Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Homeless man sets his hair on fire

This story was on the front page of the Vancouver Province today and every media outlet across the country has picked up on the story. I have two analogies to relate it to. Some yuppie losers got a homeless man in Vancouver to light his own hair on fire and posted the video online.

It's quite likely they offered him a small amount of money to do it and they are cheering him on in the background of the video. The video was posted under the heading crack head sets hair on fire. So the rest of us are pretty outraged at how heartless these pos losers are for doing this and posting the video as though it's funny. Rightfully so. The news article implied the police are investigating the matter to determine if charges will be laid.

As slimy and dirty as it is, unless they were setting his hair on fire I really don't think there are grounds for criminal charges but two things come to mind. First is the exploitation factor. I'm glad people are upset by it. They should be. But what about other kinds of exploitation the homeless face on a daily basis that we consistently turn a blind eye to and actually promote?

The guy isn't just homeless they refer to him as a crack addict. What about the crack dealers in East Vancouver that give the homeless crack for free then beat the life out of them for payment. While the police look for these loser yuppies that paid a crack addict to set his own hair on fire how about looking right in front of our face and arresting the crack dealers that are brutalizing the homeless on a daily basis by giving them crack for free then beating the life out of them for payment. The Tony Terezakis videos are a prime example of what really goes on in the DTES on a daily basis. Tony thought it was funny too. So much so he couldn't hold back the laughter when they played the videos in court. That is messed up.

Instead of arresting the drug dealers at Main and Hastings who are brutalizing the homeless, we let them do it publicly and even hand out free crack pipes to promote their addiction and brutality. The only one profiting from our misdeeds are the drug dealers. If we are upset about these yuppies we should be even more upset with the crack dealers profiting from daily exploitation of the homeless.

The other point is the fact that crack addicts are desperate for cash. You give them five bucks and they'll pretty much do anything including setting their own hair on fire. What about James Cromitie? He's the one in the picture. Bill Tieleman reported that James Cromitie was a low-level ex-drug dealer who converted to Islam. A well-paid FBI informant befriended the Walmart worker and promised him $250,000 and a new BMW car to fire Stinger surface-to-air missiles at U.S. military planes and plant bombs at Jewish targets in New York.

If you take any crack addict in Whalley or the DTES, put a RPG in his hand and tell him you'll give him $250,000 and a new car to point it at a military target and pull the trigger, I don't think you'll find a single one that will say no. That doesn't mean you just saved the world from a terrorist. It means you just created one. James Cromitie was given 25 years in prison. 19 year old Mohamad Shnewer was given life in prison. That kind of entrapment just isn't right.

Here in Surrey they did the exact same thing. They gave a couple of Surrey drug addicts on the methadone program pressure cookers and told them to plant them at the Parliament buildings in Victoria. Only they had no idea how to make bombs out of them. They had food in them and they certainly didn't plant any bombs at the parliament buildings in Victoria. That just didn't happen and the Canada Day plot was a bold faced lie. They were originally charged March 2nd and CSIS still hasn't been charged with murder for providing the explosives for the Air India bombing.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Remembering Fallen Values

Usually when we reflect on Remembrance Day we remember WWI and II. Yet this Remembrance Day I'd like us to remember the Koren War, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the death of our morals. Canada has had a noble military heritage. Sadly, we have apostatized completely from that heritage. As we remember fallen soldiers we need to remember our fallen values.

Last July was the 60th anniversary of the Korean War. Canadian soldiers dug in and helped repel the invading Communist army. South Korea remained a Democracy. North Korea did not.

Sunday was the 25th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall. Google created a doodle to commemorate the event. In WWI and II we were so focused on the horrors of Fascism that we completely overlooked the atrocities of Communism. The Berlin Wall was a staunch reminder of that mistake. Once Berlin was divided, the wall was built and the machine guns turned inwards to prevent people from leaving. Last June was the 25th Anniversary of Tiananmen Square massacre. Now Hong Kong waits to see their fate as the world is distracted with yet another side show.

Although we remember with pride the sacrifices of WWI and II as well as in the Korean War we need to remember the many less than noble wars we were conned into supporting. The invasion of Iraq was based on a lie. They had no weapons of mass destruction. When that "mistake" was discovered (MI 6 were caught red handed giving false information to the media in Operation Mass Appeal) George Bush threw a party and said mission accomplished.

