Monday, November 18, 2013

Rob Ford turns City council into a WWF circus

Rob Ford and his brother turned Toronto city council into a bizarre WWF circus. During the insanity Rob Ford pushed past an older female city council member and knocked her down. This brazen bullying has to stop. Rob Ford is an anti Christ.

The ruckus erupted after City Counsel voted to reduce Rob Ford’s budget. He is not fiscal responsibility. That is a lie. He is wasting money with his insane illegal activity. I haven’t been writing about this clown because I didn’t want to give him the attention he so desperately craves. His latest foot in the mouth was denying a staffer’s claim he wanted to have oral sex with her. His claim about getting enough at home is rather unlikely since the police were called to his home after a domestic assault. He admitted he and his wife were having problems but they were staying together for the kids sake.

When his wife stood beside him during his apology for the oral sex comment she looked like a battered wife. Rod Ford is a devil. He is completely out of control. We need to calm down and stop his bullying. The right needs to find another candidate. That’s all there is to it. Cut him loose.

Rob Ford: Two more men arrested in drug investigation is reporting that the months-long, ongoing police investigation of Mayor Rob Ford, dubbed Project Brazen 2, has netted two more arrests of suspected drug dealers. There's a lot more I'd like to say about this but can't. I will simple ask Why is it that all these associates of Rob Ford keep getting busted for drugs but he doesn't. Think about it.

Glenn Greenwald and the CESC snow job

Ironically enough as the first snowfall of the season hits our local mountains the CESC snow job begins to sweep the planet. Previously I had mentioned how Canada was caught spying on Brazil for economic reasons not for national security.

CBC did an interview with Glenn Greenwald, a journalist for the Guardian in Brazil who stated that “The fact that Stephen Harper feels compelled to say almost nothing I think is reflective of his contempt for democracy.” He stated that the Five Eyes Program is a massive global spying program that has nothing to do with national security.

Greenwald said that this network spies on ordinary citizens inside and outside of their own respective countries. Contrary to the denials of one former CSIS representative who said their spying on ordinary Canadians is illegal, Greenwald claims they do it all the time which has been confirmed by the Snowden leaks. Another way these spy agencies circumvent the law against spying on its own citizens is to get one of the other countries within the Five Eyes Program to spy on Canadians for them then get that foreign country to share that information with them and vice a versa. That's why Canada is such an important part of the NSA's illegal activity. Jeremy Hammond has already demonstrated this.

The CBC interview with Glenn Greenwald claims more information on this story is forthcoming. I have a source that claims some of the information which is forthcoming alludes to the fact that the Snowden documents reveal that CSEC plays a large role in the INSLAW scandal involving the PROMIS software which we have previously discussed. Stay tuned, more to come. CSEC is a criminal organization just like CSIS is. Wanted: A Canadian Edward Snowden.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Arrests in Fribjon Bjornson's murder

Eileen Bjornson is reporting that four people have been arrested in her son's murder and that the police will be holding a press conference about it on Monday. Fribjon Bjornson was found dead and tortured February 2012. There are some disturbing claims about the case that I have not yet reported. We'll wait to hear what the press conference reveals.

Update: Global is now reporting that: "Wesley Dennis Duncan, 27, is charged with Second Degree Murder. Jesse Darren Bird, 31, is charged with Accessory After the Fact to Murder & Indignity to Human Remains. James David Charlie, 23, is charged with Indignity to Human Remains. Teresa Marie Charlie, 21, is charged with Accessory After the Fact to Murder. RCMP say that more arrests could be made as the investigation is still active and ongoing."

The Globe and Mail is confirming reports that he was fond decapitated. However, there were reports of other indignities to human remains as well. The Prince George Citizen is reporting that CBS's 28 Hours claimed a connection between Bjornson's death and the May 2011 disappearance of fellow Vanderhoof resident Madison Scott.

