Sunday, October 13, 2024

Netanyahu bombs another refugee camp: Satan Strikes

Reuters is reporting that "Thousands of people are trapped in Gaza's Jabalia camp as Israeli forces attack the area, Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) said on Friday, a week after Israel launched an offensive there which it says is aimed at stopping Hamas regrouping. At least 20 Palestinians were killed and dozens more were wounded late on Friday by Israeli strikes in Jabalia, which also damaged four nearby homes, medics told Reuters. The death toll is likely to rise, they added." So he's bombing another refugee camp.

The Guardian is reporting that "The charity Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), meanwhile, said thousands of people remained trapped in the camp while one staff member said people trying to leave – Israel has issued widespread evacuation orders for northern Gaza – are being shot. 'Nobody is allowed to get in or out; anyone who tries is getting shot,' MSF project coordinator Sarah Vuylsteke said on X. Five MSF staff were trapped in Jabalia, she said."

This is a sad repetition of a sinister practice. Netanyahu orders civilians to evacuate an area then starts bombing the safe corridors. That continued practice is psychological torture. It also reinforces the genocide because civilians are not allowed to leave Gaza.

Netanyahu is also attacking UN peacekeepers in Lebanon targeting medics and ambulances.

Netanyahu is a compulsive liar. We need third party observers. Gaza needs local representation.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Jeju Island Ultra Marathon

I saw this online and thought it was pretty astounding. 100 K up and down two mountains.

Fatal Shooting in Calgary, murder charge in the DTES

CTV is reporting that "Calgary police have released the identity of a man shot to death in the community of Forest Lawn on Thursday. Officers were called to the 900 block of 40 Street S.E. for reports of a shooting at 7:20 p.m. Investigators found a man with gunshot wounds at the scene. The victim was taken to hospital where he later died. On Friday, following an autopsy, police revealed the victim was 62-year-old Michael Vesterfelt."

CBC is reporting that "Vancouver police say a 28-year-old man has been charged in the shooting death in August of a man on the Downtown Eastside. The B.C. Prosecution Service has charged Felix Edmond Moro with one count of first-degree murder in the death of 43-year-old Terry Bachtis, police said." Felix Edmond Moro - 28 years old.

11 years ago, someone by the same name was reported as a 17 year old runaway from Chambly, Quebec just outside of Montreal. Ending up in the DTES is kind of sad so it looks sad all way round. Someone's dead and someone threw their life away. Tragic.

How I kicked drugs without going into rehab

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Burning Canadian Flags: Paid Agitators and Inconsistencies We Cannot Ignore

Take a look at this news article and ask yourself what doesn't make sense.

The Toronto Star is reporting that "Vancouver Police say they are conducting an investigation into a pro-Palestinian protest marking the Oct. 7 anniversary of the Hamas attacks on Israel where they say speakers expressed solidarity with terrorist groups.”

"The rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery, organized by the group Samidoun, included a masked speaker who told the crowd 'we are Hezbollah and we are Hamas,' and she also led cries of 'death to Canada, death to the United States and death to Israel.'”

The other day a guy at the gym mentioned a protest in Vancouver where they were burning Canadian flags and I asked what were they protesting? He showed me a picture. It was a pro Palestine protest. Although I do believe it was entirely possible I find it somewhat suspicious. Gaza is in the middle of a literal genocide. The IDF has been bombing aide workers, ambulances and refugee camps. It's pretty outrageous. So if you're trying to win people over to your cause, all you have to do is cite that. Burning their flag won't win their support.

With all the civilians displaced and suffering, boasting about Hamas and the October 7th attack is somewhat sacrilegious. Everything about that attack on October 7th was suspicious.

Now when the protesters in Vancouver said we are Hamas what did that mean? We know that Mossad created Hamas so when they said we are Hamas, does that mean they are Mossad? The PLO agreed to a ceasefire and signed the Oslo accord. Mossad created Hamas to push Fatah and the PLO out of Gaza and replace them with extremists so they didn't have to obey the Oslo accord. Just like how the CIA created ISIS and ISIS K. Don't get me wrong. I recognize there are a lot of fruit loops out there. I also recognize there are a lot of agent provocateurs out there.

Remember the Convoy. Everyone supported the convoy and the media defiantly defamed the Convoy. Then there were the agent provocateurs with Nazi flags. People in the Convoy told them to leave but they were sent in on several occasions for a photo op just to make the Convoy look bad. Several months ago there were some Khalistan supporters in Toronto burning Canadian flags I thought that was highly suspicious as well.

I also recognize the ANTIFA element is still lingering out there. Needless to say I don't support that protest and I don't support Hamas or any terrorist acts. I do support the Jews in Israel protesting against Netanyahu because I think he is an Anti Christ.

