Thursday, May 9, 2019

Josh Jauncey faces Tyjani Beztati May 17th

Josh Jauncey fighting out of WKX in Surrey will be facing Tyjani Beztati Friday May 17th at Glory 65 in the Netherlands. Josh is ranked #4 Lightweight while Tyjani is ranked #2. Surrey What?!

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Stan Price and Shane Knox join Kids Play Foundation

I had a very positive conversation with Shane Knox last night. He and Stan Price have left the life and have teamed up with Kal Dosanjh from the Kids Play Foundation to encourage youth to stay away from gangs. In fact, Stan recently spoke in Surrey to high school students at LA Matheson with Kids Play. Kal is a cop from Vancouver PD in the DTES. Jim Fisher was a bad cop but Kal Dosanjh is a good cop. They do exist and they do make a difference.

Stan Price goes without introduction. He is one of the founders of Redd Alert in the DTES along with Steel and Glen. He is the real deal. Kal is buff while Stan is huge. Kal Dosanjh is a straight up father with self respect. He isn't a dirty ass swinger like the other trailer trash out there we keep hearing about. Kal's 5 Rules of Happiness are: 1. Don’t hate 2. Don’t worry 3. Give more 4. Expect less 5. Live simply. Kal has his sh*t together.

Shane Knox also goes without introduction. He was with the UN and had a dramatic attempt on his life in Calgary. I asked him about it and he confirmed what was reported in court and caught on security cameras. A gunman met with his GF and put a gun to her head. She called out to Shane and Shane wrestled the gun away from him. As they were wrestling, the gun went off and hit his GF. Shane got the gun, pointed the it at the gunman and told him to leave.

He took the elevator downstairs to find his GF and was confronted by five guys one of which had a Mac10. Shane pulled out the gun that he took from the previous gunman and it jammed. He then charged the group disarmed them and pistol whipped them. This is as real as it gets.

Now Shane has a two year old daughter and left the life completely. He has teamed up with Kal Dosanjh from Kids Play and is encouraging youth to stay away from gangs. Good on him. Shane's brother Mike Hammersley has also left the life and is also now a single Dad.

Mad harsh respect. Kal Dosanjh hosts free education seminars and sporting events for at risk youth as a gang prevention and awareness measure. That is awesome. End Gang life sucks and is useless. The Free hugs campaign is ridiculous. They're just a money grab for police officers to wrack up overtime. Kids Play is a genuine nonprofit organization that cares about kids.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Vancouver police officer had sex with most of the 11 witnesses in Reza Moazami pimping case

The sad saga of police misconduct continues. Ian Mulgrew is reporting that "The disgraced former lead investigator in the landmark Reza Moazami pimping case is alleged to have had sex with some of the teenagers involved and sold police intelligence, the B.C. Court of Appeal has been told. In a stunning bail application Monday in the province’s top court, Vancouver lawyer Tom Arbogast asked for the 34-year-old Moazami to be released until a full appeal of the concerns can be heard over the next year."

"Last August, Jim Fisher, a 58-year-old highly decorated former detective, pleaded guilty and received a 12-month jail sentence for sex-related offences against two of the women victims in the Moazami case. In 2014, Fisher received a Community Safety and Crime Prevention Award for his work as the lead investigator in the Moazami case. Fisher’s misconduct was said to have happened after Moazami’s trial, but Arbogast said in court that there is now evidence Fisher was engaged in a wide range of misconduct before and during the trial. “It’s quite outrageous what he engaged in,” Arbogast told the court. “To go through all of the misconduct would take days.”

"Arbogast told the court the indications of institutional knowledge of Fisher’s misconduct needed to be more fully explored to determine what was done about it — if anything. He also alleged Fisher had sex with several and perhaps most of the 11 complainants and key witnesses in the Moazami case. Arbogast said Fisher was reputed to regularly give some of them small sums of cash at various times, which added up to a significant amount — more than a police officer’s salary would support."

