Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Turmoil in the Ukraine

There are a few stories to catch up on but I wanted to pause and linger on something positive for a while first before rehashing more conflict. We've had some interesting discussions about the recent conflict in the Ukraine. Well things got complicated. Just to recap, Russia and the EU have both been trying to win over the Ukraine to join them. Russia handed over a sum of money and protesters rallied to oppose the idea of joining with Russia. Live ammunition was used on the protesters and the elected president who was pro Russia went into exile.

Putin took Crimea which is a pro Russia peninsula of the Ukraine and committed not to take any more land by force. At the time I thought that was a fair compromise. Part of the Ukraine clearly does not want to join Russia but Crimea did. Problem solved. So we had hoped. Yet it has become a bit more complicated than that.

Other areas in the Ukraine which were pro Russia started having demonstrations of their own in favor of joining with Russia and an internal conflict has broken out. Now Putin is threatening to cut off the Gas. If you look at the map the entire eastern region of the Ukraine is pro Russia. They voted for the pro Russian president.

After Russia took Crimea, Yulia Tymoshenko, the presidential candidate that lost the last election said she is going to run again. Ironically enough the elected president in exile said that Russia made a mistake taking Crimea and should give it back. No doubt he was referring to his own political future. With Crimea in the polls there was enough pro Russian supporters in the Ukraine to elect him. Without Crimea, his opponent might have a chance at getting elected.

The whole point is whoever is in charge of the Ukraine after the president went into exile is not a democratically elected president. It was a coup which makes the prospects of a peaceful solution to the conflict somewhat problematic. Instead of supporting coups we need to support the democratic process. Perhaps a legitimate referendum with the option of annexing the eastern region in blue. The west of the Ukraine does not want to join Russia but should be governed by an elected leader. The EU bankers are not to be trusted. They caused the Greek financial crisis. Nevertheless, hopefully the matter will be decided at the polls in the coming election.

Fake Pamphlet requires Jews to register

Now we cross over into the absurd. Media reports claim three masked men were handing out fliers telling Jewish citizens of Eastern Ukraine to register with the pro Russian forces. The pro Russian forces deny the requirement and claim the flyer is likely the work of provectuers. No kidding. The claim doesn't make sense at all. Everyone knows there is a huge popularity struggle going along with the tensions in the Ukraine. We also know there is a huge propaganda campaign against the pro Russian forces making statements that are simply not true. It is clear that Western Ukraine does not want to join Russia but Eastern Ukraine does.

This fake request simply doesn't make sense. Nowhere in Russia are Jews currently required to register. Why on earth would the pro Russian forces in Eastern Ukraine make that request knowing the world would oppose it passionately? The answer is they wouldn't. Even if that was their real goal, they wouldn't be handing out pamphlets making the request at this crucial time. They would wait until after they had secured their independence and after the dust had settled. Even if that was their true goal, they would not be handing out pamphlets saying so now. It doesn't make sense and is not believable. What is believable is that it is the work of provectuers. The suspects are obvious.

If the FBI paid James Cromitie $250,000 and a new BMW to plant bombs at Jewish targets in New York, "they" would certainly pay someone to hand out fake flyers in Eastern Ukraine. If it wasn't for the Russians, the USS Liberty would have been sunk as ordered by President Johnson.

Big Brother is not always right but they're not always wrong either. Stalin and Lenin were both evil. Yet so was Hitler and we don't still hate on Germany now that Hitler is gone. That war is over. Now the war continues and the greatest threat to our civil liberty is the enemy from within.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Finian's Paradise

In contrast with Finian's Inferno let's take a peak at Finian's Paradise. Yesterday I climbed the Stairway to Heaven on Seymour. This is probably one of my favorite places in Vancouver. The last stretch on the way to First Peak. From the other direction it looks like sand dunes made of snow.

I made it up to Second peak

and stayed for the sunset.

Things are very hit and miss on the coastal mountains. I've been at First peak at times when there was zero visibiity and a cold blowing wind that made me bundle up and say this is as far as I'm going today. Other days when the visibility is good, the view is awesome.