Another reason I think this Death to Canada protest is suspicious is because the CIA hosted an Iranian protest in Vancouver last summer. This Samidoun organization is highly suspicious. If they're not Mossad they are ANFTIFA. They wave a red flag and say they are anti Imperialism. That's another name Communists use. Instead of a push for the release of suspected terrorists, I think we should be more concerned with the civilian displacement and suffering in Gaza.

I object to the claim that Netanyahu is right wing. He is not. Netanyahu is a Globalist and Globalists are Communists. I also object to the Messianic reference. There is nothing Messianic about Netanyahu. Netanyahu is an anti Christ. There is nothing religious about him.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Compassion for the drug addicts

Before I do a hit piece on the death to Canada flag burning fraud, I wanted to throw out a thought. I was picking up a few groceries up at Superstore today and a younger woman bent forward with the beginnings of the fentanyl fold was walking out of the store as I was walking in. As I was leaving I saw her walking hunched forward in the store heading towards the bakery section counting a handful of change. My heart kind of broke and I felt like asking what they wanted and I'd buy it for them. I remember what it was like to be hungry.

That's the dilemna. If they want money for food then by all means but if they want money for drugs, that's not in their best interest. Yet if they want money for food so they can spend their money on drugs, then that's not in their best interest either.

It's a catch 22 because that new addictions centre is bringing a ton of rift raff into the area turning Guildford into a toilet. The more that come the louder and more outrageous they become. The problem is what we are doing is wrong. It's not compassionate, it's evil.

There was the recent video 6ixAK_TV reposted of a volunteer who visited the DTES and was heartbroken over all the insane trauma she witnessed. Allowing that to continue is not compassion, it's the opposite. It's heartless. As soon as this drug addict drop in centre opened up in Guildford they started setting tents up outside and more and more addicts started to come and literally take over the area. When they are in a large group they are empowered and defiant.

They start blocking the street, shooting up in the bathroom, smoking crystal meth in public and terrorizing the patrons of the grocery store. Then there's the theft. Last week there was a mob of them blocking the road and two guys were in the underground parking lot urinating in front of the patrons. In an underground parking lot there's no rain to wash the urine stench away. I get out of my car and look right at one of the guys and yell out WTF.

When I came back to my car he was still there strutting around trying to be intimidating. So I get in my car, drive up to him and roll down my window. Then he looks down and walks away. There is only one thing those kind of defiant criminals understand and that's violence. They don't care about anyone or anything else. So I guess you can tell I'm pretty conflicted.

The defiant as*holes I don't give a sh*t about but the others sincerely struggling who are getting brutalized by those defiant as*holes in their community I do care about. A lot. That's why I can't serve in the DTES any more. What we are doing is wrong and Bonnie Henry is a big part of that.
Most of us have seen the dramatic transformation meth addicts under go once they start using and become addicted. Likewise we have seen similar transformations in the other direction=n. How a scabbed up meth addict transforms into a normal healthy human being. This positive transformation comes through treatment not addiction promotion.

When you see these two contradictory transformations it becomes crystal clear where the compassion is really found. Helping someone get their life and health back is compassionate. Promoting the slavery and abuse of addiction then offering medically assisted suicide is not compassion. Not at all. It is cruel and malicious.

Sadly, once some becomes addicted they feel like an outcast. They are uncomfortable with the way society looks at them so they go where they find acceptance. Sadly with that acceptances is a violent world of abuse. That kind of acceptances brings with is slavery.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Calgary shooting: Jasman Dhaliwal shot but stable

CTV is reporting that "Calgary police are investigating after several shots were fired by a suspect into a truck in the northeast community of Saddle Ridge. Two people were found with gunshot wounds and both were taken to hospital in critical condition. In a news release, police said the victims are a man and a woman who were shot after leaving their home and getting into a vehicle. Both victims have been upgraded to stable condition in hospital, officials said.

"CTV News obtained a copy of a security video, which shows the suspect running up to the truck and firing several shots. It then showed the man running to a black car, getting in and driving away." The Dirty Newz named the target to be Jasman Dhaliwal.

Sasha Leigh speaks at Stop the War on Children Rally

Joel Skousen and Ross Perot: Splitting the Vote

I posted a link to Joel Skousen's year end analysis because I thought he had a good understanding of Globalism but I didn't realize he was running for president. That's kind of strange because he pointed out that Ross Perot split the vote and helped Clinton get elected so I'm wondering what the hell he's thinking now. Ross Perot had a better chance of winning than he does. So why on earth is he splitting the vote? Is he CIA or has he just lost his mind?

This is a really important election. There are a lot of really important issues on the table and Kamala Harris will not solve them. She will maintain the globalist status quo. Donald Trump is far from perfect but his economic policies will be a huge step forward addressing the manufactured energy crisis which will be essential to pull us out from the rigged inflation we are witnessing. We need to break the Saudi oil monopoly and we need to stop the oil wars protecting that monopoly.

