Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Chilliwack Stabbing

My Chilliwack News is reporting that two men were stabbed Sunday night at the District Pub House, off Five Corners in Chilliwack. Police say it was not a targeted attack. However, a witness on the scene claimed they saw several supporters standing outside and two huge pools of blood. One of the two men was in critical condition.

Hells Angels harass Iron Order at Toy Run in Edmonton

Well this is another pathetic example of Hells Angels bullying people just because they won’t sell drugs for them. Last Sunday the Iron Order participated in a toy run in Edmonton put on by a local radio station.

The Hells Angels showed up with a bunch of patch licker puppets from the Dirty Few, Kaos Crew, and Tribal with the sole purpose of harassing members of the Iron Order participating in the event. They out numbered them, surrounded them and was taking their pictures and video taping them giving them a hard time. They even had some members of the Whiteboy posse, another criminal organization, filming them from a minivan. None of them brought toys for the kids. They just harassed the other motorcyclists from the Iron Order.

We saw the same thing back east when the Darksiders, another Hells Angels puppet club were harassing and bullying the Freedom Riders who were a Christian bike club in Nova Scotia. They pushed and threatened a senior citizen at a small town Tim Horton’s. I kid you not. Bacchus in Newfoundland even banned civilians from wearing Sons of Anarchy gear.

This is the root of the problem. The Hells Angels or any of their loser puppets have absolutely no right to tell anyone what they can or cannot wear. They have no right to bully any legitimate MC just because they don’t want to sell drugs for them. It’s that simple. The Hells Angels are drug dealers and murderers. They are a criminal organization that has nothing to do with riding motorcycles. That is why they should be banned from any and all official MC events. Period.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Another car bomb in Kelowna

Castanet is reporting there was a second car bomb in Kelowna. A Chevy Silverado parked in front of a home parked in the 1300 block of Rutland Road North was fully engulfed in flames when officers arrived on the scene shortly after midnight on Aug 30. For some reason, we’re only hearing about it now. Back in January a car bomb was used to destroy a late 2000's model Ford Explorer in a parking lot in the 200 block of Lawrence Avenue.

On Aug 28, members of CFSEU-BC arrested a West Kelowna man after finding what was termed 'bomb making equipment' at a home he was moving to in Oyama. This was no fake pressure cooker bomb. The guy was using gunpowder from emptied out shotgun shells.

The Surrey Six Trial is under way

Well the Surrey Six trial is under way and I thought it was under publication ban since it has been split and divided into separate trials. Yet the media is all over it so I will simply quote what they said. Kim Bolan is tweeting a play by play.

The crown laid out it’s case which suggests that Corey Lal was the only intended target. The others were killed to eliminate witnesses. Jamie Bacon asked Corey Lal to pay him $100,000 tax for dealing on their turf. Bacon also confiscated Lal's glock pistol. When Lal didn't pay he was targeted in the Surrey Six.

There are a lot more details coming forward but as I previously said, I’m not covering this trial because I don’t want to screw it up. I do think evidence publicized from this case could jeopardize the other trials. I had heard the media was challenging the publication ban legally and they must have won so I’ll let them have at it.

The court room is packed and there are several other cases going on including the Cocks father and son who have been charged with the murder of Dain Philips. I don’t know why Robert Thomas is being tried separately on that one. That would explain the publication ban on that. There are things in that I would like to report on when that ban is lifted.

The Surrey Six trial is obviously big news locally. It was the reason my web site and blog started. I heard Eileen Mohan speak at a gang violence rally at Bear Creek Park when she made a public appeal for a web site to identify known gang members. I thought to myself, given my background, I could do that. I don’t think Eileen agrees with my politics or the way I mock gang members. She’s like Surrey’s own Mother Teresa. Her heartfelt appeal touched Person X's heart and cracked the case wide open. It is sad that Harper used her misfortune to promote his own dishonest agenda.