Especially the city lights from the mountaintop at night. I remember seeing them for the first time from Hollyburn Ridge. It was breath taking. It was a clear night and the moon cast a shadow. Winds were relatively calm and the silence was humbling. This is my quiet place.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Finian's Inferno

Here it is. The Hells Angels murder women and exploit the homeless part two. But first, let me set the stage which will define my beef. Just before Saint Paddy's Day I saw a video on youtube of Loreena McKennitt explaining what inspired her to write the song Dante's Prayer.

She said she was taking the train across Siberia and was reading Dante's Inferno. It's a literary classic about Dante's journey through hell. She said reading that book while she saw all the suffering and struggling around her inspired her to write the song and change it to Dante's Prayer. It's very moving. I picked up a copy of the book and thought I should make a post about Finian's Inferno. My journey through hell and the things I saw in my travels.

I've already talked about three images of murder that I can't get out of my mind. The expression on Britney Irvings face when she was found dead after being shot in the back by someone she loved, trusted and cared about. Janice Shore's caved in skull when I saw her in the hospital and the look of grief and loss in Eileen Mohan's eyes after her son ws unjustly murdered in the Surrey Six. Three powerful images that resonate in my memory.

That's what I want to talk about in my journey through hell. The predatory drug dealers that exploit the homeless. In that ridiculous troll rant, someone claiming to be Bryce was bragging about the treats they sell and claim they don't exploit the homeless living under a bridge. Yet that is indeed exactly what they do. When they bring that much cocaine into the country to be sold here as crack, they are responsible for all the violent misery that brings. They actually profit from it. From crack addicts being tortured in the basements of Prince George crack houses to the violent collection methods of the predatory drug dealers in East Vancouver and Whalley outside the Front Room it's all the same. It's Blood money.

The same goes for the dirty politicians that accept campaign contributions from the dirty developers and Casinos that launder drug money. However, the Hells Angels is a criminal organization. Manitoba has already deemed them as such and Saskatchewan is considering following suit to curb their violent monopoly on the drug trade.

When you look at the three rings: Robert Shannon and Jody York, the Randy and Trevor Jones indictment and the Larry Amero charges in Montreal we see three huge cross border drug trafficking rings where the Hells Angels were bringing massive amounts of BC Bud across the border and bringing back massive amounts of cocaine into Canada to be sold here as crack. That's not even counting the crystal meth like Kerry Ryan Renaud was cooking for John Punko and the Vancouver Hells Angels in Surrey.

Last year the police busted 16 grow ops in Kelowna alone all tied to the Hells Angels. 7 of them were licensed medicinal grow ops. That's a lot. I don't care if the Hells Angels run a few grows. I care when the Hell Angels take over grows and say no one can grow except us and start taxing every other grow under the sun. That is messed up. It is pure greed. I also care about the Hells Angels trading all that BC Bud for cocaine in the States and bringing it back here as crack. That destroys lives and communities. Sure there's more money in that trade but it's just not worth it. Again it all boils down to greed.

Another example of how the Hells Angels exploited the homeless in East Vancouver is when they sold the Drake hotel to the city of Vancouver. The city bought the hotel and turned it into social housing which was a good thing. The bad part was the fact that they paid the Hells Angels $2 million more than it was worth. That was tax dollars ear marked for social housing right into the Hells Angels pocket. No doubt they call it good business. I call it exploiting the homeless.

Don't tell me the Hells Angels don't have anything to do with the violent debt collection that goes on in East Vancouver or Prince George. Members of the Crew cut off fingers for drug debts on behalf of the Hells Angels in Prince George. Anthony Terezakis sold drugs for the Hells Angels in East Vancouver. Tony ran the drugs in the Cobalt and the American Hotel. Those are cheap hotels the homeless stay in when they can get a place indoors. Tony filmed himself beating the life out of drug addicts who owed him money. The Hells Angels are directly involved in the brutal violence in Whalley and East Vancouver. That is what I see in my journey through hell but that is not all.

Remember the Pickton Farm? There is a lot more to that story that Wally Oppal refused to be admitted in the not very public inquiry. There's a similar case in Australia involving the Hells Angels torturing someone on a Pig Farm there. Another similar case in Oakland. All frighteningly similar to the Surrey House of Horrors.