Gun Possession mandatory minimum sentences overturned

The Vancouver Province is reporting that mandatory minimum sentences for gun possession enacted by the federal Conservatives as part of a law-and-order agenda has been overturned by the Supreme Court. I’m not sure if I agree with the terms cruel and unusual punishment but I am happy with the result. The bill was a disproportionate application of natural justice.

Mandatory minimum sentences for a crime committed with a firearm yes but not for simple possession of a firearm when no crime was committed. The wording of the conservative bill was flawed. Even in Canada, it is lawful to use deadly force in self defense when someone attacks you with deadly force. The right to bear arms is a fundamental right in the US. Mandatory minimum sentences for simple possession of a firearm is something Stalin or Hitler would do.

North Korea returns to the Dark Ages

On the political landscape, the Vancouver Province reported that North Korea executed 80 people for watching foreign films. It was a small article buried in the paper yet the ramifications of it are absolutely astounding. It’s surreal. It’s almost unbelievable. It’s inconceivable.

The article quotes a South Korean paper which claims the 80 public executions took place in seven separate cities in North Korea and in one case a large number of civilians including children were forced to watch. Family members were sent to prison camps.

The claim is that those put to death were found guilty by the state of minor misdemeanors, including watching videos of South Korean television programmes or possessing a Bible. Possessing a Bible? Watching a TV show? The first question that comes to my mind is that really true? Did that really happen? It was reported in a South Korean paper. Was that just propaganda or did it really happen because if it did really happen, then that is an act of war.

Canada did participate in the Korean War. They helped prevent North Korean from invading South Korea and committing those kinds of atrocities in South Korea. I realize that people are very polarized about religion but imprisoning someone for their religious beliefs or lack there of is absurd. It violates civil liberty. Executing them for either is Hitler and Stalin déjà. It’s hard to conceive that the world would allow that in our modern age.

Another one of my pet peeves is their recent insanity that the Harper government is spamming the public with. They are complaining about something Justin Trudeau said that could possibly be interpreted as an indifference if not support of China’s dictatorship. I just find it insanely hypocritical that they would dare raise the issue to promote their political party. They are the ones that gave Communist China our oil rights.

Every time we fill up with gas at then pimps we are financing the military expansion of a Communist dictatorship. Anything that Justin Trudeau could have possibly said in a talk is nothing compared to the treasonous support of that same dictatorship the Harper government has displayed by giving them our oil rights. That is one decision that needs to be reversed right now. China is the ones supporting North Korea’s insane violation of human rights. Likewise china has a similar history of inconceivable violations of human rights.

We cannot in good conscience support any of that. It mocks everything we stand for. This also opens up the door to claims that China Admits to Organ Harvesting. Soemthing that ties in with BC organized crime.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Heroin Pharmascam goes to court

The other day the Vancouver Province reported that the heroin prescription scam is going to court. This is one thing the Harper government did right. They recently did away with legalized prescriptions for heroin addicts. The Vancouver Province reported that some of the participants of that insane program are now suing under the Charter of Rights. Double trouble.

There is nothing in the Charter of Rights that says the general public must pay for heroin addicts illegal drugs. Nothing at all. To even suggest that there is and allow that kind of a frivolous law suit to proceed is a prime example of utter stupidity. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Let’s pause for one second and look at who is the real driving force behind this Pharmascam. Providence Health Care is spearheading the insanity suit by using a few addicts on the program.

CBC reported that the office of Health Minister Rona Ambrose said the federal government was forced to close loopholes that allowed "for the feeding of addiction under the guise of treatment." Exactly. Rona Ambrose nailed it. Doctors in Vancouver had obtained federal approval to prescribe the heroin to 21 patients who left the trial, but last month Ambrose intervened when she introduced new regulations to close what she described as a "loophole" that allowed the drug to be dispensed.

