Friday, March 14, 2014

Oh Happy Day

The Vancouver Sun is fueling speculation that Diannne Watts might be joining Stephen Harpers glutton all stars and enter federal politics. Oh Happy day! Get her the hell out of Surrey city Hall before she does any more irreparable damage to the city. At first I was skeptical wondering why on earth would she turn tail and run? Barinder isn't a real threat. I don't support her because she wants to bring in the mega casino all the citizens opposed.

Dianne Watts getting in the bad books with the BC Liberals might be the reason. However, I just heard that Bruce Ralston might run for Surrey Mayor. Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty we are free at last! That would certainly explain why she's running scared. Getting dumped by the BC Liberals and having to square off against Bruce Ralston. That is one election she would lose. Finally Godzilla returns to the ocean depths.

Canada needs to know how Dianne Watts screwed Surrey. Alex Tsakumis made several references to lower taxes and fiscal responsibility. I totally support that. However, that is the exact opposite of Dianne Wattts. Dianne Watts has been the most fiscally irresponsible tax and spend glutton this city has ever seen. Just think, if Bruce Ralston gets elected we could lease out Dianne Watts Ivory tower of self indulgence and all that revenue can go towards hiring more police officers. That would be fiscally responsible.

The policing budget in Surrey is in critical state. The other day I drove over to the main police station for all of Surrey and it was closed at 8:30 PM. I kid you not. That is disgusting. Spending $138 million tax dollars on a new ivory tower then claiming there's no more for police in Surrey is criminal negligence. Bruce Ralston would be much more fiscally responsible and hire more police.

Kevin Diakiw from the Surrey Leader is reporting that the conservative riding President is denying it and that Bruce Ralsotn has just said he has been approached to run but hasn't announced his candidacy. We can only hope and pray. However, Watts won't comment on why her campaign manager recently joined the federal riding executive. Maybe she's gong to actually wait to be nominated unlike her pal Fassbender who bullied his way past the nomination process.

Boo Who

Speaking of retractions and redemption there's one more I have to set the record straight on and that is Alia Pierini also known as Boo. I realize a small town can be very unforgiving. Alia was a drug dealer in Prince George that went on a reality TV show called Redemption where she talked about her past and turned her life around starting a snow removal and landscaping business.

Under normal circumstances this is the exact kind of thing I would support. However, many locals were skeptical and shared those concerns with me. I jumped when I heard she had another drug trafficking charge and said a lot of things that weren't very nice. Turns out the new drug trafficking charge was a bogus pot charge when she had a prescription for medicinal marijuana. I don't care about pot I care about crack and it turned out she hadn't gone back to dealing.

So let's start over. Hey did you hear a hard core drug dealer in Prince George saw the light like Paul on the road to Damascus and was on a cool TV reality show called Redemption? It's an awesome success story. She is a beautiful young woman and a wonderful mother that has totally turned her life around and now speaks to at risk youth. God knows they need it in Prince George. She's the only person those kids will listen to. I fully endorse her. Turns out she just came back from giving a presentation to the 4 life Foundation in Toronto. Well done. Arise and shine sister, your day has come.

This girl needs a business loan to buy some snow blowers and a big ass street snowplow. I can see her hire Glen Louie to teach those little delinquents to use a snow blower while he drives around in a big snowplow that Boo does contract work for the city. If you want to get kids out of the gangs you've got to put some cheddar on the table to make it worth their while. No offense but after hearing that kid rap he needs a new day job. God knows the ministry has let him down.

If Boo can help get Mercedes off the crack maybe Mercedes could get her child back. That would be very healing. Kitt Alwood has got to stop buying booze and dope for under age kids though.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Time for a Fresh Start

OK it's time for a fresh start. It's time for a new beginning. I kinda feel like Donny Osmond in Andrew Lloyd Webber's Joseph and his Technicolor Dream Coat. The guy has this wonderful vision and all of a sudden everything goes down the toilet and he ends up in jail. Right now as my daughter would say sh*t be cray as in crazy. It's time for me to cut a deal and negotiate terms and conditions. In the past I have spoken about redemption. I am a firm believer in the saying no matter what your past, you have a spotless future.

