Now that the charges against William Majcher have been stayed I want to look at three pictures the media used to intentionally lie to the public. The common denominator is the Five Eyes.
First is the picture CSIS gave to Sam Cooper claiming that it was taken in China and was of Bill Majcher at a casino shaking hands with a famous triad member tied to the Communist Party of China. As Breach Media pointed out that was a lie.
It was a screen shot of a movie made in Hong Kong called From Vegas to Macau II. Majcher played an extra in that movie. In that screen shot he was shaking hands with Chow Yun-Fat, a famous actor that starred in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon as well as Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End.
The thing is, Sam Cooper said the picture was taken at a Casino in Macau, China which is a magnificent city across the bay from Hong Kong. That means the person who gave it to him knew it was a screen shot from a movie pretending to be filmed in Macau. I submit that CSIS knowingly gave it to Sam cooper to intentionally defame Bill Majcher. They even named the picture file Majcher-handshake-macau.
One would think that's a pretty stupid mistake to make, but I submit the reason they did it was because they were hoping they would be able to censor Bill Majcher's response in court under the false claim of National Security.
The truth got out and Sam Copper posted a very small retraction but no other media outlet even mentioned the epic "mistake." Just like no other media outlet mentioned that the charges against Bill Majcher have been stayed long after the fact despite their defamation of him.
For the next picture I'm going to bring you back to Covid lockdowns. This picture is a screen shot from a video taken of a hospital in Italy full of Covid patients. The fake news lied and said it was in a New York City hospital, more specifically, Donald Trumps home town. That was defamation with malicious intent.
After that lie was exposed, CBS admitted their "mistake" then fake News in Australia used the same video clip claiming it was a hospital in Australia. The common theme we saw was the media claiming specific hospitals were overflowing with Covid patients, then people would go there with their phones and film an empty hospitals. I remember one hospital in Californai a local radio host went live in person right after the news claimed people were elied up out side with Covid. He went there and filmed an empty hospitals and said WTF? Kind of like Local radio host Kid Carson who was fired for questioning the lies.
Covid Zombies can rant about conspiracy theories but the fact that CBS and the Australian media intentionally led about the Italian video clips is indisputable. I submit that it was the alphabet Intelligence Agencies that gave that false information to the media just like they did to Sam Cooper.
If you're quoting an Intelligence Agency who is lying it's not defamation just like if you quote a witness in court who's lying. It is however, a consciousness effort to mislead the public. The third picture was of a Sikh youth proudly holding his new Ipad in the mirror. We all know the difference between a Sikh turban and a Taliban turban. I guess a lot of Americans don't.
Someone photo shopped the picture, put a suicide bomb vest on him and changed his Ipad to a Quran. Was this just a high school prank? How did a Spanish news outlet get the picture.
I submit it was one again an Intelligence Agencies spreading malicious lies. Just like Iraq's Weapons of Mas Destruction. MI 6 intentionally lied about that too. It was not mistake. David Kelly the British weapons inspector blew the whistle on that lie saying look, I'm the weapons inspector in Iraq and they have no WMD. Right after he testified at an inquiry he was found dead in the forest. Can we see the pattern yet? The Five Eyes Lie.