OK it's time for a fresh start. It's time for a new beginning. I kinda feel like Donny Osmond in Andrew Lloyd Webber's Joseph and his Technicolor Dream Coat. The guy has this wonderful vision and all of a sudden everything goes down the toilet and he ends up in jail. Right now as my daughter would say sh*t be cray as in crazy. It's time for me to cut a deal and negotiate terms and conditions. In the past I have spoken about redemption. I am a firm believer in the saying no matter what your past, you have a spotless future.
I have redone the gang member registry. It was kind of getting old and I really didn't have the time to keep updating it. I started it in answer to the heartfelt plea of a grieving mother. That is why I did it. Granted I completely bugged out and crossed the line. I accept responsibility for what I have done. That's no reason to hurt my daughter. My last request is for a soldier's death. If you shoot anyone because of what I have done, shoot me not my daughter, not my family, not my friends. That is my last request. It is what it is.
Ya gotta admit that I've stirred the pot. I have proven to be a worthy adversary over the years and for that all I ask is for a soldier's death. Don't bitch out and shoot my daughter. If you have beef with me shoot me not my family. Having said that, I am willing to cut a deal and agree to terms and conditions to avoid any more violence.
I have negotiated truces before. The Thanksgiving truce had nothing to do with Schrader. I just added him in because I was feeling festive. I really cut a deal with someone else at the same time. Someone further up the food chain. Right now I don't care about low level dealers. I'm not going to be posting their pictures any more. It's rather pointless because as soon as they bust one they just get another mule. That's why 30 year or 300 year prison sentences won't solve a thing.
Before when Schrader was in my grill he said if I get arrested for something and get a criminal record you're free to talk about that but if you're just going by what people are saying then shut the f*ck up. Fair enough. I am willing to give every criminal on this planet the same deal. I will only post information about criminal arrests or convictions. No more insider tips. I'll leave that for the police.
I do passionately believe in redemption. I do believe in giving anyone a second chance. Right now my passion is to help people leave the gang life if that is their choice. In Denmark they have this huge support group for former gang members called TBM Fresh Start. I think TBM is an acronym for the Danish word for gangs. TBM Fresh Start therefore means Gang Member Fresh Start. I totally support what they are doing. We should do the same here in Canada. Helping people leave the life if they so choose.
Kerri Krysko is a spiritual giant on that very crusade. Her message is different. She never testified in court. She is telling people if you want to leave the gang life you don't have to testify. In fact not testifying is the best chance you have of leaving the life and avoiding retaliation. I cannot emphasize that message enough.
I totally respect Person Y. Completely. He is a bigger man than I am. He is doing the noble thing in the Surrey Six trial and for that we sincerely thank him. He is shedding some light on some of the misconceptions the gang life sometimes bring about loyalty. Many are just loyal to the almighty dollar. Not all but many. That needs to be addressed if we are going to help our kids avoid the lies that trap people into that lifestyle.
In his music video Life Goes On Tupac asked Is there a heaven for a G? There most certainly is. Life does not end at death. After the resurrection and judgement we will be with people who led similar lives to ours. If we spent our life lying, cheating and stealing, we will end up with people just like us. If we spent our life being truthful and respectful we will end up with others who did the same. It really is that simple. Heaven and Hell is what we make it.
Some people say murder is the one thing you can never be forgiven for. I disagree. I realize that murder is very serious. When you commit murder you take from someone something that can never be returned. Yet the good book says, Walk in the light as he is in the light and the atoning blood of Jesus Christ will cleanse us from all sin. More folklore but the point is that it says all sin not some sin. If we walk in the light. That is change and start over.
TBM Fresh Start is the perfect example. Ya think maybe there are guys in that crew who have committed murder? Perhaps. Yet all of those guys have a new life. They are tough and hard core no doubt and whatever you do, don't f*ck with their family, but all in all they are in a completely different league than those stuck in the gang life pimping the dream for the almighty dollar.
