Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Mother found dead in Kelowna Lake

The Daily Hive is reporting that "Police are investigating after the sudden death of a woman in the Okanagan Lake. On Sunday, April 21, at approximately 2:23 pm, police and emergency crews rushed to Gyro Beach, after receiving reports of a person floating face down in the water, just off the shore." That is tragic. A GofundMe page has been set up for her son.

“At this point in the investigation, although Caitlin’s death has not yet been officially classified, our investigators do not believe criminality was involved,” he adds. That makes no sense whatsoever.

That can only imply accident or suicide neither of which is plausible. No one jumps off a floating bridge to commit suicide. A mother with a young child she adores does not commit suicide. If people were drinking and someone fell off a boat that would have been reported before hand. None of that makes sense. Castanet reported that she was a dancer. What type of dancer? We all know who runs the crime in Kelowna. A leopard doesn't change it's spots.

We all know who *really* runs the Garden of Eden in Kelowna. The *boys* get their cut or should I say the boy. What consenting adults do behind closed door is there business but murder is not consensual. When dead bodies start turning up that becomes everyone's business especially when kids are involved. An ex cop named Arnie Miller is the front man for the only public brothel in Kelowna whose sex trade workers use drugs supplied by the HAs. That sounds an awful lot like the Dianne Rock story and the Pickton Farm to me. Buyer Beware.

Update: Have a look at Caitlin's obituary. She adored her son. She did not commit suicide.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Remembering Notre Dame at Easter

This Easter I want to remember Notre Dame. When I first heard Notre Dame was on fire I said to myself which one? The one in Montreal? The one in Boston? Then I was like oh THE Notre Dame, the one in France. That was tragic. It was built in the 12th century.

In 2018 the Catholic Church in France launched an urgent appeal for funds to save Notre-Dame cathedral. Now at least funds have been generously donated to rebuild it.

Assassin's Creed Unity contains an artistic model of Notre Dame in Paris. I've never been there before but the one in Montreal is stunning. I have been to that.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Sky Chair on Cypress

I snowshoed up Skychair on Cypress today. Ski season has finally come to a close so snowshoers and back country skiers have free range of the mountain. This is a great time of the year in Vancouver. Cherry blossoms in the city and melting snow on the mountains. There were two eagles soaring in the updrafts at the top of the ridge.

From here you can clearly see the mountain range on Vancouver Island. Next week is the Amateur boxing Nationals in Victoria on Super channel. I'll see if I can find anything about it.

It's nice to head up to the mountains to get the heart pumping and breath the fresh air. This is the land we protect. We don't own it we are a part of it. The air we breath the water we drink. We are all connected to it. This is what people come to see. People don't come and visit the tar sands for a reason so stop thinking you are better than everyone else. Your money will perish with you.

Zombie drug K2 shows up in Kamloops

Kamloops this week is reporting that "A synthetic drug found in fentanyl in Kamloops is the same drug that led to a mass overdose event in Brooklyn in 2015 in which those affected were described as acting like zombies.

Interior Health has issued a warning after a drug-checking machine — Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectrometer — revealed that beige pebbles found in Kamloops contained caffeine, heroin, fentanyl and a synthetic cannabinoid called AMB-FUBINACA."

"Interior Health said the AMB-FUBINACA substance causes “speedy, trippy-like symptoms” with hallucinations. In high doses, users of the synthetic cannabinoid can appear to be having what looks like an opioid overdose, but will not respond to Naloxone, a medication that temporarily reverses the effects of an opioid overdose."

"According to the New England Journal of Medicine, the AMB-FUBICANA tested in Brooklyn in the summer of 2015 was 85 times as potent as the main agent in plant-grown marijuana — THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Synthetic drugs like AMB-FUBICANA and K2 are made in labs and a world apart from natural cannabis."

A synthetic cannabinoid that turns people into zombies. Wonderful. Who runs the drug trade in Kamloops anyways? Why that would be the Red and White. That is why the compromised BC Gang Task Farce is WRONG for helping the Hells Angels maintain a monopoly on the market.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw

The Rolling Stone is reporting that "The Fast & Furious franchise just added one more action-packed movie to its lineup. Universal released the trailer for Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw on Thursday, starring Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham as the federal agent/mercenary duo. After the events of the previous film, The Fate of the Furious, that put Luke Hobbs and Deckard Shaw at odds with each other, the two must now join forces to stop Brixton Lore, an ex-MI6 agent and international terrorist played by Idris Elba."