"His central role in the investigation gave him control and contact with key witnesses, and he counselled them to lie, cheat and misdirect police, Arbogast alleged at the court hearing. Arbogast also alleged before Justice David Frankel that Fisher helped recruit prostitutes for one of the women who acted as a madam, was involved in her business and sold information from police databases to her and others concerned about law enforcement when crossing the border."

"For more than two years, Moazami pimped out girls as young as 14 in Metro Vancouver, threatening, drugging and having sex with some of his 11 victims. He was convicted of dozens of crimes, including human trafficking, sexual exploitation, sexual assault and living off the avails of prostitution." So the lead investigator in a pimping case became a pimp. Go figure.

CBC is reporting that "The defence team alleges Fisher sexually abused six of the 11 young girls and women included in the case against Moazami, as well as one key witness. They suggest Fisher may have committed non-sexual misconduct with 10 out of 11 victims."

The Circle of Police Misconduct

The circle of police misconduct began with RCMP Sgt. Derek Brassington the IHIT investigator who slept with police witnesses in the Surrey Six investigation. It wasn't just one cop with one witness. It wasn't just one cop sleeping with two witnesses at the same time, it was a climate of unprofessionalism that permeated the force where cops would get drunk with witnesses and sleep with them. That is unacceptable.

Aside from the class action sexual harassment law suit within the RCMP, a New York advocacy group reported a witness claimed the police drove her outside of town and raped her. This ties in with the Dianne Rock story and testimony given at the Missing Women Inquiry.

Allen Strong passes away in Prison

It has been brought to my attention that Allen/Alain Strong from the West End Gang in Montreal has died in prison. One of his best friends Allen Ross, also recently passed away in prison from cancer. Unlike the Burnaby fake, these two were the real deal. Erin go Bragh. Tiocfaidh ár lá.

Someone recently made a post on social media about it on behalf of Clay Roueche who knew Allen in prison: "My Canadian homie Allen/Alain Strong passed away today. He had both class and dignity, I'm really sad to see him go. I will remember him as FOREVER STRONG!!! Much Love & Respect to Allen Strong Rest in Peace bro!!! 888"

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Canada Border Services confiscate lawyer's phone and laptop after he refuses to give up passwords

The Georgia Straight is reporting that "CBC News has reported that a Toronto business lawyer's phone and laptop were seized by Canada Border Services Agency officers after he refused to tell them passwords. The lawyer, former Green party candidate Nick Wright, told CBC that he feels that searching phones without a warrant a "a breach of our constitutional rights". Section 8 of the charter states that everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure."

He is absolutely correct. If he was entering the US they would have said the Canadian Charter of Rights doesn't apply. They would also have said since he was a Canadian he is not protected by the US Constitution. That is what their courts have upheld and it is disgusting. This happening in Canada is obscene. He is a Canadian on Canadian soil. The Charter of Rights applies.

Salvatore Scoppa shot dead in Laval

The Montreal Gazette is reporting that "After surviving an attempt on his life two years ago, a man with ties to the Montreal Mafia was fatally shot in a Laval hotel lobby Saturday night. Police say Salvatore Scoppa, 49, was shot at least once and taken to a hospital around 10 p.m. He was later pronounced dead. Scoppa is the brother of alleged Montreal Mafia leader Andrea Scoppa."

Salvatore Scoppa's co accused William Robinson who was originally from Victoria was found dead in Montreal June 2013. Salvatore survived a previous shooting in 2017. Two weeks before that shooting Salvatore and his brother Andrea were busted with 100 kilos of cocaine.

St Mark's Summit

I hiked up St Mark's Summit from Cypress today. You get a nice view of Howe Sound from a slightly different angle. I wanted to see if I could make it up Unecessary mountain but the snow was too deep and I lost the trail half way down St Mark's summit so I came back.

You can still get a nice view of the Lions from St Mark's.

