Monday, December 16, 2013

Man stabbed in Whalley

The Surrey Leader is reporting that a man is in hospital after being stabbed several times in Whalley. The stabbing occurred Monday afternoon at about 3:30 PM near the corner of 106 Avenue and 135 A Street in the parking lot of the Whalley Legion which is right beside the Front Room. The exact spot we are highlighting this winter for the drug related violence there. It is where Janice Shore was last seen before she was brutally beaten to death over what some sources claim was a nominal drug debt.

Although this stabbing doesn't appear to be drug related, it shows what kind of violence goes on in that area all the time. The Surrey Leader referred to it as the dead zone. A place when locals say the police tolerate violent crime. We know for a surety they tolerate aggressive crack dealers selling crack in public there. they refuse to stop them. Which makes ya kinda wonder what the new talk force is talking about while they let that go on in broad daylight. I guess the mayor doesn't care about that as long as it's not outside her new ivory tower in Surrey Central.

Michael Booth seems to think a group of grandstanding politicians is a waste of time and money.

I think they need to arrest the aggressive crack dealers outside the Front Room.

Surrey Jack gets Jacked

On the bright side, this suspect won't be loose for long. The Surrey Leader also reported that at about 10:30 p.m. Wednesday, a man and woman with what is described as a small machete approached a man in a blue 2003 Dodge Caravan at an Esso Station near 104 Avenue and King George Boulevard. They told him to get out, and hand over the keys.

As the couple got into the vehicle, they were approached by two other men in their mid-20s who then stole the van from the car jacker and took off. About 10 minutes later, and a few blocks away, the Surrey Fire Department was called to the Front Room Drop-In Centre at 10667 135A St. on a medical call. On arrival, they found a man who had been stabbed in the upper left chest. He was taken to hospital by ambulance with non-life threatening injuries.

So the Surrey Jack got Jacked. Now that's the Surrey we know and grew up in. Just like in that dirty Surrey remix, I pulled out my shank and the Surrey Jack ran away. After they get jacked they go and stab someone outside the Front Room. Surrey criminals aren't known for being very bright. The car jackers that got jacked had their faces recorded on surveillance video at the gas station. So the police know exactly what the suspect looks like. I'm not sure why they haven't handed out a picture of the suspect to the media. I sure hope Bill Fordy is trying to solve crime not just suppress crime statistics for his political aspirations.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Silk Road and the Hells Angels

According to this letter from the US Department of justice, Ross William Ulbricht, has been charged with conspiring to commit narcotics trafficking, conspiring to commit computer hacking and conspiring to commit money laundering.

Ulbricht owned and operated an underground website known as “Silk Road,” a bustling black-market bazaar where illegal drugs of every variety were sold, along with other illegal goods and services, such as malicious computer software and fake identification documents.

Once again this individual is taking the fall for the whole thing and is being perceived once again as the ring leader just like Rob Shannon was in that Hells Angels drug trafficking network. Ulbricht was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) on October 1, 2013, while working on his laptop computer at a San Francisco public library.

While operating Silk Road, Ulbricht commissioned no fewer than six murders for hire within a span of four months in 2013. Although it appears that none of these murders was actually carried out, Ulbricht clearly intended them to happen, and the details of the attempted murders demonstrate that Ulbricht will not hesitate to use violence in order to silence witnesses, safeguard his criminal proceeds, or otherwise protect his self-interest.

Beginning on March 13, 2013, a Silk Road vendor known as “FriendlyChemist” began sending threats to Ulbricht’s “DPR” account on Silk Road’s private message system, claiming that he had a long list of actual names and addresses of Silk Road users that he intended to publish on the Internet unless Ulbricht gave him $500,000, which “FriendlyChemist” said he needed to pay off his narcotics suppliers. Subsequently, Ulbricht communicated with another user claiming to be “FriendlyChemist’s” supplier, who went by the username “redandwhite” – a well-known nickname of the Hells Angels. Ulbricht told “redandwhite” that “FriendlyChemist” was causing him trouble and that he wanted “to put a bounty on his head.” Ulbricht gave “redandwhite” what he believed to be the true name of “FriendlyChemist,” and a location for him in White Rock, British Columbia, Canada. Ulbricht and “redandwhite” agreed upon a price of 1,670 Bitcoins – approximately $150,000 – for the job, which Ulbricht transferred on March 31, 2013, to a particular Bitcoin address designated by “redandwhite.” This transfer appears on the public Bitcoin ledger known as the “Blockchain,” evidencing that the transfer was actually made. Over the next several days, “redandwhite” reported to Ulbricht that “FriendlyChemist” had been “taken care of” and provided what he claimed to be a photograph of the victim after the job was done. Ulbricht thanked “redandwhite” for his “swift action.”

