Monday, July 8, 2024

Rick Ross and the Vancouver Clowns Conclusion

I'm just going to set the record straight and leave this publicity stunt in the garbage where it belongs. I saw a YouTuber talking about the fight at the Rick Ross event in Vancouver and it was ridiculous. He said the person in Merkules' crew that was using the N word with a hard R was black. That is not true. He was a white POS from Surrey. Merkules fans in Surrey are white not black. I've talked about this before. I didn't name him because I didn't want to support his bullsh*t.

However, everyone else is naming him because he posted videos of the event on his social media bragging about what happened and Drake clicked like on it saying Happy Canada Day. That is so f*cked up. My respect for Drake just went down the toilet. Don't bring that sh*t here. What you guys are promoting is wrong. Everyone's going off about how Nancy is a full patch member of the club. Nancy got her patch in Greece after the Ontario nomads had to go there because the Quebec charter shut them down. Nancy is a heat bag overcompensating for her Daddy issues. Promoting crime and addiction in God's name is an abomination.

Everyone knows where to go if they want information about the Vancouver gang war. I'm not a drama Queen promoting clickbait to make money. Google demonetized me and buries me for a reason. As Gary Webb said investigative journalism ruffles feathers, generates lawsuits and gets newspapers in trouble. There is no investigative journalism left in the mainstream media.

I have no respect left for Drake. Drake has lost his mind and his soul. I don't like his music. Not because it's hip hop but because it's nasally and promotes stupid things. When the Game was beefing with 50 cent we supported the Game. Not because he was West coast but because he was funny. He came out with a lot of funny stuff that wasn't hateful. It was all in good fun. He wasn't promoting stupid sh*t. I think everyone recognizes, after Tupac and Biggie were killed Hip Hop needed to evolve. Shooting people over a music video is stupid.

I remember Drake did a collaboration with the Game and it was hilarious. It clearly illustrated the two very different music styles. The Game was hard core and in your face while Drake was nasally. It was so different it didn't even mesh right. It just made Drake look silly.

Now there's all kinds of music out there and what I like or don't like doesn't matter. As we can all see stupid sh*t goes viral on social media. Part of that is because of all the fake agencies using bots to control trending articles but part of it is just because most people like stupid sh*t. Look at how popular cat or pet videos are. It's ridiculous.

Take Taylor Swift for example. Taylor Swift is a pop star and I just shake my head. I remember one time Taylor Swift was doing a song with Jenifer Lopez. It was Jenny from the Block. Taylor Swift was going off saying do you remember being a little girl singing this song into a hair brush in front of the mirror? I was like no, I don't but all her fans were cheering. Little girls have driven pop starts for generations. Drake is one of them so what I think doesn't matter.

I had never heard of Merkules until I saw him in one of Nancy's videos. I was surprised to hear he was from Surrey and I had never heard of him. I was even more surprised to hear he opened for Snoop Dogg on his Canadian tour. I don't like Merk's music either. Mostly because it's not positive. He's very uncomfortable to look at. No offense. Him and Nancy were promoting crime and addiction in God's name. That's insane as is all this trailer trash red and white wannabe sh*t.

As for the orchestrated publicity stunt at Rick Ross' concert in Vancouver, that was stupid. That's not something we should encourage. I've seen a couple of different views of the altercation now. Nancy starts arguing with Rick Ross while some of Merkules' trailer trash fans from Surrey start filming it because it's staged. They were in on it.

Nancy tries to sucker punch Ross and hits a drink which goes flying. Security jumps in, separates them and removes them both from the scene. After they all left, a bunch of Merkules' fans jumped a couple of guys in Rick Ross's crew. These were white guys jumping black guys and one of the white guys used the N word inappropriately. They are also the white guys who support the cub pack who hire black guys to shoot black guys then roll on them to the police.

Wolfhouse records is ridiculous. They can't even say Wolf Pack records because someone else already has that name. Someone else already has the name Wolfhouse as well. This all comes back to Larry Amero, Jonathon Bacon and Damion Ryan. Jonathon Bacon is dead, Jamie Bacon is in Witness Protection and Jared Bacon is in hiding. Larry Amero is in jail after getting shot in Kelowna and Damion Ryan is in bed with the PoPo. So that's their legacy.