So the troll pretending to be Bryce made two totally false statements. He said the Hells Angels don't kill women and don't exploit the homeless living under a bridge when clearly they do. I personally don't believe that was Bryce because Bryce wouldn't publicly brag about their drug trafficking. He would deny they do it like Ricky C always does and claim they just ride motorcycles. Even though Bryce's own son is in jail for drug trafficking.

However, I do take great offense to the troll pretending to be Bryce claiming that I wear a white hood and burn crosses on people's lawns. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have spent a year and a half living in African American and Caribbean communities. I used to rock the A train up to 155th Street in Harlem, NYC. I lived behind the Front Line in Brixton and lived in Lakeshore village in south Seattle. I love a good curry mutton with some rice and peas and a Guinness stout.

Ricky C on the other hand was posing with David Black holding a Nazi flag with a swastika on it. Mom Boucher and Salvatore Cazzetta along with Biff Hamel were part of a White supremacist biker club called the SS before they all became Hells Angels. The Whiteboy posse is a puppet club that sells drugs for the Edmonton Hells Angels. They use Nazi logos and are white supremacists. The Hells Angels are the ones affiliated with the Klan not me. I despise the Klan.

Finian's prayer isn't that you remember him. Finian's prayer is that you remember all that have suffered like Janice Shore, Bob Roth and Ashley Machiskinic. Forget Finian, Remember them.

Christ said Blessed are those that mourn for they shall be comforted. He also said Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Mother Teresa had a pure heart. She could see the face of God in those who suffer. Can we? My prayer is that we all can see the face of God in those who suffer and think about how our actions affect them and the society we want to live in.

Kelowna's most wanted

Kelowna's most wanted? Schrader? You've got to be kidding. Surely there are a lot more serious criminals out there that the police should be looking for like whoever put Joey up to murdering Britney. I know I've made fun of Matt in the past but I said I'd give him a chance and I meant it. I heard he got a real job. Breach of recognizance is pretty open ended. That could be something as simple as missing a court date for driving while his licenses was suspended. If he has a job he has to get to work. Give the guy a break. Some people do need a fresh start in life. There are a lot more serious criminals out there that we should be focusing on.

The guy never threatened my daughter. He and I were just smack talking a while back. I know the police were keen on nailing him back then. I wish they were as keen on nailing the real criminals instead of kicking the cat. The guy is harmless. Look in his eyes. He's just an ordinary guy. The elephant ears drive me crazy but a girl I used to date has a son with the same thing. They drive me crazy but her son is actually a nice guy. The Hells Angels are a much more serious concern than someone who used to be a low level dealer and is sincerely trying to make a go of it.

Update: Turns out that's exactly what it is. He missed an appointment with his PO after his driving while prohibited charge. It wasn't even for missing a court date and had nothing to do with drugs. Sometimes we really do need to give people a chance.

The Battle Axe Barbies however, who worship the deranged Shane Bunting, they're still idiots. Shane and his social misfit followers don't know a thing about rap music. I was introduced into rap back in Harlem when LL Cool J was making his debut. He's still around. LL, Tupac, Fat Joe, the Game, A Tribe Called Quest, TI, Ja Rule those are rappers. Shane Bunting is just an idiot that tries to put his white nerdy fantasies about kidnapping, torturing and murdering women to music. Eminem broke into the market and so did Malkemore. Not Shane and his misfit Barbies.

Mystery Diners

A few weeks ago I saw an episode of Mystery Dinners with a friend. I don't watch much TV but this episode was somewhat profound. The owner of a restaurant was concerned one of their employees was stealing from them so they had the show come in and plant secret cameras to find out who it was. The owner suspected an employee who was a ex con.

They had someone come in posing as a customer be really rude to him then leave their wallet on the table before they left. They wanted to see what he would do with the wallet. He picked it up and put it in the lost and found. Then the secret camera saw another employee go into the wallet and take the money out of it while it was sitting in the lost and found.

