Tuesday, April 2, 2024

PMO writes propaganda piece in the Toronto Star

Zone 43, Damion Ryan, Haney and the PoPo

Before I dive in on the New crew in town I want to restate the obvious. Blaze is still spamming this blog with bullsh*t. He claims that the Wolf Pack only hire ex military to do hits they don't hire kids and that the recent shooting on Robson Street was UN. That is a bold faced lie. Damion Ryan hired Lil Man to Kill Anees Mohammad. Lil Man was not ex military. Lil Man was a kid.

Even Post Media News admitted that Lil Man had a BK tat and was the connection between the Brother's Keepers and the Driftwood Crips. Even Post Media News admitted that the Brother's Keepers work for the Hells Angels. Lil Man and the Driftwood Crips also worked for the Hells Angels. They tried to make the murder of Anees Mohammad look like it was a rival when it wasn't.

Post Media News went off about RK in the DTES - Redd Alert Killas. Redd Alert is a First Nations gang that is run out of Edmonton. I posted a link to the RK Bible someone posted online. Damion Ryan and the CFSEU were trying to make it look like Redd Alert had a new rival when in reality the Wolf Pack were supplying both sides. The Cub Pack were b*tches and they were afraid of Redd Alert for good reason. Glen Nelson helped take back all the drug dealers in the DTES from the UN for the HAs. They were afraid he was becoming too powerful so they killed his wife. I stood in the drum circle at her memorial. RK was something the Wolf Pack created.

The Edmonton Angels brought in the Driftwood Crips from Ontario to keep BK in line after they killed Ali. Neil Cantrill was an Edmonton Hells Angel that ran a grow operation in BC through Robert Houle from Hope. When Robert wanted to retire Neil kidnapped him and extorted him along with Robert Lowry who was also from the Edmonton chapter. So that is empirical evidence the Edmonton Hells Angels have been involved with drugs in BC for many years.

Edmonton run BK and Driftwood. Wolf Pack run DTES and have replaced RK with Zone 43 from Montreal. I have confirmed through an independent source that Post Media News is right about Damion Ryan now belonging to Haney chapter. They got something right for a change. Damion Ryan is a heat bag. After the Ontario Nomads were disbanded he went to Greece with Robby where they killed one of Larry Amero's coacused who came to them for help. No L&R there.

As for Haney, up until now, I haven't had beef with Haney. I don't have a problem with Jesse. There are some shady politics going on in that chapter that I don't support. Haney has ties to Hellside in Edmonton. We have all seen how the US Intelligence Agencies have turned on Damion Ryan or so it would seem. Perhaps that was just a dramatic headline to keep him in line. All I know is that IHIT and the CFSEU are dirty as f*ck and nobody likes a dirty cop.

For the most part, the Hells Angels business is none of my business. Just like back in the day when I was with the Guardian Angels. The heavy hitters back then were Lotus, Red Eagles and the Viet Ching. We never got involved in their business because we didn't have to. That didn't mean we supported drug trafficking. It just meant that wasn't our thing back then.

I still say what Justin Trudeau and the WEF are doing is far worse then anything any member of the Hells Angels has ever done. What we are doing in the DTES is wrong. Portland can see that. Why can't we? Blaze is a dirty pos that lives rent free in Abbotsford. The CFSEU pay his rent so he can sell drugs. It doesn't get any more f*cked up than that. Blaze is a heat bag. He's also a compulsive liar and false accuser. His intel is worthless. They have him on their payroll so he will lie about rivals while he gets a free ride. Haney is insane for letting him sell for them.

Blaze hasn't just ratted out rivals. He's ratted out some of his own guys that he was jealous of just like his pal Jamie Bacon. Who do you think ratted out Lolo Lanski? Blaze and Jamie Bacon both trash the club now. Tyrel Nguyen wasn't ex military. He was a very short kid who has committed murder for the Brother's Keepers and was arrested in Edmonton.

The two guys from Edmonton that killed Ali weren't ex military. The club assigned a debt to them and said if they killed Ali their debt would be forgiven. Just Like Joey Verma. Joey wasn't ex military. He was a drug dealer that continued to sell drugs while he was in prison. Now Blaze is even trashing Joey. Voldemort assigned a debt to Joey and said if he killed Brittney, his debt would be forgiven. That's why Joey said he had to do it. Blaze was there when she was shot in the back. Blaze gave his GF the drugs she OD on when he got out of Witness Protection.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Israelis hold another anti-government protest

Canada, Australia, UK demand answers after Israeli strike kills 7 aid workers in Gaza

Parents of Quebecer killed in Gaza say Israeli strike was 'targeted killing of aid workers'

"Flickinger's parents, Sylvie Labrecque and John Flickinger, say the attack on Flickinger and six of his colleagues was a clear targeted attack by Israel Defence Forces (IDF) because of how obviously marked the World Central Kitchen convoy was. It was also travelling on a well-used humanitarian route and the group had co-ordinated its movements in advance with the IDF."