Brixton lore? Yo give it up for Brixton. When I worked in London before I had kids I lived in Brixton right behind the Front Line. I did some boxing with the Caribbean brothers at the Brixton rec centre. That place is awesome. Idris Elba is rock solid. He portrays himself as the black superman in the movie. The whole thing looks epic. It's due to be released in August.

The Fast and Furious series was stellar. The last one sucked but that was no fault of the actors, it was just a bad script. The action was great. Nobody wanted to see Vin Diesel turn on his crew and act like a dick. Sure he was being blackmailed but it just wasn't right. Then there were rumors of him beefing with Dwayne Johnson. Everybody likes Dwayne Johnson. The Rock is very hard working. Seemingly there will be a Fast 9 and Dwayne Johnson might not be in it. Too bad.

Vin Diesel's a good guy. He was chilling with Nicky Jam down in Colombia. He announced a female led version of Fast 9. Let's hope it empowers women and doesn't turn out to be an harem of Vin Diesel groupies. Jason Statham is also rock solid. He has been a stalwart member of the Expendables with Stalone. Hobbs & Shaw looks great.

Vancouver supports Montreal's Mayor

There has always been a kinship between Vancouver and Quebec, especially Montreal. It goes back to the Postal Strike of 1965. CBC is reporting that "Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante has been the target of an escalating series of violent threats, apparently sparked by her staunch opposition to the provincial government's secularism bill." I support Valérie Plante, Quebec's Joan of Arc.

"Bill 21, which, if passed, will prohibit public school teachers, police officers and judges, among other civil servants, from wearing religious symbols." OK let's do the math. It's not called the religious freedom bill it's called the secularism bill. Toronto opposes the bill but Communist China supports it. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out why.

Historically the French Revolution was a model for a free republic. The motto of the revolution was Liberté, égalité, fraternité. The secularism bill bans people from wearing religious symbols - teachers. There are a lot of Catholic schools in Quebec. At those schools priest and nuns are teachers. This bill would ban priests from wearing collars and nuns from wearing their head pieces at public schools. That is why communist China endorses it - it opposes a free republic.

Here in Surrey, many Punjabi police officers wear turbans. No one cares. That is their right. Banning religious clothing is a step back into the dark ages which created the need for the French Revolution. Vancouver and Toronto certainly don't dictate what Quebec does. I'm just saying that bill 21 isn't very French. It's communist. That's why China endorses it.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Quebec doesn't want Alberta Tar Sands Bitumen

CBC is reporting that "Quebec doesn't want another pipeline, François Legault tells Jason Kenney." Quebec is fine with Natural Gas but not Tar Sands bitumen. So lets do a count, Chicago doesn't want Alberta Tars Sands Bitumen, neither does Detroit, BC or Quebec. Mike Smyth is still a lying POS. It's not John Horgan against the world it's Jason Kenny against the world. Hitler tried it once but it didn't work out for him. Tar sands bitumen is not ethical.

Here's a present for Jason Kenney from Surrey with Love:

Yo Brokeback Mountain, how many bullets you got?

Exposing Alberta's lies once and for all

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

160 kilograms of cannabis seized in Ontario

The Canadian Press is reporting that "Police say they found more than 160 kilograms of cannabis after a routine traffic stop in Markham, Ont. York Regional Police say an officer stopped a white van early on Tuesday morning. They say that while the officer was speaking with the driver and passenger, they noticed multiple duffel bags throughout the van. Police say that the bags contained 163 kilos of marijuana. They say two Quebec men have been charged with possession of cannabis for the purpose of trafficking.'

Oh but wait a minute, cannabis is legal now. What gives them the right to seize it? "Police Chief Eric Jolliffe says the illegally produced cannabis likely would have gone to the black market, which fuels organized crime." There is no such thing as illegally produced cannabis. There's just cannabis production without a license. This is not what taxpayers want the police to focus on and taxpayers pay the police's salary.

Aside from the fact that the search was a violation of their Charter Right because there was no just cause for the search, it is also a conflict of interest. Andy Richard's pot company has a retired cop from Ontario in it selling cop pot there. The Hells Angels have just as much a right to sell pot now as the police do.

Exposing Alberta's lies once and for all

Not surprisingly, Jason Kenney's new Conservative party just won the election in Alberta. Four days ago I would have celebrated that victory with him. Now our relationship is dead in the water. Nevertheless, the boldness of the lies coming out of Alberta need to be addressed so we can both go our separate ways and get on with our separate lives.

Last election Alberta made history by electing a NDP government. What happened? There was an economic downturn and the ruling Conservatives planned strict austerity measures which the voters rejected. So what caused the economic downturn in the oil rich province?

