Thursday, December 29, 2016

Turkey and Russia negotiate Syrian Cease fire

What's wrong with this picture? We are all relieved to hear a cease fire agreement has been reached in Syria but why was it reached between Turkey and Russia? I thought it was suposed to be a civl war. Evidently not.

Turkey wasn't just representing Turkey. They were representing NATOs support of ALL the rebels while Russia represented troops loyal to Assad. If neither party had got involved it is quite likely the horrible devastation to civilians would not have lasted so long creating such horrific turmoil for refugees. So Russia bombing civilians in Aleppo was bad but helping negotiate a peace settlement was good. Something that the CIA is try to upstage with nonsense.

Today I saw a news clip from an American media source and they were going on about this absurd nonsense claiming Russia hacked the US election again. I thought STFU. Why the hell are they still going on about that ridiculous nonsense? Because Obama is pushing the CIA fraud.

The New York Times is reporting that " The Obama administration struck back at Russia on Thursday for its efforts to influence the 2016 election, ejecting 35 Russian intelligence operatives from the United States and imposing sanctions on Russia’s two leading intelligence services."

First of all the CIA's claim that Russia hacked the US election is absolute nonsense. Putin was right when he said they need to get over it and they are just being sore losers. Putin pointed out that not only was Donald Trump elected but Americans also elected a Republican House and Senate. What did we hack that too he said. The CIA's claim is absolute nonsense. We know it is the CIA spamming the main stream media with that nonsense because it came from a fraudulent CIA report that was indeed laughable. So now Obama is running interference for the CIA.

Don't get me wrong. I liked Obama. He was a MUCH better speaker than George Bush. That idiot was too painful to listen to. Obama was a very intelligent speaker. I don't have a problem with Obamacare either. I'm from Canada. The American medical system is horrific. I just want to be clear in that the Obama Deception was tied to the Bush Clinton Fraud.

Obama used executive privilege to hide his administration's illegal activities in Operation Fast and Furious. That was obscene. Nixon tried to hide Watergate by using executive privilege but the court didn't let him. Fast and Furious was much worse than Watergate. They were selling guns to the Mexican Cartel and bring back tons of cocaine as payment. Iran Contra never stopped. The Washington Times confirmed that it was a CIA operation. Hilary Clinton was at the root of it.

So now the big news is that Yves Chandelon, the Chief Auditor for NATO, found out that the US was supporting ISIS. We knew this all along. Obama is trying to distract us from that fact with more absurd CIA smoke and mirror nonsense.

On a more positive note, it appears that our prayers for Aleppo have been answered.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Lisa Dudley's family launch fundraising for their daughter's wrongful death suit

CBC is also reporting that "Lisa Dudley's parents Mark and Rosemarie Surakka are trying to raise money through a crowdfunding campaign to help with the costs of suing the federal and provincial governments. It's been eight years since their daughter was killed. Dudley, 37, and her partner, Guthrie McKay, 33, were shot September 18, 2008 in the living room of her home in Mission."

We are well familiar with this tragic case locally and there is much to say about it. Guthrie McKay and Lisa Dudley were shot in what the police described as a targeted hit. Guthrie died instantly but Lisa was shot while tied to a chair and was finally found alive four days later but tragically died en route to the hospital. There are several tragedies that surround this case. The shooting was itself tragic. The fact that the police officer sent to investigate neighbors' 911 call of shots fired never got out of his car to investigate the shooting was another tragedy. The fact that the RCMP only sent one officer to investigate a shots fired call is yet another. The list goes on.

I want to emphasize that the police did not shoot either of the couple. That was someone else. We need to remember that and remember who the bad guys are, who they worked for and what the motive for the targeted hit was so we know who to place the proper blame on. Yet the police were clearly negligent in this case on both fronts.

The officer never got out of his car to investigate. Had he done so he would have found Lisa still alive. Yet it wasn't just criminal negligence of one officer, it was the entire RCMP for only sending one officer to respond to a shots fired call. They'll send in 5 cops with riot gear and shotguns to kick in an elderly man's door if they think he might be a danger to himself so why on earth would they just send one officer to respond to a shots fired call? That was negligent.