Nancy posted a really stupid video on social media of two crackheads fighting and he photo shopped his bobble head and Rick Ross' bobble head on the crackheads. That is not what happened. Nancy did not knock out Rick Ross. Nancy threw a punch and security separated and removed them from the area. After they all left, a bunch of Merkules fans jumped a couple of guys in Rick Ross' entourage and gave them the boots. One of those guys was almost knocked out.

There is nothing honourable or admirable about jumping people and giving them the boots. It's the mob mentality we saw on the Surrey Strip before it was shut down. If you don't help them give someone the boots, they'll give you the boots. They will betray you in a heartbeat.

It's like how one of Stiff Gritty's fans punched Mad Child in the head at the Haney then Stiff Gritty sang about it. Voldemort f*cked over Madchild completely. He sucked him dry and kicked him to the curb. Now Voldemort is out in bad and the mob still trashes Madchild because they are incapable of using their own brain. So what does this mean? This means I do not support Drake. I do not support Nancy and I do not support Merkules. Full stop, end of discussion, game over.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Five charged after OPP raid Hells Angels clubhouse

The Toronto Sun is reporting that "An alleged “hang-around” member of the Hells Angels is among five people facing charges after police raided the biker gang’s clubhouse during a series of searches in Southwestern Ontario."

"The OPP searched four locations in Kitchener – two homes, an after-hours bar and the Hells Angels clubhouse – between May 11 and 21, police said Wednesday. Officers from several OPP-led units, including London and Windsor, assisted in the searches that led to the seizure of a handgun, a kilogram of suspected cocaine, alcohol and electronic devices."

"The investigation started after police were alerted to an illegal after-hours club and determined it was linked to the Hells Angels, said OPP Det.-Insp. Scott Wade, head of the biker enforcement unit. 'There were some incidents of violence reported to the Waterloo police,' Wade said of several shootings linked to the illegal nightclub. 'During this investigation, we received information that, in addition to the illegal alcohol, there was cocaine and other drugs,' Wade said."

This is what you call a heat bag. As soon as you start doing stupid sh*t like the Surrey Girls did at Rick Ross' concert, that attracts unwanted police attention. Old School means low profile.

France Election: Gabriel Attal resigns as Prime Minister

The National Post is reporting that "Surprise polling projections in France say a leftist coalition that came together to try to keep the far right from power has won the most parliamentary seats in runoff elections. There was high voter turnout. The projections are based on the actual vote count in select constituencies, and they put President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist alliance in second and the far right in third. Final results are expected late Sunday or early Monday."

"No one has a majority of parliament seats. The prime minister says he will turn in his resignation. The far right has drastically increased the number of seats it holds in parliament but fell far short of expectations." WTF does that mean. They got more seats than the had before but resigned. It's a little bit hard to follow because France has a Prime minister as well as a President and it appears that their elections are held in rounds.

The fact that they got more seats but resigned I hard for me to understand. On top of that we have the obviously insanely misrepresented way the fake news portrays things. They keep using the term far right. Maybe they are far right but as far as they're concerned if you are left of centre but right of the Berlin Wall that makes you far right so what they say doesn't really mean anything.

The Guardian is reporting that "And now the final results have arrived with the leftwing NFP alliance on 182, Macron’s centrists on 163 and the far-right RN and its allies on 143: The results mean no bloc has an outright majority in parliament – 289 out of the 577 seats are needed for that​ Coalition talks will be needed – under the constitution no fresh elections can take place for another year." So the Maroon could team upon with either party and maintain government.

Since he's a Globalist he'll likely team up with the Communists.

The Globe and Mail is reporitng that "as French voters went to the polls Sunday in the second round of a parliamentary election ... President Emmanuel Macon’s centrist party lost dozens of seats to both the far-right National Rally (RN) and leftist New Popular Front (NFP)."

Just for the record the NFP isn't a single party it is a cluster of several parties so in a sense it's aleady a coalition. The Maroon could form a coalition with the RN like the NFP already has.

The National Rally could form a coalition with the Republicans and form a powerful opposition.

