Thursday, December 26, 2024

Hells Angels associate killed in Mexico

The National Post is reporting that "A wanted Canadian man with alleged ties to the Hells Angels and cocaine trafficking was shot and killed in broad daylight in a Mexican Riviera resort town on Saturday."

"According to local authorities, 39-year-old Mathieu Bélanger of Repentigny, Que., had left a gym in Playa del Carmen’s residential area and was entering his SUV when two people arrived and opened fire before fleeing on a motorcycle."

Someone sent me a link after I saw it on the Dirty News' X but I wanted to wait until after Christmas to report it. We can scour the world for negative news at Christmas or we can focus on the positive. The choice is ours. The thing is it could have been anyone who ordered the hit because it's cheap to have someone killed in Central America for any reason.

The Toronto Sun states that "Journal de Montreal reports that Belanger was part of a cartel that exported massive quantities of cocaine to Quebec and the rest of Canada. The paper said he was a high-ranking member of the gang." That makes sense.

Last month it was reported that a drug dealer in Mexico said the Quebec Hells Angels were his best customer. That guy could of had him killed if he was cutting him out and getting it through another line. The club could have killed him. A BFM Mafia associate could have killed him. Anyone could have.

The National Post is presenting a bizarre Five Eyes Lies twist that sounds ridiculous. They are claiming that he was killed by Sinaloa Cartel’s Los Chapitos faction. "Bélanger is believed to have been associated with Fratrum, a criminal organization supplying the outlaw motorcycle club with narcotics."

They claim that "Police theorized the group wanted to take over territory in the city and used member-owned businesses to launder the illegal gains." OK that's ridiculous. Hells Angels associates go to Mexico to buy drugs not to compete with their suppliers. Is there a rivalry within the Sinaloa cartel? Perhaps. 

Mathieu Bélanger was busted in Mexico with Crystal meth April of this year. The Dirty News is reporting that "Bélanger was suspected to be part of a group named ‘Fratrum’, which was allegedly sponsored by full-patch HAMC member, Vincent Boulanger. Authorities suspected Fratrum had an initiative to take control of territories on the island of Montreal." 

That makes much more sense. Vincent Boulanger is white.

The National Post says "Sources told Le Journal de Montréal that Bélanger maintained a close relationship with Seeyomak Salemi-Seyfeddine, a Fratrum leader who goes by The Persian and is said to have close ties with the Hells Angels."

This is where it starts to get shady. Seeyomak is Persian. Persians who sell drugs are working for the CIA not the Iranian government. In Operation Fast and Furious the ATF were working for the CIA. The CIA corrupts the ATF so it can disband the ATF and take over that jurisdiction. The same with the FBI. 

The Dirty News is correctly observing that Samy Tamouro, another Quebec Hells Angels associate was murdered in Mexico at a gym right before Christmas last year. 

Although Samy Tamouro was tied to the Hells Angels he was tied to the old Rizzuto faction. It appears that after Vito's death the Quebec Hells Angels have joined the Ontario Hells Angels in supporting the Calabrians out of Hamilton. 


  1. Easier to get rid of them by sending them down there on a holiday.....

  2. As an expat for 6 years in Mexico involved in all kinds of stuff......both the good and bad of Mexican society laugh at "Big White Guys in Tattoo's."

    Sure they'll do any kind of business with you and accept your money but that's all it will ever be.

    Until they accept you, after you have put the time in to learn the language and culture you will only be a dollar bill.

    1. Or a corpse, if someone back home wants you dead. "Hey we need you to go down to Mexico...."

    2. Lol ya big white guys don't have any power 🙄

    3. I'm not sure what you mean by power but steroids don't make you bullet proof. It's like the young Japanese girl from Kendo that took one look at me, giggled and said oh big target. When it comes to guns, big guys are big targets.

  3. Thay dont play around in mexico alot of BC gangsters have been killed in mexico too over the years.

  4. I doubt this happened because a high ranking H.A member tried to take over territory from the cartels..... this politics is way closer to home BFM related most likely.... high ranking H.A members not long ago had a little meet and greet down in Mexico with you know who of who's and I can't imagine B.M.F was pleased.


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