In the summer time you can go all the way to the Lions from here. Some runners keep going past the Lions all the way to Porteau cove in Squamish but that's out of my league. Good on them.

The Alberta Gas Fraud continues

The Canadian Press is reporting that "Green party Leader Andrew Weaver is calling for a ban on the use of taxpayer money for political attack ads after the B.C. Liberals bought billboards blaming Premier John Horgan for a spike in gas prices. It's not the first time a provincial political party has used its caucus funding for partisan purposes and Weaver says that needs to change."

This is a con. Andrew Weaver is correct in that tax dollars should not be spent on partisan advertising. However, political parties should not be given tax dollars for partisan purposes. The Greens ushered in that change when they tried to get rid of Corporate and Union donations. Getting rid of Corporate and Union donations is one thing but replacing them with tax dollars is even more insane.

It is not John Horgan's fault gas prices are over the top in Metro Vancouver. That is a lie. We are being conned by the great Canadian gas fraud. It is not John Horgan's fault that Chicago and Detroit no longer want Alberta tar sands bitumen because of the petroleum coke byproduct. BC already approved an oil pipeline for unrefined crude. John Horgan did not change that. Alberta wants to force tar sands bitumen on us when no one else wants it. That is the problem.

It's OK. Next Jason Dick face Kenney will buy adds on the Superbowl to convince us it's John Horgan's fault and that tar sand bitumen is good for us when pipelines already exist for it to Chicago and Detroit but they don't want it. Go f*ck yourself Kenney.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Switzerland, a nation of gun lovers

Swiss Info is reporting that "Shooting is a favourite leisure sport in Switzerland. Its roots date back to the late Middle Ages, but especially the 19th century when shooting became an important part of national identity. But gun lovers fear a new weapons law could spoil their fun. Swiss shooters and hunters fear that the European weapons directive being put to the vote on May 19 could jeopardise their hobby." No kidding. Without a Constitution or Charter of Rights the EU will take away your guns and every other civil liberty faster than you can say Adolf Hitler. Swissexit.

"If you have been for a walk in Switzerland you may well have passed near a shooting range or found a civilian with a rifle hanging over his shoulder. Many Swiss are passionate shooters, and some 130,000 people are registered in the shooting clubs alone. They regard the sporting use of firearms as part of national tradition." I support the Swiss model for gun control.

Erik Prince's mercenaries hired by Communist China

Even his former supporters are freaking out asking how can Erik Prince betray America by working for Communist China? The fact that his mercenaries are now working for Communist China comes as no surprise. What's surprising is that his former supporters didn't see it coming. That's what happens when you build a clone army of mercenaries without morals or public accountability. What did you expect? Erik Prince is a POS. He always was and always will be.

So now Erik Prince has come full circle and he's back in Iraq, this time working for China. When he first started working in Iraq after the unlawful invasion for their oil, it was under Blackwater. A private military that claimed it could not be sued civilly for war crimes because it was military not civilian. Then he argued they could not be tried for war crimes in military court because they were civilian. Blackwater were the ones involved in the 2007 killing of 14 unarmed Iraqi civilians.

He tried to launch a new crusade against Muslims and we told him to f*ck off. After the Iraq war crimes came allegations of arms dealing and murdering whistleblowers. At that point he skipped town and started working for the Muslims in the United Arab Emirates. His crusade was not built on morals it was sold to the highest bidder. That is what mercenaries do.

Five Years ago, Blackwater now called Frontier Services Group went to work in Hong Kong. In February of this year "Erik Prince has signed a preliminary deal with authorities in China to build a training centre in Xinjiang, where Uighur Muslims have experienced a huge security crackdown."

Crackdown on Uighur Muslims? It's a genocide. China imprisons people for being Muslim, Buddhist or Christian then murders them to order for organ harvesting. Now Erik Prince's mercenaries work for them. May he and his mercenaries rot in hell.

Erik Prince of Darkness has Returned