Sunday, July 10, 2016

Local man charged in West Kelowna shooting

In a recent batch of local shootings Kelowna Cap News reported that a 31 year old woman was shot in a west Kelowna home July 4th and that a 28 year old male had been taken into custody.

Now Kelowna Info News is reporting that "While a 31-year-old West Kelowna woman remains in hospital with a serious gunshot wound, police have laid charges against a 28-year-old suspect arrested near the scene. Evan Anthony Swite has been charged with aggravated assault and possession of a weapon while prohibited, according to a media release."

What I don't understand is when a man shoots a woman, why is he only charged with aggravated assault instead of attempted murder? Especially when he is in possession of a firearm he was previously banned from possessing. That means he has some kind of a record. Why is there a publication ban on that court case? What are they trying to hide?

In 2005 he was charged with Robbery and Assault causing bodily harm. In 2011 he was charged with uttering death threats, and in 2012 he was charged with Flight from a peace officer and Breach of undertaking or recognizance. He was later found guilty on all of those charges.

In 2014 he was charged with careless use or storage of a firearm as well as unauthorised possession of a firearm. February 2016 that case was set for trial. May 2015 he was once again charged with uttering threats to cause death or bodily harm. That case resulted in a stay of proceedings directed by Crown. So why is he now charged with assault not attempted murder?

Friday, July 8, 2016

Tony Blair takes the fall for the Iraq War

A new report resulting from a seven year inquiry has slammed Tony Blair for supporting the unlawful invasion of Iraq based on a lie. Obviously this is nothing new. The report is and it's rekindling quite an uproar in England. It reopens the murder of the whistleblower Dr Kelly.

The Telegraph is reporting that Tonly Blair could be impeached and put on 'trial' in Parliament to account for his actions in front of MPs and peers. Hmmm, he's no longer Prime minister. Putting him on trial in front of the peers who supported his criminal act wouldn't be very accountable. In contrast the Independent is reporting that Tony Blair could be sued for 'every penny' by families of soldiers killed in Iraq War. Now we're talking. Him and George Bush Jr both. After all Tony Blair was just doing what George Bush asked him to do. That's why he won the CONgressional award for deception. Blair was the forerunner for Operation Mass appeal where MI 6 knowingly sent out false press releases about Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction to sell the lie to the public. The problem is, Tony Blair is gone but MI 6 and the CIA isn't. Sue them.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Justice Institute harassment case goes to trial.

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that "A UN gang associate accused of being the mastermind of a campaign of terror against people linked to the Justice Institute of B.C. is expected to plead guilty to the charges. In September, Vincent Eric Gia-Hwa Cheung, 40, was arrested and charged with 23 counts related to a series of arsons and shootings targeting the homes and vehicles of police officers and others with ties to the New Westminster institution."

This all stems from a bizarre campaign of violence that targeted people who worked at the Justice Institute. The article states Police said in some cases the victims had simply parked their cars at the Justice Institute to take their children to a nearby daycare. I'm somewhat baffled by the motive. A previous article stated that two men were arrested and Police said the motive would come out in court. Not if they plead guilty. However, the second man's case will go to trial so hopefully the motive will come out then.

The article states "he (Cheung) has had associations with people in gangs for a very long time." Knowing people who are gang associates doesn't necessarily make you a gang associate.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Rob Sidhu and Judge John Lenaghan

Rob Sidhu is a bit of a local celebrity. He's a dirty cop that was convicted in the United States for cocaine trafficking tied to the Hells Angels. He was handed an eight year sentence in the US. Prior to that Judge John Lenaghan let him walk away free in Canada on impersonation charges. In that case he falsely represented himself as an active member of the RCMP after he had left the force to obtain information about the Bacon brothers location. Hells Angels lawyer Matthew Nathanson represented him in that case and Judge John Lenaghan let him off.

The Water Crimes blog as well as the Citizens against the BCIMC blog have both expressed concerns about Judge John Lenaghan's personal bias. Just like Peter Leask.

Update: Gordon Clark from the Vancouver Province just wrote an editorial about judicial accountability. More and more people are speaking about the issue because it keeps coming up over and over again. Judges need to be accountable to the people who pay their wages. This judicial arrogance needs to subside.

Shooting fatality in Surrey

1130 News is reporting that "Homicide investigators have been called in to investigate a death in Surrey’s Bog Park. The man’s body was found at the park at 130th Street and 98th Avenue around 2 p.m. yesterday. IHIT says he “appeared to be the victim of a gunshot wound.” The victim has been identified as 27-year-old Brendan Chand. Investigators say several people reported hearing gunshots in the area as early as 10:30 p.m. on Saturday."