I don't see the New Popular Front for an old Communist state forming an coalition with the National Rally or the Republicans. So all three could team up and trample the New Communist State. Unless the Maroon forms a coalition wit the Communists, him forming a coalition with National Rally is the only logical conclusion. I'm sure the Republicans will bridge the gap.
Why the f*ck would Muslims vote for Communism? What aboput the Uyghur genocide? It also raises the question about mass migration to thwart elections. That appears to be a valid concern.

Israeli protests against Netanyahu intensify

Here's the deal. "On 21 November 2019, Netanyahu was officially indicted for breach of trust, accepting bribes, and fraud." The October 7th attack magically derailed that trial.Despite being in the middle of a war, that trial resumed December 2023.

Yet Netanyahu keeps throwing your delays which include starting new wars on other fronts in direct opposition to what the citizens are calling for. That is why they want him to resign and hold new election. Netanyahu's ongoing and expanding war serve his interests only.

Everyone knows the October 7th attack could not have been possible if Netanyahu hadn't facilitated it. Mossad created Hamas to sabotage the Oslo accord and the peace process.

Protesters are calling for an immediate ceasefire and end to the war. They want all the hostages returned not just two or three from a staged rescue reminiscent of Iran Contra. The Israeli citizens understand the worth of a soul. They do not believe in shedding blood unnecessarily.

When I worked on a kibbutz in Israel the soldiers on the kibbutz were highly respected. Every citizen serves in the military. We all heard stories about how intense the SF training was. One example was how they were required to complete a 100 mile hike while carrying another solder in a fireman's carry. This illustrated the worth of a soul and the idea of leaving no one behind. Netanyahu has completely lost this understanding. He is only concerned about himself.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Keir Starmer elected PM of England

NPR is reporting that "With far-right parties ascendant in France and elsewhere in Europe, the United Kingdom has swung in the opposite direction. Official election results Friday showed a landslide victory for the country’s center-left Labour Party — its first victory in 19 years, since under the leadership of Tony Blair. Incoming Prime Minister Keir Starmer hailed his win as historic, saying early Friday: Change begins now.” We remeber Tony Blair was a dick.

Joining the EU is a step towards the WEF's one world Communist government.

Starmer appoints two figures from Blair and Brown era as ministers

Tony Blair keeps texting Keir Starmer advice - Block him.

Northern Ireland election Results

The Belfast Telegraph is reporting that "Sinn Fein now hold the most Westminster seats in Northern Ireland after the DUP suffered three losses. Jim Allister claimed a shock victory over Ian Paisley in North Antrim by 450 votes. He declared that a 'political earthquake of seismic proportions' had taken place. It marked a difficult night for the DUP, with Lagan Valley also lost."

I'm a little bit confused. Sinn Féin becomes Northern Ireland’s biggest Westminster party. Westminster? What happened to Stormont? I thought we had that historic change where Northern Ireland is now governed locally out of Stormont not out of Westminster in England. I'm going to have to research this a we bit.

"Voters turn against DUP which loses North Antrim seat held for over 50 years by Ian Paisley and his late father." Too bad, so sad. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. I agreed with the DUP's position on Brexit, But Ian Paisley Sr. was a dick. No offense. "Ulster says No. Ulster says No. The Pope's the AntiChrist." Ian Paisley Sr was hateful, intolerant and promoted division.
People can change but burning the tricolour all those years was offensive. The tricolour is green, orange and white. Green represents Catholic, Orange represents Protestant and white represents Peace between the two. The Irish Proclamation protects civil liberty by law. Ian Paisley Sr used the red hand of Ulster to claim Ulster says no to a united Ireland. Ulster says no to peace.

The conflict was obviously about being a part of England versus being free and independent. I support a free and independent Ireland but I realize in the north that ideal is problematic because half the people want to be part of England. The other half don't. The only thing that has changed really is now there are people who simply don't care. They just want peace.

The DUP lost three seats while Sinn Féin held their 7 so let's not misrepresent this. James Hugh Allister, the one that took Paisley's seat in Antrim, used to be a member of the DUP but founded a new party called the TUV - Traditional Unionist Voice. They still support being part of England so when it comes to a Unification or a Separation vote, it's still 8-7 in favor of England.