Canadian law enforcement authorities, who have no record of any Canadian resident with the name for “FriendlyChemist” that Ulbricht passed to “redandwhite,” nor do they have a record of a homicide occurring in White Rock, British Colombia during the relevant time frame. However, the foregoing messages between Ulbricht and “redandwhite,” and Ulbricht’s $150,000 payment to “redandwhite,” leave no doubt of his intention that the murder for hire be carried out.

However, Craig Widdifield who was tied to the drug trade was shot dead at Morgan Crossing in White rock April 24. Several days after March 31st “redandwhite” reported to Ulbricht that “FriendlyChemist” had been “taken care of.” That could have meant his death had been contracted out and was as good as done. It is possible that FriendlyChemist was Craig Widdifield. It’s also possible he wasn’t. Yet the timing of the murder makes it worth looking into. It's also possible Craig Widdifield was tony76 - the third victim.

We know that White Rock Hells Angel Randy Jones’ brother Trevor used the name Red in his alleged dealings in that cross border drug ring tied to the Hells Angels out of Tbarz. Trevor has been indicted but not extradited for that offense. We also know that anyone claiming to be with the Hells Angels in White Rock falsely would be dead for making the impersonation. Randy himself used the e-mail tbarz81 to register the Tbarz domain name and used randy81 to register the domain name.

Please note that FriendlyChemist tried to extort the guy from Silk road to pay his drug debts. Redandwhite was his supplier - someone claiming to be associated with the Hells Angels from White Rock. That would be the Randy and Trevor Jones ring from the Eye of Saruman.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Jury finds suspect guilty in Kamloops double murder

A jury has found Roy Frederick Fraser guilty of first degree murder for the death of Damien Marks, and guilty of second degree murder for the death of Kenneth Yaretz Jr both of whom were found dead in Kamloops May 27, 2009.

Info Tel is reporting that the jury heard Yaretz was involved with a marijuana crop with Fraser they were partners on. Neighbors claimed they had been under the impression the property was owned by the Hells Angels. Yaretz had a documented link to the Independent Soldiers and served a nine month prison sentence for drug trafficking in 2007. Yaretz was with Jayme Russell when he was pulled over the previous summer.

René Charlebois left incriminating video tapes

The Montreal Gazette and CBC are both reporting that René Charlebois left incriminating video tapes before committing “suicide” after he escaped from prison. The tapes shed light on Montreal police detective Benoît Roberge selling confidential information to the Hells Angels. No doubt this is just the tip of the iceberg but I wanted to mention it again just to keep track of the story.

On an unrelated note, Hells Angel Maxime Guillemette has been arrested after escaping prison on a snowmobile in Laval. A snowmobile? Ya gotta admit that was creative.

Court Jester bans Person X's testimony in Surrey Six

Speaking of crimes in high places, Catherine Wedge does it again. She is banning Person X from testifying in the Surrey Six Murder Trial. Time for her to go to jail. That is insane. Her ruling claims the Crown had successfully asserted privilege over relevant material, which would otherwise have been disclosed to the accused, on the basis that its disclosure would tend to identify the police informer. Everybody knows who Person X is. When he testifies in court the accused will see him. Not letting him testify is insane. Catherine Wedge is sitting on the wrong side of the bench.

Update: There appears to be some confusion between person x and person y. The one I was under the impression is person x is the star witness. The one others are claiming it is is not the star witness. Yet the one I'm thinking of started cooperating with the police first. That would make him person x not person y. I have to get confirmation still about which is which.

OK it does appear that Person X and Person Y have been mysteriously switched around from what they originally were. Which once against shows how stupid these ridiculous publication bans are. Banning the new person X from testifying is not as bad as banning the new person Y from testifying but it's still messed up. Switching the names around and banning the publication of their names erodes the courts accountability to the public which threatens our democratic system. The judges in BC are far too arrogant for the public good.

Surrey Six witness admits to drinking and flirting with police

A new admission in the Surrey Six trial has left us once again shaking our head at police misconduct. Cody Haevischer’s former girlfriend admitted Thursday she frequently drank to excess in the company of police while under witness protection and exchanged highly sexualized banter and jokes with them.

Remember, this isn’t the witness that the IHITit member has been accused of having an affair with. This is yet another witness describing unprofessional conduct as the accepted norm. You don’t get drunk and flirt with a witness on a regular basis. Is there any wonder the other IHITit member had an affair with another witness? Inappropriate conduct is the accepted norm.

The Vancouver Province is reporting that defence lawyer Michael Tammen suggested she would drink with the officers handling her in the case. “There was a night of drinking, yes,” she replied. “There was more than one night, there were many nights,” said Tammen. “I drank quite a bit then, yes,” she said.

