Monday, August 22, 2011

The Passing of Jack Layton

I am deeply saddened by the news of Jack Layton's passing. When he came to Surrey he walked with a cane but he spoke with a revised strength. He had a vision. I share many of his values. I support public medical. That doesn't make me a socialist. It was absurd listening to the attack adds of Stephen Harper's Storm Troopers that kept repeating socialist over and over again like a deranged parrot. Alberta has free medical. According to Stephen Harper even Alberta are socialists.

Jack Layton will be remembered fondly as is Chuck Cadman. Jack won't go down in the annals of tyranny like Alfonso Gagliano and Brian Mulroney. I really don't think Jack was the kind of guy that would invade another country for their oil. I really don't think Jack was the kind of guy that would repeatedly fire and harass whistle blowers for telling the truth. I really don't think Jack was the kind of guy that would have endorsed torture. His passing is a deep loss for the country.

I found it profoundly ironic to hear a "left wing" politician speak out in support of small business and against sales taxes that hurt small business. Alberta has no sales tax and is fiscally responsible. That's why they were able to offer free medical insurance. It was somewhat shocking to see a Prime Minister from Alberta raise sale taxes and try and do away with public medical insurance. Somehow I don't think Stephen Harper will be remembered as fondly as Jack Layton or Chuck Cadman when he passes on.

My father used to say, follow the fellow who follows a dream. Jack Layton shared his dream with all of us. There is no reason we have to abandon that dream for cruel intolerance that gives up our sovereignty and our civil liberties. The new interim leader of the NDP, the one nominated by Jack Layton himself, used to be a member of the Bloc Quebecois. Now she is a federalist. Welcome. We all should be inspired by Quebec's vision for the future.

Jack Layton's parting words. "My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world."

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Operation Fast and Furious

Freddy sent me this link surprisingly enough and I think it's well worth discussing. Especially since we were told that some of the recent drug busts in Kelowna had ties to the Mexican cartels.

The link claims Washington Times journalists cite a "CIA Insider" who claims that Operation Fast and Furious was a Central Intelligence Agency-orchestrated program to arm the Sinaloa drug cartel, a group that was also given the green light to fly tons of cocaine into the United States. No this isn't a Vin Deisel movie, this is real life. IRL.

Former ATF agent William Newell, testified before a Congressional hearing and testified that the Internal Revenue Service, Drug Enforcement Administration and Immigration and Customs Enforcement were “full partners” in Operation Fast and Furious. The Washington times journalists claim their sources stated that the CIA was also involved in that list.

The Obama administration and the ATF claim that the Fast and Furious program was part of a sting operation to catch leading Mexican drug runners, and yet it’s admitted that the government stopped tracking the firearms as soon as they reached the border, defeating the entire object of the mission.

That sounds familiar. Kinda like how when Judge Bonner was with the DEA he complained about the CIA bringing in a ton of cocaine into Florida. The CIA kept denying it over and over again until Judge Bonner went on 60 minutes and documented everything. Then they finally admitted it and said it was a mistake and it was the only occasion. They claimed then, like they claim now, their bringing in the cocaine was part of a sting operation. Gain the bad guys trust to bring in one shipment, then bust them for a later bigger shipment. Only there was no follow up bust.

So Operation Fast and Furious was once again arms in exchange for cocaine. Has the final destination of any of that cocaine been traced? Since there were two huge cross border pot for cocaine drug rings involving the Hells Angels in BC recently, I wonder if any of that cocaine made it's way into Canada?

There have been several cases of arms dealing in the south that claimed to arm the Mexican cartels. I cited one case not long ago that involved the City's mayor and police chief. Don't ya just love American politics? Everything is bigger and better there. Even their scandals.

In that case I cited the boldness of the police chief. After the FBI caught them and confiscated some of the firearms that were being shipped into Mexico and sold to the cartels, the police chief was bold enough to ask for the guns back. Without citing tangible facts, I made a simple speculation. I asked why would the police chief risk his career by asking for the guns back? One possibility was if he had the backing of the CIA, perhaps he felt that operation outranked the FBI and they would in fact return the weapons. That's when everyone got all up in my grill saying that was absurd. Well when we look at the tangible testimony of Operation Fast and Furious, it doesn't sound that far off now does it.

