Monday, December 9, 2024

The Rise of Racism and the Fall of Education

I'm going to throw something out there which I realize isn't going to be very popular but I think it's something that needs to be said. I noticed someone retweeted something Marc Emery posted on X and I was shocked. I've attached a screen shot of what Marc said. 

He states that: "1981 census, Vancouver was 85% white. 2021 census, Vancouver was 43% white. The city built & inhabited by white European immigrants for a century was lost in a mere 40 years." AYFKM? Holy boiling frogs batman look at how far we've fallen. I can't believe he said that. How is that OK? 

"The city built & inhabited by white European immigrants"??? Who do you think built the railway? Hard working Asian immigrants who were totally exploited. We are seeing very polarized extremes. On one side we have liberals trying to make white people feel ashamed for being white, then on the other extreme we have crazy statements like this. 

There are two separate issues on the table. One is the recent spike in mass migration of government sponsored migrants without criminal record checks and the other is steady vetted immigration of hard working immigrants who contribute to society. 

I've recently talked about this but it's clear we need to talk a bit more about it because some of you have lost your f*cking mind. First let's talk about gradual immigration between 1981 and 2021.

As Marc admits Canada was built by immigration. I'm sure the First Nations weren't entirely happy about that. All these white immigrants. So Canada has had a constant influx of immigration. Marc isn't complaining about white immigrants, he's complaining about non white immigrants. That's where he's lost his mind. 

As I keep saying, anyone who has traveled knows that white people are the minority in the world. As Canada continues to grow through immigration, the percentage of white people compared to new immigrants will continue to decrease. That's normal. Complaining about that is archaic. It is uneducated. Talking that kind of nonsense is as he admits somewhat self defeating because white people are the minority now. So all the nonwhites probably aren't going to vote for the white guy complaining about non white immigrants. 

Before all this extremism started the leftists kept going on about racists and neo-Nazis and we were like STFU there are no white supremacists and neo-Nazis. Well now there are and they are Neanderthals. I was raise to believe in the great Canadian Mosaic.  Everyone is equal and everyone has their own unique heritage. I still believe in that Canada. 

Surrey has greatly benefitted from immigration. Do you remember what Surrey was like? Do you remember the Whalley Burnouts? White trash under achievers. Surrey used to have a bad reputation for crime. Surrey jokes were everywhere. People would say Vancouver got a new prison. They put a fence around Surrey. Immigration has greatly improved Surrey. 

They're trying to divide us and turn us into racists and by the looks of it they are succeeding. Mass government sponsored migration is a different matter. We can't afford to feed people who can but refuse to work. No one can. The WEF is using mass sponsored migration to bankrupt each country so they can usher in their New World Order. 

Ireland is the perfect example. Small towns are being doubled in size from migrants which wouldn't be so bad if they were all working and contributing to society but they're not. That's the problem. One of the posts Marc retweeted was a claim that "last night 10,000 migrants slept safe and warm in a Niagra or Montreal hotel." Is that true? That's a concern. Bringing in that many government sponsored migrants all at once is a recipe for disaster. Everyone has to pay their own way. 

If someone wants to come here and work, by all means let them. If they just want to come here to commit crime and collect welfare then deport them. It's that simple. Marc and a lot of people like him spend too much time scouring the Internet for extreme examples to justify their extreme response. It's a whole lot of obsessing over extremism and it doesn't sound very healthy or enlightened to me. 

Marc has been posting a lot about the Daniel Penny case. I haven't been following it but it appears to be a tragedy. Jordan Neely was a black homeless man creating a scene on a New York Subway. Daniel Penny is a vet who took him down in a rear choke. Tragically the homeless man died. You can't call Daniel Penny a hero in this case. He's not a hero and he's not a villain. It was a tragic accident. 

There's no side to choose here. BLM threatening to riot if he's acquitted is extreme. Praising him as a hero is also extreme. This kind of division is exactly what the WEF wants. We need to rise above it. Rioting and looting is never acceptable. That's what the WEF wants. 