The fact that Lisa's parents are suing the RCMP and the government is not new. This was announced February 2013. The fact that the Harper Government's response was obscene is not new either. That was also announced back in February 2013.

June of 2013 CTV reported that "A B.C. Supreme Court judge ruled Friday that a dead woman still has the right to sue, upholding a case with potentially massive legal implications." So the court already rejected the government's obscene claim that the case can't proceed because she is dead. What's new is the fact that the parents have set up a crowdfunding page to raise money for the legal challenge which is something we all should support because it realtes to public peace.

First let's look at the Harper Governments initial obscene response to the court application. The Globe and Mail reported that "a government lawyer said Ms. Dudley had no rights because she is dead, making explicit an argument laid out in the government’s response to the civil claim. 'If a victim has a right of action, it cannot be continued after they are dead,' David Quan told the court." That is absurd. It is a wrongful death suit. That kind of law suit isn't actionable until the party has died. The parents are arguing that the RCMPs negligence in this tragic case violated their daughters Charter Right to life and security.

I am normally the first one to cringe when people misinterpret the Charter of Rights but this case is different. Smoking crack or having the government pay for your heroin is not a Charter Right. That is obscene. This application cites section 7 of the Charter of Rights which states "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person." This ideal is similar to the US Constitution which secures a person's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It relates to the government's Constitutional obligation to provide public peace.

Obviously the government is not responsible for all crime that is committed. Yet since the police are paid with tax dollars, there is an inference that when you call 911 for a life threatening emergency the police will come to render assistance. Failing to do so is negligence.

This case opens Pandora's box because it relates to liability. Can businesses in Newton sue the RCMP and the City of Surrey for not responding to their 911 calls reporting drug dealers selling drugs outside their place of business? They most certainly can.

Support Lisa Dudley's crowdfunding page

NATO Auditor Who Discovered US Funds ISIS Found Dead

Your News Wire is reporting that Yves Chandelon, the Chief Auditor for NATO, was found dead of a suspicious suicide in the city of Andenne in the Belgian Ardennes. Right after he had discovered that the US was supotrting ISIS just like the TV Series American Odyssey.

NATO funding ISIS is nothing new. Russia was supporting Assad in Syria while the Americans and the Israelis were supporting ISIS and the Rebels. When British Weapons Inspector Dr. David Kelly blew the whistle on MI 6 for launching Operation Mass Appeal and intentionally sent the media false reports about Iraq's weapons of Mass Destruction he also died of a suspicious suicide just like Gary Webb and so many other whistleblowers.

Instead of arguing whether or not Gary Webb or the Chief Auditor for NATO committed suicide or was murdered, we need to focus on what information they brought to light that the CIA wanted hidden from the public. Watch the movie Kill the Messenger. Look into the facts surrounding American support of ISIS. Every time they kill a whistleblower we need to bring attention to what the whistle blower was trying to expose. That is what we need to focus on.

Yeah I'm crazy. Crazy for thinking anyone out there gives a sh*t. Yet when push comes to shove there is nothing more crazy than Operation Northwoods. That is a historical fact.

The British Sun reported that Peter Polshikov was also reportedly found dead from gunshot wounds in his home in Moscow soon after news broke of the assassination of Russian ambassador in Turkey, Andrey Karlov. It is alleged two empty bullet shells were found in the flat in the city and that a gun was discovered under the sink in the bathroom. In February of last year CBC reported that Boris Nemtsov, a charismatic Russian opposition leader and sharp critic of President Vladimir Putin, was gunned down near the Kremlin. Are we beginning to see a pattern?

Just like how Susan Lindauer testified about the Lockerbie bombing. Major Charles McKee, of the Defence Intelligence Agency, filed a complaint about the CIA's drug trafficking in Lebanon. McKee, Gannon and three other members of the team decided to fly back to CIA HQ and expose the COREA unit’s deal with al- Kassar. They booked seats on Pan Am 103 which blew up over Scotland as the result of a "terrorist" attack. Yet the only motive anyone had to blow the plane up was to kill the whistleblowers on their way to Langley.