It was interesting to see Joel Skousen heckled when he started to talk about Russia and the Ukraine. I disagree with his position on that matter as did the heckler who walked out calling him a fraud. Joel admitted Conservatives don't see Putin as a bad guy in that war but he does. Joel thinks Putin orchestrated that war and I think he's wrong.

The concern that would have avoided that war entirely in having the Ukraine join NATO putting nuclear missiles on Russia's border. That was an antagonistic move by the Globalist's who provoked that conflict on purpose. I'm not saying Putin is a saint. Far from it. Big brother isn't always right but big brother isn't always wrong either. Especially in this case. Stand with any man as long as he stands right and part with him when he goes wrong.

The movie my son Hunter touches on the dirty business deals the Bidens were involved with but it wasn't just them. John Kerry's son, Nancy Pelosi's son, as well as Mitt Romney and his spook. Putin didn't create that mess they did. All those biolabs? Putin didn't make and profit from those.

So I disagree with Joel Skousen about Putin and the Ukraine. It's quite possible that Russia and China will one day go bad but right now the WEF is a far greater concern than they are.

The entire UN is f*cked. The UN's New World Order is insane. Remember the prophecies. China and Russia will open up before the great and dreadful day. That will happen through diplomacy not military conflict. Right now the domestic enemies to the Constitution are even worse than the foreign adversaries. Right now the WEF is worse than China and Russia.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Anniversary of Hamas's facilitated attack

On the anniversary of the false flag attack on Israel I want to emphasize two things. There is no way that attack could possibly have happened unless Netanyahu facilitated that attack and a celebration of that attack is mentally deranged. First a look at the most secure border in the world.

Israeli whistle blower's who have served on that border all said there is no way that group of operatives could blow up the fence and enter Israel undetected. No way. On whistle blower said a bird can't land on that fence without alarms going off. That means one thing. Netanyahu facilitated that attack. Netanyahu took the soldiers guarding the borer off that assignment so the operatives could enter. Then he issued a stand down order so the operatives could get in and out with hostages. Without Netanyahu's assistance, there would have been no attack and no hostages.

Netanyahu knew a year in advance of the plan. At that time is was not possible because that border was so heavily monitored. Netanyahu made it possible. That defiant act of treason cannot go unrecognized. Despite issuing the IDF stand down order during the attack, IDF tanks were caught firing on Israelis during the attack. After they were caught firing on Israelis, they lied and said they were firing at Hamas and some Israelis were collateral damage.

That is not true. If the IDF had engaged Hamas during their attack, the entire army would have been notified and there is no way the operatives would have been able to get in and out with hostages. So what do we know? We now the IDF were firing on Israelis during the attack and Netanyahu lied about the reason why he gave that order. That is what we know.

We also know that Netanyahu benefited from the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. after the peace agreement with the PLO and the signing of the Oslo accord. After Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated Mossad created Hamas to drive Fatah and the PLO out of Gaza because Fatah and the PLO agreed to a ceasefire. Netanyahu and the Mossad wanted to disrupt the peace process and throw away the Oslo accord so they murdered and created Hamas.

We also know the trained operatives in the Hamas attack were trained and armed by Mossad and or the CIA just like ISIS was and ISIS K is. It was not Hamas filming the airport operatives in para gliders during the attack it was Mossad and or the CIA. We also know that the firearms used during the Hamas attack were American not Russian or Iranian and were supplied by Mossad and or the CIA just like the Rockets were that came in from their base in Qatar. It was not Hamas that blew up the border fence it was Blackwater. October 7th was Israel's 9/11 and /11 was also an inside job. Hamas is ISIS and the CIA created ISIS just like Mossad created Hamas.
I will also say that any celebration of the October 7th attack and kidnapping implying that was a good thing is mentally deranged. Israel has a right to exist just as much as Palestine does. Either side's obsession to wipe the other party off the face of the earth is haram.

Notwithstanding that fact, Benjamin Netanyahu is an Anti Christ.
IDF soldiers sexually abusing Palestinian prisoners. By their fruits ye shall know them.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Nuclear power is Globalist not Green

I see True North is reporting that John Rustad from the BC Conservatives is promising to look at nuclear power. That is not green. BC has been very energy independent with green hydro electric power. John Rustad should start using the Cleveland Dam on the Capilano river again. Not using that existing dam to generate electricity is a globalist scam.

The problem with the site C dam is SNC Lavalin. Hydroelectric power is good. Nuclear power is not. Nuclear waste is virtually impossible to safely despise of. We have seen that from the leaking nuclear waste into the Colombia river.

The problem with nuclear power is that it fulfills the globalist arms race by promoting the technology and the materials to create nuclear weapons. Globalism infiltrates the right as well as the left. When Canada sold India CANDU reactors that gave them the ability to create and use nuclear weapons. Sanctioning Iran is not necessary but giving Iran or anyone else's nuclear weapons is not wise. Third Hanford Nuclear Tank Suspected of Leaking Radioactive Waste