“You drank to excess in the company of various police officers over a long period of time?” said Tammen. “Until I left B.C., yes,” she said. K.M. admitted there was also an incident of drinking in Toronto. “Consistently in your interaction with many of these police officers, you made inappropriate jokes with them and they back to you, correct?” said Tammen. “That’s just my personality,” said K.M. “Highly sexualized banter, jokes, correct?” said Tammen. “That’s just my personality,” she said.

The Vancouver Province points out that RCMP Sgt. Derek Brassington being charged when allegations surfaced that he was having an inappropriate relationship with a witness in the case. What we are seeing is a pattern of inappropriate, unprofessional conduct that is consistent with the many allegations found in the class action sexual harassment suit filed against the RCMP.

What consenting adults do in private is not sexual harassment. However, getting drunk with and flirting with key witnesses in a very important murder trial is totally unprofessional. This brings us right back to Bill Fordy and Don Ray. The government is denying and rationalizing the many allegations in the class action sexual harassment suit against the RCMP but the allegations around Don Ray are indisputable. His transfer to BC was shameful. Putting him in Surrey with Bill Fordy would be a criminal act.

Shall we talk about the allegations about Bill Fordy’s own inappropriate conduct at the RCMP dinner in Surrey? Can we address that here? Doesn’t sound like anything has changed from the allegations of him and the Pickton investigators toward Catherine Galliford. This still needs to be addressed. Can we do that out of court or do we have to file the paper work first? Please advise.

Corporate fraud affects our civil liberty and financial prosperity

Corporate fraud is a huge problem that hits taxpayers hard. The prime example was Enron. When the US privatized their power it resulted in the biggest corporate fraud in history. Similar to BC Rail when politicians give their contributors public assets at fire sale prices. Yet Enron went far beyond that. They were ripping off the company and consumers in a mayor way. Which leaves us two huge problems when corporate fraud is tied to privatization.

Privatization is not always bad. Just when it’s used to circumvent public accountability and obtain a corporate monopoly. The more a corporation or a bank is able to operate away from public accountability, the more fraud it ends up being involved with. Take the S&L crisis in the States back in the /80’s. That happened because of deregulation. A lot of those loans the banks had that were defaulted on were from the Agency. Al Martin claims the Agency used fraud as a means of fund raising for Iran contra. That has huge implications for us today. Earl W. Brian and the CIA embezzled $50 million from Nesbitt Thompson clients in Canada.

The other problem is tax revenue. Bailing out a bank from fraud or funding a corporate fraud costs tax dollars. The more it happens the bigger the amount of tax dollars involved. To the point where it becomes a huge financial burden on the tax payer that even affects their sovereignty and their civil liberty. After all, who do you think all of this spying on every day citizens is for? It’s for corporations so they can make a profit.

That’s the big con right there. If a corporate monopoly makes a profit that does not mean the public or the economy will prosper. Corporate monopolies kill the free market. They gouge consumers and taxpayers. An example of how serious this is would be the Greek financial crisis. Corporate fraud resulted in huge austerity measures for taxpayers to pay for the fraud. Goldman Sachs was directly involved in that scam.

I will agree that the Enron fraud and the BC Hydro fraud is much more serious then the current Canada Post fraud. However, the Canada Post fraud takes us down the same road because it gouges consumers, over burdens tax payers and destroys the freedom of the press. When a large corporation is allowed to blatantly lie and the media blindly repeats those lies for them, we are all diminishes and the freedom of the press is destroyed. That affects our civil liberty. Having to come up with all that tax revenue Canada Post has been paying the government when it’s privatized over burdens tax payers. It doesn’t save consumers or taxpayers money.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Canada Post: Putting the lies on the table

Canada Post has come up with some very dramatic lies that need to be addressed because it effects our civil liberty. When a corporation that big is allowed to tell that many lies and get away with it, we all suffer and the press is no longer free. Canada Post has just made three outrageous statements. The first of which is the announcement that they are going to do away with door to door delivery of mail. That's like a restaurant saying they are going to no longer serve food but they still want your money. It's bad business. It reduces business revenue.

The second is the absolutely absurd claim that their "think tank" claims they are going to start losing money at such an unprecedented rate that they forecast $1 billion in annual losses by 2020 unless changes are made. That is an insane lie and any media outlet that reports that false claim as true should have their press credentials revoked. If nothing else the public should stop buying their newspapers period.

The third outrageous scare tactic is to raise the price of stamps to a dollar right before Christmas. That is an act of business terrorism. It's as though they want to kill mail volumes completely. Which I submit is exactly part of their political agenda. Back in the day Canada Post used to offer a reduced rate for Christmas cards knowing that people send many out at a time. If it was a card only they got a reduced rate. That's like a black Friday sale. It generates more business volume. Something Canada post doesn't want to do because of their extreme political agenda which has nothing to do with public accountability.

