Wednesday, December 21, 2011

B.C. Conservatives 'cannibalizing' Liberals

Well this is refreshing news. Christy Clark's disapproval rating hits highest level. On the front page of today's Vancouver sun it claims that the B.C. Conservatives are 'cannibalizing' Liberals.

If you want to vote for a conservative, do so. Don't vote for a neo con like Christy Clark and Gordon Campbell. The ballooning debt they created within BC Hydro by ripping off consumers was outrageous. Cummins was first elected under the Reform Party banner in 1993. That's a good sign.

"I learned that the best way to get things done is to listen to what the voters are saying," he said Tuesday, "to stand up for what you believe in, and never back down on something you know is right."

In announcing his leadership bid, Cummins revealed one policy of his platform - he wants to see donations for political parties from corporations and unions banned in British Columbia. "If a party cannot raise money from the voters, it has no business representing them in the legislature," he said. That's refreshing.

"The choice between the Liberals and NDP is like a choice between airline food and hospital food," Cummins said. "We can do better. British Colombians deserve a choice they are actually excited to vote for, not two parties they have to hold their noses to support." Feisty too. I like him.

I do want to be clear about a few stereotypes though. Adrian Dix is indeed a hard worker. He does care about crime. Mike Farnsworth as AG would definitely be a breath of fresh air. The liberals keep saying the NDP will tax and spend us into a black hole yet they have been the biggest offenders. John Cummins opposes the gas tax.

When people complain that the NDP get support from the big unions I have to ask what unions? The nurses have a union, the teachers have a Union and CUPE have a union. All the others are fractured splinters of what they once were. The big unions don't exist any more. Now it's all about the big corporations ripping off the consumers. It's getting to the point that it's effecting our sovereignty.

I had a friend who was very involved with the federal reform party and then the provincial reform party. I asked him what the status of the party was and he bowed his head and said all we did is split the vote and let the NDP get elected. We're stuck with the liberals. Well I'm thrilled to finally hear we're not stuck with the liberals any more.

The Greater Evil

We've all heard the term the greater good. Well this week I've become familiar with the greater evil. Although I've expressed concern about laws that erode individual rights and empower the police and the military to abuse their station to serve and protect the public, this Christmas I do want to salute law enforcement.

A while ago one person commented on a thread about police brutality that when push comes to shove, it's the police we're going to call when a murder is on the lose and someone is trying to harm our family. True enough. Torture is something that concerns us. Tasering a prisoner that is hog tied is a misuse of the weapon. Yet when I see some of the animosity families of gang members have towards the police in general I can clearly see a greater evil.

When we look at gang members with no regard for the law we contemplate what kind of bad parent would raise such a monster. Often we find out that greed driven gang members come from good homes with broken hearted parents. Yet sometimes we find that in cases of the Bacon brothers and Robert Shannon, the parents were not only complacent but actively involved in their children's crimes.

In the case of the Bacon brothers, spoilt brats from the suburbs, wire taps revealed that the parents were in on the drug trafficking. That is something I would consider being a bad parent. In the case of Robert Shannon, we saw his dear old Dad smiling while on board his son's obscenely expensive motorboat with that outrageously expensive truck he had pulling it. One is forced to conclude that parent knew the toys their kid were playing with were the proceeds of crime. Turning a blind eye to that is clearly being a bad parent.

Yet it gets worse. A really bad parent is one that knowingly and passionately lies for their child. When confronted with a child's misdeed they not only deny it and say oh my child would never do that. They lie for the child and help to harass and bully anyone who dares bring the truth to light.

I have seen this parent in action. Not only did this parent display a passion for dishonesty, false accusations and denial, they also had a huge hate for the police in general. Something they consider to be the biggest gang on the planet. Although I am the first one to agree that individual police officers can screw up, be that with regards to untimely excessive force or off the wall inappropriateness with female coworkers, by far the majority of police out there want to do good and do what's right. After all we do believe in the supremacy of God and the rule of law.

Which brings us to bad parents using the name of the Lord in vain. Tony Terezakis used the Lord's name in vain. He was a born again Christian who shouted praise the Lord as he filmed himself beating and spitting on drug addicts who owed him money. When we are told by their fruits they shall known them, Tony was clearly a freak.

Some Christians get this crazy idea that as long as they make a one time confession that Jesus is the Christ, it doesn't matter what they do. They can rape murder and steal and they'll still have a place waiting for them in heaven. They even go to the bizarre extreme and claim anyone who denies this claims God is a liar and are from the devil. Ironic. When Christ confronted the religious leaders at the time they said he was sent from the devil and had him killed. Even the devil knows that Jesus is the Christ and that knowledge doesn't save him.