In 2014 the Vancouver Province reported that Brenden Chand was a drug dealer who shot a man in the back as he was fleeing from him in a busy SkyTrain station in Burnaby. The Surrey Now confirms that this homicide victim is the same drug dealer who was convicted in the 2011 shooting which has also been confirmed by CKNW and the CBC.

Update: The was also a suspicious death in Prince George.

Shots fired in south Vancouver 12:30 a.m. Wednesday. CBC is reporting that police found a black SUV riddled with bullet holes at East 59th Avenue and Fraser Street.

Kelowna Cap News is reporting that a 31 year od woman was shot in a west Kelowna home and a 28 year old male has been taken into s=custody.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Vancouver White Crane

While still on the subject of diversity, I have to pass on a recommendation for a magnificent martial arts school and instructor in Vancouver who is keeping the old traditions alive. Before my son went abroad he told me he met a really buff and realy cool martial arts instructor from Jamaica he was taking classes from. He said I'd like him. He was right.

Hugh is a really buff and really cool brother from Jamaica dripping in wisdom who teaches traditional White Crane Kung Fu in Vancouver. He was trained by grandmaster Vincent Chow. Elianna Lev from the Vancouver Observer wrote an article about him.

I came in for a drop in and was significantly impressed. He is indeed very buff, very cool and his thought provoking wisdom is indeed inspiring. He had a background in fitness and kickboxing and was looking for something else. He had the aggression. He wanted to learn how to control it. He found that in White Crane Kung Fu. His dojo is located at the corner of Kingsway and Fraser street. The actual address is 657 East 15th street right beside the Lion's Den cafe.

His dojo is awesome. He's got heavy bags and a speed bag all set up on one side right beside his harley davidson and an open wooden floor with lots of mirrors to self reflect and practice the traditional art. During the drop in class he had the Fugees playing in the background. I smiled and said to my son, do you remember this and he nodded. I used to play it all the time when he and his sister were young. I picked up a few new moves I can use in my own personal daily rituals following Dan Inosanto's advice to absorb what is useful.

Previously we were talking about how some people like to meditate. That was a rage when I was young. I tried it out but my mind would always wander and I'd just fall asleep. I guess I just wasn't on that higher spiritual plane. Hugh had us meditate while standing on one foot with our arms stretched out. That I could do. It gave my brain something to do while I meditated. He asked me what I was doing that day and I told him about my schedule that at first appeared somewhat conflicted. Without hesitation he said no, that's alright. You spend time with your kids, you spend time with your friends and you do what makes you happy. Everything is in balance. So now whenever I assume that pose I picture myself juggling my conflicted schedule and being at complete peace about it. It really helped me put things into perspective.

So yesterday I rode down there to thank him for helping me put things into perspective and for taking my son under his wing. We had previously discussed Caribbean food which goes well with Guinness stout. He smiled and said yes that was tue. Then said back in Jamaica we have another kind of beer which is even better than Guinness called Dragon stout. When he said that I smiled and thought to myself yeah right. People told me about this local beer called Dead frogs and said how that was just like a Guinness. I tried it and I have to admit it is a good dark beer but it's not a Guinness. So I wanted to try this Dragon stout for myself.

So yesterday I took him out for a beer and some curry goat at the Reef on Main Street and was pleasantly surprised. This Dragon stout is awesome. I could almost say it's even better than a Guinness. Although my fears might hold me back a bit I have to admit it does qualify.

During dinner he asked me what I did on Canada Day so I told him. He just nodded without passing judgement. After dinner we walked over to my bike. Realizing that he meditated I told him how I just couldn't understand how someone would want to stop someone from meditating. Without hesitation he looked at me and said you don't understand why they would want to stop people from doing that? Yeah I just don't get it I said. He then asked what do people do when they meditate. They think I said. Then the epiphany. That's it. They don't want people thinking for themselves I said. Exactly he replied. All of a sudden it all made sense. Peace.

On a point of interest, the Sandhill Crane is migratory. Burns bog (which is on fire again) is one of their nesting sites. That's why people want to protect it. Pitt Meadows used to be another popular site for the Cranes but development has dramatically reduced their migratory populations.

Ladner and Tsawwassen are an important migratory stop for the Snowy Owls just like Brackendale and Harrison River is for Eagles. There is a huge amount of wetlands in Tsawwassen that are important migratory stopovers for a lot of endangered species that the Province just flipped into industrial ready to pave it all over and kill their habitat. It's so short sighted. We need to protect the old ways and the endangered species before they are lost forever.

