Saturday, May 28, 2016

Surrey and Vancouver Devils extort more money from the public purse

The Mayors's glutton council want to raise taxes again to pay for Translink expansions after that failed referendum on raising sales tax to pour more money into the over budget a billion dollars a year fiscal disaster. These two nutcases should be in jail. Linda Hepner is just taking up when Dianne Watts left off continuing the largest debt in the city of Surrey's history what with her Ivory Tower and her all expense paid junkets and all. Gregor Robertson is just as bad. Insisting we expand Translight before they balance it's budget. They already burn an extra billion dollars a year in a regional gas tax and they still want more because they insist on expanding it when it sucks and they give away a million free rides every year.

Earlier this month the Vancouver Province reported that "The City of Vancouver appears to have breached its procurement policy after Vision Mayor Gregor Robertson reportedly approved a contract worth almost $95,000 for a prominent supporter of his party, according to a legal expert."

Why was the contract for the Evergreen line, which we don't need because Translink sucks, given to SNC-Lavalin after it was banned from world contracts due to it's involvement with corruption and fraud. Giving them the contract was a criminal act. Now they want more money above the billion extra dollars a year they already burn simply because when you're a glutton, enough is never enough. Notice the new Translink CEO was nowhere near this one. He's too smart for that. He has business sense. These two devils do not. They are gluttons out of control that need to be restrained for the public good. Why would we toll the Lions Gate bridge after it was already tolled and paid for? Selling crack is not a Charter Right but mobility rights sure are.

"Delta Mayor Lois Jackson said she was concerned the mayors were backing down on their stance against increasing property taxes after 'we stood that line for a long time,' while looking to slap more fees on drivers - especially in communities south of the Fraser River where they don’t have the transit services in place." Indeed. Keep her, fire Hepner and Robertson. It's that simple.

Delta MLA Walter Davidson was right - scrap the GVRD and the Mayors glutton counsel. It's a costly bureaucratic and ineffective organization. We already have a provincial government.

VPD Officer shoots knife wielding suspect in the leg

The Vancouver Sun posted some pictures from that police shooting in East Vancovuer May 24th a witness took on their cell phone. This story has a happy ending. She put one in his leg not in his chest. You don't always have to shoot to kill. Just like with the suicidal man in Safeway.

Hey lady, here I come.

Ouch. You shot me. Why the f*ck did you do that? That's police brutality.

You charged me when I had my gun drawn dumb ass.

I guess it could be worse. At least you put one in my leg and not my chest.

I couldn't see the knife but the fact that he charged her with her gun drawn means shooting him in the leg is well within reason because even if he was unarmed he could have grabbed the gun.

I think I can see the knife now. Since he was bleeding from the stomach in what appears to be a self inflicted wound he clearly appears to be on something. Shooting him in the leg showed professional self control and restraint. Well done. Very different from the Hudson Brooks case.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Canadian Ambassador insults Ireland

I have a few stories to catch up on but I just wanted to pause on this one to give us a chance to reflect in case there was someone out there I have not yet offended. The Canadian Ambassador to Ireland is in the news after tackling a protester in Dublin. We have to pause and reflect on how outrageous and offensive this ceremony was on Irish soil. This wasn't in London, this was in Dublin. This is like the Nazis having a ceremony in France mourning the loss of its soldiers when it invaded France or North Korea holding a ceremony in South Korea mourning the loss of its soldiers when it tried to invade South Korea. It is freaking offensive. Sure soldiers are people too and everyone wants to remember those who died fighting for their country but if you don't want your soldiers to die don't invade another county.

All the Protester said was this is an insult and it bloody well was. If you want to have a ceremony in England remembering soldiers that were killed when you invaded another country have at it but don't do it on sovereign soil. It is insanely offensive. That's like the Protestants marching through Catholic areas in Northern Ireland on the 12th of July throwing it in their faces that they lost some battle back in 1690 which somehow gives them the right to remove all Catholics civl liberty today.

Do we have any idea what the Easter Uprising was? We all get upset when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait but that is exactly what England did to Ireland. They invaded a sovereign state just like Hitler or North Korea did. During Easter in 1916 when the world was opposing Germany's invasion of Europe and was silent on England's invasion of Ireland, a group of noble men took the Post Office and struck for freedom. Have you read the inspired contents of the Irish Proclamation the founding fathers were executed for signing? It is worth reading.

On behalf of Canada I would like to formally apologize to Ireland for this offensive disregard for their liberty. Peace begins by respecting the struggle for freedom. Erin go Bragh. Tiocfaidh ár lá.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Kamloops RCMP officer charged with selling cocaine

The National Post is reporting that "A former Kamloops police officer has been charged with three counts of cocaine trafficking — with allegations she was selling the drugs while still employed as a Mountie. Randi Love, who has since retired from the RCMP, is accused of dealing cocaine on three occasions last June, while still a member of the national police force. According to court documents, the 40-year-old allegedly trafficked cocaine on June 13, June 22 and June 26. KTW has learned Love retired from the RCMP in recent months after discovering she was the subject of a drug-trafficking investigation." CFJC Today article.

