court and the public purse.

Interesting how this picture from David Bowie's Cat People video looks just like Joey's other lawyer.

Updates to Britney Irving's Murder Trial

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Canadian Hells Angels busted in Spain - Update

Four Canadian Hells Angels have been arrested in Spain after allegedly smuggling 500 kilos of cocaine there from Columbia. One of the four Canadians arrested was on the vessel. One of the three men that met the vessel was a known member of the San Diego Hells Angles. These guys are crazy. Normally they get other people to do that kind of work so they don't get implicated. The Vancouver Province has posted a link to the YouTube video of the arrest.

Kim Bolan from the Vancouver Sun is reporting that "Two full-patch members — Jason Cyrus Arkinstall of Mission and Chad John Wilson of Haney — were among the B.C. men arrested in a coffee bar by Spain’s National Police. The other B.C. men facing charges in Spain are Scott Smitna and Michael Dryborough, associates of the Hells Angels in Mission and Haney."

Kim is also reporting that Chad John Wilson of Haney is formally a member of the San Diego chapter of the Hells Angels. Previously it was reported that a member of the San Diego Hells Angels involved in this drug ring was arrested in Spain as well. Arkinstall has an extensive criminal record mostly for assaults in Kelowna and Surrey but was also charged with drug trafficking in Langley back in 2003. Those charges were dismissed. One of Arkinstall's associates was charged in a drug related murder in Cranbrook.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Stephen Harper Protest in Kelowna - Update

I had a couple days off work and made it into town for the Joey Verma trial. I have a lot more to say and report about that but need a break because it was very upsetting. It’s such a struggle of good versus evil Speaking of which, I was able to attend the Stephen Harper protest in Kelowna today. I have a lot more to say about that as well but will start with two issues presented.

One issue that many locals had was about GMO – Genetically Altered Organisms. This is a huge issue with serious implications that are easily over looked by the public. We not taking about steroids to make food bigger or better. We are talking about food that is genetically modified with pesticides. I kid you not.

This isn’t jut someone spraying pesticides on a crop. This is someone injecting the pesticide right into the food itself. For example, BT is being injected into corn which is killing the bees. Killing insects is one thing but killing bees is another. When bees stop cross pollinating food stops being produced. The Council of Canadians were present as well.

There was even a brave young lady dressed in a seal suit. It was very hot. I was worried about her getting heatstroke. Evidently Harper is bringing back the seal hunt. Even when it is a dying business that is losing money and being subsidized with tax dollars because Russia, our biggest buyer of the product banned it. This is another example of bad business financially and morally. There are many more concerns people had with Harper in addition to my own but I will start with those two and try and enjoy some sunshine on my way home.

Harpers entrance certainly looked like a funeral procession. He was in the second car. They told all the protesters to go on the other side of the entrance so Harper wouldn’t see them. Pretty lame. I’ve posted some more pictures of the protest on Flikr. As much as I have my own issues with Harpers lack of fiscal responsibility and his contempt for civil liberty, it’s clear that most of the protesters there that day were local Kelowna residents upset by Genetically Modified Organisms, also known as GMO.

I had no idea what a huge and important issue this is. Genetically modifying food with pesticides that humans consume is absolutely insane. That is what we are talking about. These concerned citizens want all food that is genetically modified to be labeled as such since consumers do have a right to know what is in the food they eat and the products they buy.

The other valid concern they have is that they want to ban GMO foods altogether like many other countries have. I met with a local bee store and they confirmed that bee populations in Canada and around the world have been decreasing over the last four years and it is likely due to the genetically altered food that is killing them. Europe has banned GMO and their bee populations are starting to return.

I met Kevin Proteau from locals supporting locals at the anti Harper rally. Heidi Osterman from the True food Foundation was also there. These aren’t left wing kooks. These are local businesses concerned about Harper killing their industry. Small businesses in Kelowna pulling together to support free enterprise. That is what conservatives were supposed to do. Now Harper kills small business and promotes corporate monopolies which destroys the free market. That is a growing shameful list that's following Harper wherever he goes.