I have a lot to say on this matter and will say much more. However, at this time I will simply address the most obvious and most pressing lie that is fueling this fraud. That is the ridiculous claim that they will in the future anticipate that their 16 year trend of record profits will somehow magically be reversed into a billion dollar a year deficit. That is a bold faced lie.

For 16 years Canada post made a consistent profit. 2011 was the first year that changed because of a labour disruption. Why was there a labour disruption? Because Canada Post wanted to do away with sick leave and destroy the employee's pensions. That was the issue on the table. It had absolutely nothing to do with wages. It was about route measurement and pensions. As a result, Canada post locked out it's employees knowing full well Stephen Harper would legislate them back to work with an imposed settlement which is exactly what they did again. The right to strike is part of the free collective bargaining process in a free and democratic society. That does not exist at Canada Post. Corporate monopolies need government intervention to keep them honest.

They keep arbitrarily coming up with these insane ideas to destroy pensions and benefits then consistently lie to the media about the numbers. Canada Post's MO has not changed one bit. Yes I used to work for Canada Post. That was a long time ago. I took one for the team back when Moya Greene was sent in to privatize Canada Post. She tried to sue me for slander when I posted a screen clip of the Bombarier stock crash when she was involved with it after she helped derail CN. That was over ten years ago. She took my job but I kept the web site. Her first lawyer, Michael Manson from Smart and Biggar did kinda look like Charles Manson in the eyes. I said to him then, Alright Chuckie, you might be a devil and it might be a sin, but I'll take your bet so I will because a public post office is the best there's ever been.

Indeed it is. These consistent record profits are paying dividends to the government. It's a cash cow. Getting rid if that is getting rid of a huge amount of tax revenue. Something they are dying to do because their political agenda is not to create tax revenue, it's to privatize everything so their friends can gouge consumers and contribute to their political campaigns in return while consumers are left paying more and more taxes. It is a criminal fraud that needs to be investigated fully.

First is the billion dollar deficit lie. The Union posted an accurate list of the profit Canada Post has been making up till 2006. By their own figures they admit they continued to make record profits until the labour disruption which they caused by trying to take away pensions in 2011.

Denis Lemelin pointed out that the corporation lied about the decrease in mail volume and he pointed out that despite the nominal decrease in mail volumes the amount of profit the corporation has made has continued to increase. There's a reason for that. The letter carrier routes are based on volumes. If the mail volume decreases the route gets loner which in turn cuts jobs. That is already built into the equation. So when they keep crying about decreased volumes they fail to mention that automatically means a decrease in jobs. The bottom line is that this billion dollar annual loss is fraudulent. Parcel delivery is increasing because people buy things online.

Cutting door to door deliver and raising the price of stamps to a dollar is not necessary. That is an absolute lie. I have much more to say but that will suffice for now. The billion dollar lie is exactly that. A lie. It is false. Stopping door to door delivery is something the public should be consulted on without the false numbers and the false jump in price of stamps. This fraud needs to be addressed because it all boils down to public accountability just like the BC Hydro fraud.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Canada Post is Lying Again

Well this is rather astounding. Canada Post does the time warp and brings back confrontational dishonesty. What I find so amazing is that Canada Post can get away with bold face lying to the media and that the media actually prints their lies without investigating them at all. Back in the day the media could be sued for printing something that is untrue. Not now. Now corporations control the media with advertizing dollars.

I have a lot more to say about the bold face lies Canada Post in unilaterally implementing and spewing in the media. However, right now I'm too angry to talk. I'll just leave them with a big F*ck You. F*ck Canada Post for coming up with such outrageous lies and F*ck the main stream media for printing those lies without questioning them first. The press is no longer free. It is disgusting how the main stream media is pimping out the freedom of the press. They should be sued and have their press credentials revoked.

This is Corporate Communism at work. Mark my word, right now Corporate Communism is a much bigger threat to our individual liberty and our financial prosperity than Hitler or Stalin combined. Welcome to the new age. It's radioactive. Why they're still pumping 300 tons of bullsh*t into the pacific ocean every day as we speak.

Another Hells Angels cocaine bust in Ontario

Ontario police recently seized a kilo of cocaine and several Hells Angels support shirts. 81 obviously refers to the Hells Angels. SYL BHC appears to be support your local Big House Crew meaning Hells Angels in jail. Keswick refers to Keswick, Ontario where the Hells Angels have a chapter of drug dealers. Kyle Aulenback from Sudbury has been charged with cocaine trafficking.