Oregon recriminalizes drug possession

The Canadain Press is reporting that "Oregon's Democratic Gov. Tina Kotek on Monday signed into law a bill that recriminalizes the possession of small amounts of drugs, ending a first-in-the-nation experiment with decriminalization that was hobbled by implementation issues."

It was a failed experiment. Will the BC NDP recognize that? The mentally deranged Supreme court judge in BC said the Provincial government was "not allowed" to ban the use of illegal drugs in public places. Ronald Skolrood is a freak. He needs to be removed from the bench.

You can't drink alcohol in public but you can smoke crystal meth.

Portland declares 90-day state of emergency

Carbon Tax increase and MP's pay raise

Dan Dicks is reporitng that "On April 1st 2024 Canadians can expect a 23% carbon tax increase while on that exact same date Justin Trudeau and members of Canada’s Parliament will receive a raise of 4.4%! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the hypocrisy of the Canadian government who dares to give themselves a raise while the rest of Canada struggles to handle an exorbitant tax increase of 23%."

Vancouver has highest fuel prices and highest fuel tax in North America

GTA gas prices hit highest level in 6 months amid carbon tax increase

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Brother's Keepers Shooting in Vancouver

The Dirty Newz has posted a video of the Jagraj Atwal shooting downtown Vancouver yesterday. Jagraj is with the Brother's Keepers who sell drugs for the Edmonton Hells Angels. The Brother's Keepers respected Suminder Grewal. That's why the Edmonton Angels had to get two guys from Edmonton to kill him. Evidently yesterday's shooting was near Richards and Robson.
The first shooter looked pretty determined. I'm surprised the driver survived. The second shooter was a bit erratic. He wasn't really aware of his target and was certainly not aware of what was behind his target. Just kind of pointed the gun in the general area and pulled the trigger. This was on Robson Street around 6 PM. That's very busy. This shooting was totally reckless. The Driftwood Crips here also work for the Edmonton Hells Angels. I do not believe that was the UN.

Elon Musk's X to pay legal bills for Canadian doctor chastised over COVID-19 tweets + Gina Carano

CTV is reporting that "Elon Musk's X said it's funding legal bills for a Canadian doctor previously chastised by regulators for her tweets about COVID-19. In a post to the X News account on Sunday morning, the company formerly known as Twitter wrote that it's proud to defend Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Gill against what it calls government-supported efforts to cancel her speech."

Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Gill has always been an educated voice of reason throughout the barrage of Covid insanity and fake news. Censoring her is obscene. It reflects the dangers of Bill 36 in BC that UBC Virologist Dr Steven Pelech warned us about. Bonnie the Freak Henry wants to put every medical doctor in jail for proving her wrong.

Medical specialists in the field testified before a US Congressional Hearing and stated that during Covid the government was the biggest source of Covid misinformation. Now the BC Conservatives have cancelled Dr Stephen Malthouse who was another educated voice of reason during the constant barrage of Covid misinformation. One step forward, two steps back.

Christian Intolerance

OK so I've already put out part one of my Easter Message discussing the historical reality of Christ. Now I want to talk a little bit about Christian doctrine and Christian hypocrisy which leads to Christian intolerance. Again I don't want to hate. I believe in the freedom of religion but I don't believe all religions are true. I believe that all religions have good and bad in them just like every community does. We can't really obsess over the bad but we can't ignore it either lest we be led astray. Christ said beware of wolves in sheep's clothing who will enter in from among us. What does that mean? You tell me. He said it. Now let's talk about it.

There are obviously different forms of Christianity. First we had the Catholic church. Well that's the first that we know of. There was a gap of 300 years between the murder of the last Apostle and the formation of the Catholic church. Constantine had been killing Christians for years until he had a dream where he was victorious in battle under the Christian cross. So he has a change of heart and gets all the religious leaders together and said alright you guys get it together. I want you to stop fighting with each other and come to an agreement on a doctrine. We'll embrace that and persecute everyone who doesn't believe our own brand of Christianity. So the council of Constantine also known and the council of Nicea was created and the Catholic church was born.