In Operation Fast and Furious, the ATF deny it promoted the operation and found three scapegoats to take the fall. Again. Video clip from Congressional hearing. What did you mean when you said you didn't get this from me?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pat Fogarty: Which side is he on?

For someone who is in charge of the BC Gang Task force, this guy is making some pretty outrageous statements. He told the Kelowna Daily courier that "There is no Wolf Pack. I don't know where people get that type of information. Probably the real truth is they were holidaying up there."

We know where that information came from. Kim Bolan doesn't report something unless she is confident in the reliability of the source. The denial is puzzling. That's not the only outrageous statement Pat Fogarty has made.

Patman claims "The Hells Angels chapter has almost dismantled now. They don‘t even have club status any more. Our biggest fear here in our province is actually the ones that aren‘t named."

"We‘ve pounded them here (Lower Mainland). Most of the RCMP resources initially were here and that was coupled with more competition, less market share. It‘s almost like the big wigs survive in Vancouver area and push out other ones or factions of bigger groups start up field offices elsewhere because they can make additional money."

The Gang Task force has done absolutely nothing to curb or curtail the Hells angels drug trade in East Vancouver. Nothing. Last night I saw two Harley's parked in from of the Black Door and the Bulldog cafe which the police let the Hells Angels operate freely. The Hells angels are taking the profits they make in East Van and live the good life in Kelowna as a result.

They also expand their drug trade into smaller communities like Vernon, Kamloops, Prince George and Dawson Creek. The drug trade in these smaller towns is controlled by the Hells angels. This leader of the gang task force is lying. It reminds me of that retired police officer from Vancouver Island who kept sending in letters to the editor saying what wonderful people the Hells angels are. They just beat Dain Phillips to death with baseball bats and hammers for God's sake.

If we are going to pay the gang task force with tax dollars to stop the gangs in BC, we need a new leader of that task force. Either that or change the members of the gang task force who are giving him that false information. If we don't, we're never going to make a dent in the gang war.

You don't solve the gang war by going after all the hells angels competition and let them control everything. Letting them torture addicts for drug debts is wrong. No wonder the VPD thought the security of the AG's office was compromised.

The Jones brother's indictment and the Robert Shannon conviction show that the Hells angels control all the grow ops and all the crack dealers in the cross border pot for cocaine drug trafficking ring. Focusing on the ones who are not named will not stop the ring because they will just find another mule. It's the Hells angels who control and profit from it.

One blog reader pointed out that J Edgar Hoover said there was no mafia. Turned out he was being blackmailed by them.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Fugitive Hells Angel arrested in Montreal

A routine traffic violation led Montreal police to a fugitive Hells Angels member wanted for drug trafficking and murder. Francois Hinse, 42, has been on the lam for more than two years after he was named in a major police roundup that targeted alleged leaders of the illicit biker gang organization.

Trois Riviere is another amazing place plagued with low life criminals. Not long ago Marvin put your shirt back on Ouimet was arrested after being on the Lam. He was wanted in connection with 22 murders and also faces several charges related to his financial activities, including fraud, extortion, and money laundering.

David Wolf Caroll is still hiding. He was a Quebec Nomad and is referred to as the godfather of the Halifax chapter. That's where David Giles is from. Mike McCrea was the reputed president of the Halifax chapter, world secretary and international webmaster.

In 2004, police said that Mike Christiansen had transferred to the East End Hells Angels chapter in B.C. where his former 13th Tribe brother, David Giles, was a member. But the Kelowna Daily Courier reported in June 2007 that Mr. Christiansen was one of the founding members of a new chapter in Kelowna. So if Giles and Christiansen were from the Halifax chapter and came out to Vancovuer then Kelowna with the Hells Angels, where is their friend David Wolf Caroll hiding? Why on earth would they call the "new" strategic alliance the Wolf Pack? Please advise.

Speaking of Quebec and Trios Rivierre, why does David Giles brag about his affiliation with the Trois Rivierre chapter after they have been charged with so many murders, extortion drug trafficking? Better yet, if David Giles brags about those criminal affiliations, why on earth are the wives of two prominent Kelowna businessmen giving him a body rub? Supporting gang violence is nothing to laugh about.