Bonny Portmore is an Irish traditional folk song which laments the demise of Ireland's old oak forests. Loreena McKennitt sang a wonderful rendition of that song with the harp. Skellig is another one of her songs Reflecting on the sands of time.

Chibi Taiko

Speaking of diversity, as I was riding into Vancouver yesterday along Kingsway I saw an eagle flying over head and heard some drums so I pulled over to have a look. It was the Chibi Taiko drummers performing. They were magnificent. I like drums and Taiko drums are awesome. Chibi means little kid and Taiko means big drum so Chibi Taiko is Canada's first youth taiko group based in Vancouver. They will also be performing today at 12:15 in Maple Ridge.

I moved to Surrey from North Vancouver when I was in grade five. Growing up in Elementary school my best friend was Japanese. It was just normal. Later on we lost contact and I had another good friend who was also Japanese. He became the best man at my wedding I was the best man at his. I spoke at his wedding and quoted Martin Luther King who dreamed of the day when a man would be judged by the content of his character not by the colour of his skin. I assured both families that my friend was indeed a man of honour.

I realize that historically there is some hard feelings between China and Japan as well as between Korea and Japan. As my father would say, the war is over. That was a long time ago. Japan paid bitterly for their aggressiveness with Hiroshima and Nagasaki and have endured many hardships of their own. It's time to move forward in peace.

Canada hasn't always been a place of perfect polite tolerance. During the war all of the Japanese Canadians were rounded up into concentration camps and their land was taken from them. That was before my time. I never knew or understood that growing up with Japanese friends. I later found out that the best man at my wedding had family on Salt Spring Island who had all their land taken from them. Although the family finally got an apology many years later, their land was never returned to them. That was tragic and stands as a reminder of how we need to be honest about our past so we can rise above it.

The paper crane has become an international symbol of healing and peace. I didn't realize Sadako's last name was Sasaki. That is the last name of my childhood friend growing up. What happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was horrible and we need to make sure something like that never happens again. Diversity makes us strong. Peace.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Supporting the Falun Gong Protest on Canada Day

I met with some of the Falun Gong Protesters outside the Chinese Consulate in Vancouver today. I just wanted to make sure everyone understood the parameters of the court order. The City made a bylaw saying the protesters couldn't walk away and leave signs up over night. The court order did not say they couldn't stand there with a sign in a peaceful protest. No bylaw could order that because it would violate the Canadian Charter of Rights which is the highest law of the land.

I realized these kind and polite people were being bullied so I met with them and said it's OK, you can stand under my umbrella. Combining the symbolism from the Umbrella Revolution in Hong Kong with the Rihanna and Jay Z song Under my Umbrella. Rihanna shed some tears in Dublin.

Today the Finian Commission launched a new campaign spotlighting Communist China. I did an interview explaining the campaign with the Epoch Times and a Chinese television station. The bottom line is that these people are being persecuted in China. The government of China says they're a cult so they deserve it. That is ridiculous.

Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong) is a new form of Buddhism that believes in cultivating three Chinese virtues: Zhen, Shan, Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance). There is nothing bad or cultlike in that. Christianity is widely accepted around the world and when Christ was on the earth they said he was leading a cult. He said if they have called the Master of the house Beelzebub, how much more so shall they call them of his household.

So just what is Falun Gong's crime? They like to meditate. I kid you not. Their campaign is simple. At they state "Today in China, people who practice Falun Dafa face imprisonment, torture, or even death. If you think anyone should be free to meditate without fear of persecution, post your support to Facebook, Twitter, or any social media." They sugest posting a picture of you meditating on their Twitter account.

I remember during the Vancouver Occupy demonstration there was a group of peaceful protesters that were simply sitting there meditating. It is impossible for us to conceive how that could possibly be banned. A few years ago as I was on my way home from a TELUS demonstration in Burnaby, I saw a group of quite, polite Asians standing with signs. No one was paying any attention to them so I pulled over to have a look at what their signs said. I was shocked. They were listing numerous atrocities the Communist government has done in China. It was so sad no one was paying any attention to these kind polite people. Their concerns were very real. That's how I found out about the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in the Epoch Times.

Today they have a new serious complaint. They claim that political prisoners under the Communist government are being tortured and even murdered for organ harvesting. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. The Finian Commission will be conducting a public inquiry into the matter. This is a copy of the initial report. The protesters are outside the Vancouver Consulate on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 1:30 PM and 3:30 PM. Hear them.

