Friday, December 27, 2024

China's persecution of Falun Gong overseas intensifies

Falun Dafa Infocenter is reporting that "The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) long-standing transnational repression against Falun Gong practitioners outside of China has taken a dramatic turn over the past year. Top CCP leaders have launched a new campaign aimed at turning international public opinion and even the U.S. government against Falun Gong and Shen Yun Performing Arts, an American Chinese classical dance company founded by Falun Gong practitioners."

"The Long Arm of Beijing is a 20-minute documentary released in April, that provides critical context for the current escalation and includes numerous first-hand accounts of transnational repression by the CCP targeting Falun Gong practitioners."

This is disappointing. China has made progress in so many ways it is disheartening to see them revert to the old ways of hard line Communism. Organ Harvesting, torture and defamation. No lie can live forever but how long can these injustices continue? That's the thing with segregation. If you don't know any Falun Gong members you have no idea that the CPP is lying about them.

I've known many members of the Falun Gong in Vancouver for many years. They are wonderful people. They're very peaceful and nonviolent. I met one man who said back in China he was very angry and used to get in a lot of fights. He said Falun Gong helped calm him down. Now he is much more peaceful. I can see it. I can feel it when I hear their music at their events.

They promote morality and modesty.  Anastasia Lin is Falun Gong. Her nobility is indisputable. When I see defamation about her on YouTube calling Falun Gong a cult I am astounded.  Anastasia Lin is honest and sincere. This cult obsession is insane. They're Buddhists. The believe in the virtues of Confucius, the truthfulness of Tao and the compassion of Buddha. So do I. That is not a cult. This evil oppression is insane. It's just like the oppression of the monks in Tibet. 

The defamation of the Shen Yun is just as insane. Any Broadway ballet is very hard work. Many can't cut it but the Shen Yun production is a wonderful celebration of Chinese culture before Communism. That's the problem. They don't agree with Communism. That's their crime and for that crime they are literally being defamed, tortured and murdered. 


  1. China confirms Falun Gong is cia front:

    1. China denies the Uyghur genocide and claims they aren't organ harvesting. Big surprise. The Falun Gong is not a CIA front. That is ridiculous. However, it would be foolish to think the CIA doesn't contribute to the Epoch Times which is separate from the Falun Gong religion.

      As I have said I know many members of the Flaun Gong in Vancouver and they are all wonderful people. I know one for many years who has written for the Epoch Times through that time. The Epoch Times is a rock solid independent news outlet.

      However, the Guardian also claimed that "Falun Gong-aligned media push fake news about Democrats and Chinese communists." That is ridiculous. Reporting on the murders of Mao is fake news? How dare you? Reporting on the historical atrocities of the Chinese Communist party is fake news? You are delusional. We all know what the Democrats and the far left have done.

      So that's the problem. The Epoch Times reports the truth and supports Donald Trump. That is their crime. So why is a MI 6 news outlets attacking them if they are supported by the CIA? Because the CIA supports globalism and opposes Donald Trump. The CIA does support the Epoch Times when it comes to confronting China but it does not support the Epoch Times when it comes to supporting Trump and opposing Covid narratives.

      That's why the CIA set up and entrapped the Epoch Times CFO on that bogus money laundering scheme. The CIA are dirty. Many years ago my friend from Epoch Times and one of the local Falun Gong leaders asked me if I would like to write a column for the Epoch Times.

      I said that would be a good idea. However, if I write about the bad things about Communism, I also want to be able to write about the bad things in the CIA and expose them for what they are. They consulted with the management of the Epoch Times and said yeah they're not interested in that. I smiled and said I completely understand.

      If the CIA was funding or contributing to the Epoch Times, they most certainly wouldn't want to burn that bridge. They probably didn't believe the CIA were bad. Until now when they see the Guardian defame them and the CIA entrap the Epoch Times CFO.

  2. Cia uses falun gong and steve bannon to push qanon psyop:

    1. OK let's separate the fact form the fiction, I'll address this absurdity first. Notice the dramatic headline from the globalist tabloid.

      "Although there is no evidence of direct cooperation, they have already shown a willingness to echo anti-China messaging with the likes of the former Trump aide Steve Bannon and billionaire Chinese exile Guo Wengui, also known as Miles Kwok, who has financed Bannon’s activities through consulting contracts and donations."

      First off they admit their headline is a lie in the fine print by stating "Although there is no evidence of direct cooperation." Then they justify their lie by claiming the Falun Gong repeat some of the same things Steve Bannon says. Big surprise. The Falun Gong aren't the only ones concerned with organ harvesting and the Uyghur genocide.

      Then Blaze throws in the QAnon bullsh*t. I support Trump and RFK. I don't support QAnon. The defamation always has an absurd shock and awe element to it.

      However, that article shows the globalist quest of the Five Eyes. MI 6 feeds the Guardian press releases. MI 6 is connected to the CIA. If the CIA is finding the Falun Gong, why are they defaming them? Wait 'till I tell ye.

  3. This group is nothing but a cult. I know a friend whose sister was basically held in bondage by these terrorists.They are nothing but wolves in sheep clothing. You supporting them makes me wonder if your nothing but a CPP mole

    1. Donnie McWhirter you are a lying POS. You do not have a friend whose sister was held in bondage by them. That is a bold faced lie. They are completely non violent. They don't kidnap people. That's the CCP and their forced labour camps.

      I'm a CPP mole? What does the Canada Pension Plan have to do with it? You mean CCP mole? How could I be a CCP mole if I support the Flaun Gong and the CCP defames them. You are a lying freak.

      Buddhism isn't a cult. The truthfulness of Tao, the virtues of Confucius and the compassion of Buddha, there is nothing wrong with any of those principles. Liars defame good people and you are a compulsive liar.


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