So who is the real villains in this fraud? Once again it’s the big Pharmaceutical companies and the corrupt doctors on their payroll. Just like the corrupt BC doctors who get kickbacks from methadone prescriptions and refuse to reduce the dosage of the prescriptions keeping the patients a pharmaceutical dependent forever at the taxpayers expense.

If any judge awards in their favor they should be shot. I’m not talking about a criminal act. I’m talking about capital punishment by way of firing squad because that act would be the worst modern act of treason known to man. This is corporate communism. Forcing taxpayers to pay for addicts illegal drugs. That will bankrupt our democracy not to mention our medical system faster than you can say God help us. Lest we forget Dr. Colin Mangham’s prophetic warning.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Larry Amero and Shane Maloney busted in Aussie drug ring

La Press is reporting that Australian police have arrested ten people including eight Canadians involved with a large drug ring connected to Larry Amero and Shane Maloney. As we know those two are waiting trial for their involvement in a large cross border drug ring tied to the Hells Angels that supplied New York with BC Bud and brought back massive amounts of cocaine into Canada to be sold as crack.

This time 650 kg of pseudoephedrine were seized as this drug ring was suspected of importing two tons of precursor chemicals for making crystal meth. That is nasty. Larry Amero is such a piece of garbage. Everybody wants to know where he is so they can put a cap in his ass. His life expectancy outside of prison isn’t very long.

I’ve heard rumors that the police have evidence connecting him to many murders in the BC gang war. If Jamie Bacon is being charged with conspiracy to commit murder in the Surrey Six no doubt Larry Amero should be as well because he was obviously the driving force behind the Bacon brothers disease that is hated so much here in Surrey.

Larry Amero is just another suburban princess. He got beat up in Walnut Grove high school so he started taking steroids. Walnut Grove is in Langley. That is about as far away from the hood as you can get. I know because after I got kicked out of highschool in Surrey I went to Mountain. After I got kicked out of Mountain I had to go back to Surrey. Mountain was a great school. They had an awesome rugby team, great band program and an amazing IB academic program. They weren't into gang banging at all. Walnut Grove was a new school built in the middle of huge subdivisions. Complete yuppiedom. Larry getting beat up there was absolutely pathetic.

Shane Maloney is in a wheelchair. That's why they call him wheels. He's not from Ireland or Montreal. He’s from here. He was enrolled in Burnaby South High School but didn't graduate. He was high school friends with Randy Naicker and Nelson Ramirez, both of whom are now dead. Kim Bolan reported that Nelson had a long criminal history of fraud. Are we beginning to see a pattern yet? Birds of a feather flock together.

One source claims Shane would regularly rip people off in bad drug deals. He's certainly not a promising leader to embrace. He and Larry would get along great. They're both con men.

Update: Shane Maloney pleads guilty

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Surrey’s 21st homicide of the year

Surrey had it’s 21st homicide of the year over the weekend. I’m slow to report on it because the details were pretty sketchy. We heard that IHIT was called in and a suspicious death was being treated as a homicide. At the time it was reported that the victim suffered a cardiac arrest after a home invasion. Kinda strange. Yet in today’s article in the Vancouver Province one witness claimed their friend was shot in the back while they slept. Somewhat different than a cardiac arrest.

Hopefully more details will follow to clarify what really happened. The Vancouver Province is reporting that this is the 21st murder in Surrey so far this year while Vancouver has only had five homicides so far this year. The most murders Surrey had in one year was 21 back in 2005 so we’ve tied the record with just over a month and a half left to go in the year. The photo was taken by a blog reader on scene.

VPD seize 54 kilos of cocaine in East Van

Kim Bolan from the Vancouver Sun is reporting that on Saturday the VPD seized 54 kilos of cocaine in an apartment across from Science World. No charges have been laid as of yet. Well done for a huge haul. Somebody needs to be charged and we need to hit them from both sides. We need to stop letting them sell crack in public in the DTES. Intercepting these large shipments is difficult to do but stopping them from selling crack in public is pretty easy. Just arrest the guy at the front of the line on welfare night.