Afghanistan was much more subtle. We were under the impression that Afghanistan did 9/11. We were conned. The Bin Laden confession video didn't even look like Bin Laden. Prior to that invasion the Texas oil companies were wining and dining the Taliban (who were trained by the CIA to fight the Russian invasion of their country) trying to win the contract for a gas pipeline through Afghanistan called CentGas - Central Asia Gas Pipeline. UNICAL was supposed to get the contract. When the Taliban changed their mind and gave the contract to Bridas, an Argentina firm, Afghanistan was invaded and the contract was reversed.

US Troops began protecting the Opium fields. We were told they were doing it because if we didn't the Taliban would which was another bold faced lie. Right before Afghanistan was invaded, the Taliban had brought opium production to a grinding halt. After the invasion Afghanistan quickly returned to be the largest opium producers in the world. Julie Couillard claimed that Maxime Bernier told her “the war in Afghanistan has nothing to do with building democracy in that country but has to do with the global control of the opium trade. It’s a drug war.”

Libya was another example of fallen values. One minute Sarkozy was trying to convince the world to trust Gadaffi with nuclear weapons and the next minute we helped that dirty dog topple the "dictator" after Gadaffi decided not buy buy a reactor from France. That was not a noble mission.

Now we have Stephen Harper giving CSIS more power instead of charging them with murder in the Air India bombing as he tramples the Charter of Rights and hands Canadian sovereignty over to Communist China while he spends billions of tax dollars on jets that will not work in the Arctic and aren't for protecting Canada. They're for participating in the oil wars and for rewarding a company that has a long history of fraud and over billing that one of his candidates lobbied for. Boeing is Good - Lockheed Martin is Bad. This Remembrance Day we need to mourn the death of our values. Lest we forget, we used to have morals.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Put on Your Kinder Morgan Face

Kinder Morgan's lawyer submitted pictures of protestors to court claiming that their facial expressions constitute assault. Thus creating a social media frenzy of everyone mocking the concept by posting their #KMFace.

This is why the BC Judicial system is the laughing stock of the world. The courts not only entertain frivolous applications they entertain unlawful ones as well. Their is no conceivable merit to the ridiculous claim that a facial expression of a protestor could possibly constitute assault.

Hamilton Red Devils kiss ass

The is reporting that "The Red Devils of Hamilton folded on the weekend, along with their chapters in Sudbury and Chatham. All 31 of the former Ontario Red Devils now belong to the Maritime-based Bacchus Motorcycle club. That suddenly makes the Bacchus Canada’s largest outlaw motorcycle club, second only to the Hells Angels."

Are you kidding me?! Buttkiss? Why on earth would they patch over to Buttkiss, the patron Saints of homosexuality?! The Hamilton Spectator is reporting that Ray Philip is "a regular at The Donut Shop on Parkdale Avenue North, he nods a quick hello to one of the waitresses. When he speaks, his answers are direct and show little emotion." That's because he's a complete loser hanging out at a doughnut shop and now has to wear a condom on his nose when he kisses HA ass.

The patch over is likely because of the other Red Devils in Ottawa and Montreal that have the same name but a different logo. They're a Hells Angels puppet club as well. They get a newer clubhouse out of the deal. A small step up from the run down old barn they were in.

Bachuss told them they were 1%ers. They just didn't tell them which 1% they were. Sergius and Bacchus were two Roman soldiers who were openly Gay and secretly Christian. Members of the Bacchus MC passionately deny that's their Bacchus. They claim their Bacchus was the Greek god of wine. Only their logo is of a roman soldier not a Greek god so do the math folks. Who's in denial now? La Presse reported that the 5' 4" Walter Stadnick was from the Hamilton Red Devils. He joined Mommy Dearest's Nomads and became National President. Go figure.

Finger puppets to the Ontario Village Idiots. Some people just have no self respect.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Now that Disney has taken over the marketing rights for Star Wars to keep the saga going, they just announced the title for the first in the latest trilogy: The Force Awakens due to be released Dec. 18, 2015. It takes place 30 years after the Return of the Jedi.