I find this general hate for the police to be misguided. I find this passion to lie for a child to be misguided. Oh my love for my son is so strong it will never be broken. Lady that isn't love, that is denial and it's dysfunctional at best. Christians are taught to have unconditional love for a wayward child. That doesn't mean condoning the bad behavior and lying for them to hide, continue and benefit from it.

Their bullying of anyone who tries to bring the truth to light is a greater evil that consumes them. It is no different than the bullying the gangs do to collect drug debts and eliminate the competition in the drug trade. It has nothing to do with Christianity. It has the hallmarks of being a bad parent.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Paxton trial update

The Paxton torture trial continues. A lot of very strange objections to strange technicalities that don't matter and not a word about who the victim told the police Paxton took him to to be beaten. If this guy walks over strange technicalities, that would truly be a real tragedy. The laws do not properly define torture in the criminal code as it is. Giving him nothing would be an outrage.

Gold, Frankincense and Pepper spray

Well this isn't very Christmasy but someone just sent me the link and I find it very disturbing. Perhaps it is a sign of the times. It does indirectly tie in with the Christmas message. It's a video of peaceful protesters being pepper sprayed by police at the University of California in Davis.

I cannot articulate how outraged I am. Then a right wing spin doctor media outlet had the audacity to claim the protesters were willing participants in being pepper sprayed. They were holding a sit in. They were sitting peacefully side by side in a political protest that clearly had merit. They didn't "want" to be pepper sprayed. You see one girl in particular on the right bow her head and cringe in anticipation of the pepper spray. This was clearly a misuse of the weapon. This graphic talks about how much more dangerous police pepper spray is compared to civilian DOG spray. Let's not forget the 84 year old woman the police pepper sprayed in Seattle exercising her right to lawful assembly.

They were told if you don't move we will pepper spray you. Their refusal to move was not an invitation to be pepper sprayed. It was a claim to their unalienable right to free speech and lawful assembly. Normally in sit ins police will physically pick up a protester and arrest them. The protester doesn't resit nor aide the arrest. It is a nonviolent symbolic gesture.

Martin Luther King was a man I greatly respect. Aside from being a great orator, he was a powerful activist. He walked the walk he didn't just talk the talk. He was also the champion of nonviolent civil disobedience. He did not make a public appeal for anarchy. He said when you are committing an act of civil disobedience, you break the unjust law but are willing to face the consequence of breaking that unjust law in an attempt to correct that unjust law.

Pepper spraying nonviolent protesters with such a casual disregard for the Bill of Rights is shameful and embarrassing. It diminishes all of us. It reinstills public concerns about the National Defense Authorization Act. Setting up military checkpoints on American soil with no regard for the Bill of Rights or due process is definitely something out of Star Wars alright.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Agent K's Christmas Message 2011

Surprisingly enough, this years Christmas message has nothing to do with the Hells Angels. It's about the Star Wars Trilogy. For those of you who rather hear about the Hells Angels you can follow the link to last years' Christmas Epiphany and last years post about the Vancouver Christmas 1995. Obviously the Star Wars trilogy was fiction. Yet is was a complex saga that is worth studying.

Obviously it's a story about good and evil, Jedi and Sith. Do you remember the first episode? Star Wars a New Hope? The main characters were introduced at a time when an evil empire had taken over the galaxy and the fractured rebels who were trying to restore a free republic were in hiding facing extermination from the evil empire.

The first three episodes in that trilogy showed how a handful of rebels were able to finally defeat an evil empire and restore democracy to the galaxy. Yet the focus of my Christmas message is on the second trilogy that came out after the first but was written before the first trilogy. It set the stage and showed how the evil empire was able to destroy a free republic and take over the galaxy in the first place. That fictional pattern is worth studying.

It all began in a land far far away on a peaceful planet called Naboo. Queen Amidala ruled the planet when it was under attack by a military blockade and invasion. Senator Palpatine helped her get support from the Senate to repel the attack. Only it turns out that Senator Palpatine was a bad guy. He was really behind the attack and invasion and used it to gain sympathy in the Senate to be elected Chancellor, the one in charge of the senate.

George Lucas' use of the term chancellor is somewhat ironic since it did have a historical significance. Adolf Hitler burned down the German Parliament building and blamed it on terrorists to gain support in parliament to become Chancellor and be granted special powers to deal with terrorists. Ironic George Lucas chose the term chancellor for Senator Palpatine's new position and ironic the clone soldiers became known as Storm Troopers. That is what Hitler called his SS.

