Thursday, May 2, 2024

Former Hells Angel shot dead in Quebec crack house

Radio Canada is reporting that "The man who died after being shot in a crack den in the Saint-Hubert borough on Monday in Longueuil is Éric Leclerc, a former member of the Hells Angels, police sources confirmed." Longueuil is just across the Saint Lawrence river from Montreal.

The Dirty News said it was a Trap house and I was like what the hell is a Trap house. Must be a translation from French. Several other sources called it a crack house and I'm like OK that makes more sense. Evidently he was originally a member of the Rock Machine but joined the Hells Angels. Several local news outlets claim that he was kicked out of the club many years ago because of his drug addiction. Many of those local sources are credible so that is believable.

Suspect identified in Edmonton South Asian extortion ring

CBC is reporitng that "Edmonton police say three drive-by shootings in three municipalities last December are connected to a rash of extortion incidents. On Tuesday, the Edmonton Police Service provided an update on Project Gaslight — a probe into incidents targeting South Asian home builders in Edmonton, alleged to have been carried out by a group of local suspects who are being directed by someone in India."

"Stewart told reporters that shootings in Edmonton, Sherwood Park, Alta., and Winnipeg were allegedly perpetrated by 19-year-old Arjun Sahnan, who police have previously identified as connected to the ongoing investigation." So here we have a 19 year old South Asian kid hired to extort South Asian businesses in Canada by someone in India. Weird.

Former Hells Angels president explains Filthy Few

The Daily Mail is reporting that "A former Hells Angels leader has laid bare the terrifying meaning behind the violent biker gang's 'Filthy Few' moniker - as he confessed to having done dirty work for the brotherhood. The startling admission was laid bare in A&E's Secrets of the Hells Angels docuseries which has taken a deep dive into the history of the 'outlaw' group."

"My name is Charles Goldsmith, that's my real name, every body calls me Pee Wee, and I became a president in the Hells Angels,' the 6ft8in tattoo-covered biker said in the excerpt. Explaining the meaning behind the Filthy Few, PeeWee tried to put a light twist on the dirty details of the group. 'The Filthy Few means first one to the party, last one to leave,' he said - but the cameraman interjected to add: 'That's not true, PeeWee.' As PeeWee chuckled, the clip cut to photos of him during his time in the biker gang with his jacket emblazoned with a patch that read: 'Filthy 666 Few.' He added: 'What do you want? I'd be incriminating myself!'

"The person behind the camera remained determined to get the truth as he probed once again about the moniker. 'People can say what they think it means but allegedly, Filthy Few is that you took care of business for the club - I mean serious business, man,' he finally revealed. 'Did you take care of business for the club?' questioned the producer. PeeWee then candidly admitted: 'I did take care of business.'" 666 stands for F-F-F meaning Filthy Few Fellowship.
We all know what the Filthy Few Fellowship means and I'm not going to incriminate PeeWee Goldsmith. Sonny Barger knew what it meant. So did Otis Garret. Otis Garret was honored as a proud member of the Filthy Few Fellowship on the West Vegas website long after he was convicted of ordering the murder of Margo Compton and her two daughters.

The CFSEU's b*tch Damion Ryan knows what it means. He was wearing a Filthy Few patch after he and Robby killed one of Larry Amero's coaccused in Greece. In fact, I had a court case about that a while ago. The CFSEU didn't want everyone to know their b*tch had killed someone.

The point is, everyone knows it's Damion Ryan. Everyone knows he had a Filthy Few Patch while he was cooperating with the CFSEU by ratting out the person he hired to murder Anees Mohamed and everyone knows what the Filthy Few Patch represents. Mind how ya go.

Winnipeg bust - drugs, guns and sex trafficking

The Winnipeg Free Press is reporting that "Winnipeg police are grappling with an explosion of guns, drugs and violence as organized criminal networks increasingly use Manitoba’s capital city as a national trafficking hub, due to its central location." Wait a minute. Justin Trudeau's freeze on legally obtained registered handguns has seen an explosion in illegal firearms? Imagine that.

"The news comes on the heels of more than a dozen arrests in Winnipeg and elsewhere in Canada — the result of a yearlong investigation targeting a drug network with potential international connections, dubbed Project Soft Landing. The operation launched in May 2023, after police determined millions of dollars worth of drugs and firearms were being transported to Winnipeg from the Greater Toronto Area." They don't use registered handguns to commit crime.

The Winnipeg Sun is reporting that "Items seized included $1.7 million cash plus about $4 million in proceeds of crime including 12 vehicles, including a $450,000 Rolls Royce, four Mercedes, two BMWs, a Lexus and a Harley Davidson motorcycle. Hall said police are also investigating an opportunity to claw back a $200,000 deposit for a Lamborghini. About 30 kilograms of cocaine was seized, with an estimated street value of $3 million, along with large quantities of street-level fentanyl and oxycodone, 75 kilograms of cutting agent Benzocaine, a hydraulic cocaine press and moulds." A Harley Davidson, imagine that. Winnipeg is Red and White.