When the customer came back for their wallet they asked where the money is that was inside it and the employee that stole it threw the ex con under the bus and said it must have been him. He's an ex con. Fortunately the hidden cameras saw other wise and saw how the young girl had been stealing from the company on various occasions. Sad but enlightening. Sad how a young girl would blame someone else for her actions but enlightening that an ex con proved to be honest. People can change and we do need to give them a chance if they really have changed.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Kaos Krew member busted in Edmonton

We interrupt this two part series with a not so important news bulletin. The Edmonton Journal is reporting that Peter Goodsell, who police claim is a member of the Hells Angels puppet club Kaos Krew was arrested after a traffic stop in Spruce Grove that netted marijuana, cocaine, cash and a large knife. It was only three ounces of marijuana and about 35-40 grams of cocaine but the cocaine was divided into 30 bags for reselling which would imply trafficking.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Women the Hells Angels have murdered

This is going to be a two part post. Looks like I took the bait again. Someone pretending to be Bryce posted on another forum and I actually thought for a second it really was Bryce. Actually I think Bryce is a lot smarter than that. Bloody hell I think Ricky C is smarter than that and I think Ricky C is a complete idiot. It's hard not to respect Bryce. Yet it's impossible to respect Ricky C. That Devil Butler nonsense is bizarre.

Someone claiming to be Bryce was metaphorically bragging about the drugs they sell and claim they don't murder women or profit from the homeless. Both statements are clearly false. The selective censorship on that forum is very suspicious. So I'll itemize what I said that wasn't posted.

The claim that the Hells Angels don't kill women is false. Case in point Margo Compton and Britney Irving. Britney they can argue but Joey Verma was a Hells Angels associate. In the trial one witness testified that Joey told him he had no choice (about killing Britney) and would kill his whole family if he didn’t take the fall for him. Another Hells Angel associate threatening someones family again. After speaking with his Lawyer Joey told the witness they were off the hook as he was going to have to take the heat himself.

The thing is Joey was a much higher level drug dealer than I thought. Even the judge was surprised at the dollar value of his drug transactions which continued after his incarceration. Which means whoever he was selling drugs for, were OK with his murder of Britney until he was actually convicted. Then they turned on him. Big surprise.

Two more women the Hells Angels killed which they can't deny are Michele Uyeyama and Lisa Chamberlain. Michele Uyeyama was Eugene Uyeyama's new wife. Eugene was a police informant that cause a large drug bust tied to Hells Angels associates selling crack in east Vancouver September 1995. Christmas 1995 they killed the informant and his innocent wife. They even brought Christmas gifts from "the Boys". Cans of gasoline to burn the house down after they murdered the informant and his wife.

Ernie Ozolins on the other hand was no informant. He was a full patch member they kicked out and murdered so someone else could take over the business and steal his land from his family. They murdered his girlfriend Lisa Chamberlain along with him for no reason.

So Margo Compton, Michele Uyeyama and Lisa Chamberlain are three women the Hells Angels murdered that they cannot deny. They will deny Britney Irving but I have good reason to add her to the list along with Janice Shore and Ashley Machiskinic. People still ask me why I do this web site and blog and why I feel so passionate about it. If you can't understand by now, I can't explain it. It is what it is. As Martin Luther King once said, no lie can live forever.

As one blog reader pointed out Nancy Christensen in Nova Scotia is yet another. Jeff Lynds admitted to killing Randy Mersereau for the Hells Angels. Randy had left the Hells Angels and continued drug trafficking when they forbade him to as a rival so they killed him as well as his brother and his brother's wife. Jeff testified that Les Greenwood did the hit on Kirk and Nancy for the Hells Angels and that the Hells Angels provided the guns for that murder as well.

In Quebec it was revealed in court that the primary business of the Hells Angels in Quebec during their drug turf war with the Rock Machine was drug trafficking. Every murder was approved by a committee. They contributed 10% of their drug profits into a fund to murder rival drug dealers.

Locally Nicole Alemy is another woman we can add to the list. She was shot dead with her toddler in the car during the war between the UN and the Bacon brothers. Nicole was murdered after Ralph Baldini in follow up to the Surrey Six. It was all about killing rival drug dealers. Yet it is clear that the Hells Angels were supporting and supplying the Bacon brothers through Larry Amero at the time. Larry wasn't acting on his own he was on official club business. That's why they put him in charge of two drug trafficking rings in Montreal after he was shot in Kelowna.