I have redone the gang member registry. It was kind of getting old and I really didn't have the time to keep updating it. I started it in answer to the heartfelt plea of a grieving mother. That is why I did it. Granted I completely bugged out and crossed the line. I accept responsibility for what I have done. That's no reason to hurt my daughter. My last request is for a soldier's death. If you shoot anyone because of what I have done, shoot me not my daughter, not my family, not my friends. That is my last request. It is what it is.

Ya gotta admit that I've stirred the pot. I have proven to be a worthy adversary over the years and for that all I ask is for a soldier's death. Don't bitch out and shoot my daughter. If you have beef with me shoot me not my family. Having said that, I am willing to cut a deal and agree to terms and conditions to avoid any more violence.

I have negotiated truces before. The Thanksgiving truce had nothing to do with Schrader. I just added him in because I was feeling festive. I really cut a deal with someone else at the same time. Someone further up the food chain. Right now I don't care about low level dealers. I'm not going to be posting their pictures any more. It's rather pointless because as soon as they bust one they just get another mule. That's why 30 year or 300 year prison sentences won't solve a thing.

Before when Schrader was in my grill he said if I get arrested for something and get a criminal record you're free to talk about that but if you're just going by what people are saying then shut the f*ck up. Fair enough. I am willing to give every criminal on this planet the same deal. I will only post information about criminal arrests or convictions. No more insider tips. I'll leave that for the police.

I do passionately believe in redemption. I do believe in giving anyone a second chance. Right now my passion is to help people leave the gang life if that is their choice. In Denmark they have this huge support group for former gang members called TBM Fresh Start. I think TBM is an acronym for the Danish word for gangs. TBM Fresh Start therefore means Gang Member Fresh Start. I totally support what they are doing. We should do the same here in Canada. Helping people leave the life if they so choose.

Kerri Krysko is a spiritual giant on that very crusade. Her message is different. She never testified in court. She is telling people if you want to leave the gang life you don't have to testify. In fact not testifying is the best chance you have of leaving the life and avoiding retaliation. I cannot emphasize that message enough.

I totally respect Person Y. Completely. He is a bigger man than I am. He is doing the noble thing in the Surrey Six trial and for that we sincerely thank him. He is shedding some light on some of the misconceptions the gang life sometimes bring about loyalty. Many are just loyal to the almighty dollar. Not all but many. That needs to be addressed if we are going to help our kids avoid the lies that trap people into that lifestyle.

In his music video Life Goes On Tupac asked Is there a heaven for a G? There most certainly is. Life does not end at death. After the resurrection and judgement we will be with people who led similar lives to ours. If we spent our life lying, cheating and stealing, we will end up with people just like us. If we spent our life being truthful and respectful we will end up with others who did the same. It really is that simple. Heaven and Hell is what we make it.

Some people say murder is the one thing you can never be forgiven for. I disagree. I realize that murder is very serious. When you commit murder you take from someone something that can never be returned. Yet the good book says, Walk in the light as he is in the light and the atoning blood of Jesus Christ will cleanse us from all sin. More folklore but the point is that it says all sin not some sin. If we walk in the light. That is change and start over.

TBM Fresh Start is the perfect example. Ya think maybe there are guys in that crew who have committed murder? Perhaps. Yet all of those guys have a new life. They are tough and hard core no doubt and whatever you do, don't f*ck with their family, but all in all they are in a completely different league than those stuck in the gang life pimping the dream for the almighty dollar.

In fact, it's really painful for me to sit in church these days. No disrespect but I am different. When I look at TBM Fresh Start I know Tupac was right. There is a heaven for a g and I'd be honoured to spend eternity with guys like that. Word.