Before that Christians were being killed for 300 years simply for being Christians. Paul was a zealous Jew who was present at the martyrdom of Stephen and was personally involved with killing many Christians for hearsay. I talked about that in part one about the historical reality of Jesus. The law said people guilty of blasphemy were to be put to death. Paul saw the light on the road to Damascus. He was smitten blind then healed. He had a dramatic and lasting conversion.

My point is that Christians have not always agreed on doctrine. They have often fought amongst themselves just like the Muslims have. In Ireland we had a conflict between Catholics and Protestants but a lot of Protestants fight with each other too.

The conflict in Ireland was more about politics than religion. It just so happened that Protestants tended to support British rule while Catholics tended to support being independent of England. The flag for the Republic of Ireland is green, orange and white. Green for Catholic, orange for Protestant and white for peace between the two. I support the freedom of religion not the amalgamation of religion. Adapting a state religion is the road to abolishing all religion. First you abolish all religions but one, then you finally abolish that one last religion then mission accomplished. A New World Order of Communism has taken all your rights away once and for all.

OK so for all practical purposes first we had the Catholic church. Then all of a sudden King Henry starts to feel guilty for murdering his ex wives. The Catholic church didn't allow divorce so instead of murdering is exs he decided to create his own church. He created the church of England and put himself in charge of it. Israel had good kings and bad kings over the years but never in the history of Israel had a king taken over Judaism and formed his own brand.

Yet that's exactly what King Henry did and the Protestant Reformation was born. Although it had a bad start, many others like John Wesley had good intentions. The Bible was translated into English and people started reading it. After they started reading it they discovered that some things the Catholic church taught didn't line up with the Bible. So we had several groups of people try to confirm the church to be more in harmony with the Bible.

Unfortunately human nature replaced those good intentions with a whole lot of infighting. People would get in a fight and have a disagreement on some point of doctrine. They'd break off and form their own church and someone else would get in a fight with them and break off and so on and so on until we kind of had a mess of contradictions that missed the whole point.

I'm not hating on the Catholic church, the Church of England or any other church. I'm just calling it like it is. Personally I like Catholics. Although I don't agree with everything their church teaches they tend to be good normal people.

Some of the other break aways have become very hateful and intolerant. When I was young there was a guy on the radio called the Bible Answer Man. He was one of the most intolerant people I have ever heard. Any Christian who didn't believe his own exclusive brand of Christianity, was of the Devil. Which was in itself amusing because his doctrine was wrong.

I support Christian values. I agree with James who said faith without works is dead. When I was young I had some friends who were Mormons. Some of my intolerant Christian friends would insist that Mormons were of the Devil. I thought that was absurd and unchristian so I'd get in arguments with them.

They claimed that Mormons believe you had to earn your way to heaven and that took away from God's grace so it was of the Devil. I'd just shake my head and bow it in shame. These people were insane. They claimed Mormons were of the Devil because Mormons taught you were supposed to do good. That makes no sense.

I had studied Satanism. Satanism taught Do what though whilt shall be the whole of the law. Satanism taught no rules no morals. They taught the exact opposite of what the Mormons taught. I'm not saying I agree with everything the Mormons teach. I'm just saying the claim that Mormons are of the Devil is ridiculous and that leads us to the root of the conflict.

This brand of intolerant Christians teach that everyone who does not believe in their exclusive brand of Christianity is of the Devil. Everyone, not just Mormons. So right off we can all see the flaw in that doctrine and we can see where that doctrine leads. It leads and breeds intolerance.

Now I'm not saying we should have a tolerance for sin. I'm not saying we should compromise with the Devil. I'm saying we shouldn't be deceived by him. I saw a video clip of a crazy women hijack the microphone at a Muslim event proclaiming Christ as King rudely denouncing Mohammad to be a false prophet. That was very unchristian.

I'm not a Muslim but I do not see Mohamed as a false prophet. There is a lot of good in Islam. I see Mohamed as a reformer like John Wesley. Mohamed had a mission to the Arab nations and he taught them to do good. That is what Christ taught.

I understand the atonement of Christ. I don't believe Christ taught believe in me and continue to sin. Christ taught repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. John the Baptist taught the same thing. Christ and John the Baptist taught people to do good. If someone was to teach believe in Christ but don't do good, that is what I would call a false prophet.

We are told that one day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ. Yet everyone will not be saved. OK what do you mean saved? Saved from what? Death? We all are. After this life the spirit continues. One day everyone will be resurrected and judged. Everyone. The good and the bad. The best of the best and the worst of the worst. Everyone will be resurrected and judged. So in that sense, thanks to the atonement of Christ everyone is saved from physical death. Yet Christ said in my father's house are many mansions.