In fact, it's really painful for me to sit in church these days. No disrespect but I am different. When I look at TBM Fresh Start I know Tupac was right. There is a heaven for a g and I'd be honoured to spend eternity with guys like that. Word.
So here it is. These are my terms and conditions. I've redone the gang member registry. I'm going through the blog and cleaning up any grey areas where I might have crossed the line or posted something about someone who is genuinely trying to change and I'm only going to write about actual criminal charges or convictions. Those are my terms and conditions. Failing that, as a professional courtesy I ask that you give me a soldier's death and shoot me not my daughter, not my family and not my friends. That's all I ask.
Agent K its Rhonda. As a fellow person of Irish heritage It is my firm belief that it is of the utmost importance that we meet. May the 4 winds always blow safely at your back.... Luck of the Irish. I am 100% on your side mate. I have lots to tell you and you may be able to help me as much as I may be able to help you. Cheers.
ReplyDeleteI am ready to come in from the cold so speak and I could use some help. I avoided a hit that was taken out on me by someone who is now dead and it would probably surprise you to hear the wealth of information i possess about all this
ReplyDeleteSure just send me an e-mail. It might not be wise for me to meet anyone publicly right now. I mean broadcasting it ahead of time and all : )
ReplyDeleteOk .. um .. how do I email you ? I have been communicating through the blog mostly regarding the Ukraine and banker fraud and debt slavery. Is there something I'm missing ? I'm not interested in meeting publicly either. I thought of contacting Kim .. I'm at a loss to be honest. I really feel that all things considered It's time for me to voice my knowledge. I've been sitting on it for quite some time now and always thought I'd keep it that way but I have to admit you have inspired me to think about coming forward. The honorable soldier. I also want the soldiers death if thats what it comes to and don't want friends and/or family involved or getting backlash... You might be surprised about what I have to say. Someone needs to do it and our "Luck of the Irish" connection has made me really think that its time and that we can and should help each other. I am very sincere about this and want you to know that in your heart and mind. Its important and its time....
DeleteJust click on my profile then click where it says e-mail.
DeleteFight the good fight Agent K!! A lot of people respect what you are doing and just like when mules are taken down they are easily replaced, if anything were to happen to you there will be others to take up the good fight.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I'll hold the line. No doubt others will step up when I fall.
DeleteIf any body takes a shot at you in my own personal opinion all they are doing is proving you right.
Indeed. My daughter used to passionately quote the intro to that song when she was young.
DeleteWell you may have talked about some people I know put my home town on your site and whatever but hell you made it interesting and I liked reading it,.. I'm gonna miss the gang registry! peace be safe!
ReplyDeleteThanks. I've redone the registry. Just charges and convictions no hearsay.
DeleteIf you dont mind me asking what happened to your daughter K?..Is everything alright?
ReplyDeleteShe's OK thanks. She misunderstood what she overheard me say on the phone and we got in a big fight about it. The next day she calmed down and we were able to talk about what was actually said. I have never had a gang member tell me take my blog down or we'll kill your daughter. I've had three million trolls tell me that. The trolls are getting really irritating but I just have to learn to ignore them.
Deleteok i understand..thanks
DeleteKeep fighting, Agent K, and stay safe - we love you! :) I've been following your site for years, and have also of late followed the developments elsewhere on the web. Please don't legitimize these knuckleheads by walking in fear. Ever. :) Your mea culpas have been graceful and eloquent, and i'm looking forward to seeing how your work evolves over this next year. Please know you have real fans and a lot of support out here. :) I'm looking forward to your next post. :) By the way, I dealt with addiction myself, and your blog was one of many, many factors that helped me in those first few months. Your outrage was an excellent counter to the permissive complacency that i had been saturated in. It gave me yet another little spark i needed to get right. :) Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWow, thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you are moving forward. Yeah I have to learn to bite my tongue and ignore the trolls. Po Po are all in my grill. Go figure.