Kelowna Harper Protest on Flickr

David Revell back in court

Well, the Hobo clown's partner in crime is back in court. Dave Revell was in court in Vernon September 11th facing assault charges in three different town, Summerland, Westbank and Vernon. Looks like he's still actively involved in the business. Kinda surprising since Giles has completely fallen from grace. Bryce and the boys can't stand him. That would limit Revell's support as well.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9/11 Memorial Ride at Peace Arch

I attended the 9/11 memorial ride at Peace Arch today. It was mostly police, fire and first responders present. I have a memory card full of awesome pictures but have misplaced the memory card so I’ll have to paint a picture for you instead.

A blog reader sent me a poster about the ride before hand and when I asked if members of the Vancouver 9/11 truth movement were going to be present I’m sure they regretted sending me the link. I agreed that having a bunch of truthers on bullhorns disrupt the memorial by shouting 9/11 was an inside job over and over again wouldn’t be appropriate but something does have to be said. 9/11 was an inside job.

Truthers and Debunkers will both agree that 9/11 was a horrible human tragedy. It was a heinous murder and a lot of innocent people died. That much we can all agree on. How we respond to that horrific act is what causes the lines of division among us. I was there making a statement with a banner of my own that said Defend Civil Liberty. Protect the Constitution and the Charter of Rights. I had a flyer prepared but no one really asked any questions so I didn’t hand them out. However, many people did get their picture taken beside my banner.

I have two points to make. 9/11 was a horrible human tragedy. That much we can all agree on. I personally don’t want to let anyone use that human tragedy as an excuse to get rid of the Constitution and the Charter of Rights. I think that would be a serious mistake. A lot of innocent people died on 9/11 including first responders. We need to remember that and we need to protect the freedom they died for. You can’t protect freedom by doing away with it. The present attack on civil liberty by those sworn to protect it is a serious concern for everyone.

Most of us agree on that. Some believe that in the name of security we must violate civil liberty in order to protect it. I disagree. You can’t protect democracy by doing away with civil liberty. It just doesn’t make sense. In addition to addressing the fact that some want to exploit this tragedy to do away with the Constitution and the Charter of rights, there are a lot of unanswered questions about 9/11 that still must be addressed. Especially if we are going to let someone exploit this tragedy to break the law and fill us with fear and hate.

It was a positive and moving service. It started off with Bag pipes, another local tradition. After several speakers it ended with the last post on trumpet. Very fitting. Probably the most moving part of the ceremony was right before the end when they played a song about 9/11 by Alan Jackson called Where Were You (When The World Stopped Turning).

The chorus of which states: “I'm just a singer of simple songs I'm not a real political man I watch CNN but I'm not sure I could Tell you the difference in Iraq and Iran But I know Jesus and I talk to God And I remember this from when I was young Faith, hope and love are some good things He gave us And the greatest is love." Finally, a Christian uttering the forbidden word – love. The greatest of these is love.

Love beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things and endureth all things. Martin Luther King said “I’ve seen too much hate to want to hate and every time I see it I say to myself that hate is too great a burden to bear.” Many are exploiting 9/11 to teach hate and intolerance. We need to rise above this. We also need to address the unanswered questions.

Firefighters are taught to aggressively attack fires in steel frame towers because they do not collapse. Yet these did. All three. Even the third tower which wasn’t hit by any planes. We need to address the manner in which those towers collapsed. They collapsed into their own blueprint at freefall speed just like a controlled demolition. The only way that can happen is if the load bearing beams are simultaneously blown out. Left wing kooks and right wing conspiracy theorists aren’t the only ones saying that now. Experts in the field of demolition are.

The Port Authority was denied a permit to demolish the towers because they were half full of asbestos and that would be too toxic for the public. All the first responders were poisoned by that toxic asbestos when the towers collapsed. We need to remember that.

No conspiracy theorist made up Operation Northwoods. We need to address that document because that sinister plan was actually implemented on the USS Liberty. President Johnston recalled the air support that went to protect the Liberty when it was under attack by a known ally. We need to remember the innocent people that died on that vessel as well.

We also need to remember the Air India bombing and how CSIS was responsible for that heinous murder. They had a handler that helped plan the attack and provided the explosives. They knew it was going to happen and erased all their wire tap evidence after it did to prevent them from being blamed for it. Yet their handler planned the attack and provided the explosives. Every time we attend a 9/11 memorial we need to call for CSIS to be charged with murder in the Air India attack.

There are a lot of unanswered questions that we need to discuss. Silence is not acceptable any more. We owe it to the innocent people who died and the freedom they all died for.