Monday, December 26, 2016

New book about the Clark Park Gang

Aaron Chapman recently put out a book called The Last Gang in Town: The Epic Story of the Vancouver Police vs. The Clark Park Gang. This is a historical look at a Vancouver gang back in the /70's. The description on Amazon reads: "A riot at a Rolling Stones concert opens this compelling story of a year-long confrontation in 1972 between the Vancouver police and the Clark Park gang, a band of unruly characters who ruled the city's east side. Corrupt cops, hapless criminals, and murder figure in this raucous history with contemporary overtones that questions which gang was tougher: the petty criminals, or the police themselves."

A little more Wayne Moriarty

I guess my big push for the New Year is a break from the persistent insanity that we are being spammed with. The world needs a little more Wayne Moriarty and a little less Xanadu.

Michael Smith is reporting that Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson is heading the Taxpayers foundation's naughty list for going tax-mad this year. We talked about how Robertson raised property taxes 3.9% recently in Vancouver promising to kick back 0.5% for harm promotion. So in reality what did he do? He just raised rents and increased the number of homeless on the street. Great thinking. Gregor Robertson is part of the problem not part of the solution.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Feliz Navida

I was going to call my Christmas message this year Christmas in the Hood, but since I already did that on Father's day I thought I'd talk about another challenging topic and that is dealing with loss at Christmas. Christmas is supposed to be such a happy time. Yet suicide rates increase this time of year. Most families aren't perfect so all the pressure of getting together at Christmas sometimes brings heartache and sorrow. Especially for lost loved ones.

Earlier I talked a little bit about how much I liked the movie Collateral Beauty. Everyone deals with loss in different ways. Lindsey Stirling said when she lost her best friend to cancer it really set her back and she took a considerable amount of time to grieve that loss before putting out her latest album Brave Enough which meant she was brave enough to come back after that loss.

My daughter was face timing with some friends from Honduras the other day. They had all the young cousins together and were setting off fireworks at night. Something I could relate to before fireworks became a banned substance in Surrey. Sometimes she'd put me on and since I don't speak Spanish I'd always be at a loss of what to say and usually just come out with a yo que pasa hombre, como estas? This time there was several young children present and all I could think of was the Christmas song feliz navidad so I shouted out feliz navidad! Then the young children who didn't speak english remembered that song and all started singing the english verse I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart. It was priceless.

That wonderful little girl had just lost her mother to cancer and this would be her first Christmas without her mother yet they had a very close extended family. Money can't buy that. Peace.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Users overdose minutes after cashing assistance cheques

Crime City Surrey is reporting that "They're buying drugs right there outside where they're cashing their cheques" - seems a good place for police to attend." One would think. Failing to do so is criminal culpability. Minutes later Crime City Surrey then tweets "Users overdose minutes after cashing assistance cheques." Who's the criminal now? Us or them? Right now it's hard to tell.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

East Vancouver shooting

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that a 42-year-old woman is in serious but stable condition after a targeted shooting in north east Vancouver Tuesday night.

Man convicted of murdering a Hells Angel acquitted after informant admits lying

The Montreal Gazette is reporting that "The Quebec Court of Appeal has acquitted a man who was convicted a decade ago of murdering one of the highest-ranking Hells Angels in Quebec during the biker gang war. The appellate court delivered its decision on Wednesday, acquitting Tony Duguay, a former member of the Bandidos, of the murder of Normand (Biff) Hamel, a member of the Hells Angels now-defunct Nomads chapter based in Montreal."

"The decision was based on new evidence supplied by a witness who testified against Duguay during his trial. The witness, a former gang-member-turned-informant named Sylvain Beaudry, admitted after the trial that he lied while on the witness stand."

Normand "Biff" Hamel was a member of Maurice "Mom" Boucher's white supremacist SS motorcycle gang until it disbanded in 1984. That's when he and Mom became Hells Angels prospects. Biff was a prospect of the Laval chapter and was present when the Hells Angels murdered his sponsors in the Lexonville massacre.