Candace Owens is anti BLM. I am not. I'm anti ANTIFA. We all saw how BLM was highjacked by ANTIFA and Communists. Yet as soon as BLM went anti vax they lost their fake news endorsement. Black lives do matter. Black Conservatives saved America from white liberals in the last election. We need to celebrate that. 

Marc's initial complaint about a lower percentage of white people in Vancouver is some what ironic. What about Bob Marley and all the 420 Rastas? You want them to all leave too? That is ridiculous. Rastafarians are awesome. Bob Marley is a hero. One love yo. Remember that and stop pissing on the dream.


  1. It is interesting that most people don’t know the “father” of BC and first Governor General of BC James Douglas was mixed raced. His mother was from Barbados of African decent, his ancestry was described as a West Indies Scotchman. Some of the first settlers here were men of African and Hawaiian decent who worked for Douglas. They were British citizens who could own land and did. The Hawaiians were known as Kanaka (eg Kanaka Park, Kanaka Bay, Kanaka Bar) and most likely the root of the term Canuck. Douglas had many battles with the USA and encouraged Black and Hawaiian americans to come to BC after they lost their land when Britian ceded Oregon and Washington to the USA. Interesting how this BC history has been whitewashed.

    1. And he wasn't the only one, but is that really what we are talking about here? Even by Emery's stats one in five were not white even back in 1981.

    2. No, it's not. And Dennis knows it. The publicly floated "idea" (if we can call it that) of the Liberal Party and their Globalist buddies was that Canada could easily absorb these numbers but they were figuring it on the basis of all the newbies being spread out nation wide. Any fool can see the history of new immigrants from anywhere, in any new country, are not going to do that, they will tend to cluster up, and then on top of that the VLM is the only place in the whole country that isn't sub zero for half the year. It was pretty predictable, and that means they did it on purpose. The reasons they did it are obvious, accepting them is another, and like a lot of globalist stuff, a lot of folks are still in denial, having been "educated" to a certain belief.

    3. In other news, pretty much most of the EU is suspending refugee applications from Syrians.

    4. 9:24 AM: I don't agree with all that. Excessive numbers of unvetted migrants is a concern. However, Vancouver hasn't sen that. Vancouver has seen steady migration which is normal. Montreal and Ontario have the mass migrants housed in hotel's. That's messed up. They have intentionally created a problem and have achieved their desired result. Racism is increasing now. Personally I think Lilly Singh said it best back in the day. Let's make education great again:

    5. I can name 3 hotels in Vancouver that were bought and used for migrants.
      This is Vancouver's problem too.

      Let's not sugarcoat idealism and the crazy number of immigrants this idiot has let in.

    6. Well then name them. Let's not lie. The truth is bad enough.

    7. Ramada on hastings is one.
      Full of homeless and migrants.

      Officially it's homeless only.

    8. OK that's a different matter because homelessness in the DTES is off the hook. I know they bought the Drake from the Hells Angels for social housing and paid them twice what it was worth. It's probably gone up several times since then:

    9. I live in the area it's not just DTES homeless.
      It's migrants as well.

      There is another much larger hotel on Kingsway being used for the same purpose.

      The government officially states for homelessness as it flys under the radar.

    10. The migrants I know here are refugees who are being sponsored and receive government cheques. They don't live in a homeless shelter.

    11. That may very well be your experience.

      And the unsponsored refugee claimant who needs immediate housing?

      Or the el Salvador street dealer who is awaiting his hearing on refugee or temporary resident status?

      All I can tell you is my experience.

      I have seen foreign speaking newcomers at both locations.

      Most were single men or a group of 2 or 3 men.

    12. The bottom line is I support immigration. All these unvetted migrants getting money from the government is another thing. The el Salvador street dealer is working for the Hells Angels so let's not get racial. Excessive migrants getting money from the government has caused a rise in racism which I reject. Surrey has benefited from immigration. I support the Canadian mosaic.


    Marc Emery should read some history.


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