Epoch Times: Up to 1.5 Million Killed by Chinese Regime for Their Organs, Report Reveals

The Goddess of Democracy statue was first erected during the Tiananmen square protest.

UBC’s statue outside the SUB, the Goddess of Democracy, was holding an umbrella durring the Hong Kong protest in support of that cause. Cantonese is spoken in Hong Kong. Mainland China is trying to kill the language and replace it with Mandarin. Hong Kong may never gain their independence but they should be able to speak whatever language they choose.

China has a problem with overpopulation. Instead of forcing people to have abortions or executing prisoners of conscience, maybe they should just let people move? Maybe that would be a more peaceful solution to their problem. Every major city in the world has a Chinatown. Chinese culture is already influencing the entire world and that is a good thing. Diversity is the spice of life. If you only let families have one child and everyone has abortions if they have a girl, in one generation, who on earth are your men going to marry? It's not a very smart policy . Peace.

Update: Epoch Times article on the Canada Day Protest

English translation of the article in the Epoch Times

NTDTV Canada Day Article

English translation of NTDTV Article

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Lady Gaga banned by Communist China

The Guardian is reporting that Lady Gaga has reportedly been added to a list of hostile foreign forces banned by China’s Communist party after she met with the Dalai Lama to discuss yoga. Communist China banns love, kindness, and compassion. Go figure.

Meanwhile back on the ranch, the Independent is reporting that "The Chinese government continues to illegally harvest organs from millions of its innocent prisoners despite saying it had ended the practice two years ago, a decade-long study has alleged. Experts estimate between 60,000 and 100,000 prisoners of conscience are executed annually and have their hearts, livers and other organs removed to use for transplants."

This report conforms concerns that local protesters in Vancouver expressed which the Harper government pressured the city of Vancouver into shutting down so he could sell our oil rights to the Communist dictatorship. Whatever happened to the Hong Kong protest? It was shut down.

Asians in Vancouver are concerned about Communist China's human rights abuses. Why isn't Gregor Robertson? Surely he can relate now that they arested his girlfriend's mother on "coruption" charges. His girlfriend is Tourism Vancouver's ambassador for China.

Report into allegations of organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners in China

Finian Commission Spotlight on Communist China

Don't worry. You can stand under my umbrella.

UBC’s statue, the Goddess of Democracy, was holding an umbrella today

"Those who never fought for freedom shall never know the taste of it."

Janette Wu loses security clearance

Speaking of the elephant in the room, here's another case that smells pretty fishy. The National Post is reporting that "A woman who lost her security clearance allowing access to restricted areas at the Vancouver International Airport - and with it her job with airport ground services - because she was once married to a member of the Hells Angels."

This case isn't just the epitome of hypocrisy, it smells downright fishy. The ex wife of a member of the Hells Angels loses her security clearance at the airport while full patch Hells Angels are allowed port passes to work at the docks. That is unequal enforcement of the law.

Another example is Mindi Niedermeiser, the B.C. border guard who partied with the Hells Angels, had been previously fired by the Canada Border Services Agency for misconduct but was reinstated after an appeal. So we have active members of the Hells Angels and their associates obtaining security clearances they shouldn't while someone who is clearly no longer affiliated with the club or never was is denied a security clearance. Something doesn't add up.

When the "New" BC Gang task force runs interference for the Hells Angels in the press, one has to wonder what side they are really on? If they are now compromised like the EPS perhaps we should contract out Alberta's Gang Task force ALERT since they are still putting the pressure on the Hells Angels despite the fact that the BC Gang Task force has stopped. It comes as no big surprise. We saw the writing on the all after the Kelowna Summer Jam. They did such a good job busting David Giles and that stolen car ring in Kelowna the Christy Clark government disbanded the OMGU (Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Unit) and cut funding to the gang task force. Every time a police task force found organized crime a government body disbanded that police task force.

There is no way this woman who is now remarried to a US Sheriff poses any security risk at the airport whatsoever. What is more likely is that the club doesn't want her there in case she recognized someone like Villy trying to smuggle a gun on a plane and alerts the authorities. It's more likely that the HAs wanted her out and the gang task force accommodated them. Just like how they will kick a Hells Angels associate out of a bar under Barwatch but not an actual patch holder. It is also sad to see how much influence the Hells Angels have over the courts. It is reminiscent of Peter Leask and Ron Skolrood. If it looks like a fish, swims like a fish and smells like a fish, odds are something fishy is indeed going on.