The recent sexual assault charges against Jeffrey Donaldson, the former leader of the DUP who recently stepped down to stand trial for rape and sexual offences are obvioulsy a factor in this.

The real problem that I see is the issue of Brexit. Sinn Féin, who I have always supported in the past, want to break off of England but join the EU and I'm like WTF? Why in God's name would you endure generations of hardships and spill all that noble blood to win freedom from England only to bow down and surrender to the EU. What are you thinking? Give your head a shake. Freedom is freedom and slavery is slavery. Don't win your freedom and then throw it away.
Why do I oppose the EU? Don't I want Europe to prosper?

Of course I do. I want Europe to prosper but I don't want to see them become slaves. I don't want to see anyone become slaves especially Ireland or Scotland. America has the US Constitution which protects civil liberty by law. Yet we have seen how that document is under constant attack. The same with Canada and the Charter of Rights.

The EU has no document that protects civil liberty by law. They need one. The Irish Proclamation protects civil liberty by law. That binds the Irish government but it has no jurisdiction over a European government. Joining the EU is a way for the Globalists to throw away the Irish Proclamation. Does the Irish Proclamation prevent the EU government from making laws in Ireland that violate civil liberty? I don't think so. That is something we need to discuss.

Think about it. Right before Brexit, Tony Blair ran to be the president of the EU. Ireland finally wins it's freedom from England only to bow down to Tony Blair in the EU? That would be insane. Tony Blair was behind the unlawful invasion of Iraq based on a lie. We need to think this through.

Joining the EU is one step closer to the Globalist one world government run by Communism.

Mr Bobby Playing for Change July 19

Friday, July 5, 2024

Canada beats Venezuela in Copa America quarter-final

Canada and Venezuela are tied 1-1 in their Copa America quarter-final.

Regulation time is over and they have started 15 minutes of overtime.

No score in overtime., Now they're down to penalty shots.

Canada and Venezuela have each scored 3 goals in penalty shots. It's now 3-3.

Now they're into an extra set of penalty shots. Canada scoered another penatly shot. 4-3.

That is astounding. Canada plays Argentina on Tuesday in the Semi Finals. Everyone was excited Canada finally made it to FIFA in 2022 but they were knocked out in the first round.
Canada edges Venezuela in shootout thriller; advances to Copa America semis

Betrayal and Revenge K Drama

I've just been introduced into the world of K drama. I'm told K drama is very popular in Columbia. When I first heard that I just rolled my eyes. I hate drama and I thought K drama was like K pop. Well it's not. There are different kinds of K drama.

Last December I wrote about a Korean movie I watched on Amazon Prime called The Great Battle. It was very well done. Aside from having a very interesting plot it had all these interesting twists and turns that were revealed throughout the movie.

I started watching a couple of fighting K drama movies on Netflix and I keep getting more and more show up on my recommendation list. Then there was a whole list that appeared under the heading Asian Revenge movies and I was like wow... that's kind of not healthy. Revenge I mean. It consumes us and destroys us. So I've been watching a new series called My Name. It's very well done and just like the other ones has an interesting plot with surprising twists and turns revealed along the way. You can change the audio to English in the preferences.

I don't want to spoil the ending but I do want to talk about two different scenarios because it applies to our gang conflict here at home and provide an alternate ending. We all know what narcs are and do. As I've said, when I was growing up a narc was the lowest form of life known to man. They'd pretend to be your friend, smoke your drugs and bust you for doing what they themselves were just doing. As I've said I never did drugs growing up but in High school I had friends who did and that code was a general consensus among the people I associated with.

Having said that I do support law enforcement and understand the need for under cover agents. That's just not my thing. That's not the way I do business. When I was with the Guardian Angels and we made the transition in the US to do crack downs on crack we never went under cover. We were loud and proud. We were like this is our neighborhood now. Drug dealers get the f*ck out. We never pretended to be someone's friend then betrayed them. We fought them face to face.

Now I'd like to present an alternate scenario which I find equally complicated. What if a gang member went undercover and became a cop to give the gang police Intel? That would also involve lying and betrayal. Pretending to be someones friend only to betray them.

