Saturday, December 21, 2024

Jeffrey Sachs and the UN's definition of World Peace

I've seen two recent Israeli news articles denouncing Tucker Carlson for having Jeffrey Sachs on so I thought it would be worthwhile to separate the truth from the fiction. 

The Jerusalem Post and Haaretz both denounce Tucker Carlson's interview with Jeffrey Sachs claiming that by having Sachs on Tucker is supporting Holocaust Deniers' and Blood Libel Enthusiasts Who Oppose the State of Israel.  I'm not even sure what a Blood Libel enthusiast is but I think it has to do with a branch of antisemitism that believe Jews are Satanic. 

I've come a cross a few of those and I do consider them crazy. I also consider Holocaust Deniers crazy and offensive. However, I would say that to claim everyone who opposes Netanyahu is antisemitic or a Holocaust denier is somewhat absurd. 

First of all, Jeffrey Sachs is Jewish. Some of the articles denouncing him call him a self loathing Jew. I wonder if they would call George Soros the same thingI am very concerned with Jeffrey Sachs's blind endorsement of the UN's New World Order. Their definition of world peace is insane.

The UN's Sustainable Development goals have absolutely nothing to do with protecting the environment. They are fake environmentalism fabricated to justify abolishing civil liberty in support of the UN's Communist Agenda. So why is Tucker Carlson interviewing a UN Communist? 

Jeffrey Sachs calls Netanyahu's war in Gaza a genocide. It is. That doesn't make him a Holocaust Denier and Blood Libel Enthusiast. All the Jews in Israel protesting Netanyahu are not Holocaust Deniers and Blood Libel Enthusiasts. 

This is where we see the cunning plan unfold. The WEF is propping up Netanyahu's expansionism to justify the UN's ultimate attack on Israel. Both sides have an Agenda.

Israel has a right to their homeland. So do the Palestinians. The problem is neither group has an exclusive right and Netanyahu's expansionism has nothing to do with Zionism.

The UN is a Communist organization we should withdraw from.


  1. I believe withdrawing from the UN is part of what Trump has planned for the Americans. If he can pull it off maybe it will be easier for us to do the same.

    1. It would. Sadly whoever is elected after him would rejoin.

  2. Wont have to worry about that for awhile
    Left isn’t going to get back
    In for awhile

  3. I think the point to take home is that all their hard work and infiltration needs to be undone so that if people ever do forget and elect such people again, they'll have to start all over again against a citizenry and culture not especially receptive to their message.


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