9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out

Reexamining 9/11

9/11 Memorial Flyer

BC Hydro Fraud - Just like Enron

Front page of today’s Vancouver Sun is a headline that reads: BC Hydro forecasts 'massive' rate increases. Can I say I told ya so? Yet I wasn’t the only one. There are two separate criminal acts of fraud that need to be discussed here. Today the Vancouver Sun is reporting that “Homeowners, small businesses and industrial users are facing a staggering 26.4-per-cent electricity rate increase from 2014 to 2016, according to a confidential BC Hydro document.”

“According to a Rates Working Group document dated Aug. 23, 2013 obtained by The Vancouver Sun, the electricity rate increase is necessary to pay for Hydro's costs, which are estimated to rise to $4.8 billion in 2016 from $3.8 billion in 2014.”

Gee what increased costs mysteriously appeared? “Capital additions” i.e. all those bloody not so Smart Meters we didn’t want and a whole list of “deferred” payments. The first criminal act of fraud I want to discuss is Christy Clark’s fraudulent fudge it budget before the last election.

We knew that BC Hydro was hiding a massive debt the BC Liberals created by deferring it each year. Yet knowing that debt existed and has been perpetually deferred, Christy Clark’s fudge it budget claimed they were going to extract a dividend from BC Hydro to pay off some of their own over budget debt. We knew at the time that was a lie and constituted fraud but we all rolled it off as another broken campaign promise.

Yet these broken campaign promises are getting so extreme they constitute fraud. The other criminal act I want to discuss is how Gordon Campbell and the BC Liberals turned a once proud company in the energy sector into another Enron where their insider friends got rich while taxpayers were consumed with that fraudulent debt.

They privatized the power brokers that sold power to BC Hydro at an above market rate. That criminal act still needs to be addressed. This isn’t just another broken campaign promise like Gordon Campbell introducing the very gold plated pension he campaigned against. This is a premeditated act of fraud. These two criminal acts need to be addressed.

We can’t keep letting these politicians get away with fraud. They have to be held accountable for their actions. Financially. It is now time for criminal charges to be laid as well as a class action law suit against the BC Liberals for legal damages the taxpayers of BC have incurred as a result of their fraud..

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Britney Irving was shot in the back - Update

Global reported that the jury was selected yesterday for Joey Verma’s murder trial and that evidence would be presented today in court to start the trial. Today Global is reporting that “the crown alleges Verma and Irving were in the midst of completing a large marijuana deal when Irving was shot four times, including twice in the back.” She was shot four times, twice in the back. That’s hardly something to brag about. Hardly worth promoting him to be the Vice President of the Kingpin Crew over. Castanet as well as Capital News are also reporting the story.

I will add that the jury was present when this evidence was heard in court. The purpose of a publication ban is to prevent the press from publishing evidence that was submitted in court when the jury was not present until after their verdict has been rendered. Since there are no other trials going on at this time I don’t see there being a publication ban being put on this trial.

Let’s not forget that Joey was a Hells Angels associate at the time. He is also friends with Donnie McWhirter. When Britney was first missing it was reported that Joey was with the Independent Soldiers who are also affiliated with the Hells Angels. Getting his truck stuck in that area was pretty incriminating for Joey. Yet, as much as they want to blame the pinheads for this, there is no way Joey would have stolen 50 pounds of pot from the Hells Angels. He would have left town but he didn’t. There is no way this murder was committed without the approval if not orders of the Kelowna Hells Angels.

CBC Kelowna morning radio program, Daybreak South have posted a sound clip of a synopsis of the first day of trial. In the Crown's opening remarks on Tuesday they said that Mike Roberts, the guy who owned the truck Verma used, told police he was supposed to take the fall for Irving's murder and accept responsibility. Crown did not say who ordered that.

Wednesday one of Brittney's friends testified that Brittney ran marijuana grows in and outside of Kelowna but "didn't know who she was running them for." There is no way it could have been for anyone but the Hells Angles. they kill rival drug dealers in BC. Info Tel are also covering the case.

Evidently all four shots were slugs from a shotgun not from a handgun or riffle. The two shots in the back were horizontal from back to front. The two shots in the front were in an upward direction front to back. This would imply that she was shot twice in the back first then the shooter shot her twice in the front while standing at her feet. Thus the upward trajectory of the slug. None of the four slugs exited the body. Each shot was fatal.

