Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Seizing cars key to gang fraud

The Vancouver Sun / Province is reporting that a corrupt BC Task force has recomened seizing cars who have ilegal firearms in them. Surrey Mayor Linda Hepner is delighted with the idea. Botox Betty is delighted with the idea because she is part of Dianne Watts tax and spend gluttons council. This corruption could not be more clear.

Previously I reported that the police in BC are not concerned with disrupting drug trafficking. They are only concerned with seizing he proceeds of crime in exchange for letting it continue unbridled. This insane proposal is further evidence of that scam.

Right now the Surrey RCMP are giving the Hell's Angels drug dealers on the Surrey strip police protection for selling fentanyl. Instead of arresting those drug dealers and disrupting the drug trafficking of that lethal poison they want to let it continue and prosper while they tax it by seizing cars to raise money for their budget. Freeway Ricky dejavu.

Postmedia and Torstar cut deal to eliminate 36 newspapers

Bloody Hell. The Financial Post is reporting that "Canada’s two largest newspaper chains will close three-dozen community and free commuter newspapers after striking a deal to swap newspapers struggling with declining print advertising revenue. Postmedia Network Inc. and Torstar Corp. announced Monday they traded 41 publications and plan to close 36 papers in places where they compete. The shuttering of 34 papers in Southern Ontario, one in Winnipeg and one in Vancouver will eliminate 291 jobs and save each company between $5 million to $7 million annually." Do we see what's happening?

The Postmedia corporate monopoly owns pretty much all of the newspapers in Western Canada. There is no free speech because they have eliminated competition and the free market. When all the newspapers are owned by the same entity, they become easier to control and the content is driven to build corporate advertising. That is why all the local papers sound the same and are brainwashing us with the same corporate agenda.

The Toronto Star and the Torstar conglomerate are one of the only other media outlets in Canada. Do you see what they did? The two corporate giants cut a deal to eliminate competition. Remember the Surrey Leader? Surrey had two newspapers, the Now and the Leader. When the Postmedia monopoly acquired both papers they did away with the Surrey Leader with one sweep of the pen and fired everyone who worked there. Obviously they saved money but the integrity of the industry went down the toilet.

The Vancouver Sun and the Vancouver Province are now both owned by the Postmedia corporate monopoly. After they acquired both newspapers they had the Chief Editor of the Vancouver Sun take over that role for both papers and put the Chief Editor for the Vancouver Province back into the field to save money. What was the result of that move? Both papers are clones of each other. There is no difference between the two. Reporters for the Sun now also write for the Province and visa versa. All the local newspapers are clones of each other.

Toronto Mike has listed the 36 newspapers the new deal will shut down. Top of the list is the Toronto and Vancouver editions of the 24 hours. People may ask, why would a corporation acquire a competitor then shut it down? To eliminate the competition. Corporate monopolies are in opposition to the free market. It is the road to Corporate Communism. Especially when the corporate monopoly uses it's media monopoly to brainwash consumers with propaganda. Welcome to the Brave new World. Yet all is not lost.

As I've said before the Media Clone Wars has created an opening in the market. The free market means anyone can set up their own independent media outlet to satisfy supply and demand. The internet is free game. August this blog broke 20 million hits. 4 months later and we broke another million hits. Vloggers on Youtube like Lilly Singh actually make a lot of coin.

We also need to realize that when the local papers run a frontpage article cramming corporate corruption down our throat we can take it with a grain of salt and remember who is paying them to write that. CBC is still independent and is much more objective than the postmedia monopoly.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: God save the Queen

Well it's official. Prince Harry is engaged to Meghan Markle. Congratulations! Normally I don't give a rats ass what the royals do. It's their business. However, due to some of the insanely racist comments I will point out the obvious. Do we not know who Prince Harry is? He is the son of Princess Diana, the best thing that ever happened to the royal family.

Prince Harry has followed his heart and has chosen to marry a biracial American actress. Biracial? She's half black. Not that it matters because it doesn't. Why she's even part Irish so she is. Some Brits will be more opposed to that then her being part black.

One of the comments on twitter was our soldiers didn't die for this. Ah actually yes they did. This is exactly what they died for. Hitler was the one that talked about a superior race. Hitler was on the other side of the battlefield. In the United States Martin Luther King had a dream that one day men and women would be judged by the content of their character not by the color of their skin.

She's beautiful. They look happy. They make a wonderful couple. I cant wait to see what kind of noble acts her kind heart reveals. Let's get to know her beauty from within before we cast stones and reveal our own ignorance. It's time for our civilized society to get educated.

Michaëlle Jean was the first black Governor General of Canada. She was a refugee from Haiti. She was genuine and sincere and cared about the people. She served well.

Senator John McCain tells Hillary Clinton to move on

Newsweek is reporting that "Senator John McCain says Hillary Clinton should not have published her book so soon after losing the 2016 election because it makes her look like she’s still campaigning and has nothing else to do. “What’s the f-----g point? Keep the fight up? History will judge that campaign, and it’s always a period of time before they do,” McCain told Esquire magazine in a long interview Monday. “You’ve got to move on. This is Hillary’s problem right now: She doesn’t have anything to do.” Exactly. It's time for her to move on.

Honduras Election

It is somewhat amusing to see how the American media is spinning the Honduran election. Reuters is reporting that " A TV host was on course for victory in the Honduran presidential race on Monday, in a dramatic election that upended forecasts of a win for the country’s U.S.-friendly incumbent. Flamboyant entertainer Salvador Nasralla, 64, was ahead by a 5 point margin with 70 percent of ballots counted, election official Marcos Ramiro Lobo told Reuters. That was too large a lead for his rival, center-right President Juan Orlando Hernandez, to overcome, Lobo said."

