Sunday, October 13, 2013

Red Lobsters selling crack in Nanaimo

The Nanaimo Daily News and the Vancouver Sun are reporting that Nanaimo RCMP announced on Tuesday they had arrested five men believed to have links to the Red Scorpions.

Officers found $60,000 in cash, ten ounces of crack cocaine, and two ounces of heroin in the vehicles. The next day, police searched a home and seized an additional $6,000 and some crystal meth and cocaine. While police say the group allegedly has ties to the Red Scorpions, they believe just one of them is an active member of the gang.

It was the second time this year an arrest involving the Red Scorpions in Nanaimo made headlines. A man with alleged links to the gang was arrested in January, when police seized cash and drugs.

The Red Scorpions started working for the Hells Angels after the Surrey Six murder. That’s when the Bacon brothers made the logo look like a cheap Karate school resembling the Red Lobsters.

Thanksgiving Truce

Well I’m feeling a little festive. A lot of people have viewed the post of Schrader with the puckered lips and painted nails. Evidently he would really like me to take that post down. I don’t want to reward unacceptable behavior but I’ll make a deal. I’ve taken the post down and made it a draft so it is offline. However, if he gets busted for selling crack again I click post and it goes back online.

Everybody needs a fresh start. After all it’s all about redemption. Changing, growing, progressing. They say some people will never change but the Tupac remix says don’t you believe it. That’s what this life is for. To give us the opportunity to learn, change and progress.

I think it’s pretty clear how I feel about threats to my family. Crossing that line makes me go ballistic. There are times that I do get really tired of doing the blog. This drug war is so shallow and pointless. Life has so much more to offer. That’s why I like to add other things like hiking, snowshoeing and kayaking.

I’m actually considering getting remarried sometime in the future. If and when that happens it means I’ll be setting the blog aside for a much simpler life. Until then perhaps there are things we all can still learn, myself included. The ability to forgive and repent makes us men. Repent simply means change. Progress. My image of hell is that of a dam stopping the flow of a river. Our progression is stopped. We stop learning, growing and progressing. That’s hell. Complete boredom. The absence of love, joy and peace which is what some refer to as the fruits of the spirit.

Deep down that’s what we all want. Yet we can’t experience any of those three things unless we are living a higher code. When we live a higher moral standard we find peace just like the Zen masters of old. Real love and real joy comes from following higher laws driven by service.

I have a lot to be thankful for. I’ve had a wonderful life. I was able to pick my kids up from school every day when they were young and now they are all grown up. I concur with the old timer that I looked up to when I was young. Having kids was the best thing I ever did. Parenthood can be a challenge alright, but nothing worthwhile in life is accomplished without overcoming challenges. If I get shot now it just won’t matter. Life doesn't end at death.

So Happy Thanksgiving. Shallom Shabat. Allahu akbar. La vie c’est bien.

Live, love, laugh. Life is short. Make it worth while.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Hells Angels raided in Melbourne

After a series of local shootings the police raided the Hells Angels in Melbourne Friday morning seizing firearms and ammunition. High ranking Hells Angels Peter Hewat also known as the Rat King as well as Stephen Rogers were arrested. Hewat is from the same chapter that was accused of rapeing and torturing a girl from Melbourne.

Two weeks ago a Hells Angels clubhouse in south east Melbourne was sprayed with an AK47 right after a bomb was found in a local business and after the Hells Angels sprayed a rival gang's tattoo parlour with bullets. Surprisingly it appears that the Hells Angels in Australia are bringing the Village People back. A daring move indeed in the face of such fierce local opposition.

Coalition warns about online surveillance bill

The Vancouver 24 hours is reporting that a new 30-group coalition is warning that ultra-controversial online surveillance legislation may return this fall. This warning comes after revelations about how Canada’s electronic spy agency hacked into Brazil's federal mining department and shared the intelligence with national energy interests. This was leaked by our friend Edward Snowdon. Canada surveillance agency spying for corporations. big surprise. The president of Brazil said "The United States and its allies must immediately stop their spying activity once and for all."

“Bill C-30, the Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act, was quashed in February amidst widespread opposition, including from backbench Conservative MPs. The Protect Our Privacy Coalition, encompassing 30 groups which span the political spectrum from right to left, believes federal Justice Minister Peter McKay will try to re-introduce aspects of controversial snooping legislation when Parliament resumes this month.”

This is that crazy bill that Vikki leaks Towes said if you don’t support the bill you support pedophiles. Then when the media pointed out that it gave the police the authority to put people under surveillance who have not committed a crime, he said he was surprised to hear that was in the bill. Either he’s an idiot and didn’t read the bill he was pushing or he is a liar.

