Tuesday, April 9, 2013

New Surrey Shooting

People were talking about a targeted shooting today in Surrey near 108 and King George Boulevard that was reported on twitter. A man was shot in the leg. The Province is reporting the police already have two suspects in custody. Normally we don’t even hear about shootings here if there isn’t a fatality. Lots of people seem to subscribe to scan BC on twitter.

The Surrey Leader has a video clip of the scene.

This is the second recent shooting in Surrey where someone was shot in the legs. As one blog reader pointed out, you have to wonder where in the legs they were shot. Kneecapping was a very common form of discipline in Belfast back in the day. Shooting someone in the knee would constitute shooting them in the legs. It would be worth finding out if this is indeed the case.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Thomas Crawford Assaulted in Pretrial

The Vancouver Province reported in a headline that Thomas Crawford has been stabbed in the head while awaiting trial for gang related kidnapping charges. Yet later on in the same article it quotes B.C. Corrections spokesperson Marnie Mayhew who said that there was an altercation between two inmates at North Fraser Pretrial Centre in which an inmate fell and injured his head. “However there was no stabbing incident. The inmate was treated in hospital for some injuries. Criminal charges were not laid.”

OK so getting in a fight and getting stabbed are two very different things. We know that Thomas Crawford was with the Independent Soldiers when he was charged in a gang related kidnapping along with seven others. They have been accused of kidnapping someone who was laundering money for them in the States but part of the money went missing. They were collecting on behalf of the person he owed the money to.

Again the kidnapping victim that was laundering money for them was Sulaiman Safi who shared a car lease with full-patch Hells Angel Glen Hehn. When Crawford was first arrested someone tried to tell me he had been kicked out of the IS to try and distance themselves from the kidnapping. Yet it is clear that since Red Scorpions were also involved and since Glen Hehn was indirectly involved with the guy that owed the money, Crawford was on company business so to speak.

Him getting assaulted in jail is just another down and dirty attempt at denying he was working for them when it’s pretty obvious he was. Rats they are. They’ll stab you in the back faster than you can say where’s my money?

In Tuesday's Province they clarified that it was Crawford who said he had been stabbed. It's kinda like that old joke after someone gets beat up. What happened? Oh they fell and hit their head.

Anti-Money Laundering Specialists come to Vancouver

Front page of today’s Vancouver Province is about a former RCMP investigator coming to Vancouver to create a local chapter of the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists. Three cheers. After Rich Coleman and the BC Liberals shut down the investigation of money laundering in BC Casinos here comes a private company to fill the gap.

When we first hear the term P3, public private partnership, we automatically think of Gordon Campbell’s corruption. Yet this could be different. Any exposure investigating money laundering is a good thing. Not only is it immoral but it’s always tied to investment fraud that crashes banks and destroys pension.

The question is, will this private company who has no interest in RCMP contracts with the Province, reopen the money laundering investigations in the BC Rail case that were swept under the carpet? Aneal Basi was accused of money laundering from Erik Bornmann. Tips from an informant suggested Basi was laundering money for Bains by purchasing real estate. I’d like to see these guy investigate that. As well as the money laundering that goes on in the banks. Or how about money laundering in stocks? That should keep them pretty busy.

Harper sinks while Trudeau rises

The Vancouver Province is reporting on the results of two very interesting and significant polls. The first one reveals two-thirds of Canadians believe Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservative government is too secretive and has failed to govern with high ethical standards. Although it comes as no big surprise this news doesn’t bring me great joy.

Yes there are many things that Harper has done that I totally oppose. I am very disappointed with what he has done to the party. He has turned Reform full circle into Mulroneyism. The exact plague Reform set out to fix. The poll found that 63% disagreed with the statement the "Harper Conservatives are living up to the promise they made when first elected in 2006 to provide an ethical, open and transparent government." Again this is no big surprise. Harper has not been ethical or transparent. Period.

Fifty-eight per cent of Canadians disapprove of the Conservative government under Harper's leadership. This isn’t a big surprise either when you have more than one political party on the ballot. That’s how a party can get a majority government with less than 50% of the vote.