So here it is. These are my terms and conditions. I've redone the gang member registry. I'm going through the blog and cleaning up any grey areas where I might have crossed the line or posted something about someone who is genuinely trying to change and I'm only going to write about actual criminal charges or convictions. Those are my terms and conditions. Failing that, as a professional courtesy I ask that you give me a soldier's death and shoot me not my daughter, not my family and not my friends. That's all I ask.

Conspiracy Theories

I realize I should simply ignore trolls because they are simply trying to get me riled and stop the flow of information. However, I will address one of their recent ridiculous claims. Some of them are saying Agent K is a nutbar in a tinfoil hat and his blog has degenerated into crazy conspiracy theories and has no credibility whatsoever. You're absolutely right so stop reading my blog.

If I'm such a nutbar and there is no credibility in my blog, then stop reading it. No one is forcing anyone to read it. I'm certainly not making any money from it. I still don't understand where this tinfoil hat idea comes from. I realize it's just a joke but I never understood why some whacked out conspiracy theorist would wear a tinfoil hat in the first place. That never made sense to me.

I realize there are more conspiracy theories out there then trolls on the internet which are plentiful. I don't talk about UFOs or many of the bizarre theories out there but I do talk about Gary Webb. Even Katherine Austine Fitts believes the Gary Webb story. He was an award winning investigative journalist who claimed the CIA were responsible for the US crack epidemic in the /80's. In the face of all the rage and denial he documented everything in a book called the Dark Alliance.

Since Gary Webb there has been a huge amount of information come forward that totally supports the premise that the CIA have been heavily involved in drug trafficking and money laundering for many years. Operation Fast and Furious is a continuation of that network. I find it relevant to my blog because to stop the crack dealer on the street preying on the homeless, one must examine the root of the problem and find out who the biggest suppliers really are.

I also believe that 9/11 was an inside job. Professionals in the filed will tell you that all three towers, including tower seven which fell even though no planes hit it, collapsed into their own blueprint at free fall speed just like a controlled demolition. The science declares that the only way that can possibly happen is if the load bearing beams are blown out. That means someone had to have gone in beforehand to plant those explosives on the load bearing beams.

No conspiracy theorist made up Operation Northwoods. That declassified document does exist and we need to talk about how such a treasonous plot made it so far into the US government. If Kennedy hadn't vetoed the idea, the CIA would have implemented it. That's all there is to it.

A few years ago I had a second job on a local ski hill. I was speaking with a guy about politics. He comes out with, Don't tell me you're one of those who believe 9/11 was an inside job? I stopped what I was doing, looked him in the eye and said yes I do. A young girl who I had been working with for some time and had finished her degree in university was shocked. Her mouth fell open and she just looked at me as though I had said I was an alien from outer space. I just smiled and said what? I do. Shrugged my shoulders and went back to work. It is what it is. I am what I am. If you think that's silly then don't read it. There are millions of other blogs out there. I'm just one of them.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Solemn Reflections

Since the flood gates of death threats have opened wide open, understandably I've been forced to reflect. My daughter's pissed. She's like well if we die I hope it was worth it. Not really. Making fun of gangsters isn't something I'd be proud to carry on my tombstone. Yet it really is much bigger than that. Yes gang members who walk around with man purses and get their eyebrows done at Merl Normans look in my opinion ridiculous. Yes I do believe that. I do think puppet club bikers who wear tennis shoes on their motorcycle also look ridiculous. I do believe that. It is what it is. However, the intent of my web site and blog goes much deeper than that.

Once upon a time two innocent victims were executed in a gang hit known as the Surrey Six. That created a lot of public outrage. I attended a rally against gang violence at Bear Creek Park when the mother of one of those innocent victims spoke. She was heart broken. She made a public appeal for a website to identify known gang members. She said the public needs to know. Every time there's a gang related shooting we hear the victim was known to the police. Well if they are known to the police why aren't they known to the public? She said they did not know they were living next door to gang members and if they had known her son might still be alive today.

