Monday, February 7, 2011

Darcy Taylor's Absolute Discharge is Absolute Bullshit

Sergeant Darcy Taylor. A Sergeant with 21 years on the force had an assault conviction but was given an absolute discharge in Vancouver provincial court on Friday.

A widely-distributed surveillance video showed him running across the street and striking innocent bystander Justin Wachtel in the head and knocking him over.

Defence counsel Kevin Woodall told the court it happened during an "adrenalized" moment brought on by a "chaotic" situation. The judge agreed: "The circumstances must be taken into account. He was attempting to control an unruly, aggressive crowd. For a few brief moments he lost control.

This is absolutely insane. Full of adrenalin is not an excuse. It's a bad rationalization like the other cops who assaulted and robbed an innocent civilian in an unprovoked attack who said they had ten and twenty drinks each. All that means is that they are drunks as well as criminals.

It's a good thing Taylor isn't a soldier. I can see it now: We were engaged in a firefight with the enemy and I ran across the street and shot an innocent civilian in the head. I was swept away with adrenaline of the moment. If that happened in the military he'd be court marshaled.

The whole point of police training is to be able to diffuse situations not inflame them. Clearly that is not being taught any more in their training. Clearly they need to fire their use of force trainers and send new ones to be trained under the retired VPD Ninja John McKay.

At first I though absolute discharge meant he was fired from the VPD but he doesn't get a criminal record. That was fair I thought. But no. Absolute discharge means he gets sweet fuck all. That decision is a slap in the face of public interest. And the people said... absolutely nothing. They just bowed their head in shame while David Pendleton and Darcy Taylor just pissed on a good soldiers grave. Lest we forget.

They say the truth will set you free. Well I'm not seeing it. Not with our judicial system.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Drug Dealer gets Five Years for Sexual Assault

Today's headline sounds frighteningly familiar to another with one important detail left out. It was reported today in the Vancouver Province as well as in the Maple Ridge Times that a drug dealer named Victor Joseph Reis, 42, was convicted in September of sexual assault and unlawful confinement with a weapon in connection with an incident that took place two years ago.

I'm not sure why it made the news today. Perhaps he was convicted last September but he wasn't sentenced until now. My point is, the incident happened two years ago and sounds a lot like a similar incident where a man viciously sexually assaulted a prostitute in Maple Ridge. I can't pull the names because the link to the article in the Vancouver Province on my blog post at the time has been completely removed from their archives.

There has been a publication ban on the name of the victim. That is totally understandable. Initially it was reported the victim was a prostitute. This time it was reported she was a crack and heroine addict. It could be two different cases but I find the location and the details to be extremely similar.

In the other case the Vancouver Province reported that the assailant told the victim that her husband owed money to the Hells Angels and should be fearful of his life. As I said then, just because someone says they are with the Hells Angels doesn't mean they are. However, if this guy really was selling drugs, it would be unlikely he was selling drugs for anyone but the Hells Angels since we have seen they get violent over that kind of thing. If he was selling drugs and if the victim or her husband had a drug debt to him, it could be very possible they had a drug debt to the Hells Angels if that is who he sold drugs for.

The other story as I said has been removed from the archives of the Vancouver Province. If anyone can find a copy of it on the Internet, please send me the link.It was published December 17, 2009. The Maple Ridge News published a similar article on 16 Sep 2010 entitled Drug Dealer Guilty of Rape.


Found it. The other case was Raymond Latreille not Victor Joseph Reis so they are clearly two different cases. The two seperate szexual assaults booth occurred in Maple Ridge durring the week of August 29 2008.

Friday, February 4, 2011

City of Vancouver gave the Hells Angels $2 million

I'm all for social housing. At fist glance the City of Vancouver buying the Drake hotel and turning it into social housing is a wonderful idea. But wait a minute. They bought it from the Hells Angels and they paid more than twice what it's worth. So once again money allotted for the poor in East Van goes straight into organized crime's pocket.

There are two separate issues on the table. The City bought an old hotel to turn into social housing, that is a good thing. Them buying it from a criminal organization is not a good thing. Neither is paying that criminal organization more than twice it's worth. From the outside it looks like the City just paid the Hells Angels a $2 million bribe.

That's $2 million of taxpayers money. That's $2 million of tax money earmarked for social housing that just went up in smoke. Corruption or a mistake? Your guess is as good as mine. Regardless of it being a mistake, that is a huge amount of money. Which brings us back to the proceeds of crime.

East Vancouver President John Bryce was the registered owner of the Drake hotel. Where are the financial records showing how he or how his organization made that much money to own that hotel?

Kinda like the Giles Remple case in Kelowna. David Giles was caught on a wiretap stating that Revelle made him $30,000.oo in several months. Giles' lawyer said that only proves Revelle worked for Giles. OK, if Revelle worked for Giles what did he do to earn that kind of money if the cocaine the police seized had nothing to do with it? Where are the financial records showing what legitimate business venture they are involved in that earns that kind of money in that short a period of time?