As we recall, the Chief of police in Merit pleaded guilty to stealing and using cocaine from an evidence locker. A Burnaby RCMP officer was sentenced to 14-months in jail for stealing a kilogram of cocaine from a police exhibit locker in the spring of 2011.

Surrey drug bust

Speak of the devil. The Surrey now is reporting that "Surrey RCMP's drug unit arrested eight suspects Wednesday in Surrey and are looking for four more in connection with an investigation into dial-a-dope drug trafficking in Surrey and Richmond." Just when we observed none of these drug busts ever happened in Surrey. Bill Fordy must have asked the gang task force to do a bust in Surrey so he didn't looks so bad. Mind you it's pretty hard for him not to look like and idiot when he is dancing naked after he set fire to some toilet paper hanging out of his ass.

The question we need to keep asking is why do they spend all that time and energy conduction an investigation into a dial a dope operation when there are drug dealers selling crack in public outside the Front Room in Surrey? Why do they let them do that? Those are the ones exploiting the homeless not the dial a dope operations.

Fraser MacRae was a real man. Bill Fordy never came close.

Canada Arms China's nuclear Sub

Welcome to another day in the Twilight zone. The Guardian is reporting that China to send nuclear-armed submarines into Pacific amid tensions with US. Who the hell do you think gave Communist China the materials and the technology to arm those nuclear missiles on that sub? Canada did. First it was Jean Chretien's sale of military weapons and CANDU reactors to the Communist dictatorship. Then Stephen Harper did the time warp and thought selling China nuclear reactors was a good idea. It's not like they would ever use it for the wrong purposes or arm any terrorist organizations in the world or anything like that. Which once again forces us to ask ourselves which side are we on?

Let's not forget how Stephen Harper sold Communist China our oil rights. He didn't just sell them oil, he sold them our oil rights. That means every time we fill up at the pump we are funding the military expansion of a Communist dictatorship. Stephen Harper was more of a Communist than Pierre Elliot Trudeau ever was. History has recorded that. Guess who got the contract for CANDU reactors in China? SNC-Lavalin. I kid you not. The same criminals that got the Evergreen line after they were banned from world projects for corruption and money laundering.

Shootings in Abbotsford and Peachland

The Abbotsford News is reporting that Police watched a guy on a stolen motorcycle drive eraticalty and crash the motorcycle. The rider fled the scene but police found a fanny pack on scene with almost $1,100 cash, a loaded pistol, street drugs (including heroin, crack cocaine, cocaine, methamphetamine and unknown drugs), and identification of the arrested man. I guess that's one for the gangsters' fail army. The suspect was well known to the police.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Guy on a stolen motorcycle caught with gun and drugs

1130 News is reporting that there were shots fired between vehicles in Abostford last night around 8:30 p.m. on McCallum Road and Switzer Avenue (just south of South Fraser Way). Shell casings were found at the scene

Kelowna Capital News is reporting that there was a shooting in Peachland last Thursday when a man was shot in the leg on a rural property.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Steven Skinner arrested in Venezuela

CBC is reporting that "Venezuelan police have arrested a Nova Scotian man who left Canada shortly before being charged with murder in 2011. Steven Skinner, 43, faces a second-degree murder charge over the killing of 20-year-old Stacey Adams in the Halifax area. " I was wondering why the traffic on an old post I made about him was off the charts. A blog reader finally wrote in and said he was arrested. I'm not sure about his affiliations. He was a MMA fighter.

CBC is reporting that in 2006, two clothing stores owned by Skinner were firebombed within an hour of each other. One of the men charged with arson in the fires was Cory Melvin, the younger brother of Halifax crime figure Jimmy Melvin Jr.

The Chronicle Herald reported that "Melvin, a notorious Halifax crime figure, was arrested in July and charged with first-degree murder in the February 2009 shooting death of Terry Marriott Jr., who belonged to a rival gang." It doesn't name the gang but describe the feud between the Melvins and the Marriotts who used to sell crack together then split and became rivals.

The article states Jimmy Melvin Sr worked for the Hells Angels back in 1992 when he was caught trying to off load a spanish vessel loaded with three tones of cocaine. In 2000 a member of the Marriott family was charged with the murder of former Hells Angels associate William St. Clair Wendelborg. December 2001 Jimmy Melvin Sr was arrested along with Hells Angels members and associates when the Halifax clubhouse was raided for drug offences.

That would imply Skinner is a HA rival but Venezuela kinda sounds like HA protection. In the book Road to Hell, it claims Larry Pace (Lars) killed William Wendelborg in a contract hit ordered by Wolf Carroll’s associate Paul Wilson. Lars is the guy living in Kelowna now. So that hit was for the Hells Angels not against them. The HAs must be working with both groups in Halifax. Locals are under the impression Skinner got his HA patch in 2011.

Rental housing disappears in Metro Vancouver

Numerous media outlets are reporting that Low-cost rental housing disappears across Metro Vancouver. This is the first factor in the tent city crime plague. Housing is a genuine concern. Adding drug addition to that makes it untreatable. Global is News is confirming a Vancouver Province report that the high cost of housng is causing young families to leave Vancouver.