The instant conflict is the idea of lying with the intent of betraying. I remember Alex Caine once wrote a book called Befriend and Betray and I was kind of perplexed with the idea. That's not really something I would aspire to. This whole idea of befriending and betraying is something I'm not comfortable with. In addition, this whole idea of revenge is pretty toxic.

Revenge is a little bit too emotional and not enough logic. Some people are very emotional, some people are very analytical. They are two different thought processes that are intertwined. All logic with no emotion is cold and heartless while all emotion with no logic is bat sh*t crazy.

When I was in Ireland I had a friend from Norway. He had served in the military and kind of looked and spoke like Drago from Rocky 4. He was like me. He was logical he wan't emotional. Yet he was hard working and trustworthy. He had a strong sense of duty.

In the series My Name there was one guy who tries to talk some sense in her about her revenge obsession. She was like my life will have no meaning unless I kill him and he was like that's crazy, it makes no sense. When you think about it it doesn't make any sense. It's not logical. It's irrational. Killing him would mean you go to jail or get killed. If you kill him you're going to literally throw your life away so in reality her life would have no meaning if she killed him not if she didn't.

People trash talk people who are analytical or logical but if you don't think things through you're just being irrational and you're going to make bad decisions. The scriptures say vengeance is mine saith the Lord but nobody cares. What that really means is that vengeance will eat you alive. One of the ways we can process pain and be less irrational when it comes to obsessing over vengeance is by gaining an understanding of karma and natural justice.

Karma simply means what goes around, comes around. If you do bad things, bad things will happen to you,. If not in this life, in the life hereafter. Natural justice means as ye sow, so shall ye reap. Sometimes people literally get away with murder. Killing them won't bring the person they killed back. If they get away with murder in this life, they won't get away with it in the life hereafter. When this life is over, everyone will know the truth. Justice will not sleep forever. It's like the words of the Grim Reaper, You can pay me now or you can pay me later but you will pay me.

I submit that we can overcome irrational obsessions with revenge by thinking it through and looking at the big picture. You have your whole life in front of you so why throw that all away for some loser who will eventually get what he deserves. The best revenge is to walk away and lead a good life. A life that you will lose if you get caught up in revenge.

The ending of the My Name series was pretty intense and pretty toxic. The main character Yoon Ji-woo was the daughter of a gangster who was killed outside her door. That crushed her and she devoted her life to avenge her father's murder. She joins the crime group and starts training to be a killer. Doesn't sound like there's going to be a happily ever after prognosis here.

There are definitely some interesting twists and turns along the way but I'd like to emphasize the conclusion was not happy or enlightened. A lot of bad things happened that could have been avoided. Revenge didn't fix or replace any of that. Her father's last request was that his daughter be happy and live a good life. Sadly she didn't and she wasn't.

She would have been far better off leaving the revenge behind and focusing on something else. Anything else. This is why it's important to think things through and not make irrational or emotional decisions. As soon as she found out the truth about he father she should have stepped back and withdraw from the game because in that game there are no winners.

Nancy threw a drink at Rick Ross in Vancouver

Update: Rick Ross and the Vancouver Clowns Conclusion

DJ Akdemiks posted a video from Rick Ross claiming that Nancy didn't sucker punch him, she threw a drink at him which is confirmed by video footage. You can see it for yourself.
It was like a pop with a straw and lid. After she threw the drink Rick most certainly didn't go down. He rushed forward to get physical while Nancy retreated. After security separated Nancy and Rick Ross, Nancy and her collaborators' trailer park boys from Surrey filmed themselves jumping a couple of guys in Rick Ross's entourage left behind. The white trash POS was using the N word in a derogatory manner. Nancy's pal Damion Ryan is a clown in bed with the PoPo.

These are the same guys that hired and rolled on the Driftwood Crips and Zone 43. The Cub Pack hire brothers to kill brothers then rationalize betraying them with racism. That is really f*cked up. There's nothing noble or admirable about it. After he gets busted, Damion Ryan gives up drug dealers that work for him so he avoids jail time. Nobody admires that.

In all honesty I'm worried about Nancy. I think her Daddy issues has made her suicidal. She posted a video of her being held at gunpoint forced to dig her own grave then shot and killed. Nancy is not a bad person. She has some serious Daddy issues because her father was mentally deranged. He was a Satanist who claimed to be a Christian. You need some therapy to process that. I don't want to see Nancy get killed but I'm not going to promote her misguided music either.