Speaking of the Rusty Vibrator, who on earth is that young girl he has been seen with? She looks like his great granddaughter. That just screams pedophilia. That's worse than Bruce Carson's young escort.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tattoos and painted nails

CTV reported that witnesses on the scene claimed the woman with brown hair in the white T-shirt was in the vehicle that was peppered with gunfire Saturday in Kelowna. CTV also reported that online comments identified her as Lyndsey Black, Hadden-Watts's roommate. Yet other reports claim Lyndsey Black was shot in the foot and taken to the hospital.

The guy in the picture obviously knows the girl witnesses claim was in the vehicle with Jonathon Bacon when he was shot dead. Note the guy's tattoo, gold chain, gangster swatch and painted nails. That's kind of strange. I missed the painted nails but someone sent me a link to the video and said to watch for it at 113 into the video clip.

He is also seen walking away from the scene in the other video clip with the same girl as well as the other guy people are thinking is James Riach. That hasn't been confirmed. Whoever he is, it looks like he has the same signature man purse. I couldn't see his nails. However, since it's a group of people it is also possible they were just witnesses who were hit with broken glass in the crossfire.

The guy in the blue shirt might have known the people in the car that was shot. This news clip shows him trying to get to the car walking past police tape then walking away with the guy people think is JR.

I can't keep up with all the comments on Kim's blog or on the Castanet thread but I really don't think James Riach was involved with the shooting if he was in the car like they claim. Being in the same car they were peppering with gunfire wouldn't make him a suspect. He would have information but like most gang members who get shot, likely wouldn't be cooperating with police.

Nor do I think this was a Hells angels hit on Larry. The girls have Hells angels affiliation. The Hells angels do murder their own but I really don't think they did this. If they wanted to kill Larry they could do that anytime.

Gang meeting in Kelowna

Looks like Larry Amero and Jonathon Bacon weren't the only people of interest in Kelowna last weekend. Someone spotted this expensive Ferrari from Alberta pull into DeDutch on Saturday morning. They claim the guy that got out was small, covered in gold chains and looked like a pimp. Turns out it was a gang meeting alright.

A gang of car enthusiasts in town for Ryan Fipke's wedding at Sparkling hill resort at predator ridge golf course. Ryan is the son of Chuck Fipke the diamond mine owner. I always wondered why a Canadian diamond mine would also own diamond mines in Africa. What's to stop them from taking a conflict diamond in Africa and claim they found it in the Canadian frozen arctic? Then again, everyone says I read too many conspiracy theories. If they really have found diamonds in the Canadian arctic, then more power to them.

Obviously, if someone owns a diamond mine then that is a legitimate source of income. What we are concerned about is people who own several very expensive cars, boats and homes with no job and no tangible source of income. That is a concern when we see public gang violence tied to the illicit drug trade.

Someone sent in another photo of him with the car. They claim his name is Austin Powers. He's not a gang member. He's an exotic car dealer. The web site is on the car right in the first picture. People say he looks greasy. If he wants elegance and style perhaps someone should give him a bar of soap.

We have seen drug dealers buy large boats. That doesn't make every boat dealer a gang member. Drug dealers buy groceries too. That doesn't make the supermarket part of an organized crime ring. The Habibs were involved with cars in Calgary. I wonder if he knows them. How is their Oxycontin fraud case going anyways?

Gilligan's Island and the Cub pack

All this Bacon brother drama in Kelowna is reminiscent of a rerun of Gilligan's Island. Who knew the SS Minnow stood for Steroids and Silicone. I guess the Minnow was a side effect of Steroids. Larry Amero is the shipper obviously.

Jonathon Bacon was Gilligan taking orders from the Skipper.

James Riach is the Professor while the two girls are Ginger and Mary Ann. I'm told they were all pretty full of themselves while out for lunch at the Casino. As they say in Rome, Pride cometh before the fall. They aren't so full of themselves any more.

Of course Mr and Mrs Giles are the Howell's.

After all Giles' lawyer admitted Rempel made Giles $30,000.00 in a few months. Speaking of Skeletor, how's the Rusty Vibrator's DUI proceeding?

Kim Bolan referred to this "new" alliance as the Wolf Pack. Now that Jonathon's dead it looks more like the cub pack. Everyone knows it's not a new alliance. It's just newly documented. We all knew Larry and Jonathon were friends at the time of the Surrey Six murder. We just couldn't say it because we couldn't prove it.

