The sad saga of police misconduct continues. Ian Mulgrew is reporting that "The disgraced former lead investigator in the landmark Reza Moazami pimping case is alleged to have had sex with some of the teenagers involved and sold police intelligence, the B.C. Court of Appeal has been told. In a stunning bail application Monday in the province’s top court, Vancouver lawyer Tom Arbogast asked for the 34-year-old Moazami to be released until a full appeal of the concerns can be heard over the next year."
"Last August, Jim Fisher, a 58-year-old highly decorated former detective, pleaded guilty and received a 12-month jail sentence for sex-related offences against two of the women victims in the Moazami case. In 2014, Fisher received a Community Safety and Crime Prevention Award for his work as the lead investigator in the Moazami case. Fisher’s misconduct was said to have happened after Moazami’s trial, but Arbogast said in court that there is now evidence Fisher was engaged in a wide range of misconduct before and during the trial. “It’s quite outrageous what he engaged in,” Arbogast told the court. “To go through all of the misconduct would take days.”
"Arbogast told the court the indications of institutional knowledge of Fisher’s misconduct needed to be more fully explored to determine what was done about it — if anything. He also alleged Fisher had sex with several and perhaps most of the 11 complainants and key witnesses in the Moazami case. Arbogast said Fisher was reputed to regularly give some of them small sums of cash at various times, which added up to a significant amount — more than a police officer’s salary would support."
"His central role in the investigation gave him control and contact with key witnesses, and he counselled them to lie, cheat and misdirect police, Arbogast alleged at the court hearing. Arbogast also alleged before Justice David Frankel that Fisher helped recruit prostitutes for one of the women who acted as a madam, was involved in her business and sold information from police databases to her and others concerned about law enforcement when crossing the border."
"For more than two years, Moazami pimped out girls as young as 14 in Metro Vancouver, threatening, drugging and having sex with some of his 11 victims. He was convicted of dozens of crimes, including human trafficking, sexual exploitation, sexual assault and living off the avails of prostitution." So the lead investigator in a pimping case became a pimp. Go figure.
CBC is reporting that "The defence team alleges Fisher sexually abused six of the 11 young girls and women included in the case against Moazami, as well as one key witness. They suggest Fisher may have committed non-sexual misconduct with 10 out of 11 victims."
The Circle of Police Misconduct
The circle of police misconduct began with RCMP Sgt. Derek Brassington the IHIT investigator who slept with police witnesses in the Surrey Six investigation. It wasn't just one cop with one witness. It wasn't just one cop sleeping with two witnesses at the same time, it was a climate of unprofessionalism that permeated the force where cops would get drunk with witnesses and sleep with them. That is unacceptable.
Aside from the class action sexual harassment law suit within the RCMP, a New York advocacy group reported a witness claimed the police drove her outside of town and raped her. This ties in with the Dianne Rock story and testimony given at the Missing Women Inquiry.
O.M.G. I'm going to be sick
ReplyDeleteLMAO. VPD, "We're the police, we can do whatever we want".
ReplyDeleteThis really brings that unofficial VPD motto to a new level doesn't it. I mean WOW. Just WOW. A cop pimping out 14 year old girls, AYFKM. Let any father of one of these girls put one behind his ear and call it justice, because it would be.
"Member-ship" has it's privileges. One of them is to pimp out your teenage daughters. And you'll do nothing. How is any decent person supposed to respect folks like that. You don't have even one among you who is willing to step up to the plate. But then baseball is an American game, isn't it? And "you don't want to be like those Americans", we're "a savage, ugly bunch".
I'm going to have to take that as a compliment.
Once we take the law into our own hands, where does it end?
ReplyDeleteKilling is not up you, me, etc. For those who are Christian, or like to think they are: thou shalt not kill, doesn't mean, except when ever you feel like it. Its 4 words.
Killing for revenge never ends well for anyone, including the one who does the killing. Deliberately "put one behind his ear", is first degree murder in most cases. Not something we would recommend becoming a 'normal' thing.
