The Surrey Leader is reporting that a South Asian senior was taken to hospital after a brazen midday beating to his face and hands in Newton last week. Surrey Mounties are asking for public assistance after a 72-year-old man was beaten and robbed at 1 p.m. on Thursday at Newton Athletic Park.The attack occurred just over three kilometers from where hockey mom Julie Paskall was fatally beaten in December outside Newton Arena, near 72 Avenue and 136B Street.
The Surrey RCMP is counseling citizens to protect themselves and claims that "Personal and public safety is everyone's responsibility – play an active role in crime reduction!" Perhaps Bill Fordy and Laura Balance are handing out permits to conceal. I'm not sure how a 72 year old man is supposed to protect himself from being mugged in the middle of the afternoon. Personally I think an increased police presence in that area to address the public drug dealing would be a more appropriate allocation of tax dollars than Dianne Watts ivory tower but that's just me.
Arm yourselves with a lowcost, #3dprint anywhere, non-traceable, #3dgun personal defense weapon ? Or how about slashing Canadian Government waste and putting it into cleaning up the drug problem?
ReplyDeleteImplement a concealed carry license program as an "add on" to the Possession and Acquisition License. (PAL) 8 hr. formal classroom training time (average of what it is down south) on the legalities of use of deadly force, with a very basic qualification course of fire limited in range to the distances at which these engagements tend to happen, ie. 10M or less.
ReplyDeleteYou will see violent crime rates drop, I promise you. I can say this because every place in the US where this has been implemented, that's what has happened. WITHOUT EXCEPTION.
Places that don't have it, Chicago/NYC/Wash DC/LA have sky high rates of violent crime. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's not real. You can "not like" cancer also, and it won't make a bit of difference, it is what it is.
Of course we know this will never happen. Too American don't you know, don't want to be like them. Can't trust Canadians to walk around with loaded guns. Not responsible enough. :snicker:
Either policing can be made efficient (pro-active as opposed to merely reactive) or it will get to a point where citizens will have no choice but to take over the role of the police.
ReplyDeleteThe right to carry concealed is a very good idea and I wholly support it (and the evidence of the half of the USA that allows such a thing and their comparative crime rates to states that do not allow such a right should be evidence enough). However, before that is done, there needs to be legislation that guarantees the right of the citizen to protect not only themselves and their families but also their property and the that of others as well as others.
Until the latter is done, the innocent will continue to be victimized by both the State as well as the criminals.
I believe it is because the Canadian government (and especially police forces!) try to ensure private citizens have no guarantees of self-defence (except after being subjected to a lengthy and extremely costly trial) that they will continue to turn a blind eye to what is going on around them.
Pro-active policing as opposed to reactionary is indeed the key. It's called crime prevention. A cop standing beside a drug dealer selling crack will greatly reduce his business revenue.
DeleteProblem is, they can't be everywhere. More drug dealers than cops, and cops DO have to be available to take calls. That's why citizens need to be, and need to be allowed to be, ("allowed" my ass, the right to self defense is a natural right that has been stolen from them) their own first line of defense.
DeleteThe police, "when seconds count we're only minutes away".
Sorry, that's an overused cop out. Police can't be everywhere but they can be somewhere. It is common knowledge crack dealers sell in Newton and outside the Front Room. Instead of cracking down on dealers they create no go areas where they allow it in hopes to contain it which has the opposite effect. Funding is a huge concern but this whole concept of reactionary response is counter productive.
DeleteSo right you are K!
DeleteRCMP are still in denial mode and hiding their presence! Evidence to support this claim is witnessed as Squad Cars are not returning to Newton Station but parking elsewhere.
ALSO, the Dark Youth, with identical wears, age, height, and weight was seen and reported yesterday to one of these many parked Squad Cars at Seniors Centre! THEY WERE NOT INTERESTED and quickly closed the 3" open window! GET THE PICTURE!
This youth had all the MO to boot as he was getting of the bus at Newton Exchange having come from the west!
The Somali gang that operates in that area, often competes with the more aggressive Hispanic Gang! They often are run out and move to 72 and KG!
This youth was over dressed with new clothes matching the description given by the victim!
What I don't get is why are they cracking down on grow ops and jay walking while they let them to sell crack in public. It just makes no sense to me.
DeleteFORDY/Watts have mandate to keep the DRUG and CRIME Profits flowing into the SLUM SURREY ECONOMY!
Deleteagent k, I'm surprised you haven't posted anything regarding the recent reclassification of two well known non-restricted rifles to prohibited as of late february, this comes as a complete shock to legitimate gun owners, as it was done in beurocratic fashion by the rcmp, without any oversight from parliament or politicians, making criminals out of 12,000 law abiding gun owners overnight, i suggest you look into it
ReplyDeleteI definitely will look into it. I had no idea. That is the exact opposite of everything the Harper government promised. Yet another example of how the Harper government says one thing and does another.
DeleteThis is not on the Harper government, this is a power grab by the RCMP, pure and simple.
DeleteThe statutory authority to reclassify those rifles requires an Order in Council by Parliament. This is the RCMP learning their dirty tricks from the BATF, who are allowed (unconstitutionally) to propose rules changes to 18 USC by publishing them in the Federal Register and if there is no outcry (or even if there is) they take the force of law 90 days after.
The RCMP knows about this (they have had ATF agents do training for them, in Canada, on "gun issues". (Remember the Texas State trooper making traffic stops in BC while on an "exchange program" back in the 90's?)
The RCMP is still smarting over being ordered to destroy the long gun registry records (I don't believe they have, do you? ;) and this is their attempt to get done what they want to happen since parliament won't do it. Basically you have the police saying, "The government won't do it so we will". Pretty scary. But then "We're the police, we can do whatever we want". The "rotten to the core" culture of Canadian policing at work.....
Dr John SmytheMarch 19, 2014 at 4:58 PM wrote "the innocent will continue to be victimized by both the State" ...
ReplyDelete... and NOWHERE is that truer than the apparent & alleged perjury & coverup by the RCMP of their murder of an innocent German tourist in #YVR. The outcome? Nothing happened to the RCMP.
These were atrocious crimes committed against the people - and the cops get off scott free. What kind of a f****** world do we live in. And the people re-elect Conservatives. Where is your head at?
Robert DziekaĆski was from Poland not Germany. The taser death at the airport was a complete tragedy. Hopefully we have all learned from it. The persistent perjury covering it up compounded the tragedy.
DeleteRCMP squad car T - boned @108 & KG
ReplyDeleteI saw the road blocked off but I didn't realize it was a cop car.
DeleteI hear a truck split a car in two.
You're right, it was a police cruiser:
According to news reports about the victim, he was relieved of jewelry during the beating.
ReplyDeleteShould we not be telling the South Asian elderly not to sport gold????
Dress modestly. Keep your gold in a safety deposit box.
There are lots of bronze jewelry in Richmond to buy for cheap.
I always carry a number of small pieces of valuable metal that I'm willing to give them if I'm robbed.....