So where does this lead us? The article and the second poll points directly to Justin Trudeau. The Vancouver Province claims Canadian voters would flock back to the federal Liberals if an election occurred now with Justin Trudeau as party leader.

Trudeau is the top choice among voters to be prime minister, surpassing the Conservatives' Stephen Harper and Tom Mulcair of the NDP. Yet when you look at the numbers it’s still pretty close. Thirty-two per cent of decided voters would support the Liberals if led by Trudeau - up six points from last November and 14 points since last June. While 31 per cent would vote for the Conservatives, down three points since November 2012.

Again this is promising but I have mixed feelings. What do Trudeau’s liberals feel about Insite and using tax dollars to buy addicts heroin? That really concerns me. Harm reduction is only one of the four pillars and there is a huge amount of pressure to forget all the other pillars but one which has sent us straight down the DTES toilet.

It’s possible Justin can see the folly in that decision. I’m not sure if the NDP can. I don’t know what their stand on that issue is but for me personally, that’s a pretty important issue when we want to talk about fiscal responsibility as well as addressing the gang war.

A lot of Harper supporters revel in bitterness over Justin’s father. They say he was a Commie that destroyed the country. Yet he had class and dignity. He represented us well in the world. Harper doesn’t. He doesn’t have class or dignity and he doesn’t represent us very well in the world.

Yes Pierre liked Russian literature. No doubt he did have some socialist ideals. Yet his crowning achievement was the Charter of Rights. He was the one that protected us from the intrusive nature of big brother. Protection from arbitrary arrest and unnecessary searches and seizures as well as the right to a fair trial are founding principles in the US constitution. No one would dare call the founding fathers Commies.

Harper has done everything in his power to erode the Charter of Rights and empower big brother. The only reason Harper backed off his warrantless surveillance was because the Supreme Court ruled that cell phones and text messages are protected under the Charter and the police need a search warrant to gain access to them. We have Pierre to thank for that. Getting a search warrant isn’t that difficult. Giving up our liberty just isn’t worth it.

They say Pierre started us down the road of out of control national debt. Yet Harper was far worse with his insider trading jets and the giant bank bail out he still denies happened. Harper sells Candu reactors to China who supports North Korea. The onlything holding back that lunatic in North Korean from following through with his threat to use nuclear arms on America is the fact that his technology isn’t there yet. Harper is helping him get there.

Harper has also given Communist China our oil rights so we are now funding their military expansion. When push comes to shove, Harper has been a far worse Commie that Pierre. Pierre protected us. Harper railroaded us.

How would Justin do in choosing judges? He can’t do any worse than Harper who promoted a lawyer that represented the Hells Angels to the bench because he was the president of the conservative party. Hopefully he will do better than Paul Martin who’s dying act as Prime Minister was to give us Peter Leask. That crazy decision has plagued us for years to come.

So yes I think the news is promising but I have mixed feelings. The only thing that will stop Harper is to elect someone else. That is the only way the party will pick someone else. Will Justin destroy the country in the mean time? I don’t think so. I think he will do us proud. Time will tell. It always does.

Harper cuts soldiers pay

Harpers latest act of defiance is to cut soldiers serving in Afghanistan pay by $500 a month mid stream. During their tour of duty in violation of their agreed contract. He’s removing their danger pay because he says it isn’t as dangerous any more. Is that right? Now that American troops are protection the opium fields in Afghanistan it isn’t as dangerous any more? I find that hard to believe. What are Canadian troops still doing in Afghanistan anyways? I thought we already pulled out. Makes ya wonder how the Central Asian gas pipeline is doing there now.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Off Shore Tax-haven data leak

Evidently there has been some kind of massive leak about off shore financial information revealing how the rich evade taxes through off shore investment. The concept is no secret. It’s been going on for years. I guess the details of who’s doing what has actually been released.

Canadian Senator Pana Merchant has been named in the release. CBC is covering the data leak. They have an interactive map on the topic. They posted a list of countries affected as well as a list of 5 big leaks of offshore financial data. However, they aren't releasing all the data about Canadians yet. They're going to sort through it first.