I thought to myself, I could do that. I knew there would be legal challenges over privacy issues but weighing that with public safety created a grey area. When I started the blog and web site the Abbotsford Police department said they would actually be doing it themselves. I said three cheers. Please do. They never did. Kash Heed made a public appeal for a similar web site. That never went anywhere. Then someone, I believe Bill Fordy, sent out press releases to Kim Bolan saying they were actually going to do it themselves. That still hasn't happened.

Now I know my blog and website has created a lot of controversy. Some said I started off with good intentions but went crazy. Sorry to say I was crazy before I started the blog. I had to have been to take the project on. Yes I have made mistakes. Yes making those kind of mistakes are serious. However, if it was brought to my attention that I ever made a mistake, I promptly corrected that mistake. Just like a newspaper prints a retraction.

I want to be clear that I have never made a penny from this web site. People have offered to donate and I said thanks but no. Donate to a homeless shelter in East Vancouver instead. Then people criticized that too. Some people just need something to complain about and will never be happy no matter what you do. I wasn't in this for the money or the glory. I answered the heartfelt plea of a grieving mother. It wasn't about selling newspapers or making money from advertizing on the site. There was more to it than that. It was a cause I genuinely believed in.

All the death threats when I started the web site became rampant and toxic. I turned comments to moderated to reduce them. The consistent threats to rape my daughter were outrageous. That really crossed the line. It enraged me. How dare they do that? It just showed how important it was to expose these kind of criminals. I have never put anyone's life at risk. Ever. I've had some people send me pictures of some low level dealers and I refused to post them because like the Dhurry Dhak Pack I knew posting their picture would likely see them executed. That was not the purpose of my blog. The purpose of my blog was to stop the violence not perpetuate it.

So what did I get right? An online news source did an interview with me after I posted the name of a person who was decapitated for a drug debt and named the group responsible for the murder. They did the interview after the police confirmed that the name was right and so was the group responsible. I posted it before any other media source. I got that one right.

I also posted the names of two individuals arrested in a top level drug bust on Vancouver Island months before the police released their names. I got that one right too. However, I did make a mistake in my interpretation of a funeral photo that looked very similar to a UN photo. It turned out none of the people in that picture were members of the UN. I had made a colossal mistake. Thankfully no one was hurt and I took the picture and claims down.

Now I realize getting five thousand things right does not make up for getting one thing wrong. Especially when getting something like that wrong is so serious. This is why it's so important to check the source and be absolutely sure before you make any claims that aren't true. That is why for the most part, I simply quote a newspaper or report on criminal records I found in the online database. Sometimes I have reported on what I felt was a credible source, one time I made a mistake. A big one.

It turns out that funeral was for a high school friend who had epilepsy and was never allowed to get a drivers license. Turns out he died in an ATV accident. Tragic and it had absolutely nothing to do with drug trafficking or the gang life. Although many people in that picture had criminal records for B&E as well as grow rips. It was nonetheless, just a bunch of friends from school in Surrey who knew each other. It was not a UN photo.

What makes matters worse is the guy I saw at the Front Room collecting money from a resident wasn't a supplier collecting from a dealer. It was a guy who admitted he used to sell crack but stopped simply collecting money for a used ipod he sold to a guy at the Front Room. When I first heard that explanation I said to myself bullshit. Then I thought, what if it really was true? That would be a huge mistake to make. Ya gotta admit what I saw looked very suspicious. Especially when then guy admitted he used to sell crack in the past. Yet when he said he doesn't like going there because it's still a temptation for him to use and that it's easy to see who really is selling there something in his words just rang true. He was telling me the truth and I made a big mistake.

Recently it was brought to my attention that there was one picture related to that group photo I forgot to take down. I said the guy had a ship load of friends who were members of the UN. There were a ship load of guys in that group photo who were his friends on facebook. Only they weren't members of the UN. I finally caught up with a member of the UN that was bitching me out for something and asked him. He said there was not a single guy in that picture who was with them. That confirmed I had made a mistake and the unlikely story these guys were giving me was true.