John Bryce, David Giles and a Ship load of Cocaine

What do John Bryce, David Giles, a ship load of cocaine and Oakland California all have in common? The Hells Angels. David Giles is a longtime member of the East Vancouver chapter of the Hells Angels and has been caught on wiretap claiming a cocaine dealer in Kelowna made him $30,000.00 in several months.

John Bryce in one of the original members of the East Vancouver chapter and is currently the chapter president. He insists he has done nothing illegal. Others claim he is well insulated. His son Jonathan plead guilty to extortion and cocaine trafficking. I've heard of a father taking a fall for a son but not a son taking the fall for his father. That shows you what kind of guy Bryce is.

Sonny Barger is the founder of the Oakland chapter of the Hells Angels. The San Fransisco Bay area has been the birthplace of the group. Clearly John Bryce, David Giles and the Oakland chapter are all connected in some way to the Hells Angels as was the ship load of 2 and 1/2 tons of cocaine that was bound for the Hells Angels in BC.

One source claimed the ship load of cocaine involved John Bryce and David Giles. I never really thought about that before. If it was Hells Angels cocaine like they claim, then surely whoever was in charge of the Hells Angels at the time would be involved with it. We do know that Bryce and Giles were local leaders at the time. However right now the only official connection between the two and the event is that they all had some kind of connection to the Hells Angels.

Which leads us to the next chapter of the ongoing saga: Does Giles have beef with Bryce? If so, how far will it go?

Seattle Police Brutality

Seattle had a town hall meeting about their police brutality last night where the people demanded the resignation of the police chief. They haven't just been beating civilians in unprovoked attacks they have been shooting them. Even though we complain about our system a lot we don't have to look very far to see someone who has it worse.

Sadly it appears their brutality problem is racial. At least that's not the case here. Here police will give a cracker the boots just as fast as anyone else. Sadly the Ottawa incident could have been racial. That's something we don't like to even consider let alone talk about. One would think society has evolved out of the stone age by now.

There was an interesting letter from one of the victims of police brutality in Seattle who survived. It references some of the corruption in their political system there. Shocking allegations indeed. One would think they were talking about a third world country not the US of A.

I remember speaking with a Seattle cop in the /80's when crack houses were all over south Seattle. He had been putting pressure on the crack dealers there and was transferred behind a desk. He thought his transfer was suspicious.

Is there another reason police in Vancouver let the Black Door and the crack dealers at the Carnegie centre stay in business? I don't know.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lunar New Year

Happy New Year Vancouver. Time to get out there and celebrate our diversity as the Tiger concedes to the Rabbit for a new year that is upon us.

Perhaps we need a few more drums and a few more firecrackers to chase away all the evil spirits that have been haunting us. 2009 saw a spike in the gang violence. 2010 saw a drop in murders but it certainly continued. Unfortunately the drop in murders wasn't a result of less crime, it was a result of one side winning leaving the rest to be oppressed by the Big Red Machine.

My predictions for 2011 are simple: More lies, more denial and more betrayal all driven by unbridled greed. A wild fire that is consuming our province. Just what has our society become? It's sad when people are more outraged when someone cuts down a tree or kicks a dog then they are about human life.

If the Hells Angels went into Stanley Park and started clear cutting the trees there, Vancouver would riot. Why then do we turn a blind eye when they cut down human life? What happened to our social conscience?

Don Lyons back in Business

OK my mistake. Someone sent me this photo and I was under the impression that is was of Don Lyons. So who is the guy with Chad in the HA shirt?


Well, Don Lyons is back in black. I mean red and white. Donnie plead guilty to trafficking cocaine. Court documents claim Lyons belonged to the Independent Soldiers and was Lester Jones' primary source for drugs. Lester was the vice president of the Kelowna Hells angels at the time.

Robertson purchased several kilograms of cocaine through Jones before arranging a drug buy with Lyons in a Kelowna hotel room. Police video cameras captured Lyons exchanging 1 kg of cocaine for $26,000. Another key bites the dust. Plenty more where that came from ain't there Skelletor.

I'm having trouble with the math. Lyons got a 8 and 1/2 year sentence. The judge gave him double credit of 30 months for time served, reducing his remaining sentence to six years. That was in April 2009. Two thirds of six years would be four not two. So how come he's out now?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Boycott the Black Door

Here's one you won't read in the paper because it wasn't reported to the police. A couple weeks ago three men claiming to represent the Hells Angels stormed in to the American Backpackers Hostel on Pender street in Vancouver. They had guns drawn and demanded to know where one of the residents were. He's not here they replied. We know he lives here they insisted. He has been selling pot and he hasn't been selling it for us. Tell him he has to leave town and tell everyone else they can't buy from anyone else any more unless they buy from us at the Black Door.