Nobody likes taxes. Michael Moore talked about the historic shift in tax rates for the wealthy. Previously the more money you made the higher tax bracket you were in and the more taxes you paid. At one point the extremely rich were paying up to 80% of their earnings in tax. I do think that was extreme.

Yet Michael Moore pointed out how we have gone to the other extreme where the very wealthy pay next to no income tax through off shore investments. That is wrong. It doesn’t help build the local economy and forces the middle class to pay all the tax revenue.

As I’ve said before, no one wants to be over taxed yet the fact that Warren Buffet pays less tax than his secretary shows there is something wrong with the system. His secretary pays income tax at a rate of 35.8 percent of income, while Buffett pays a rate at 17.4 percent. Over taxing the rich or the large corporations isn’t the answer but letting them pay no or very little tax isn’t the answer either.

The other example is the fraudster Donald Trump. In two of his recent tax returns he paid no income tax at all. That just isn’t right. I don’t think anyone no matter how much money they make should ever have to pay more than 50% of their income in tax. Yet having the wealthy pay little or no tax is just plain wrong. It is tax evasion and these off shore accounts help them do it.

The solution is simple. We should stop rewarding people for investing off shore.

Following the money in the Pharmaceutical Services Division

The Vancouver Sun recently ran an article about a Pharmaceutical scam called Six fired, two lawsuits, one dead - but still no answers. The Tyee has recently reported there’s now three lawsuits. It all stems from the abrupt termination of a research group that has benefited the large drug companies just like the termination of the RCMP squad investigating money laundering in BC casinos has benefited organized crime.

Rod MacIsaac was days away from completing his PHD and was terminated from the research project. Shortly thereafter he was found dead. The Common Ground wrote about it as well and asked Rod’s sister what she though were possible theories. She said follow the money.

“With BC’s PharmaCare program spending more than $1.2 billion of our money on drugs every year, there is a lot of cash to follow. Many people wonder if the drug safety evaluations done by employees like Roderick and other evaluators were finding things the pharmaceutical manufacturers didn’t like. Would that be enough to lead to an anaphylactic reaction in the bureaucracy and a carpet-bombing of the Ministry of Health?”

It all started on March 28, 2012, when a complaint was filed with the BC’s Auditor General about the way contracts were being awarded and how research was being conducted within the Pharmaceutical Services Division (PSD). PSD oversees annual spending of $1.2 billion on pharmaceuticals, the fastest growing of all areas of health spending. This growth is fueled by unrelenting pressure from pharmaceutical companies that strive to ensure their products are generously covered by the public purse.

Alan Cassals is co-author, with Australian journalist Ray Moynihan of the book, Selling Sickness, about the role of the pharmaceutical industry in helping to create and market illness. We know that the methadone program is a huge money maker and any rehab centre that doesn’t teach it doesn’t get government referrals. Keeping people on the program forever and refusing to ever decrease the dosages is a huge scam all in itself. However, me thinks this one goes far beyond that.

I would however, like to find out how much of that $1.2 billion a year is spent on methadone and how much the pharmacists make for dispensing it and the doctors make for prescribing it. In fact a complete break down of how that $1.2 billion a year is spent is really crucial to our not so democratic system. How contracts are awarded and what not. You get the picture.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Rock Machine’s SS Elite

John Adam Curwin, 31, plead guilty on Wednesday to several charges of gun and drug trafficking and received a 9 and 1/2 year sentence. He’s the first to plead in that recent RM sting in Winnipeg called Project Dilemma. Curwin was selling BZP and was caught with a stick of dynamite.

The Winnipeg Sun is reporting that police found out that two members of a RM Support club from Ontario called the SS Elite came to town to help them get established. They found out this information at an RM meeting in the police informant’s home who was a full patch RM member. I have a tip as to his name but it hasn’t been released in court documents and I do support protecting the identity of people who testify against drug dealers.

Court documents claim the SS Elite was described by RM leaders as being modeled after the SS Waffen, “created to protect Hitler and other Nazis. As SS Elite members, they ultimately report to RM members in Montreal but are also required to protect and support the local chapter members.”

OK I am getting pretty fed up with all these freaking Nazis. This isn’t just a trendy logo. It’s pissing on our flag and the graves of all the noble soldiers in Bény-sur-Mer. Pick a different name and a different symbol. That one is shameful. It mocks the French as well since our soldiers died liberating France from Hitler’s Nazis in Normandy.