So it is what it is. I've got some things right and I've got some things wrong over the years and whenever I have made a mistake I have promptly corrected it. Everybody talks about doing what I do but no one has ever been able to pull it off yet. No doubt the reason is the possibility of error. What if you say someone is with a gang and they're not? That is a huge mistake to make. We could put bar watch online to help promote public safety. Then again enters the part about being innocent until proven guilty. A Charter Right I passionately believe in.

To that end it's time to make a change. I remember the intent of Eileen Mohan's plea. If these people are known to the police they should be known to the public. I agree. However, I will leave that up to the police. My new gang member registry will only have names and pictures of people charged or convicted of criminal offenses. Peace.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Person Y Testifies at Surrey Six Trial

Kim Bolan is reporting that Person Y is testifying at the Surrey Six trial. This is big news. We all know who Person Y is but we can't say his name because it's under publication ban. All I'll say is that Person X and Person Y got switched around. Kim Bolan knows who it is. That's why she refers to him as the star witness.

Nobody is calling him a rat because the people involved in the Surrey Six are the rats. Executing two innocent bystanders. That was messed up. That is why this web site was created. Executing four drug dealers because they wouldn't pay the tax Jamie Bacon tried to collect from them for *somone* else. That was messed up. Totally. You can put a cap in my ass for saying that. It's still true. Larry Amero was friends with Jonathon Bacon all along. He just came out of the closet in Kelowna when he was shot with Jonathon Bacon.

It's not brain surgery. If the UN wasn't supplying the Bacon brothers someone else had to be. After the Surrey Six the Red Scorpions started working for the Hells Angels just like the Independent Soldiers did after they killed off all the old leadership who weren't affiliated with the Hells Angels in that group as well.

Selling drugs in cubs is really no one else's business. Giving crack to the homeless for free then beating the life out of them for payment afterwards is really messed up. That's me beef.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Everything’s in it’s Place

Alright soldiers, I’m feeling a little Simon and Garfunkel today. Yeah that’s what I said. Everything has it’s time and place. A time for war, a time for peace. A time to say enough. What they did to Janice Shore was wrong. If they are going to put a cap in my ass for saying that then so be it. If I didn't say anything about that I'd be dead already.

Like Martin Luther King, I’ve been to the mountain top. What happens to me just doesn’t matter. They’re letting people sell crack outside the Carnegie centre and outside the Front Room which caused Janice Shore and Ashley Machiskinic’s murders. Corrupt politicians are getting rich from money laundering and fraud while they break the law and rob our civil liberty. Gentlemen may cry peace peace but there is no peace. The war is already begun.

Jay Walking in Surrey

Have no fear. Selling crack and smoking it is fine in Surrey as long as you don't jay walk. They will bust your ass for that. Glad to see Dianne Watts and Bill Fordy are on top of everything making Surrey safe for everyone during the gang war. 138 million tax dollars on her own personal Ivory Tower but no money for police to bust crack dealers in Newton. May their respective ivory towers fall in around them. Metaphorically speaking of course.

Last night a 33 year old Burnaby man was shot while inside a car and managed to stumble into a restaurant on Vancouver’s Victoria Drive and 35th Avenue to get help. Police say it was a targeted shooting. Looks like spring is starting to heat things up again. Metaphorically speaking.

Avalanche near Lake Louise leaves 2 snowshoers dead - Update

CBC is reporting that an Avalanche near Lake Louise leaves 2 snowshoers dead. Evidently they were at Lake Agnes exactly where I visited last January during the ice carving festival.

A party of five were at the bottom of a steep slope and triggered an avalanche at 3 p.m. while on Lake Agnes. Two snowshoers were buried. The uninjured party members were able to call for assistance with a cell phone and extricated one of the buried snowshoers.