Two years later the Hells Angels wanted to take over the Death Riders. The take over became absolute on May 4, 1987 when the President of the Death Riders, Martin Huneault, was shot to death in a Laval bar. No one was ever arrested for the murder, but just hours after Huneault's funeral, Death Riders Mario Martin and André Richard were seen meeting with Hells Angels Maurice "Mom" Boucher and Normand "Biff" Hamel. Boucher and Hamel received their colours after the incident and Huneault's murder allowed the Hells to completely take over drug trafficking in Laval and the lower Laurentians area. Biff Hammel was murdered on April 17, 2000.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Terrorist Attacks without a Motive

When tragedy strikes it's always heart wrenching. Yet every crime has a means and a motive. If someone accused of committing a crime didn't have the means or motive to commit the crime then that is a red flag calling for further investigation. Recently there have been two more terrorist attacks in the news. One had a motive the other did not. Both are suspect.

Why on earth would anyone drive a truck into a crowd of pedestrians at a Christmas market anywhere especially in Germany? Germans love Christmas and their Christmas market. During the war soldiers on the front line called an impromptu ceasefire on Christmas Day to exchange gifts with the enemy. Christmas in Germany is a very peaceful time.

As soon as the horrific incident occurred, CBC reported that The White House said it "appears to have been a terrorist attack." White House National Security Council spokesman Ned Price said the U.S. was ready to assist Germany in investigating and responding. Evidently Ned Price was suspiciously fast with a press release on the matter.

CBC also reported that it has been less than a month since the U.S. State Department called for caution in markets and other public places, saying extremist groups including ISIS and al-Qaeda were focusing "on the upcoming holiday season and associated events."

Isn't that ironic? Just like how the Israeli intelligence agencies warned the Brussels Airport of a possible attack right before it happened. Then got the contact to do their security after the attack. Cynical minds would declare the Israeli Intelligence agency that won the contract were the ones that had a motive to commit that crime not some random lone wolf.

So what is the motive for this attack on the Berlin Christmas market? There is none. In contrast, the other attack in Turkey did have a motive.

The Guardian reported that "The Russian ambassador to Turkey has been shot dead by a police officer who shouted 'Don’t forget Aleppo' as he pulled the trigger." In this incident a motive is apparent. Russia was directly involved with killing civilians in Aleppo so it is logical someone would target Russia in response. That one makes sense.

I am however, having difficulty with the math in relation to the attack in Berlin. All of a sudden the media is reporting ISIS has claimed responsibility for the Christmas Market attack in Berlin despite the fact that there is no motive. Germany certainly didn't bomb Aleppo, Russia did. The math I'm having trouble processing is the fact that the Americans and the Israelis were supporting ISIS in Syria to defeat Assad. Hillary Clinton used her position as Secretary of State to convince the American Military complex to supply arms to ISIS through Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

I did not make up Operation Northwoods. I did not make up the 911 inconsistencies. Architects and engineers in the field declare that for a steel framed tower to collapse at freefall speed into it's own blueprint, the load bearing beams have to be blown out like a controlled demolition. I did not make that up. Experts in the field of controlled demolition declare it.

I did not make up the attack on the USS Liberty. That really did happen. I did not recall the air support sent to defend the USS Liberty when it came under attack saying I want that ship sunk. That was President Johnson after Kennedy was assassinated for vetoing Operation Northwoods.

Given the reality of Operation Northwoods, 911 and the attack on the USS Liberty, it behooves every rational mind to question the means and motive of every criminal act relating to acts of terrorism because the CIA is the largest terrorist organization on the planet.

The only motive for a terrorist attack on civilians at a Christmas market in Berlin points to German election candidates not ISIS or lone wolves. Lest we forget Sarkozy and the Karachi affair.

Germany of all places has to be suspicious of false flag attacks. That's where it all began. Hitler burned down the German parliament building and blamed it on terrorists to gain the powers of Chancellor. Then he burned down a German radio station and blamed it on Poland to justify an invasion. The rest is history.