The reason I quote what the other media outlets are reporting about Jamie Bacon and Corey Lal is that it confirms my original premise. They wanted to tax the Red Scorpions who were working for the UN at the time. As we now know, the Bacon brothers were working for the Hells Angels. Jamie Bacon’s tax was for the Hells Angels less his and his brothers cut.

Update: Although most of the publication ban has been lifted it appears that there is still a publication ban on the names of Person X and Person Y. Which is kinda weird since everyone knows who they are. Nevertheless, it appears that there is a publication ban on those names so we'll just refer to them as you know who during the ban. Cheers.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Shooting at the Haney in Maple Ridge

The Vancouver Sun and the Vancouver Province are both reporting that two doorman were shot outside the Haney in Maple Ridge just before 2:00 AM Sunday morning. Two men were escorted out after a fight and one of them came back with a gun shooting at the crowd leaving the pub and hit two doormen in the legs. The owner claims the RCMP knows the man’s identity and that his friends are bar regulars. Police have yet to confirm if the suspect is in custody.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Accused tells witness to keep his mouth shut

The Daily Courier is reporting that “Joey Verma's text messages became increasingly hostile after his cousin told police their activities the day Brittney Irving disappeared."

"Jason Labonte, the Crown's star witness at Verma's murder trial, testified Verma asked him to drive up to a remote part of McCulloch Road and haul out his borrowed truck, which had become stuck in the mud. Weeks later, police found Irving's bullet-ridden body nearby.”

Joey sent his cousin whose nickname is Cutter a text that said: "You need to see me in person, Cutter. I need to know what you have said to these guys! I'm hearing things," Verma typed via BlackBerry. "I told you to keep your f***ing mouth shut, man!"

Weeks after helping Joey tow his car out, Verma told Labonte "I had to kill her." Later on when the media started mentioning Joey in Britney’s disappearance Labonte said "He just said not to worry about it. Then just before we parted, he gave me a hug and said if he's going down, everyone's going down." Dave Pickton said the same thing when Willy was charged. That didn’t happen either.

Another text messages produced in court between Joey and his cousin said “Well the longer you wait the more s*** you will be in . . . I was told at the gym by an official to tell you to shut the f*** up!” Gee, I wonder who the official was? Doesn’t sound like a hockey ref.

Britney Irving was shot in the back - Court Update

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Escaped Hells Angel found dead

CBC is reporting that René Charlebois, a member of the Hells Angels who escaped from prison on Sept. 14, was found dead in Quebec this morning. "Charlebois was a high-ranking member of the Hells Angels Nomads chapter and had been incarcerated at the Montée St-François Institution since 2003 for, among other charges, killing a police informant."

"Officers from the Sûreté du Québec's tactical squad were outside the Ste-Anne-de-Sorel residence around 1:15 a.m. to carry out an arrest warrant when, according to Radio-Canada's sources, they heard a gunshot. Const. Raphaël Bergeron of the Montreal police said investigators are looking into the possibility that Charlebois committed suicide."

Why on earth would he commit suicide after escaping prison? Unless he figured he was about to be arrested again and didn't want to go back. Bizarre. Doesn't sound like a happy and fulfilled life.

Witness intimidation at the Joey Verma Trial

This is astounding. I just received word that Joey Verma had a couple of supporters in court Wednesday that were staring down one of the witnesses testifying in court. One had tattoos on his face. They were staring down Joey’s cousin Jason Labonte while he was testifying. Jason is also scheduled to be on the stand again today. If that kind of witness intimidation can go on in court, one has to wonder what goes on outside of court.

When I was in Kelowna recently the jury wasn’t present for part of the trial I attended. That means what was said is under publication ban since the jury wasn’t present to hear it. I’m not going to break that ban because I understand the intent of it. However, I will record my dissent in that some of the facts presented during that application in my opinion the jury should be made aware of. It relates to the character and the credibility of the accused.