Even though we could prove Larry's friends were Bacon brother friends at the time. Even though Larry and Weird Hal supported Revolution in Langley where murdered Bacon brother associate Kevin LeClair was from. Catching Larry Amero and Jonathon Bacon together was a new documentation of an old alliance. The presence of all the other Hells Angel relatives and associates proves it wasn't just Larry Supporting them all this time.

Kelowna mayor pleads for help

In an appeal to save her city, the Kelowna mayor pleads for help as fears mount that more violence will erupt after notorious Bacon brother slain. Thankfully the Provincial government has pledged more funds for the Gang task force in Kelowna. Unfortunately, Stephen Harper has cut funding to the RCMP and the Gang Task force after he received his coveted majority.

All we're hearing from the Harper government is how the hated Gordon Campbell got the High Commission post in the UK. That is criminal injustice. Someone wrote in to the Province and asked that Basi and Virk think about gordo now. Indeed.

Police predict retaliation

The Vancouver Province reported that Doug Spence, a retired Vancouver Police gang investigator for over 15 years, said it's a given there will be retaliation of some sort. "You just don't know when," he said. "But these guys can't let anybody push them around. That's their world." No offence but that has got to be one of the stupidest statements a former police officer has ever given to the media.

It reminds me of the time over 20 years ago when a police officer was being interviewed about a youth gang shoot out where one car was chasing another car all over Vancouver shooting at it. He said the only thing that saved the target was that the shooters couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. The next day all the gang members showed up at shooters firing range for target lessons.

All this money spent on finding who shot a Hells angels. How much money is being spent on who the Hells angels have killed? Is this Kelowna gang task force looking into who killed Geoff Meisner? Geoff was a much better man than Jonathon ever was or would have been. How much resources are being invested in finding out who killed Britney Irving? Sure one guy is charged but that guy didn't act alone. How about Lindsay Buziak? The list goes on.

The police giving the Bacon brothers their own protection and surveillance cameras and the police protecting a Hells Angel from being shot sure makes it suspicious why they are so concerned when someone shoots a Hells Angel and why they are not concerned when the Hells angels contract someone's murder.

Let's talk about retaliation for one minute. The Bacon brothers are hated. No one likes them, no one respects then, no one fears them. People are afraid to stand beside them in case someone starts shooting at them.

Let's do some math. 1 Bacon brother shot dead. 4 Red Scorpion leaders shot dead in the Surrey six murder. Then the owner of the condo was shot dead in guildford parking lot shortly thereafter. Then the mother who was one of his associates was gunned down in guildford with her toddler in the back seat. To start off that makes six dead. 6 dead, one killed means there still remains some serious retaliation to be had but the score hasn't been settled yet because Jarred is still running around free possible in possession of the illicit boat.

Yes it is a tragedy that the niece of the Haney chapter president was paralyzed. She did not heed the [police warning not to associate with the Bacon brothers and her uncle didn't seem to mind. In fact the organization likely profited from her presence building ties with the Bacon brothers. This was no new alliance and it didn't just involve Larry. Practically everyone in that car had a Hells Angels affiliation. The Haney chapter had beef with the old Red Scorpions so the Bacon brothers hunted down and killed the old leadership then stile the name of the gang. They even had the audacity to make a new ugly red lobster logo that looked like a cheap Karate school from a B rated movie.

If the Hells angels retaliate, then it solidifies their support of the Bacon brothers in the Surrey Six murder. Something they have admittedly denied. Yet this continued alliance proves the association. If the Hells angels retaliate, then they publicly show their support for the most hated hillbillies in the Province.

The Bacon brothers are insignificant. They are not notorious. They do not have power in the prisons. The Hells angels do. If we want the violence to stop then we need to stop letting the Bacon brothers use the Hells Angels name and reputation to have imprisoned UN members beaten to almost to death.

If the Hells Angels don't retaliate and if they stop supporting the Bacon brothers and using their influence in prison to beat UN members, then Jarred will be spared and the score will be even. If the Hells Angels continue to support the Bacon brothers and retaliate with more shootings then it will never be settled.

Give your head a shake. This has nothing to do with retaliation. This has everything to do with greed and betrayal. Killing the competition so crack dealers can sell crack. Stop the public sale of crack and you stop the public drug related violence.