In the above post we are informed, the person who was to be killed, avoided it, then went up stairs to find his girl friend. He attacked men who were trying to kill him. That is fine. He is defending himself and some one else. It is understandable when some one fights and kills at the scene of a crime because of such emotional distress, but to plan to execute some one for pimping, not a civilized thing to do. of course I'm anti capital punishment also. Never solved anything simply added to the pain.
We have courts of law. we do have police forces. As is mentioned in the previous post, not all are bad.
I've always been a firm believer in, what goes around, comes around. if the law doesn't get some one, usually some thing else does, i.e. cancer, car accidents, etc.
Gang violence includes a lot of "getting even". How are we as a society going to stop it when we advocate, "putting one behind the ear" of some one who we believe has wronged us or our family.
When I was young, a friend told me, the best revenge in life is living well. I believed him then and believe him now.
The actual translation is "Thou shalt not do murder". Then you need to get into Jewish law as to what is murder and what is killing that is not murder. Come on....
ReplyDelete"We have courts of law, we do have police forces".....Um, yeah, where to start with THAT.....both are a joke in B.C.. But I'll agree with you that it's a slippery slope. WHat can I tell, you, it's not a perfect world.
Please don't equate criminal activity with justice. You just did that here, not once, but twice.
The victims seldom get to live well. Lady Justice holds a set of scales for a reason.
We remove an evil doer less for punishment than to prevent re-occurrence. You and I are not going to agree on any of this.
Tempting but it's the road to Stalin. Due process needs to prevail or democracy is lost. It's like that wing nut in the Philippines shooting drug dealers on site. What's to stop people for robbing someone, shooting them then say it's OK they were a drug dealer. But were they really? He could pull a Putin and shoot political opponents and say they were drug dealers even when they're not.
DeleteAs a young man me and my friends had numerous interactions with fisher. Back then he was an asshole cop who bent the rules (confiscate an oz of blow and mark it down as an eighth) he was basically seizing shit and keeping it. We figured he was just a hardass cop trying to be superman. This is even surprising with me.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't surprise me. VPD has been crooked since forever. In the 1950's the Tupper Commission was formed to hold a public inquiry into corruption. Chief Constable Walter Mulligan fled to the United States, another officer from the upper ranks committed suicide, and still another attempted suicide rather than face the inquiry. (This was back when they has some shame obviously) Other scandals and public inquiries have plagued the force before and since. When I was there 20 years ago stories of bike cops robbing street dealers in the downtown area of dope and cash were common. Iceberg theory applies. I'm sure not all of the VPD does stuff like this, but I'm also sure that the ones who don't have never done a fucking thing about those who do. You're going to tell me that guys who do this kind of stuff wouldn't sell info to the HA? Or take a payoff? It's happened in other places, the fact that the HA and other organized crime proceed mostly unmolested tells you everything you need to know. I'm pretty sure a forensic examination of the finances of a lot of certain key VPD guys would be very interesting indeed.
DeleteI agree, it's a slippery slope. I'm not saying it should be the order of the day or anything. You are completely correct that such will be used as cover by unscrupulous individuals. The simple answer would be that if such are identified as doing this, they get the same. But, then we are already up into the area where such is more common than we would like. I'm really speaking of this kind of thing as an individual prerogative. Anything to do with you? No? Then you have no business getting involved. No organized vigilantes, nothing done under color of authority. I'm talking about the right of a father, or a brother, or another relative to have justice when the police and the courts fail them. Even then I am not saying that society should not put such a man on trial, but a jury of his/her peers can vote not to convict, a concept known as "jury nullification". This means that the jury judges not only the offense, but the law itself in that specific case. Naturally judges just hate this, they will often (always) attempt to instruct the jury as to what they must find, attempting to suborn the power of "We the People" for themselves. But if you think about it, what I've just described is actually "checks and balances". One part of the system fails or is bought off, or is corrupt, another part picks up the slack. The part you pay your taxes for does their job, you don't have to do it for them.