I'm curious as to the exact location. If they were on the lake they weren't at the bottom of a steep slope and couldn't have triggered the avalanche. If they were on the trail on the way to the lake, there definitely are places there where there could be an avalanche. In fact when I was there they said the 1/2 mile trail to Lake Agnes from Mirror Lake was in fact closed due to avalanche conditions but I assessed the risk and decided to proceed. Makes me kinda think twice about my risk assessment.

Update: Two separate avalanches near Lake Louise Saturday. CTV is reporting one of those avalanches claimed the life of a father and son at the base of Mount Fairview on the shore of Lake Louise. The other one resulted in a Calgary man in critical condition who was skiing with a group in the back country. Fairview is that awesome short trail near the Chateau right on the lake.

Tragically the father and his 11 year old son were simply tobogganing on the left hand side of the lake and were burried for a week before they were found. You can see the chateau from here. There is all kinds of spin going on calling it avalanche slope claiming they were negligent but come on, they were tourists. There id a trail up that slope that I snowshoed up myself when I was there and there are cross country ski trails on that side of the lake. It's a real tragedy. Eight deaths in one week in BC avalanches.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Obama claims Crimea referendum illegal

OK I'm a little confused. The Vancouver Province is reporting that Obama claims a Crimea referendum is illegal and Harper says Canada will not recognize its forthcoming referendum on whether to join Russia. We know Harper is an idiot but I'm curious as to where Obama's arrogance is coming from? Since when is an election contrary to democracy? It's as though he's being advised by Goldman Sachs or something.

So let's have a recap. The Ukraine used to be part of the Soviet Union. Now they are free and independent. The EU want the Ukraine to join the EU and Russia wants them to join back with Russia. Russia gave the Ukraine a financial bribe to join with them and people started protesting. The Russian military then invaded to protect Russians living in Crimea. OK so that is all a very bad precedent. That is an invasion of a sovereign state.

However, in that region of the Ukraine there appears to be pro Russia supporters who would rather join with Russia then join with the EU. Having a referendum would be the most democratic way to determine just how many people there want to return to Russia. Obviously Russia is not known for fair elections. Putin himself has been accused of rigging elections just like George Bush has been. Holding an election during a military occupation is clearly a farce.

However, having the military pull out and having a neutral third party like Switzerland hold the referendum would be the most democratic solution to the crisis possible. Why would Obama say a referendum is illegal and undemocratic? That is suspicious. Certainly there are huge concerns about the credibility of Russia holding the referendum. Yet surely there is nothing wrong with a neutral third party holding a legitimate referendum on the matter.

Goldman Sachs should not be advising anyone

Henry Paulson was the former CEO of Goldman Sachs and became the US treasury secretary under George W. Bush. Many felt issuing the bank bail out was a conflict of interest. Likewise, Goldman Sachs became Obama's #1 Private Contributor. Under the Obama Administration, in 2009 alone, Goldman Sachs took more than $20 billion in taxpayer cash through bailouts, payments and backstops; and then turned around and paid out $16.2 B as 2009 bonuses, plus an additional $5 B more in bonuses in 2010. Donating $1.6 B to Obama's campaign represented less than 10% of the $20 B “bailout” Goldman Sachs received. Not a bad investment return.

Several former Goldman executives hold senior positions in the Obama administration, including Gary Gensler, the chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission; Mark Patterson, a former Goldman lobbyist who is chief of staff to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner; and Robert Hormats, the undersecretary of state for economic, energy and agricultural affairs.

Goldman Sachs does not represent business. Bill Gates represents business. Goldman Sachs has been caught defrauding the public on more than one occasion. They hid Greek's debt from the EU which was created through investment fraud. Why on earth does a criminal organization like that which has defrauded billions of tax dollars hold senior positions in the US Government?

This is a huge concern. It does not mean we jump out of the frying pan and into the fire by adapting Revolutionary Communism. Communism is even worse. In fact the same bankers that are buying the government fund Communism. They are one in the same. This is something we need to address. Our civil liberty depends on it.