Overview of Brittney Irving’s Murder Trial

Britney’s brother took the stand and confirmed that Joey and Britney were in a relationship. Someone had mentioned that to me before but I had a hard time believing it. I thought Joey was a slime ball and Brittney was way out of his league. Yet Britney’s brother confirmed that she and Mike had been separated but remained best friends and that Brittney had a new boyfriend named Joey.

In court Joey looked sharp and unremorseful. He did not flinch when they showed pictures of her dead body on the TV screen. When Britney’s brother expressed concerns about the way the last drug deal was going to happen she kept reassuring him that Joey was a good guy and could be trusted. Sad. She really trusted him and was shot in the back as she was trying to run away from her attacker.

Evidently Joey is much higher up on the drug trafficking food chain than I had previously realized. I saw one of his associates, Dan Koski, show up to give Joey his support. He made sure Joey saw him when the court was adjourned and gave him the nod. Sad and bizarre how anyone can respect and support someone for murdering a girl in cold blood.

I will add that previous rumors of Brittney’s body being found dismembered in a barrel are untrue. The police showed pictures of her fully clad body lying dead in the woods where they found her. She was wearing a belly shirt. The man’s shoes and jacket she was wearing at the time can be explained by the fact that they went for a walk in the muddy woods which was cool. She put on the man’s jacket to be warm and the shoes because her girl shoes weren’t really made for walking through the muddy forest.

It wasn’t a matter of her body being stripped naked then re clothed. She was wearing her clothes when she was shot. The shot in her abdomen from the front nicked her jeans. That means she was wearing those pants when she was shot. The crazy part is the way the deal was supposed to go down. She ran a grow for “someone” that was busted. It’s wasn’t a fully operative grow op, it was a clone show. They would take trimmings from an existing plant and make several smaller plants that would be sold to other grows to produce. The 1500 plant show were just trimmings for others to grow not fully mature plants.

After the police busted that grow, they locked it up and seized all their cash. After they did that they had no money and no place to live. That’s why they were staying at the Day’s Inn. Britney was frantically trying to get as much pot together for one big deal to put some food on the table and help pay for her rehab she planned on attending.

According to Brittney’s brother, the plan was she was supposed to meet Joey with the product. She would park her car and her and Joey would go in the bush to shoot guns while the buyers would inspect the product in the vehicle. Britney’s brother thought that was strange because normally when making a drug deal you don’t want to attract attention, you want to be quiet. Shooting guns off during a drug deal sounded suspicious and he kept telling her that. She in turn kept reassuring him that Joey was a good guy and could be trusted. Sad.

After Brittney went missing, her brother found one of her other cell phones with Joey’s number on it. He called the number and said “Where the f is my sister?! She was supposed to meet you.” He claimed Joey said Brittney never showed up to which her brother said you’re an f-ing liar and hung up.

The thing is, this big drug deal so to speak wasn’t going to make her that much money. Her brother testified that she was only making $100 per pound and that was supposed to be good according to Brittney. There were pictures of various qualities of pot and she only accepted the highest grade returning pictures of the lesser grade. It appears there was at least 50 pounds of product in the final deal. 50 pounds times $100 is only $5,000. Hardly enough to kill someone over.

It is my opinion that the people she ran the clone show for were making her come up with the money to repay for the police bust just like they did to Jeremy Snow. That would make more sense and would explain why Joey didn’t leave town after he was alleged to have murdered her.

Brad Saari testified. Evidently, Joey admitted to an undercover cop in prison he had a sexual relationship with Britney. I suppose he didn't tell Kim that at the time. It supports what her brother said about them being in a relationship at the time. It also explains the test messages produced in court between Britney and joey where Britney said things like I'll be right there hun. She cared about him and she trusted him. It's sad how he betrayed her so viciously and has no remorse for it whatsoever. It's all about the money. Greed.

Britney's brother testified that right after his sister went missing he found her other cell phone with Joey's number and called it. He told the court he said where the f is my sister? Her brother then claimed Joey said she never showed up to which he said you're a f*ing liar and hung up. The evidence that Joey's cousin helped Joey tow the truck he borrowed out from where Britney was murdered is proof Joey lied about Britney not showing up.

Overview of Brittney Irving’s Murder Trial

Witness intimidation at the Joey Verma Trial

Accused tells witness to keep his mouth shut