While we’re on the subject of the Rock Machine in Winnipeg, the top picture is a family photo of the crew from the summer of 2011. You can see Jay Strachan on the left in the middle row. He was the national Nomads president. I’m not sure if he’s still in.

The two on the right in the middle row is Stephen King and Stephen Cabral. Cabral was the Winnipeg President. Bottom right is Adam Curwin who just received the 9 and ½ year sentence. Bottom left is Jean Paul Beaumont. He used to be with the Zig Zag crew like Jay Strachan was but became the RM Nomads Sergeant at Arms. He died in Brandon jail last fall. At least they ride nice bikes. No fat ass fairings and plastic saddlebags that look like Goldwings. I think on the West coast we do need fenders for all the rain though.

BC Liberals fake pre election budget

The Vancouver Province is reporting that the B.C. NDP have accused the Liberal government of hiding an $800-million budget deficit this year. The budget forecasts a surplus of $197 million for 2013-2014, following several years of deficit spending. Ralston likened the 2013 budget to the financial plan laid out by the Liberals ahead of the 2009 election, which turned out to be a deficit.

"The B.C. Liberal government's election year budget is deliberately designed to hide a deficit of close to $800 million in the current year," Ralston said at a news conference in Vancouver. "In our view they are artificially and deliberately suppressing expenditure growth in order to falsely claim a balanced budget." Ralston said the government included unexplained asset sales to put the Liberals back in the black.

Finance Minister Mike de Jong dismissed the claim and said “if the NDP have a plan, they should present it to British Columbians, de Jong said. "The NDP, as always, wants to spend more," he said, which will lead to higher taxes, worsening credit and higher borrowing costs for B.C."

Wait a minute… that’s exactly what the BC Liberals have done. Bruce Ralston, a duly elected MP from Surrey has accused the Christy Clark government of faking their pre election budget. Is that true or false? NDP stereotypes aren’t relevant.

CBC is reporting that the fake budget includes speculative revenues from natural gas royalties and asset sales. That’s exactly what Bruce Ralston said. Selling assets to balance the budget is very short sighted. You can’t do that forever. You have to eventually balance the budget. Especially when they sell off assets at fire sale prices to insiders who contribute to their political campaigns like at the Campbell Heights Industrial Park in Surrey.

The BC Liberals from Gordon Campbell to Christy Clark and beyond to the Surrey wing nut high jacking, has constantly been the most corrupt and arrogant government in the history of the province. You can’t live a lie forever. Sooner or later people will wake up and smell the coffee.

I happened to get some spam recently claiming to be from Carol James about this very subject. In it she claims the fake Liberal budget hides the $800 million deficit and states: "How did they do this? - Unrealistic growth projections - A fire sale of assets that hasn’t even happened yet - BC Hydro profits that simply don’t exist."

Unrealistic growth progressions. That’s always convenient in a pre election budget. Oh yeah we project we’ll be making much more money as soon as we finally leave office. The fire sale of public assets is a huge concern. That is a one trick pony they keep riding into the dust. As I’ve said it’s always accompanied by fraud where insiders make millions at the taxpayers expense. They ripped off $2 billion from the public purse in Campbell Heights. Who knows how much they stole in the BC Rail fire sale.

BC Hydro profits? That is just plain FRAUD. Every year they keep deferring this huge out of control BC Hydro deficit tax payers will one day have to pay for. The smart meter scam made it worse but that wasn’ t the real cause. Campbell’s Liberals were the cause. They are the ones that broke BC Hydro and turned it into another Enron. Them denying that and claiming a profit from BC Hydro for an election budget is FRAUD. It is a criminal, act. They should be in jail.

The Campbell government privatized part of BC Hydro. I’m not talking about Terson gas. That isn’t the problem. That was just duplication. The problem was with the BC Hydro they did privatize. The brokers who sold power to the public company at an inflated rate which totally ripped of the taxpayers. That was another criminal act that desperately needs to be repaired.