"Also seized was a submachine gun with a suppressor, four handguns including two that were 3D printed, and loaded magazines and ammunition." They didn't make the barrels, chambers, magazines and firing mechanisms with a 3D printer. It's quite possible they made the stock with a 3D printer but the other parts they would have had to order in separately and I can tell you right now that sub machine gun was not a converted airsoft rifle. The Hells Angels gave Michael Plante an uzi over 20 years ago. (Last two paragrpahs)
CBC is reporting that "So far, 14 people have been charged with offences related to organized crime, drug trafficking, possession of firearms, proceeds of crime and laundering proceeds of crime. Of those, nine are from Winnipeg, two from Vancouver and three from Ontario."

CTV is reporitng that "According to police, the network used couriers, railways and bus lines to get drugs and guns into Winnipeg. Investigators found a number of suspects were also involved with sex trafficking, extortion and fraud in Winnipeg and across the country." Sex trafficking. I guess that ties in with Margo Compton's Audio Diaries on A&E as welll as the Janice Shore and Dianne Rock stories. This is nothing new. CTV listed the names of the 14 suspects arrested.

Edmonton police knew Covid vaccination may be harmful but insisted on it, anyway

Police on Guard recently interviewed Natasha Gonek who is a professional investigator that has worked with regulatory healthcare colleges and the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

"Natasha analyzed the Freedom of Information request documents received from the Edmonton Police Service and provided a detailed synopsis and recommendations from the almost 9000 pages of documents received in the FOI. Hear what Natasha has to say about what was discovered in the documents and what they revealed surrounding Covid."

Summery of Executive Report - Final Analysis Report - Western Standard Article

The Politics of Beowulf

There hasn't been anything on Netflix or Amazon Prime that has interested me in a while until recently. I've been watching Beowulf Return to the Shieldlands on Amazon. Evidently the Amazon series is quite different from the original movie. The next season of the Witcher is finally coming next month. Liam Neeson has a new series on Netflix called The Land of Saints and Sinners.

Ireland is known as the land of saints and scholars not saints and sinners but Hollywood has to spin everything. OK I know its not Hollywood but whoever. In that movie he plays a hit man whose past comes back to haunt him and the passion of the holy land is revealed.

Beowulf is interesting like the Witcher. They're both big guys who wield a sword in Defense of moral principles. The thing that I found irritating about Beowulf was the politics. Not his, everyone else's. Brother betraying sister, son betraying mother, all of them coveting power.

There was another series on Netflix I watched about Vikings invading England in medieval times. It had cool sword fights but the politics of monarchies became too painful to watch. All that drama and betrayal coveting power in the name of the public good. It all exemplified British royalty. It kind of reminded me of the Hells Angels and some of their internal struggles.

People struggle for power. They plot and betray each other to get it. Some are good. Some are evil. Some are simply lame ducks with 30 seconds of fame. How will we spend our dash?

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Gaza's new port for Natural gas and the new canal

Efrat Fenigson has put out an impressive Substack entitled Gaza's New "Temporary" Port. Cui Bono? Cui Bono is Latin and means who stands, or stood, to gain (from a crime, and so might have been responsible for it)? Efrat is a good person. She happens to be Jewish. She's smart too. She's a critical thinker who looks at the big picture and asks important questions.

Before I talk about some of the very important information she has shared I want to quickly answer some of her important questions she prefaced her Substack with in her Twitter post.

Israel and the United States have announced the construction of a new Port in Gaza for humanitarian aid. This is highly suspicious as though a manufactured emergency some how calls for the construction of a port that they want and need for other purposes. If they really did care about humanitarian aid all they have to do is stop killing aid workers and let the aid go through. They've created a manufactured emergency for a preplanned purpose.

So Efrat's question who stands to benefit has merit. The first question in her preface on Twitter asks "Was building a port + setting up a Palestinian state the goal all along, and they needed Oct. 7th and all the other horrific events to justify it to the Israeli public and the world?"

1) Was building a port the goal all along? Yes it was.

2) Was setting up a Palestinian state the goal all along? No it was not.

The Oslo accord set up a Palestinian state and created a landmark peace agreement. The purpose of the October 7th attack and the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin was to oppose the creation of a Palestinian state and sabotage the peace agreement.

Why was the creation of a Palestinian state necessary? Because Israel is a Jewish State. If you're not Jewish, you can't be a member of that State. Several years ago I met with Jewish and Palestinian representatives from the Oasis of Peace in Israel.

