Friday, December 6, 2024

Submachine guns seized in Surrey drug bust

The Surrey Now Leader is reporting that "Police in Surrey are trumpeting another drug bust, this one involving the seizure of three submachine guns, three shotguns, 700 pounds of dried cannabis, $145,000 cash, psilocybin chocolate bars and more."

"Weeks later, the drug unit intercepted a second shipment at the same site, leading to the search of a home on Stevens Drive in West Vancouver." Nice to see Tom Zillich is still around.

"A 29-year-old man was arrested there, according to a Surrey RCMP news release, and investigators seized cash, guns, ammunition, 1,000-plus bars of psilocybin chocolate ("magic mushrooms") and large bags filled with cannabis. The Oct. 10 search was done with the assistance of Surrey Gang Enforcement Team."

"On Wednesday (Nov. 27), Surrey RCMP responded to questions about the "submachine" guns seized in the bust, and emailed an uncropped photo of the firearm pictured in the collage issued with Tuesday's news release, posted online."

"Some readers wondered if the pictured gun was, in fact, a submachine gun. It is, according to Sgt. Tammy Lobb, Surrey RCMP Media Relations Unit, after consulting with the RCMP Drug Unit and a former member of the National Weapons Enforcement Support Team (NWEST)."

"This firearm falls under the category of submachine gun as it is a lightweight portable, automatic or semi-automatic firearm that uses pistol-type ammunition and is fired from the hip or shoulder," explained Lobb."

Hold on. Our definition of a sub machine gun is fully automatic not semi automatic."The GSG-16 .22-caliber is currently legal to purchase in Canada; however, by definition it is a submachine gun because it is lightweight portable, automatic or semi-automatic firearm that uses pistol-type ammunition and is fired from the hip or shoulder." A semi automatic rifle does not become a sub machine gun if used in a crime or from the hip. 

That report was dated November 26th and today is December 6th. Guess what happened between then? The Surrey Police Service has taken over for the Surrey RCMP. Oh happy day. 

BTW there's no such thing as illegal pot just unlicensed.


  1. Lol. That's a semi auto. 22. I had one without the colapasble stock.

  2. Bill Blair
    You want to send “military style”
    To a real WAR your fool with are money.
    Like give in Drowning man buckets of concrete.​
    Canada on Thursday announced a ban on 324 models of assault weapons, granting an amnesty for their collection, with the aim of shipping them to Ukraine.
    Now your counting your chicken before there hatched.
    Gun buy back cheep you said.
    And we all remember the female RCMP
    That turned into a speed bump.

    1. Don't get me started on that. Say goodbye to Justin Trudeau.

    2. These power hungry fools never miss an opportunity to try and lie to to us about their intentions. I think this one is past it's "Use By" date, they've tried to steal our guns so many times so many different ways that no one believes anything they say anymore.

  3. Wow is that cop chick stupid.

    1. She's repeating what she's told to by the RCMP.

  4. I bought that .22 to teach my kid how to shoot. So silly

    1. That's what .22s are for. To teach kids how to shoot.

    2. Actually a 22 is a perfect wild chicken rifle (gophers,squirrels,small survival game also)
      I also found that if you've gotten in some bad shots ,it's a good way to shake the flinching from shooting big bore.

  5. Search was October 10th before the RCMP hand-over.


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