Another blog reader sent in the name of Mary Ann Campbell from New York to add to the list. The New York Times reported that March 1978, the chapter president, Vincent (Big Vinnie) Girolamo was charged with throwing his girlfriend, Mary Ann Campbell, from the roof of the building to her death on the pavement below. He died while he was on bail before the case went to trial.

Which reminds me of Cynthia Garcia. Kevin J. Augustiniak, one of several members of the Hells Angels initially charged in Cynthia Garcia's death pleaded guilty to second-degree murder. Paul Eischeid was arrested in Argentina awaiting extradition back to Arizona where he'll face a first-degree murder charge. Garcia was severally beaten, stabbed 27 times, partially decapitated, stuffed in a trunk and dumped in the desert. Kevin received a 23 year sentence.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Kelowna Independent Soldier gets four years for illegal firearms

Castanet is reporting that a 42-year-old Kelowna man has been sentenced to four years in prison after he was found in possession of illegal firearms and ammunition. RCMP consider Vincent Lewis Timpany to be a long-time gang associate and allied with the Independent Soldiers. Police seized a 9mm Glock, a .38 calibre Smith and Wesson, a 12 gauge shotgun and three over-capacity magazines. At the time of his arrest he was already prohibited from possessing any guns or ammunition. Let's not forget who the Independent Soldiers work for. Global picked up on the story.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Former Montreal cop sentenced to 8 years for selling secrets to Hells Angels

Global and CTV are both reporting that Benoit Roberge, an ex-Montreal police officer has been handed an eight-year prison term for selling sensitive information to the Hells Angels. No word on any charges against a second officer Roberge said worked with him or his claims that he was not going down alone which would imply the problem was bigger than just one person.

No word on why René Charlebois mysteriously committed suicide after escaping prison in Quebec. He was the Hells Angel that blew the whistle on Benoit Roberge. After his "suicide" several incriminating video tapes were found. At least Quebec is dealing with the problem with corruption investigations not like the EPS or us here in BC. Everything here is business as usual. No investigation means no corruption so they claim.

Saskatoon Hells Angel stands trial for death threats

CBC is reporting that Saskatoon Hells Angel Jesse Bitz will stand trial in October for uttering threats. Bitz is accused of threatening to kill Leonard Banga, the owner of Xtreme Mining and Demolition. The pair had a dispute which led Banga to fire Bitz. That's when the alleged threats took place. Rather amusing how he hides his face after being accused of making death threats.

"Xtreme Mining and Demolition enacted a new hiring policy in the fall of 2013 to prevent individuals with a history of violence and/or involvement in organized crime from working in safety sensitive situations." Three of the Hells Angels fired after the policy change are now threatening legal action while the province of is considering following Manitoba's lead by declaring the Hells Angels a criminal organization. That would certainly make it easier for employers to clean up links to organized crime. Too bad they won't do that with the Longshoremen here.

January of last year four longshoremen were shot at a gathering after allegations of missing pension funds were made like in New York. That was a Jimmy Hoffa trick back in the day.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Another Red Scorpion bust on Vancouver Island

The Victoria News is reporting that a raid by West Shore RCMP and Victoria PD has resulted in cash, guns, bullet-proof vests, over half a kilogram of cocaine, along with heroin being seized in a raid of five houses in Langford and Colwood. The search has led to the arrest of two men, including an alleged gang-related drug dealer.

Wednesday's searches were the culmination of an investigation which has been ongoing since last July and targeted two men, one of which police say has ties to the Red Scorpion gang active in the Lower Mainland. Dezmond White and Abraham McMillan have been arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of trafficking.

It's not nearly as much as the 10 kilos of cocaine seized tied to the Nanaimo Hells Angels but it's good to see the pressure being kept on the smaller Hells Angels puppet groups selling drugs on their behalf. As we know the Hells Angels took over the Red Scorpions after the Surrey Six and made them work for them just like the Independent Soldiers.