The Palestinian happened to be Muslim. He said at that time he was a man with out a passport. He was not a citizen of any country. That's because Israel is not a Free Republic that protects religious freedom by law, it is simply a Jewish State. Personally, I don't like State religions. However, as a foreigner it's not my place to tell anyone what kind of a country they should live in. That's their choice and if I'm visiting their country I am a guest in their home.

Everyone is pretty comfortable with Israel being a Jewish State but they're pretty uncomfortable with Iran being an Islamic State. That's a double standard. If you allow a Jewish State you have to allow an Islamic State. Saudi is an Islamic State. The Globalist's hate on Iran because of their oil. If Iran was allowed to sell it's oil that would break the Saudi monopoly and reduce the prices for consumers. That's why they're hating on Iran. Russian and Iranian oil breaks the monopoly and lowers the price in a free market. They don't want a free market. Back to Efrat's questions.

My point is, before the Oslo accord, Palestinians didn't even have a passport.

3) Would this port be used to make it easier to “steal” marine natural gas reserves? Yes of course. That was one of the primary reasons for facilitating the October 7th attack. They want to steal the natural gas from Gaza without sharing the profit. Why would Hamas attack Israel right after it signed an agreement to drill for natural gas. They wouldn't.

4) Will this port assist in "voluntary" migration/displacement of Gazans to Europe/elsewhere - out of the reach of Egypt (via Rafah crossing)? Of course it would. Netanyahu hardliners demand other countries absorb more Palestinian refugees than even exist in Gaza. The hardliners are evicting them out of their homes in West Bank, forcing them to Gaza then giving them the boot. That's not very nice. It's also a violation of Moses' commandments. But hey, we're secular now. We don't care what Moses said. Right? Netanyahu is a globalist who thinks it's all about him.

So there are three purposes of the new Port: Natural gas, mass migration and the new canal.

Efrat has a lot more important information in her Substack.

The fake news fosters hate and division over Israel

In my last post I cited the Irish Proclamation which guarantees religious freedom "oblivious of the differences carefully fostered by an alien Government, which have divided a minority from the majority in the past." Let's take a look at how the fake news misrepresentation of current conflicts fosters division and promotes conflict. Let's look at the Colombia University protests. It's all about Pro Palestine, Anti Israel, Pro Israel and Pro fighting and arguing with each other.

They say most issues aren't black and white. There's always grey areas. That's why it's so important to have a royal opposition. When policies are debated the opposition can say what about this and what about that. Things that the ruling party may have overlooked or ignored.

Every protest outside Israel that objects to Netanyahu killing aid workers and starving civilians in Gaza is misrepresented as Pro Hamas and Anti Israel. That is not true. People can object to killing aid workers and starving civilians without supporting terrorist organizations.

Back in the day there was some extremist groups that wanted to free Palestine which meant kicking all the Jews out and returning Palestine to the Palestinians. It is somewhat problematic just like Northern Ireland where over half the people disagree with that quest. The desire to wipe all the Jews off the face of the earth is extreme just as the desire to wipe all the Palestinians off the face of the earth is. We are all God's children, red and yellow, black and white. Brown too. Everyone is included in the sacred hoop.

God loves all his children and wants us to share. Something human nature doesn't like to do when tempted with greed and selfishness. Benjamin Netanyahu does not want to share. Benjamin Netanyahu is a bad man. The Jews in Israel can see that and the fake news isn't showing us that. The fake news is misrepresenting the truth to foster hate and division just like the Irish Proclamation declares. The fake news misrepresent these protests to provoke conflict.

We all know where there is no justice there is no peace. So the fake news hides the injustice which causes it to fester and build. The war machine wants to promote war so it can make money but also so it can ultimately enslave all of us. The Hamas mission statement is unacceptable but Mossad wrote the Hamas mission statement after they killed Yitzhak Rabin. People say there will never be peace in the Middle East. That is not true. One day the lamb shall lay down with the lion.

Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated right after singing a song of peace which the Oslo accord made possible. The Oslo accord is just like the Good Friday accord. The people in Northern Ireland are tired of conflict. They want peace. The same thing with Jews living in Israel. We saw it at the 50th and 60th anniversary. Satan does not want peace. Satan is the father of contention and stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger one against the other.

Satan is the father of all lies. He uses lies to foster contention and deception. He also uses murder to get gain. Murdering Yitzhak Rabin was an evil act that Benjamin Netanyahu benefited from. All the Jews in Israel know October 7th was a false flag attack. They all serve in the military. They all know the Gaza border is the most heavily monitored border in the world. The October 7th attack was not possible unless Benjamin Netanyahu made it possible. They all know that.

Yet the fake news here refuses to talk about that. Why? Because Benjamin Netanyahu is a globalist and he supports the WEF's Agneda to enslave everyone - Jews and Palastinians both.