The Communications Security Establishment Canada agency has come under fire for it’s mandated violations of the charter of rights as well as their new $4 billion headquarters in Ottawa. The price tag keeps expanding. First they said it was $1 billion. Fiscal irresponsibility violating civil liberty. Here comes the iron curtain.

Vancouver shooting victim identified

Early Friday morning there was another shooting in Vancouver. The Vancouver Sun as well as the Vancouver Province have identified the murder victim as La Van Truong Phan. Police found Phan with gunshot wounds in the backyard of a home. He died shortly afterwards in hospital. They claim he was associated with gangs and the drug trade and his attack appeared to be a targeted killing. Kim Bolan is reporting that Phan had a criminal record dating back to 2001 and had been charged several times with trafficking in Nanaimo. This is Vancouver’s fifth murder of the year. Surrey, is well past that now.

Reflecting on the homeless in East Vancouver

I have a friend who is a hunter. I’m told today is the opening of duck season. To commemorate the season, last night I went hunting in East Vancouver for the weasel that has threatened my daughter and put her life at risk. I had something to eat at a restaurant in Chinatown, and then roamed the old stomping ground in the DTES.

Years ago I did volunteer work in East Van. Before I left to travel the world, an image I had left a lasting impression on me. Back then crack hadn’t hit the streets yet. It was heroin and aftershave. The winos would run out of money for cheap wine and drink aftershave to get a buzz. If you didn’t have a mental disability before that you sure did afterwards.

I remember seeing an older homeless man wacked out on aftershave clinging to a tree in a park at the side of the road. He was holding onto the tree to help him keep from falling over and he was just staring off into space. At the time I thought to myself how can anyone see that and not have a desire to help. There has got to be something we can do to help this person.

I really get upset when people coin the phrase oh they want to be homeless. Nobody wants to be homeless. There was a woman who died camped out on Granville one cold winter. A street worker tried to help her get into a shelter but the shelter wouldn’t let her in with a pet or with her shopping buggy of her world possessions. To everyone else it was garbage. To her it was all she had. So instead of giving up all she had left, she stayed in a plastic shelter in the bitter cold. She begged the street workers for a candle to keep warm. The candle ended up catching her shelter on fire and killed her.

I’m not saying the street workers were wrong for giving her a candle. She was freezing cold and begged them for one and it did give her a small amount of temporary relief. I’m saying that woman didn’t want to be homeless and that event was a real life tragedy. Thankfully First United has since set up a program where the homeless can check in their shopping buggy of belongings so they don’t get stolen or prevent them from getting into a shelter. That is a good program worth supporting. The problem is there just aren’t enough shelters.

I parked near Pigeon corner and walked up Blood alley for old time’s sake. The allies are much cleaner now but the rat infestation is much worse. As soon as I entered the ally a big ass rat kept scurrying back and forth in front of me. It kept getting closer and closer as I was stomping my foot and almost had to crush it with my boot before it ran off and scurried up the wall beside a drain pipe.

Back in New York they used to joke about the rats. They used to say the rats in the tunnels were so big they barked. Yet the rats I saw last night were huge. Three big ass rats and one small mouse in a very short walk in the alley. Yes there was a woman sticking a needle in her arm shooting heroin. She was heavier. Not your typical skin and bones addict. She must be a new addict. Fresh meat so to speak. It won’t be long before that poison turns her into a zombie and kills her like so many others the predatory drug dealers have exploited and profited from.

Before I went home I said to myself I’ve got to go for a ride through Stanley Park. I need a change of scenery. There’s more to life than this. I stopped at the parking lot beside the totem poles and the water was calm and serene. The city lights reflecting on the glass like water was magical. I thought to myself it would be a great night to put the kayak in for a night paddle. A bit chilly but very serene. There were no campfires on third beach last night. It’s starting to get colder. Colder on the bike these days too, though nothing compared to back east.

Colder living on the streets as well. I’ve experienced homelessness arriving back to my hostel late after curfew in London. After getting locked out I soon discovered how cold concrete is when you try and sleep on it. That’s why people set cardboard down as a ground sheet first. Housing is a big problem in London or at least was when I was there. I slept in a park beside a hostel for a while. I could use the shower at the hostel until I got paid from my new job and was able to afford a bedsit.

Back then the cost of housing compared to wages was very challenging. It’s the same here now. Usually on social assistance people are forced to choose between food or housing because you can’t have both. That’s why people turn to drugs or alcohol to numb the cold of life on the street.