These private brokers (B.C. Hydro's Powerex subsidiary) were charged with Enron in California for false billing. Now we see the same thing here in BC where consumers including struggling seniors are left with no legal recourse for insanely huge bills. These fraudsters are snatching purses from seniors. The private brokers selling power to BC Hydro at an inflated price is a huge scam that affects all of us.

The Vancouver Sun reported that Questionable bookkeeping methods by BC Hydro have put ratepayers on the hook for $2.2 billion in public debt – with no apparent plan in place to recover the money, Auditor-General John Doyle warned in an audit report. Doyle said that if Hydro stays with the practice of deferring large debts rather than paying them back and balancing its books each year, the total debt will swell to $5 billion by 2017.

I complain a lot about the misery the crack and crystal meth dealers cause on the street. Yet that doesn’t nearly affect most of us in BC like this huge scam at BC Hydro. This is gonna gouge us for years to come. The BC Liberals who did that and are hiding that criminal act with a fraudulent budget claiming tax revenue from BC Hydro need to be charged and arrested. Why that hasn’t happened is absolutely astounding. It is way worse than BC Rail ever was.

Texas District Attorney and Deputy gunned down

Speaking of Nazi white supremacists north of the border, they’re making news south of the border as well. A double funeral took place Friday morning in Texas for Kaufman County District Attorney Mike McLelland and his wife Cynthia. Both were gunned down in late March in what is seen an orchestrated attack on law enforcement. They were found shot to death in their home two months after one of his assistants was gunned down near their office.

Here's the low down: District Attorney Mike McLelland and his wife was shot dead 30 March 2013. His deputy, Assistant District Attorney Mark Hasse was gunned down 31 January 2013. In between those two murders, Colorado prisons chief Tom Clements was murdered 19 March 2013.

21 March 2013 Montague County Sheriff's Deputy James Boyd was shot at by Evan Spencer Ebel. Hours later Ebel was shot dead in a police shoot out. The gun Ebel used in the March 21 shootout was the same one used to shoot and kill prisons chief Tom Clements two days earlier. Evan Ebel is with the 211 Crew of the Aryan Nations prison gang. The 211 Crew is from Colorado and is named after the Cal­i­for­nia penal code for rob­bery. Two other members of that gang are persons of interest in one of the shootings. One of those two suspects has just been arrested.

Freddy posted a link to the Aryan Brotherhood’s connection to this mayhem in the forum. I’m just trying to sort through things and connect the dots.

Friday, April 5, 2013

WBP murder trial set for September 2013

The White Boy Posse murder trial has been set. CBC is reporting that a 15-day preliminary hearing is set to begin Sept. 23 at the provincial court in Saskatoon. Randy O'Hagan is charged in three separate murders including the decapitation of Bob Roth for a drug debt.

Police believe that they killed Lorry Santos by mistake while trying to break into the Saskatoon drug market. Not a mistake as in they didn’t mean to kill her, a mistake as in she wasn’t the target. It will be interesting to see what the evidence supports because local concern is that it was a hate crime.

I’m no brain surgeon but I’m having a hard time understanding how they could have mistaken a private residence for the Saskatoon drug market. She answered the door and they shot her dead. If it wasn’t the drug market they could of just said wrong house, my bad and walked away. Yet they didn’t. They shot her dead. Either way it’s a tragedy. A beautiful young woman murdered for no reason. It’s hard for someone to build their credibility after that.

Notice that in the top picture the two on the sides are wearing Edmonton Hells Angels support shirts while the one in the middle is wearing a nomad support shirt. All are showing their connection to the Hells Angels. This picture below shows one of the same guys in the Edmonton Hells Angles support shirt with another Yahoo in a Support 51 shirt which means the same thing. 51 is for EA as in Edmonton Angels. Red and white also refers to the Hells Angels. So chalk up another three murders to the Hells Angels. How many does that make it now? I’ve lost count.

I still need to find out what the status is on the WBP trial for those idiots from Whitecourt, Alberta who were arrested for drug trafficking then shot a sheriff in the hand trying to escape. They were recaptured shortly thereafter in the same small town. One blog reader commented how the guy on the left looks like WBP member Tyler Corbett who is wanted for drug trafficking.