The fake news also fosters hate and division here at home. They promote mass illegal immigration of criminals, then they subtly promote hate for immigrants and foreign students. Foreign students are not the problem. Criminals are the problem. Immigration isn't the problem. Mass migration of criminals in the problem. It's the same old problem, reaction, solution paradigm. They create a problem to justify implementing their sleazy solution.

The fake news also fosters hate over LGBT and Q plus. They start bringing in drag queens and trans to groom young kids in school. They do this to promote hate for drag queens and trans. Nobody cares about drag queens and trans. Just stop grooming the kids. They do this to keep people fighting. That is part of their agenda. It's a distraction to prevent peace.

Candace Ownes becomes Catholic

A lot of people out there like to argue about stupid sh*t. They like drama. I do not. I realize there are a lot of important tissues out there that directly relate to our freedom and sovereignty but one of the most important principles the Constitution protects is the freedom of religion which includes the right to be atheist. I haven't heard much from Candace Owens lately so I did a search on YouTube and see since leaving the Daily Wire she has become Catholic.

It's not terribly surprising since I think her husband is Catholic. I really don't see it as a big deal. What's kind of strange and not very surprising is how some born agains are denouncing the move and trashing the religion. This is why I like Muslims and Sikhs better than born agains. Many not all born agains are arrogant, intolerant and irritating. The ones trashing Candace Owens decision are. Having said that I don't believe in banning born agains. People are allowed to disagree.

What if Candace Owens made the announcement that she had become Jewish? Who cares? That's her right. What if she said I'm Muslim or I'm Sikh or I'm Hindu? Who cares? Whatever religion she embraces you know she's going to be an advocate for morality and freedom. I don't agree with everything Candace Owens says. She's a bit of a scrapper but I completely respect her sincerity and her zeal. Ben Shapiro however, comes across as a complete a*shole.

The way he speaks, the tone of his voice, the way he scowls his eyebrows, he consistently comes accross as a d*ck. We need to find better representation from the Jewish community because he is not it. Sweeping stereotypes about the Jews are not helpful or constructive. When you see the political climate within Israel on the 50th and 60th anniversary when everyone was singing songs of Peace and when you see the magnitude of the current protests in Israel against Netanyahu, we get a very different view of the Jewish people than the one the media forces on us. There are a lot of good Jews in Israel who care about their fellow man.

So Canada Owens is Catholic - who cares? We need to see beyond the doctrine and embrace the intent. Ireland has had it's share of Protestant versus Catholic conflict. Yet the Irish Proclamation protects religious freedom "oblivious of the differences carefully fostered by an alien Government, which have divided a minority from the majority in the past."

The flag for the Irish Republic is green, orange and white. Green represents Catholic, Orange represents Protestant and White represents Peace between the two. Christ taught us to be good and do good. So did Buddha. So did Mohamed. So did Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King. I am concerned about the Communists one day adopting Catholicism as the state religion before it bans all religion but I am certainly not anti Catholic. I support civil liberty protected by law.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Eight year sentence for Surrey drug debt murder

Update: This is a copy of the Judge's decision "Mr. Scott then departed the Hartl home by bicycle with his bag of guns, including the gun he used to shoot Mr. Hartl." AYFKM? "He was using fentanyl and methamphetamines daily." Drug use increases crime.

"While in custody on this charge, Mr. Scott attempted an intentional overdose which resulted in him being in an induced coma for some weeks in hospital. In his statement to the family of Mr. Hartl and the court, he described his shame and guilt over the offence which contributed to his intentional overdose, and inability to live with himself over what he had done." Very sad.

Vancouver is Awesome is reporting that "A B.C. Supreme Court judge has sentenced a man to eight years in prison for manslaughter in the 2022 shooting death of a Surrey man. Darren Scott, 42, pleaded guilty to manslaughter with a firearm Feb. 1 in the death of Christopher Hartl. With credit for 1,121 day in custody, Scott has a further four years and 340 days in jail." Statutory release is after 2/3 of the sentence has been served. He has just over two years left.

"In passing sentence April 17, Justice Barbara Norell said Hartl was 48 and had suffered from a disability. He used mobility aids to walk any significant distance. Norell said Hartl lived with his girlfriend and that both were dependant on narcotics. 'Mr. Hartl and Mr. Scott knew each other because Mr. Scott sold drugs to Mr. Hartl,' Norell said." They guy was disabled.

He shot him in the chest for a drug debt and gets 8 years. That is f*cked up. He said he was going to shoot him in the leg but shot him in the chest. He lied about his intent. This is yet another example of the predatory nature of drug dealers. Who do you think he was working for? Who do you think owned the bag of guns? Remember the Surrey House of Horrors? This guy has a long history of firearm offenses. I guess criminals don't obey firearm bans.