I'm not going to promote Nancy's collaborator from Surrey's music either simply because it's not positive. Using God's name to promote crime and addiction is f*cked up. Ya'll need to repent. Jesus didn't say believe in me and commit crime. Jesus and Jean Baptiste both said repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. What you do is more important than what you say. Denying that isn't Christianity, it's a cult. Faith without works is dead. It's a lie. Wo unto the liar.

LA is finally getting their sh*t together but Vancouver and Toronto are losing it. Tupac left us with the Ghetto Gospel and y'all took the ball and ran in the wrong direction. You're still all about dollars, dollars, dollars and money in the club. What good is a diamond Rolex? You can't send or receive a text on a Rolex. It's just a showpiece like those stupid sneakers. It's vain. It's worshiping a graven image. It's idolatry. Basically you're throwing your life away for a bowl of soup. You need to find some self respect because you and everyone else you betray are worth more than that.
This is what I mean when I say Vancouver and Toronto have fallen behind the times. They're stuck in the /80's and haven't evolved. LA has moved forard but Vancouver and Toronto hasn't. When I first started this blog everyone wanted to be a gangsters. What's up G was common.

Then everyone saw all the greed, selfishness and betrayal in gang life and stopped admiring it. After that everyone wanted to be a soldier. What's up Soulja? Soldiers are admirable. Gangsters are not. Then came the oil wars and the mercenaries. They weren't noble. Now everyone wants to be a Patriot. That's noble so get with the times brother. You're lost in space.
Damion Ryan and the Cub Pack first f*cked over the First Nation guys in the DTES. The Edmonton Angels created Redd Alert, a First Nations gang that brought in some guys from Alberta to take back all the drug dealers in the DTES from the UN. That was a long time ago. After it was successful, the Wolf Pack were given the DTES and the Edmonton Angels got Surrey.

Glen Nelson didn't like that idea so they killed his wife. I was in the drum circle at her memorial in the middle of the intersection on East Broadway beside the Sky train station.
That's when the Edmonton Angels created BK - the Brothers Keepers to keep Redd Alert in line after they f*cked them over. BK were Indo Canadian. They respected Ali who was given a HA patch in Surrey. They basically worked for him. Since Ali did all the work, he wanted a cut. The Edmonton Angels said no way we gave up the DTES for Surrey so this money is ours and we won't share. Ali didn't like that arrangement so they killed him.

BK wouldn't do it so they brought in two guys from Edmonton - a white guy and a black guy they put a debt on. They told them if they killed Ali they would forgive their debt. They hired the white guy and the black guy to kill the brown guy who they betrayed after giving him a patch.

Some of the BK didn't like that because they respected Ali so the Edmonton Angels brought in some Somalians from Toronto to keep BK in line. They made Little Man a member of BK and let him have a BK tat. He was the connection between BK and the Driftwood Crips.

Then Damion Ryan and the Wolf Pack hired Naseem Mohammed aka Lil Man to kill Anees Mohamed aka Mo. Anees worked for Damion Ryana and was in charge of the drugs in the DTES. Damion Ryan hired Anees to kill him and tried to make look like a rival killed him when it wasn't a rival. Damion Ryan killed his own guy. Then he rolled on the guy he hired to kill Anees so he could get a free pass to sell drugs from the CFSEU.

After he rolled on the Driftwood Crips Redd Alert started to see what was really going on and there was a split within Redd Alert. Remember the Wolf Pack previously tried to bring in a group called RK the Redd Alert Killas pretending they worked for the UN when they really worked for the Cub Pack. When that lie was exposed that group quickly faded away.

So now we have a split within RA so Damion Ryan and the Cub Pack brought in Zone 43 from Montreal to keep the RA split under control. Only as soon as Damion Ryan gets busted again with new charges, he rolls on the guys in Zone 43 that were working for him and his high profile new charges mysteriously went away. This is why nobody here idolizes the gang life any more. We can all see it for what it really is: one big lie driven by selfishness and greed filled with betrayal.