If the defense can go overboard bringing up completely unrelated events from a witness’ past then the prosecution can bring up totally relevant things from the accused’s past while he was in prison waiting trial. Failing to tell the jury that is a breach of justice.

Update: On Tuesday, the day before Schrader and another guy were staring down the witness in court, two different men appeared to be staring down the jury while the undercover cop was testifying. The jury filed a complaint and the judge noted they were no longer in court when the jury reconvened. This brazen arrogance is astounding. He shot a girl in the back for God's sake.

Another body in a car found in Surrey

The Peace Arch News is reporting that a man’s body was fond in a car parked at Morgan Crossing early Wednesday morning. For some bizarre reason Staff Sgt. Rob Parker said there was "no indication of this being anything the community needs to worry about." Shortly after 9 a.m., Surrey RCMP said in a news release that "police do not believe the death is suspicious or that there is any risk to the public." Unless the guy had a heart attack, that is sounding like the suppression of crime statistics. If deemed a murder it will be Surrey’s 19th for the year. Well above the annual average and rapidly approaching the most ever for a single year.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A slow and painful death

Before I move on and update the status of two more clowns I want to pause and reflect on some ridiculous statements a heckler recently sent me by e-mail. The subject of the e-mail was I think you’re wrong. Then he goes on and on about me being a rat and concludes with “I hope you die a slow and painful death.” So which is it? I’m wrong or I’m a rat? Those are two very different accusations.

I claim the Hells Angels and the Whiteboy Posse sell drugs and commit murder. The evidence supports that conclusion. Just ask Bob Roth. So if I’m right and the real concern is that I’m ratting them out then that delusion needs to be addressed. People who sell crack, commit murder and steal cars are rats. Not the people who report them to the police.

The point I want to address is the please help me Dr Phil desire that someone, anyone, dies a slow and painful death. Why would anyone wish that upon anyone? It just isn’t healthy. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. The people I write about in my blog are drug dealers. I don’t want anyone to shoot them. That’s the Belfast way. I’m simply following the rules of engagement. In times of war you warn your enemy before you fire upon them. That gives them the opportunity to stand down before they get killed.

In my case I’m simply warning the drug dealers before I report them to the police. I don’t want anyone to shoot them. I want them to stop. I want them to wake up and smell the coffee and take a look at what they are doing to other people. After all that’s what it’s all about. As ye sow so shall ye reap - the golden rule. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Would you want to experience a slow and painful death yourself? Then why wish that on anyone else?

Life doesn’t end a death. Like it or not all of us are going to have to accept responsibility for our choices and how those choices affected other people. Call it karma if you will. We will experience the pain we have caused others. That’s reality. People can say oh I don’t believe that. That’s fine. When you die and you’re still conscience of what’s going on around you then you will realize your beliefs were wrong. This life does have a purpose. Slinging crack and stealing cars is not it.

I really hate liars. People who sell crack and steal cars but lie about doing so. That is Neanderthal low life. These childish rants about someone being a rat for reporting a crack dealer to the police is so juvenile it’s impossible for me to believe anyone still believes that now a days. It’s just a phrase that comes out of a bully’s mouth to try and scare people into silent submission.

Regardless, no lie can live forever. Like the Reaper says, you can pay me now or you can pay me later. One day, like it or not we will all stand accountable for our own choices. Martin Luther King was right. Anyone can be great because anyone can serve. These shallow selfish lives all these clowns are obsessing over is so pointless. There is no joy or happiness in that.

When I was a kid I used to read Alan Watts. He was into Zen. He made a profound statement about Christianity that stuck with me. He claimed that the literal translation of the Greek word to sin was to miss the mark. If our goal in life is to find true happiness then to sin would be to miss that mark like an archer misses his target. I firmly believe people are free to choose. I just think these half wits are really missing out on a much more rewarding life someone else had planned for them. We just need to open our eyes and wake up.