The New York Times is reporting that "A TV host was on course for victory in the Honduran presidential race on Monday, in a dramatic election that upended forecasts of a win for the country’s U.S.-friendly incumbent.". Now The New York Times is very credibility. However, *someone* is feeding them information that might not be entirely acurate and it *might* be the same ones that were involved in the Honduran Coup back in 2009.

Article 239 of the Honduras constitution clearly prohibits a president from serving more than one term and indicates that anyone who tries to amend Article 239 should be removed from office and disqualified from performing any public responsibilities for ten years. In 2009 when Zelaya tried to hold a referendum to amend the constitution the US (Hillary Clinton & the CIA's drug traficking network) supported a military coup removing him. Fast forward to 2017. Conservative President Juan Orlando Hernandez amended the constitution to let him run again without a referendum and the US supported it.

Why did the US support a coup against a president who tried to hold a referendum to amend the constitution to let him run a second term but support a successive president who amended the constitution without a referendum? Simply because Juan Orlando Hernandez is conservative while Manuel Zelaya was a liberal who formed an alliance with the left. That was his crime.

The people of Honduras don't like Juan Hernandez because he changed the constitution without a referendum. That's why they voted him out. It has nothing to do with being pro or anti America. In contrast we must ask is America pro or anti democracy? That is what's really on the table.

Update: CIA suports Honduras voter fraud

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Montreal Police crack down on fentanyl, Vancouver Police promote it

The Revelstoke Mountaineer is reporting that after two people died of fentnyl overdoses in Montreal six weeks later the montrel police "had conducted six raids, arresting 13 drug dealers linked to the two deaths. They seized $19,000 in cash, along with fentanyl, about 500 grams of heroin, meth and other drugs. Montreal police chief Philippe Pichet was blunt commenting after the last raid: 'We will follow and stop those who put (fentanyl) into narcotics.' Note his choice of words. Pichet was announcing the priority for his department’s drug enforcement efforts, he was declaring war on fentanyl to stave-off a public health crisis.”

Why do we promote poison in lethal injection sites? It is a conflict of interest. Why do we give the fentanyl dealers police protection in the DTES and on the Surrey strip? That is illegal.

Site C company tied to South Korea coruption

The Times Colonist is reporting that "In November 2015, B.C. Hydro announced that its preferred proponent for the Site C main civil-works contract was Peace River Hydro Partners, which includes Acciona Infrastructure, Petrowest Corp. and Samsung C&T.

As was first raised in this space more than a year ago, all three were facing problems at the time. Samsung Group was under investigation for bid-rigging and corruption in South Korea, Acciona was under investigation for corruption in Spain — two executives were arrested by Spanish authorities less than a month after the Site C deal was signed — and Petrowest was “living on borrowed time” from its lenders. There have been a few developments since. In August, the head of Samsung, Jay Y. Lee, was sentenced to five years in prison for bribery, after being found guilty of “offering bribes to the country’s former president and other crimes.” Petrowest finally succumbed to borrowed time and went into receivership in August. As for “on time and on budget,” Site C is neither and likely never was, despite B.C. Hydro claiming otherwise."

Samsung Group was tied to bid-rigging and corruption in South Korea which triggered massive protests causing the president to resign. Meanwhile back on the ranch, massive project overruns on the Site C dam and nobody cares. Evidently they only convict corruption in South Korea.

Pentatonix Christmas

Pentatonix is hosting another Christmas special this year. I like them. They're on Monday night November 27th on NBC. Jennifer Hudson joined in and was magnificent.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Vancouver Christmas Market

We checked out the German Christmas market in Vancouver today. It was nice to go before the crowds get crazy. Now it's at Jack Poole Plaza where the Olympic Cauldron is beside Canada Place. The Christmas market is a great place to get authentic food and handmade crafts. It costs $10 to get in but if you pay an extra dollar you can get a seasons pass which is well worth it. I don't like the mulled wine. Sugary red wine just isnt my thing. I prefer the dark beer myself.

The Trans Siberian Orchestra is another Christmas tradition. They're awesome.

Calgary: largest fentanyl bust in ALERT history

CBC is reporting that "Investigators confiscated record-setting amounts of methamphetamine and fentanyl pills in a year-long operation dubbed Project Offshore that Calgary police say took more than $4 million in drugs off the streets. Over the course of the operation, 11 houses in Calgary were searched, turning up 15,757 fentanyl pills, 28 kilograms of methamphetamine, 6.7 kilograms of cocaine and 75 kilograms of cocaine buffing agent, ALERT says."

"The fentanyl seizure is the largest of its kind by ALERT, while the meth seizure nearly doubles the previous record for all of Alberta. Given the health crisis our communities have faced over opioid abuse, there is no doubt in my mind that lives have been saved." No kidding.

This is how you save lives and confront organized crime. By getting fentanyl off the streets. Not with Lethal Injection sites. Public opinion claims the Edmonton Police Service is compromised. That's why ALERT is the one confronting drug trafficking not the EPS.

Now the BC Gang task Force is compromised. They no longer target drug trafficking. They give the Hells Angels drug dealers police protection in the DTES and on the Surrey strip and pay millions of dollar to Hells Angels drug dealers and enforcers in exchange for letting them continue as long as they rat out a few small time rivals. In Alberta the gang task force is confronting organized crime. In BC they are promoting it.