Obviously I'm going to spin it just like I did the Men in Black 3 movie and relate it to modern crime and politics. This saga will relate to how modern day Jedi will awaken to rise up and defend the US Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights against the subtle and no so subtle attacks on civil liberty by the Evil Empire to preserve the Free Republic.

Finding Emma Fillipoff

Emma Fillipoff was originally from Ottawa and was working as a chef in Victoria when she went missing Nov. 28, 2012. She was 27 and was last seen near the Empress Hotel around 7 PM. The lead in the case brings the tragic story to the DTES.

Last May the Courier-Islander reported that Gastown, Vanvouver store owners Joel and Lori Sellen witnessed a man in their store throwing out a “missing” poster. “Upon closer inspection, the poster was of (missing Emma Fillipoff) and the reward of $25,000 posted for her safe recovery,” said Shelly. “The man said ‘It’s one of those missing persons posters, except she’s not missing, she’s my girlfriend and she ran away ‘cause she hates her parents’.” The store owners said they got a ‘very creepy vibe’ from the man and called the police right away to report the incident. Security cameras were able to pick up his image.

Vancouver police are investigating and posters have gone out over social media asking the public to be on the lookout for Emma or the male around the downtown eastside. CBC the Fifth Estate just ran a documentary on her. At 28:45 into the video you can see the surveillance footage of the guy walk into a Gastown shop holding a copy of Emma's poster in his hand.

CBC also reported that when she was last seen on November 28th 2012 she was last seen by the police. "At 7:11 p.m. on November 28, 2012 a 911 call goes out to the police by a concerned passerby. A 26 year old woman is standing barefoot on the street in temperatures hovering just above zero degree. Her name is Emma Fillipoff, a chef originally from the Ottawa area. The police arrive and talk to the petite, attractive woman for 30 minutes to make sure she is fine. Then they leave her at the side of the road and drive off. She is never seen again.

So now we have three red flags. She was last seen standing barefoot downtown Victoria in the freezing cold, a guy claiming to be her boyfriend claimed she was alive and well and she is in the DTES. Three red flags. There is no happiness in the DTES. That is the epicenter of exploitation.

I have more to say on this case but let's start there. Lets look for her and the guy claiming to be her boyfriend in the DTES. Best case scenario is that she did run away from her family and that exposing her whereabouts will cause her to leave the DTES. Even if that was true, her leaving the DTES would be in her best interest. However, I do not believe that is true. Let's find her to make sure she is safe. Gastown is nice but the DTES is not a safe place for anyone.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Surrey Field of Screams

The Vancouver Province is reporting on an area in Surrey near Newton beside a trailer park full of drugs I previously reported on that has been an ongoing problem. They are calling it the Field of Screams and claims that Surrey property is a den of just about any vice you can name.

The headline on the front page read Paradise for drug dealers and squatters. Then the headline on the actual article in the paper read "Somebody ... is going to get killed." Doesn't sound like much of a paradise to me. Again we have yet another ongoing problem in Surrey that Dianne Watts and Linda Hepner have refused to deal with just like several other ongoing problems that have resulted in more murders. When the murder occurs we throw our hands in the air and claim we have no idea what happened. Let's create a task force to find out why. Not. Let's respond to the ongoing complaints of criminal activity before they result in more murders.

In Newton, the businesses and residents complained about open drug dealing which resulted in a flood of violent crime while Dianne Watts and Bill Fordy did nothing. The businesses claim the police refused to arrest the drug dealers selling drugs outside their businesses.

Behind Green Timbers pub the residents kept complaining about an after hours booze can in a residential neighbourhood. After the city's refusal to do anything about it, the residents said what are going going to do, wait until someone gets shot. That's exactly what happened in both cases.

In 2013 Dianne Watts exploited a media opportunity when the press got wind of the fact that a teenage girl wrote the mayor complaining about the drug related violence in here trailer park on King George Hwy. Dianne Watts in her ivory tower said yeah that's a shame. The landlords shouldn't rent to people who are addicted to drugs or sex trade workers. Her inaction there resulted in yet another shooting. Three strikes you're out.

So here we are yet again. The same problem in the same area still exists and other candidates claim there is something we can do. In each case residents are reporting illegal activity. When the police and the city refuse to enforce the law that makes them criminally culpable and they become accessories to murder.