They made a huge production about it waiting outside for several hours waiting for him to return. The poor kid and many others from the hostel left town. This is another example of greed. I have no problem with the Hells Angels selling pot. I have a problem with them selling crack. I have a problem saying no one else is allowed to sell pot but them and if you want to buy any, you have to buy it from them. I have a problem with that.

The Black Door is across the street from the Amsterdam cafe and Mark Emory's 420 HQ. The black door is right beside a seed shop across the street. Witnesses were told this is where the Hells Angels sell pot. Seemingly everyone in the area knows this and they all know it is controlled by the Hells Angels.

So my theory resurfaces. If the Hells Angels used violence in East Vancouver to chase away a rival drug dealer and if the Hells Angels run and control the drugs sold out of the Black Door on Hastings street, one would think they too are the ones controlling the drugs being sold just a few blocks up the street at the Carnegie Centre.

If that's true then they are the ones who are ultimately responsible for the violence against women in East van over drug debts. This is supposed to be a free country. If I want to sell some pot it's no one else's business. When the Hells Angels come in and say you can't sell pot unless you sell it for us I say bullshit. That Nazi shit just doesn't fly. The gang violence we have been witnessing isn't about loyalty, it's about greed.

Oh and get this, they won't even sell pot in the Amsterdam cafe. You have to go across the street and buy it from the Hells Angels. That means Mark Emory and the entire 420 movement are getting fucked in the ass by the Hells Angels and they are all too scared to say shit.

Talk about rats. Witnesses claim the Hells Angels sent someone to to stay at the American Backpackers Hostel undercover to buy pot and give them the name of the person selling. So here we have a guy pretending to be someone's friend, buys some weed for the sole purpose of getting his name and giving it to the Hells Angels who storm the place with guns looking for him. That is being a rat. Reporting the Hells Angels violence to the po po is not.

So here's the deal. Fuck 'em. Boycott the Black Door. Don't buy shit from the Hells Angels any more. Buying their shit is supporting their violence. The Hells Angels are getting rich in East Van by oppressing the poor and disadvantaged as well as anyone else who just wants to smoke a blunt. Fuck 'em. Boycott the Black Door. Go buy from the Wizard on Granville instead. Mind you I'm having a hard time believing he's independent. Time will tell. It always does.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

GTS Home Invasion

Here's another weird one. Two masked men do a home invasion in Prince George. One escapes the other is caught at the scene. They caught Jeffrey Austin Theriault who is a member of the Game Tight soldiers who we now know are affiliated with the Renegades and the Hells Angels.

Get this the guy they were looking for was a tattoo artist and did a piece on Theriault's back. So what the hell? The kid didn't like his tattoo?

Then they came back and stole all his tattoo equipment. Strange after they burned down that other tattoo shop in Prince George. What controlling all the pot, meth, crack and strippers isn't good enough? Now they want to control all the tattoo shops as well? Greedy bastards.

Or was this tattooist that had the home invasion the same tattooist whose tattoo shop they already burned down - Joey Arrance? They sure like to betray their own. Deranged greed like an uncontrolled fire consumes itself.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Drug overdose in Prison

Well this is rather bizarre. Some interesting information was revealed when reporting on a recent drug overdose by an inmate in a Maple Ridge prison. We know there are drugs in prison because Peter Adiwal was caught selling cocaine in prison and he didn't get a day added on to his sentence.

England has a real problem with drugs in prison too. They are trying to address the problem by confronting the large number of corrupt prison guards. Our problem is worse than that. It revolves around corrupt if not stupid politicians.

Robbie Slatten, the inmate who died of the methadone overdose, was not registered on the methadone maintenance program. The review suggests the nurse was tricked because Slatten accessed the photo I.D. of his cellmate, who was on the methadone program. A medical alert stating Slatten should never be housed with methadone inmates was not observed by staff.

Methadone maintenance program? What the hell is that? Our prisons are overcrowded because of a lack of funding. We're in a world wide recession where whole countries are going bankrupt. We are closing hospitals and schools to make up the shortfall. At the same time we are spending taxpayers money on drugs for inmates in prison. Can you believe that? That is the most insane thing I have ever heard.

Other countries have a problem with corrupt prison guards letting inmates smuggle drugs into prison. We top that. Our government is bringing the drugs in for them and we the taxpayers are footing the bill while we close hospitals and schools. That is called shooting yourself in the foot and is a prime example of how screwed up our government really is. Where is the public accountability and the financial reporting of this taxpayer paid program?

Turns out the guy who OD'd in prison used his cell mate's ID to get methadone from the government program while he was in prison. That methadone killed him. That is seriously messed up.