Was it BC's fault? Not at all. BC had approved an oil pipeline from Alberta years ago and was shipping that oil to China out of the Port of Vancouver as per normal. Nothing had changed. So what did change? Wait 'till I tell ye. Chicago and Detroit stopped accepting Alberta Tar Sands bitumen. That was the only change. That had absolutely nothing to do with John Horgan or BC.

The reason why Chicago and Detroit stopped accepting Alberta Tar Sands Bitumen was because of the mountains of petroleum coke byproduct that was left behind from refining it. They finally got rid of the toxic mountains by shipping it off to India. Only India won't take it any more because it is more toxic to burn than regular coal. That was the change that casued the econimic downturn in Alberta. It had absolutely nothing to do with BC or John Horgan so stop lying and say it did.

After Raging Rachel was elected there was another downturn. The price of oil dropped. That was not John Hogans fault nor was it BC's fault. BC was getting completely f*cked over because while the price of oil dropped the price of gas in Metro Vancouver skyrocketed. BC has a right to complain about that fraud. This is the Irish potato famine all over again.

There were windmills set up in Ireland during the potato famine. Grain was sent to England while the rest of the country starved. That's what's happening right now in BC. We are shipping oil out of the port of Vancouver to China while we are getting completely screwed over at the pumps. BC has a right to complain about that fact especially since Justin Trudeau bought the pipeline with tax dollars. BC is now a shareholder in the pipeline.

The drop in the price of oil and the fact that Chicago and Detroit stopped accepting Tar Sands Bitumen is not our fault. Raging Rachel stepped up to the plate and tried to enforce her dinosaur trade union tactics on us. BC was actually considering twinning the pipeline for Tar Sands bitumen through our already busy port.

John Horgan simply asked what happens if tanker traffic becomes too much for our port to handle? How do we restrict the flow of bitumen through our port? Raging Rachel insisted that we have absolutely no say whatsoever on the amount of bitumen shipped through BC if tanker traffic becomes too congested. That is not fair. We need to have a say in the flow of bitumen. Signing an agreement without that provision would be insane.

John Horgan then asked what happens if there is an oil spill? Raging Rachel said that's not Alberta's problem. If there is a spill you pay for clean up. We don't pay a dime. That is unrealistic. If there is a spill we share clean up costs. Signing an agreement without that provision would be insane. Raging Rachel's greed killed the deal.

Now after Jason Kenney showed his true colours the deal is dead in the water. His threat to turn off the tap at will and thereby create complete chaos for no reason whatsoever clearly shows the need for BC to be protected from that future threat in any conceivable trade agreement. Signing an agreement without that provision would be insane.

Justin Trudeau bent over backwards for Alberta by spending $4.5 billion tax dollars to purchase the pipeline after Kinder Morgan decided to pull out. Enough is never enough for those spoiled brats. They are still trashing him to the grave and beyond. Justin Trudeau needs to see that and earn back BC's trust by using some of the oil from OUR pipeline for domestic consumption.

If Alberta refined the Tar Sands Bitumen at source they could use the existing pipeline to Vancouver and export more oil to China. We are not stopping them from doing that. That would require less ships because it would be already refined. If Alberta refined the Tar Sands Bitumen at source they could use the existing pipeline to Chicago and Detroit. There is no need to build yet another pipeline for unrefined bitumen.

Alberta has destroyed their business relationship with Chicago, Detroit and now Vancouver. Now their only hope is the Keystone pipeline to Texas. Don't burn that bridge too. You launched a trade war with BC and a trade war with Quebec. Nobody wants to do business with you any more. That's your fault. Own it. Stop blaming everyone else for your problems. Nobody likes a liar or a bully. Alberta has become both.

If you're hungry and out of work in Alberta you can always move to Kitimat. They're hiring. Green Justice supports LGN. Natural Gas is clean burning, thermal coal and petroleum coke is not. Protecting the environment is Right Wing just like balancing the budget and avoiding unnecessary debt. Protecting the environment is protecting the economy for our children.

Jason Kenney is just another brick in the wall. This isn't saber rattling or a pissing contest. Our relationship with Alberta is over. I don't want anything to do with you any more. From now on, stay on your side of the wall and don't read my blog. I don't want your business.

Quebec doesn't want Alberta Tar Sands Bitumen either.

Here's a present for Jason Kenney from Surrey with Love:

Yo Brokeback Mountain, how many bullets you got?

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Fatal shooting in Vancouver

CBC is reporting that "Vancouver Police are investigating after a man was shot dead around West 4th Avenue and Burrard Street at around 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday night. The victim died at the scene. Police said in a written statement the shooting appears to be targeted."