In the new report on the previous problem this time referred to as the field of screams, the Vancouver Province reported that the area is plagued with "Thefts, break-ins, strangers wandering around, fences cut, shelters built in the woods, garbage dumped, drug deals, prostitution and stabbings."

The problem starts off with drug dealers selling crack in public. When the police let that happen it creates a forest fire of drug related violence. Addicts steal to pay for the drug, addicts resort to working in the sex trade to pay for their addiction and it spirals down into a cesspool of exploitation. The predatory drug dealers exploit the homeless by giving them free crack then beating the life out of them for payment which creates a tsunami of violence crime.

The answer is simple. Don't kick the cat, arrest the crack dealers. That is the New York model. Doug McCallum says enforce the bylaws which he did when he was mayor by evicting crack houses onto the street. Barinder Rasode says get police to walk the beat in that area. Exactly. Both actions are needed to confront the crime that is causing the problem: crack dealers. Stop kicking the cat or pretending there isn't anything we can do. We can arrest the crack dealers. If we refuse to do so we become accessories to murder. It's that simple.

The Vancouver Province is also reporting that Cloverdale Chamber of Commerce plans to partner with Vancouver Board of Trade due to Surrey's (Linda Hepner and Dianne Watt's) broken promises.

I'll have to admit Barinder Rasode has some good marketing going on. Right after posting her signs that say one tough mother her supporters start putting up new signs at the last minute that say One Surrey like a Bob Marley or a Black Eyed Peas plea for one love or a U2 we are one campaign. In contrast to Lind Hepenr and Dianne Watts happy bunny of greed and self indulgence.

I'm still voting for McCallum but I have no problem if Rasode takes out Hepner. We need to change and start walking the walk instead of talking the talk when it comes to crime prevention. I just hope they don't split the vote and leave us with the same pile of toxic waste. Where is the love? We are one but we are not the same. When it comes to crime, I still rather be more like me and less like you. I's better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction. Word.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Agent K on The Plane Truth

A geopolitical conspiracy show in the States called The Plane Truth asked me to do an interview with them on YouTube so here it is. Time to step up and talk about the things no one wants us to talk about in person. It was bound to happen. That little heart to heart about civil liberty that needs to be discussed. It's pretty long and if you're afraid of conspiracy theories don't listen to it. It'll make you go blind. Either that or you'll see the light of day. One of the two. They've even interviewed Catherine Austin Fitts in the past. Cathrine is very credible.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Newton Stabbing and Shooting

The Vancouver Province is confirming a Scan BC report that there was a double stabbing today at Wings on King George Hwy and 72nd Avenue in Newton. A man barged into the back door and stabbed two cooks. Bizarre.

A closer look at the article reads "Police said the man went into a restricted employees-only area, where he was confronted by two employees. When they tried to detain him, he picked up a knife and subsequently stabbed or slashed both employees prior to fleeing.” Evidently they were stabbed because they tried to restrain him. No explanation as to why he barged in the back door of the restaurant.

Just like that guy who randomly fatally stabbed a man in the neck after getting off a bus in Kelowna. Bizarre indeed. Scan BC is reporting that #Surrey #RCMP responding for a female freaking out in the backyard of a house after taking too much speed. Arrest the crack and meth dealers and you will prevent a huge amount of violent crime.

Update: Scan BC is also reporting that #Surrey #RCMP are on scene with a person shot at 70 Ave & 144 St. Searching for a vehicle that fled the scene.

Another fire at the Liquid Zoo

The Kelowna Now is reporting that there was another fire at the Liquid Zoo 5:00 AM this morning. Fire crews ventilated the smoke and determined that the fire had been started on the exterior of the building, though it had extended into the building as well. Firefighters quickly put out the fire, and there were no injuries reported.

Castanet is confirming that the fire had been started on the exterior of the building. There was a minor fire at the Liquid Zoo May 2012 from a smoldering cigarette in a trash can. January 11 2013 the owner of the liquid Zoo's Ford Explorer was set on fire by a car bomb.

Locally one candidate called for Bill Fordy's resignation during a Surrey mayoral debate. Great idea. At least transfer. One can only hope.