Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Syrian Rebels led by Al Qaeda which the CIA created


Rebels from the north, those are the Kurds the CIA armed. Just like the Iranian Drug Dealer the CIA claim Damion Ryan was working with. That guy worked for the CIA not for Iran.


  1. Trump doesn't want the Americans involved, so after he is sworn in, CIA involvement ends?

    1. Exactly. They launched this offensive before he took office. Before Tulsi Gabbard and RFK could stop them. So in essence they have completely destabilized Syria just like the did Libya for the same reason - oil.

  2. Yes every time they fuck up they blame Iran bc it is easier to blame someone else than to look in the mirror

    1. It's also easier to blame Iran for their own covert operations.

  3. The rebels are terrorists being portrayed by media propaganda as heros.

  4. Well at least we agree on that.

  5. It's a new level in proxy wars, the CIA backing one group and the U.S. Dept of Defense backing another.

    1. Actually the CIA and the US Department of defense are clearly supporting the same side. They both opposed Assad and supported the pipeline from Qatar. They created and armed a terrorist organization to overthrow him.

  6. I remember in Rambo III (1988) when the mujahideen were represented as the good guys that Rambo and team USA were supporting by delivering RPG’s to defeat the Soviets. Rambo riding a horse with the horseman in Afghanistan lol. Fast forward a few years and the situation seemed to change. One day you might be a hero, the next an enemy, and then back to hero again, it is getting hard to keep up.

  7. There's no money to be made in stability and peace. That's why they push war.

    1. Actually there is. In times of peace everyone makes money. That's the problem. They want to make everyone poor.

    2. I mean from their point of view. For them. If you build weapons systems, there is a lot more money in war, they need replacing when they get blown up, or left behind in Afghanistan, or whatever else they can come up with to "need" to order more.

    3. That's very true. War profiteers profit from war.


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