Imagine years ago, someone handing out free wine at pigeon park. Here have some of this. Everyone would be like alright, party. Imagine afterwards that person coming back to those homeless and saying alright today you have to pay for all the wine you drank. But we don’t have any money. That’s why were homeless. I don’t care he says. If you don’t pay for the wine you drank I’ll kill you. Find the cash. People start scrambling to get the money. Pan handle, steal, pawn. It’s not enough so the dealer pushes one of them out of a window and kills her to send a message to the others. Pay up or we will kill you. All of a sudden there minutes of relief has turned into a life of misery scrambling to pay their debts and pay for their new addiction.

It’s hard to conceive that anyone could be so cruel to offer free wine at pigeon park then threaten to kill the homeless for not paying for it after the fact. Many of those people have a mental disability. Yet that is exactly what the predatory drug dealers are doing at Main and Hastings and outside the Front Room in Surrey. Giving the homeless free crack then threatening to kill them after they are addicted when they don’t have enough money for food or housing is predatory. That needs to stop.

We need to remember Ashley Machiskinic and Janice Shore. We need to remember who killed them and why. We need to embrace the New York model and confront the predatory drug dealers that exploit the homeless. Word.

The cartoon in the top picture was from my daughter. It's in Spanish. The guy is looking up to heaven and saying where are you God that I may serve you? Then the homeless man behind him is saying I'm right here. Christ said Inasmuch as ye have done it not unto one of the least of these, ye have done it not unto me. Mother Teresa quoted Gandhi who said He who serves the poor, serves God. And Moses said, let my people go.

Bribes at Surrey City Hall

I saw this article about bribes at Surrey City Hall when it came out but couldn’t find any direct links to Diane Watts. However, a blog reader just sent me a link to the article with the following two quotes: "an unnamed female who allegedly helped Akolo with his transactions" and “Many people have their hands dirty and don’t want to be named.”

I had totally missed that. That is significant. Obviously the unnamed female doesn’t have to be Dianne Watts. However the claim that Many people have their hands dirty and don’t want to be named is very believable and very significant. It wasn’t just one fall guy as they are trying to portray. Godzilla’s Ivory Tower is made of glass.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Is Joey Verma really a dead man?

Rumors in Kelowna are swirling about the Joey Verma murder trial. Some are saying he’s a dead man if he’s not convicted in Britney Irving's murder. Yet some of these rumors are lies spread by the same people that hired him to kill her.

In the beginning I said there is no way Joey simply ripped off Britney. In so doing he would have been ripping off the Hells Angels and would have left town. He didn’t leave he was in town doing business as usual. The monetary value of the drugs he was dealing makes it clear the Kelowna Hells Angels were involved in his drug trafficking. He was not an independent drug dealer. The drugs had to have come from somewhere.

The fact that he got a VP tattoo and was recruiting for the Kingpin crew in prison was astounding. He was bragging about shooting a girl in the back just like the Hells Angels in New York were bragging about Otis Garret killing Margo Compton and her twin seven year old daughters for testifying against him.

The fact that goons were showing up at court to intimidate the witnesses and the jury is further proof Joey was not acting on his own when he killed Britney. He told witnesses he had to. In a taped interview with the police Joey admitted he was a small fish and claimed that Britney owed people money. He said she lost all that pot. Figure it out. It’s pretty clear the Hells Angels held her accountable for the loss when her clone show was busted and the money was seized just like they held Jeremy Snow liable for the value of the drugs that were seized when he was set up.

He killed Britney as a favor for the Hells Angels and now that he’s getting bad press they are betraying him just like they betrayed Britney and Geoff. No L & R there. Never was. Just greed and betrayal. Just like when they told the rat that murdered the police informant and his wife in the Vancouver Christmas of 1995 to murder his co accused right after he helped them with the hit. Those are the rats. Not the ones that report them to the police.

Update: Joey has been found guilty of first degree murder.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Body found in Surrey ditch

Surrey RCMP have located a body in a ditch near Hwy1. Reports that body is of missing female who SAR crews are currently looking for.

Harper returns Canada to the Colonial era

The third act of domestic terrorism I’m going to cite is Stephen Harpers drive to turn Canada back into a colony instead of a free republic. First he sold our oil rights to Communist China. Every time we get gouged at the pump we finance the military expansion of a Communist dictatorship.

Now he has sold our natural gas rights to Malaysia. A state owned company. How about we make our oil and gas state owned in Canada? How about Canadians profiting from our own natural resources not some other country.

The insane thing is Harper is posing like an idiot as though he has done something good by drawing foreign investment. It’s not foreign investment it’s foreign ownership. There’s a huge difference. There is nothing wrong with selling China or Malaysia oil and gas. There is something very wrong with giving them the rights to our natural resources so they profit from our resources instead of us. Stephen Harper is a sociopath.