Senator Palpatine was a political con man who tricked the senate through a false flag attack to become a dictator which destroyed the free republic and established a galactic empire.

Operation Northwoods was a historical fact. Before there can be peace on earth we need to address that. The UnPatriot Act was bad enough. The National Defense Authorization Act is far worse.

Insider Trading in Congress still goes on. Newt Gingrich reportedly received $1.8 million in consulting fees from Freddie Mac before it was bailed out by taxpayers.

Stephen Harper and Christy Clark's Corporate Communism is enslaving our liberty as we speak. What they are doing is way worse than anything the NDP has ever done. Their pork barrel politics is reminiscent of Brian Mulroney. This Christmas let's light a candle for Jack Layton and shed some light on the massive BC Hydro fraud Christy Crunch's liberals created. Stopping the smart meters is one thing, stopping the ballooning hydro debt created by fraud is another.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Joey Verma VP Kingpin Crew?

So I hear Joey Verma, the one who has been charged in Britney Irving's murder, is in KRCC for Christmas. I'm told that stands for Kamloops Regional Correctional Centre. Seemingly someone in that facility told someone who e-mailed me that Joey has the letters VP tattooed on his chest now and is recruiting for the Kingpin Crew in prison. Now this is obviously unconfirmed but it certainly is well worth investigating. After all, what would VP stand for other than Vice President? Why would he be recruiting for the Kingpin Crew if he was not affiliated with it?

Actually I find it rather disturbing. We know that Joey was affiliated with the Independent Soldiers. We were told he became affiliated with the Kingpin Crew at the time of Britney Irving's murder. This was not a hostile cross over because both groups are run by the Hells Angels just like the Crew and the Independent Soldiers in Prince George. We know Joey is still friends with Blaze who is out on bail for sexual assault. What a dysfunctional family. Even worse is bragging about betraying and murdering a good woman.

Friday, December 16, 2011

50 guns stolen from Regina store

Fifty guns plus ammunition was stolen from a Regina sports store in a break and enter early morning on December 13th. No one is going to commit a crime with a registered firearm but they sure will with a stolen one. Didn't Deli and Tiny Mac do business in Regina?

This same chain in Langley carries M-15's and other semi automatic assault rifles. They'd be illegal if you bought them with a banana clip but they don't sell them with banana clips so they're legal. However nothing is stopping you from buying a banana clip from somewhere else then using it with an assault rifle from there.

BC Biker Meth Labs Raided

Police raided five meth labs in the greater Vancouver area tied to bikers. [Photos] The news claimed the police wouldn't say which biker gang was involved but admitted the Hells Angles and their puppet clubs are the only Biker gangs operating in the province so it doesn't take a brain surgeon to do the math. Kim Bolan can figure it out.

One was in Surrey. Three cheers! Meth labs are far more of a public concern than grow ops. Those chemicals are toxic and get dumped anywhere they want. The effects of crystal meth on addicts and the community are devastating. OMGU rocks. Remember that meth lab in Kelowna tied to the Hells Angels that was a huge production point? The Hells Angels were also tied to Surrey meth cook Kerry Ryan Renaud.

Hells Angels and the Mob

Well the Christmas murders are continuing across the country like popcorn on a stove without a lid. Mafia Today, Radio-Canada and the Montreal Gazette are reporting that Antonio Pietrantonio – also known across the Montreal Mafia as Tony Suzuki – is the man shot and severely wounded outside a Jarry St. E. restaurant Tuesday night.

It now resembles a hit list – the names of a trio police sources say were major players in an attempt to reach a consensus over who should assume control over the Mafia in Montreal. Montreal businessman Antonio (Tony Suzuki) Pietrantonio is the latest target in a series of shootings that began in September.

Pietrantonio was arrested in 1993 after an RCMP investigation into a plot hatched by the Hells Angels and the Mafia to smuggle cocaine into Canada. In that instance, he was sentenced to a three-year prison term. Again we see the Hells Angels in business with the mob. Since the Hells Angels betray everyone they do business with it is not a stretch of the imagination to think they are involved in the Rizzuto murders. I think my Christmas Epiphany has merit.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Edmonton's 45th homicide

Another gun related murder in Edmonton Wednesday night. This surpasses Edmonton's record for the most murders in one year. An awful lot of them are gun related. Hard to believe they're not related to the drug trade that the Hells angels there clearly control. Almost half are young men. There was also that RCMP officer accused of shooting to death his wife at their Edmonton home.

This in addition to the two shootings in 24 hours in Vancouver. One of which was another mother executed in her car with her toddler in the Back Seat. Sounds like something the Bacon brothers did in Surrey a while back. This is outrageous.