Christ taught as ye sow, so shall ye reap. He also taught the parable of the talents which implies not every Christian receives the same reward. We are rewarded for what we do and don't do. That is not a Satanic doctrine. It is common sense. Mind how ya go. Live your faith.

Having said that, the flip side of Christian intolerance is Christian service. Mother Teresa exemplified this. Many churches included the Salvation Army, First United and Union Gospel Mission performs acts of service on a daily basis. That is the intent of the religion: love and service. Whosoever is least among you the same shall be the greatest. Martin Luther King.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

BC Conservatives have already been hijacked

SHTF TV is reporting that "The Conservative Party of B.C. has dropped a controversial Denman Island doctor as a candidate in this fall’s provincial election after his views on COVID-19 and vaccines circulated online on Wednesday. Within hours of his nomination announcement, Stephen Malthouse was cut as a candidate in the riding of Ladysmith-Oceanside."

“We are a new party, we have grown at a record pace, but some mistakes are bound to happen. Unfortunately, we nominated a couple of candidates who ultimately weren’t the right fit for our team,' said B.C. Conservative Party president Aisha Estey." AYFKM?

The BC Conservatives have already been hijacked. That didn't take long. The BC Liberals or whatever they call themselves now fell because they endorsed the BC NDP's punitive declaration defiantly endorsing lock downs and mandates. Now, as soon as the BC Conservatives finally start to gain some traction they quickly forget and dump the people that got them there.

Stephen Malthouse is a good man. He is a patriot and a hero. He's a Director with the Canada Health Alliance. The BC Conservatives should keep Stephen Malthouse and get rid of Aisha Estey. Aisha Estey would be better suited writing for the CBC.

We have also seen the Save the Surrey RCMP creeps infiltrate the BC Conservatives.

SHTF TV is also reporting that "A transgender member of a new UN panel that’s drafting global health rules has a kinky track record in everything from bestiality to bondage, drugs and nudism, DailyMail.com can reveal." I'd rather take medical advice from Dr Stephen Malthouse.

Cherry Blossoms and Climate Change

The cherry blossoms in Vancouver are in full bloom. They started to bloom last weekend and this weekend they are in full bloom starting to fall like snow. It's not a powerful scent but if you concentrate you can smell the gentle aroma of cherry blossoms in the air. It reminds me of the cherry blossom incense we would burn in martial arts classes and on the Lunar New Year.

I am told that the cherry blossoms in Japan bloomed early this year but they're late in Korea. In Korea they still haven't bloomed yet. Look at how the deplorable fake news is misrepresenting that. The BBC is reporting that "In Japan, the rare and beautiful 10-day cherry blossom front is set to start 10 days earlier this year due to global warming." Global warming. F*ck off.

This is the BBC and they are full of sh*t. Their credibility is lost in space along with the rest of the mainstream fake news media in our Brave New World. If the cherry blossoms are blooming early this year in Japan because of global warming, then why are the cherry blossoms in Korea late this year? Korea and Japan are on the same planet. The answer is simple. Japan has had a warm spring while Korea has had a cold spring.

Yet Time Magazine insists that the early blooming in Japan is strictly due to climate change as they deny the late blooming in Korea. What, have the fake news outlets fired all their staff and all their articles are written by AI now? Just program a climate change narrative and all their articles become the same. Just enjoy the spring for f*ck's sake and cram your bullsh*t up your a*s.

I am not a climate change denier. The climate has been changing ever since the ice age. But I'm not a globalist and a climate change alarmist either. I believe in protecting the Constitution and the Charter of Rights. I don't believe climate change is a valid excuse to throw away civil liberty and embrace Communism. That is bat sh*t crazy and we can see that is where the fake news is trying to take us. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Truth will prevail.

Last winter was very mild because of the El Niño just like in 2010 during the winter Olympics. Warm ocean currents from the south tended to move north giving us a mild winter. Justin Trudeau tried to blame that on climate change. Next winter is La Niña which means cold ocean currents will bring cold temperatures south giving us a cold winter. Again, Justin Trudeau will blame that on climate change. Yet the cycle of cold and warm winters from the El Niño and La Niña currents have continued for a long time. Now all of a sudden it's climate change and the AI algorithms want to use that to implement the UN's New World Order. Not on my watch.

Remember groundhog day? That humorous tradition tried to predict whether we'd have a long winter or an early spring. That long-standing tradition showed some years we have a late winter and other years we have a early spring. That fluctuation existed before the alarmist algorithms.

The UN New World Order is reporting that "Let's advance and achive the United Nations Global goals by 2030 & Happiness for all by 2050." Let's not. Global Communism sucks.